Chapter 238


what monster?

The information detected by Shen Mo from Xiaoya shows that because of Xiaoya's mistaken and extreme use of the power of changing face, the evil spirit of changing face lost control and ran away. A gesture to reshape the flesh and blood and gain rebirth.

What Silence has to do is to kill the evil spirit, no matter what kind of monster it regenerates.As long as it is still flesh and blood, the phantom battle ax in Shen Mo's hand is not a vegetarian.

The elevator door leading to the seventh floor opened slowly, and before Mo Mo stepped out of the elevator, he could clearly perceive an extremely evil aura. This aura was completely different from the evil he had seen before. The frenzy and chaos, in which there is trance-ridden jealousy, like countless demons whispering in your ears, and like the complicated and dull humming of the wind blowing through the dense forest on a full moon night.

Mo Mo frowned, without hesitation, he ignored the strange sounds that disturbed his mind, stepped out of the elevator firmly and confidently, and was in the unknown darkness.

What a difference here!

The corridor at this moment has undergone earth-shaking changes under the perception of the silent spiritual sense. The darkness that had appeared in the box faded into a layer of gray-black mist, engulfing the entire corridor, and the house number marked with the room number was thinned. Covered by fog, it is difficult to identify Room 708 where Xiaoya lives.Even under the perception of the silent spiritual sense, it is impossible to detect the hiding place of the monster through the mist.

In desperation, Shen Mo had no choice but to take out the tauren's phantom battle axe from his personal warehouse. This old man had already participated in seven or eight battles with Shen Mo, so its power needless to say.

But in the face of these unknown darkness, Mo Mo felt somewhat guilty in his heart. After all, in the box, the battle ax blessed with weapons still could not retreat from the dark abyss, and unexpected things would inevitably happen soon.

But silence is not panic, because he is wearing a belt when he goes out today.

clap clap!

Silently patted the lucky cat hanging on his waist, and called out in a low voice, "Nannan, the time has come to show your identity as the daughter of the goddess of luck. Come, help me choose a room."


Nan Nan, who revealed her demon body, was in the gray-black mist. Before she could open her mouth, she quickly covered her mouth and nose, and muttered with contempt and resentment in her eyes, "Boss, did you fart? This from the previous night Bar!"


He made an awkward comparison, and quickly explained, "It's not me, I don't."

"That's what people who fart usually say!"

Shen Shen shook his head, time was running out, he didn't have time to argue with Nan Nan here, "Don't talk about this, help me find room 708, the monster in there is the one who emitted the stench overnight."

A strange light flashed in Nan Nan's eyes, and the surrounding mist seemed to recede in her eyes, revealing the house number that had been covered, and soon, Nan Nan pointed to a door.

"That room is..."

Before Nan Nan finished speaking, she covered her face and fled into the beckoning cat, unwilling to smell the stench of the previous night for one more second.


Silently, he inhaled twice. Although there was a psychological discomfort to the mist that filled the surrounding area, they could not be inhaled into the lungs, nor did they cause any foreign body sensation, let alone the stench that Nan Nan said.

Is the sense of smell of monsters different from that of humans?This seems to be the case, just as the human sense of smell is different from the dog's sense of smell.

Dogs can smell the smell of feces that humans can smell, but humans cannot smell the fragrance in feces that dogs can smell.

Silence confirmed Xiaoya's room from Nannankou. He stepped on the ground and quickly walked through the corridor to the door of the room covered by gray-black mist. He slowly raised his hand, and the holy light of the weapon blessing rose , dispelling the mist like the rising sun, revealing the number 708 on the house number.

Mo Mo secretly said in his heart, the holy light blessed by weapons is not ineffective against the dark abyss, but it cannot have the desired effect on the high concentration of the dark abyss, and the weakened abyss can still be repelled. Knowing this, he hacked to death The monster's confidence increased a bit.

Didi!check in!
Silence put the door card taken out of his pocket on the somewhat faded pale gold doorknob, where the sensing area was separated by a rectangular transparent glass.


