The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 240 No snowflake is innocent in an avalanche

Chapter 240 No snowflake is innocent during an avalanche

Shen Mo didn't know that somewhere far away in Thailand, someone was talking to him, "Savadhika! Kabungka!"

Shen Mo only knew that the death of the face-changing demon not only did not trigger the side task reminder, but even the soul fragment collection information of the sub-professional task was not triggered, as if the face-changing demon he had worked so hard to get rid of did not exist at all.

I feel very puzzled and surprised by such silence. Things should not be like this, unless...

His heart trembled, unless this face-changing demon is not a real face-changing demon, it is just a clone, a small clone used to perform face-changing surrender.

【Ding!Trigger side mission: The real body of the face-changing demon]

[As a cleric, you are still somewhat wise. When you find out that this face-changing monster is not real, you can trigger this side mission.Use your wits, priests!Being strong is not just fighting and killing, sometimes wisdom is also a kind of strength. 】

[The real body of the face-changing devil: There are jealous people who die in Wangliang County, Nanbang Prefecture, Thailand all the year round, so it is known as the grave of jealous people, but there are secret rumors that as long as the ugly people who come to this place, they can get it. Blessed by God of Beauty, you will have the most beautiful face in the world.The big cousin used to be a very ugly person who could look whatever he wanted, until he came to Wangliang County, he regained a new life, but the things that followed were more and more out of his control... Please Saint The professional went to Nanbang, Thailand to find the big cousin and eliminate the real body of the face-changing demon. 】

[Task Reward: To be determined. 】

[Task time limit: none]

[Reminder: Big cousin is getting more and more affected by the wraith. If he dies, you will lose the clue to find the real body of the face-changing demon, which greatly increases the difficulty of the task. Find him before he loses his mind. 】

After quietly reading the introduction to the side quest, I began to ponder the value of this side quest and whether it was necessary to claim it.

Tut tut!Obviously this is a field task that must be done abroad.

For Shen Mo, he is very busy now, he is too busy with many things in front of him, how can he have the energy and time to go abroad to save the lives and property of foreigners?
A crocodile once said that he doesn't want the universe, the Milky Way, he was born on the earth, he only wants some things in the sphere, such as the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, the Nile River, the Danube River and so on.In his eyes, the so-called conquering the world means doing whatever he wants in these rivers.

Shen Mo agrees with this sentence, he is also very forceful, he knows his own weight, even Yancheng has not been saved, how can he have the time to save the troublesome things abroad.

Therefore, Silence chose to give up very forcefully, and let the people of their country save themselves.

[Give up, side mission: the real body of the face-changing demon! 】

【Ding!The side quest has been abandoned. 】

Listening to the notification sound of the end of the mission, Shen Mo felt happy in his heart, and the burden on his shoulders was much lighter, as if he had never seen this side mission before.

call!He took a long breath, turned around and left Room 708, and took the elevator to the box. When he came to the box again, Team Niu and others had already arrived and were dealing with the follow-up incident.

Mo Mo saw the members of the sister group at a glance, except for Guo Xiaoya who was being interrogated, the other four were sitting on the sofa in panic and remained silent.

It is worth mentioning that the clones of the face-changing demon are eliminated, and the capital belonging to them has returned to them. Although they did not lose their lives, a serious illness is inevitable if the evil energy of the face-changing demon enters the body things.

They are also very fortunate that they can recover and have not become incomplete people.

Mo Mo looked away from the sister group, and after reporting the face-changing demon to Dui Niu, he found Hua Yingjun.

"Handsome, after this incident, the sisters probably don't have the mind to organize store celebrations. You can make arrangements for them to go back and have a good rest. Keep everything simple for tomorrow's activities."

Hua Yingjun hurriedly said, "Don't, brother, we have been planning for so long, we can't give up because of Xiaoya's problem, they are all working hard..."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and asked Hua Yingjun, "Efforts should be rewarded? Efforts should be understood?"

Clap!Silently patted Hua Yingjun on the shoulder, and whispered in his ear, "Handsome, keep your eyes open, you see them as sisters, do they treat you as sisters? When an avalanche occurs, there is not a single snowflake It's innocent! Is the sister group really not responsible for Xiaoya's current appearance?"

Hua Yingjun was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the Sisters of Modu. Looking back on the past with them, it seemed that there were indeed many things that were wrong. The reason why they had close contacts with Yingjun was mainly because the circle around Yingjun was famous in Modu. The rich second generation can get in touch with other people through handsomeness and get more opportunities.

And when Hua Yingjun went to carefully figure out the character of the five members of the sister group, he suddenly found that their character really did not match their appearance. The gold diggers who entered the wealthy family are jealous and compare each other.

Hua Yingjun was stunned, and nodded silently. He understood the intention of the silence. People in the sister group should not be friends with each other.

"Brother, I understand. I'll go back and make arrangements, but tomorrow's store celebration must not be simple," Hua Yingjun patted his chest, and said firmly, "Without the help of the sister group, I can still hold the store celebration."

Silence teased, "You don't want to find another group of sisters from Shanghai, do you? Let me tell you the truth, I have a bad kidney since I was a child, and I can't stand it."

Hua Yingjun shook his head, "No, I'll be in charge of tomorrow's store celebration. I'm good at singing and dancing, and I'm versatile. I can sing dolphin sounds at first, and dance to electronic music at second."

Mo Mo smiled and didn't argue with Hua Yingjun, since it was handed over to him, then let him go.

After finishing the conversation with Hua Yingjun, Mo Mo turned his attention to the sisters of the Shanghai city again. This is probably the last time he will see them in this life. When they return to Shanghai, they will see each other again in the next life.

Shen Mo didn't say goodbye to them, and after taking a few more glances, he took the elevator downstairs alone, preparing to return to Laifu Woodcarving Shop.

After the face-changing demon incident, Shen Mo didn't have enough to eat, but he no longer had the appetite to eat, so he simply went home to sleep, waited for the second one to get up, and went to Lao Huang's bun shop to eat buns every day!

Nothing happened on the way, Maserati parked in the public parking space outside the Laifu woodcarving shop, glanced at Lao Huang's bun shop, and could vaguely see the lights on inside, thinking that Lao Huang was sharing the family happiness with his wife and son, It was inconvenient for him to go in and disturb him.

Opening the door of Laifu Woodcarving Shop, he went straight up to the second floor. Mo Mo, who was about to wash up briefly, was hugged by Nan Nan's thigh.

"Boss, do you want to sleep?"

Silence was surprised, "If you stay up so late, what do you want me to do?"

Nan Nan pouted and complained, "Did you forget, did you promise me something?"

Mo Mo thought for a while, and remembered that Nan Nan was still thinking about the game sparring, anyway, Nan Nan contributed a lot tonight, so I might as well help her find a game sparring partner.

So, before going to bed, Shen Mo ordered a game sparring partner for Nan Nan. She is the number one gold medal sparring partner on the ranking list, and she thought it could enrich Nan Nan's gaming experience.

[You have recharged 1000 yuan to place an order for a gold medal game to accompany you (fantuan sister)]

"Nannan, have fun, please keep the sound of typing on the keyboard soft, don't disturb me to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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