The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 239 Praise Is The Poison Of The Envious

Chapter 239 Praise Is The Poison Of The Envious
"Quack, you think I'm handsome, you're so discerning."

The face-changing demon twisted its body and squirmed on the ceiling. The black liquid body controlled the flesh and blood in a pervasive posture, like withered ears of wheat dancing in the wind in a decaying rice field, venting the forgotten resentment and hatred for giving up it. And the jealousy of the wheat grains gone, the eyes growing on the plump buttocks reveal the ultimate enjoyment. ,

It actually floated!

The face-changing devil actually got up under the silent praise, as if it just confirmed the sentence, give him some sunshine, he will be brilliant, give him a little flood, he will flood, give him a nest, he will squat down and place an order!

Although these changes were weird and incomprehensible, they were seen by Shen Mo, and he murmured to himself that what he said just now was obviously an irony, but it was regarded by the face-changing demon as a compliment for its handsomeness, which made the face-changing The devil is immersed in the praise and cannot extricate himself.

Silence keenly noticed that as the face-changing demon was immersed in praise and could not extricate himself, the black vortexes converging towards it were gradually slowing down, and the power of the face-changing demon was also growing slowly.

This is really an interesting discovery.

The power of the face-changing demon comes from human desires such as jealousy, resentment, and greed. Every person who envies the beauty of others and wants to take it for himself is full of jealousy and greed in his heart. Such a dark Psychology has become the fertile soil for breeding face-changing demons.

So, from another perspective, as long as the jealousy and greed of the face-changing demon can be weakened, its power will be weakened accordingly.

How to deal with envy?Of course, it is to praise him and make it continue to expand until it destroys itself.

Silence this person, never be stingy with compliments to others, even if the other party seems to be worthless and a hopeless bum, as long as he has something worthy of praise and praise, Silence will seize this point and praise without hesitation other side.

The corner of Shen Mo's right mouth raised, and he suddenly realized that the worst poison against jealous people is selfless praise.

"Although my eyesight is average, your glorious body is hard to hide even in the abyss. Your handsomeness no longer belongs to this world."

Shen Mo knows that to deal with such a perverted monster, he needs to use strong medicine. He must not praise it with ordinary praise, but must use an extremely secondary tone and words full of rancidity to paralyze its nerves, soften its will, and weaken its strength. strength.

Ah~ You are so damn handsome!
Silence is like a wandering poet, singing the most beautiful poems in the world. His voice is low and melodious, echoing in Room 708 shrouded in black mist. His tone of poetry makes this praise more professional and full of real meaning .

Your eyes are like the stars in the night sky, shining with mystery and splendor from deep space.

Your hands are as delicate as agarose dew, and all your caresses have a charming fragrance.

Your long knees and jade feet grow lotuses every step of the way, and wherever you pass, there are lingering fragrances.

Shen Mo praised the beauty of the face-changing demon. Although its "beauty" made Shen Mo secretly sick, but watching the black mist gradually subside and the power of the face-changing demon gradually weakened, Shen Mo felt that it was very worthwhile to lie against his conscience. Even if he was hit by five thunders when he went out for a while, he didn't feel regretful.

After all, everything is for work, everything is for justice, everything is for the safety of the people, and sacrifices are inevitable.

Vomit!Mo Mo resisted the discomfort, and stared at the distorted body of the face-changing demon with admiring eyes. Under his praise, the black fluid became less and less, and the flesh and blood of the five members of the sister group became more and more concentrated, heading towards The chest cavity gathered together, as if the broken parts were picked up by the liquid liquid.

Mo Mo was secretly delighted. When he thought that he would be able to solve the matter with just a word of mouth, he suddenly understood why the protagonists in the anime like to chat with the villains. What about the knife and gun?Everyone has something to sit down and talk about. If you can't be persuaded by me, it won't be too late to beat you to death!

Just when Shen Mo wanted to continue to praise the face-changing demon, those pale flesh and blood collided with everything, twisting and merging with the liquid, and mutated in a more uncontrollable direction.

Quack awow ah ah ah ah hey hey
The face-changing demon let out a piercing growl again, merging the twisted flesh and blood to make its mind instantly clear, and it was aware of the silent conspiracy just before it was about to collapse.

"You, lie to me. You, damn. Everyone, damn."

The face-changing demon roared, and the few remaining fluids twisted and changed again, trying to separate and reassemble the flesh and blood of the sister group to form a new body.

But how could silence give the face-changing demon a chance to reshape his body? As the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness will kill you.He didn't want Bilian's praise of the face-changing demon so much just now, now it's time to take it back with interest.

hum!The phantom battle ax danced with the blessing of milky white holy light, the sharp ax blade cut through the air with cold light, and slashed fiercely at the liquid between the flesh and blood.

Because the face-changing demon is always on the ceiling, if Shen Mo wants to slash the opponent, he must slash from the bottom up. In the DNF system, this move is called upward pick, but in Shen Mo's hands, this move is called blind and The bird lifts up, as long as the position to be cut is locked, the rest is to swing the ax up with all the energy.


The pink battle ax draws afterimages, and the sharp ax blade cuts the liquid liquid instantly. The originally indestructible liquid liquid became as thin as paper under the shameless praise of Silence, and was easily torn apart. As the liquid was torn apart, the flesh and blood of the five members of the sister group fell, and along with the dark liquid, they fell onto the neatly formed round bed under the pull of universal gravitation.

A thick mixture of flesh and blood, exuding a disgusting stench, accompanied by deceptive murmurs, like countless envious people whispering in your ears, wanting to pollute your noble and powerful soul.

Whispers kept ringing in Silence's ears. Without hesitation, he launched a purification skill, which directly purified 70.00% of Wu's negative emotions. With a powerful force, the ferocious demonic hand suddenly stretched out, tightly restraining the mutilated liquid body of the face-changing demon in the palm of his hand.

This time the Devil's Hand came to make amends. It couldn't tolerate such a lowly monster escaping from its palm. It wanted to crush this turtle grandson, as if showing its incomparable power in front of Shen Mo. The devil The hand twisted violently, and with a muffled sound, the breath of the face-changing demon disappeared in the palm of the hand, and the black fluid gradually evaporated like alcohol, and the flesh and blood belonging to the five members of the sister group also disappeared, as if they had never appeared before. .

At the same time, in a mountain village in Thailand.

A huge doll that was the same as the black doll of the face-changing demon trembled slightly, and shattered, bleeding out bright red blood. Under the doll seat, a thin old man who looked like a skeleton slowly opened his eyes. Now, murmured, "Sawadika! Kabunga!"

(End of this chapter)

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