As the voice fell, the door of Room 708 slowly opened, gradually revealing the appearance inside.Just through the crack of the door, Shen Mo saw the translucent frosted glass on the left hand side, inside is a large room for bathing and unwinding, and then looking in as the door opened, it was an aisle that could accommodate two people walking side by side , About two meters can go straight to the depths of the room.

Silence stepped forward, the gray-white imitation wool carpet was under his feet, soft and soft, and he could not make a sound. He put the phantom battle ax on his chest, and the holy light of the weapon's blessing wrapped around it, and stepped forward to the depths on guard.

Soon, Shen Mo came to the bedroom, where there was a huge round bed against the wall, and the quilt was neatly spread out on it without any wrinkles, and then looked at the objects placed on the bedside table.

Tsk tsk, let's ignore the gadgets grown-ups use.

Except for an old and yellowed landline and a somewhat damp multi-head charger, Shen Mo couldn't find what he wanted anymore.

As a result, he continued to move his gaze towards the direction of the window, where he could not only see the street view outside, but also two upholstered solid wood chairs under the window, with a coffee table in the middle, and on the coffee table was an abrupt There is a black doll made of unknown material.

is it!It was this black doll, and it was Xiaoya's lowering device for changing her face.

Silently staring at the black doll, I saw that its dark face has no outline of a human face, and its body with weird textures is bruised and black, so there is no trace of texture, but it looks very textured, as if it will feel smooth when held in the hand. There is a coldness that goes straight to the heart.

Silently and alertly aimed the phantom battle ax at the black puppet to prevent any changes in it, then approached the puppet step by step, and when it was an ax away from it, it burst into force.

Puff!The tomahawk fell with great force and struck the black doll with great precision. The doll cracked at the sound, together with the tea table, and the brilliant cut surface like a mirror came into Silence's eyes, but he still couldn't see it. Apart from the material of the doll, what surprised and puzzled him even more was that he destroyed the black doll so easily, which seemed too simple and random.

Silent intuition told him that things were definitely not that simple, because the surrounding gray-black mist did not dissipate with the shattering of the doll, but after the doll was shattered, it seemed to be attracted by something and gathered towards Room 708 .

The mist gathered, centered on the broken puppet, forming a huge dark vortex, which turned from small to large and became larger, instantly giving Silence the illusion of being in the eye of the storm. What made him even more disturbed was that his own His spiritual sense began to send extremely dangerous warnings, as if something was about to be born as the mist gathered.

He was fully focused, ready to strike at any time, staring at the center of the vortex, the broken puppet.

I saw countless mist gathering and slapping the puppet continuously. The seemingly hard puppet became weaker and weaker under the beating of the darkness, melting and metamorphosis like a liquid, forming an incomparably deep dark abyss.

It's it!

Shen tacitly agrees with this dark abyss, this is the darkness that appeared in the box, it seizes the capital of the five members of the Modu Sisters, and wants to use their capital to continue to do things.

Hey, wishful thinking!
If silence can get you things done, write his name upside down.

The phantom battle ax trembled and hummed piercingly. Immediately, Mo Mo poured all of his energy into it, locked onto the abyss, and dropped the battle ax fiercely.

Puff!The feeling as if being cut on the surface of the water was transmitted to the silent hands through the handle of the axe. He stared at the abyss in astonishment. Unlike before, he split the abyss, but the abyss spread like water mischievously. The ax blades converged again.

It is alive!
Silence immediately came to a conclusion, knowing that this dark abyss is a conscious, life-like, and thoughtful existence.

It is taking advantage of Silence's ignorance of itself, teasing Silence's bottom line and patience.

snort!You are so deceptive, do you really think I can't kill you?

Silently shouted, and shot again, this time he carried the battle ax behind his back, tilted his mental power, and activated the skill [Devil's Hand]

The Devil's Hand, who has made outstanding achievements in the past, has never disappointed Shen Mo, but this time, Shen Mo is really going to be disappointed.


The huge and ferocious devil's hand suddenly penetrated from the power of the devil on Silence's chest, carrying the terrifying breath from hell, and ruthlessly grabbed at the dark abyss in the center of the eye of the storm.

Mo Mo originally thought that with the dominance and shamelessness of the devil's hand, he could bind and swallow the dark abyss no matter what, but what shocked him was that the devil's hand fell into the center of the eye of the storm, and the moment it touched the dark abyss, It's like the weakness of a fierce man after [-] rounds of fighting, or like a guy who stayed up all night, and was forced to participate in a full marathon the next day, broke his leg on the road of the race, and moved forward.

The devil's hand was actually deflated.It couldn't handle the dark abyss in front of it.

Mo Mo didn't expect, not even the powerful demon with the hands of demons in hell, that this dark abyss was strangely unreasonable.

It can no longer be called an evil spirit or a ghost, it has already become a demon, and it has its own name - the face-changing demon.

Mo Mo didn't know if this was its original name, or the name it just had after devouring the bodies of the five members of the sister group.

But what he knows is that if the face-changing monster is not killed, what is waiting for him will be to cover his face and sing coolly, or the bird will go to the nest empty and sad, because the only capital worth showing off on Shen Mo's body is his face. Only his brother remained.

Whoa!Shen Mo shouted loudly, he would never hand over his brother to the face-changing demon, absolutely not.He wants to fight for his brother and eliminate the demon of changing face.

Ha ha quack ah ah chacha uh uh eeeeee!

From the dark abyss, there is a creepy, spine-chilling cry, as if countless people are whispering in your ear, pouring out their inner jealousy and resentment.

"Anyone who looks ugly must die!"

In the trance of silence, I really heard this roar, which occupied the main theme in the whisper.

Silently, he replied, "I'm handsome, so I don't have to die?"

Dark Abyss: "..."

There was only a moment of silence, and whispers sounded again in the dark abyss, just like those whisperers got a unified answer after intense discussions.

"You are so ugly, you must die."

Shen Mo's face darkened, and he cursed, "You monster not only has brain problems, but also is blind, I'm obviously handsome, can't you see it?!"

The dark abyss squirmed, and whispered again, "You are too ugly to imagine."

Silence mocked, "I'm ugly? Let me see if you are handsome."

The dark abyss began to squirm as the voice of silence fell, and its fluid body seemed to break away from gravity, and began to squirm and rise towards the ceiling. With the convergence of black vortices, it swelled and twisted at a speed visible to the naked eye. Looking up at a 45-degree angle, it gradually becomes what it thinks is handsome and compelling.

hiss!Shen Mo took a breath, the handsomeness displayed by the face-changing demon almost made Shen Mo vomit out the last night's meal, and the hideous and distorted appearance simply refreshed Mo Mo's understanding of the word handsome.

If the face-changing devil thinks this is handsome, Mo Mo is indeed ugly and hopelessly ugly.

The appearance of the face-changing monster is so handsome. It has a pair of charming big eyes. This is the beautiful pupil from the eyes, but it has no eyelids and eyelashes. on the meat.

cough cough!If Shen Mo guessed correctly, these two pieces of meat should be Yoona's buttocks. It actually placed the buttocks on the head. The scene showed Shen Mo what it means to have a buttocks growing on the head, and it also has two eyes. .

Immediately below the buttocks, there is no neck, but a hypertrophic chest cavity directly connected by black liquid body. It stands to reason that there should be arms on both sides of the chest cavity, but the face-changing demon miraculously chose to give up the arms, and put Yiyi's handprint on the chest cavity, drooping weakly , Is it still raised, making a grasping action.

However, the proud capital that should have been placed in the chest cavity was bluntly imprinted on what can be called the back. What made Silence unbearable was that the two of them were not symmetrical, and they were still staggered, with a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles. The kind of stagger.

Oh my god, face-changing demon, you may have misunderstood Proud Capital, I feel the deep malice towards the milk babies from the bottom of your heart!
Looking down, there is no pelvis under the fat chest, but directly connected to two strong and plump long legs, which are obviously Xiaoya's legs, the legs that could dance beautifully, but were unexpectedly moved It was almost unbearable to stick on such a hideous monster.

vomit!Silence retched a few times, really wanted to kill this monster with an axe, lest it live in the world, hurt people's eyes, and refresh people's three views.

"You are so handsome, so I decided to send you to see King Yama, so that he can appreciate your beauty."

(End of this chapter)

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