The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 241 You Scan the Code

Chapter 241 You Scan the Code
Shen Mo is a person who likes to plan ahead. He knows that Nan Nan will have three hundred rounds of hearty battles in the Summoner Canyon with the game player. A few decibels shouted, so he discussed with Nan Nan in advance, [you can stay up late to play games, and support you to play games with you, the only thing you can't do is disturb my rest]

Nannan's little head was as happy as a rattle drum, and she didn't know if she listened to the words of silence, anyway, she plunged into the Summoner Canyon and started to continue the colorful journey of the game.

Shen Mo simply washed up, put on his pajamas, turned his back, and fell into a deep sleep.In fact, Shen Mo himself likes to go to bed without staying, but in the bedroom on the second floor of Laifu Woodcarving Shop, there is not only Shen Mo alone, there are Linger who works overtime, Nan Nan who is addicted to games, and Nan Nan who likes to lie on the bed. The foot of the bed stared at the sleeping Goudan silently. A big man living with a female ghost and a female goblin was naturally taboo.

When Shen Mo just fell asleep, and before he had time to have a beautiful dream, the rolling gate downstairs was slammed, hitting Shen Mo's sensitive nerves like a urging talisman.

who is it? !Knocking on my roller shutter!

Silence's waking up has always been very angry, and such a sudden disturbing dream aroused his inner irritability even more.

What's the matter? !Are you still allowed to rest?People have to go to work tomorrow morning!

Shen Mo's eyes were blurred, and he said loudly to Nan Nan beside the computer, "Nan Nan, go downstairs and see which bastard is knocking on the door."

Nan Nan wore headphones and slammed on the keyboard without listening to the silent words. A small-scale team battle was taking place on the computer screen. Our team had two heroes in the lineup, and the enemy heroes were marching towards victory. , obviously, Nan Nan couldn't get away.

Mo Mo kicked his calf and kicked Goudan, who was crossed on the bed, "Goudan, go downstairs and see who is here. If it's a stranger, tell him to get out!"

Wang Wang Wang!
Goudan barked three times in a row as if to say, 【You asked Ben Wang to open the door?Are you embarrassing Ben Wang? 】

The dog egg is now in the form of a demon soul, and ordinary people can't see it at all. Even if the demon soul condenses and manifests in a figure, it will open the gate and push on two hind legs to float. Is that an experience that ordinary people can bear?It’s okay to scare adults, but what if it scares children?
Goudan stared at Shen Mo with embarrassed eyes, and had no intention of jumping off the foot of the bed at all.But the slapping sound downstairs still exists and intensifies. At the same time, it is accompanied by the man's shouting at the top of his throat. Regardless of the fact that it is already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, the people upstairs can't bear it.

There is a saying that goes like this, if you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it anymore.Anyone who disturbs others' sleep is a symbol of evil in the Middle Ages. It is a sin to be burned alive on the barbecue... no, the stake.

Silence kicked off the blanket covering her body with a huff, stood up abruptly, put on her flip-flops, rushed downstairs, and scolded, "Who! You don't sleep in the middle of the night, knock on the rolling shutter door of my house to do it!" What?!"

Crash!The rolling gate was opened, and there was a man and a woman standing at the door. Naturally, they heard Shen Mo's angry words. Both of them looked a little embarrassed and looked at each other. The man apologized first, "I'm sorry, so Come late to bother you, but we really have something to do."

Shen Mo squinted his eyes and looked at the two of them up and down, and immediately remembered their identities. Isn't this just Chen Xue and A Kai?How did the two of them come to the door?

Looking at Akai's low voice and asking for himself now, he is completely different from the second generation ancestor who was invincible before, and he can't help being curious. Teddy Jing's matter should have been resolved long ago. Did they encounter any problems?
Shen Mo muttered angrily, "Since it's you, then come in. To make a long story short, it's already late after all."

The two followed Silent's footsteps to the first floor of Laifu Woodcarving Shop. Instead of sitting down in a hurry, they expressed their request eagerly.

"Master Shen, I apologize to you for my previous rudeness and ignorance." Akai said, and took out a big red envelope from his trousers pocket, which was full of weight at a glance.

Shen Mo cast a glance and waved his hands, "What do you mean?"

Akai stuffed the red envelope into Shen Mo's hand, "You are welcome, be careful."

Shen Mo's face darkened, "If it's because of Chen Xue, you don't have to, because that's what I should do."

Akai shook his head again and again, "It's not about Chen Xue, it's just a little bit of my personal affection for you."

Silently squinting his eyes, showing courtesy for nothing, rape or stealing, he directly used his investigative skills to conduct an information investigation on Akai, and soon found the reason for Akai's sudden change of temper.

Akai really begged himself, because his father lost it!
That's right, where is Dad going this time?Instead, Dad was lost.

Akai's father runs several gold shops. He has a solid family background and abundant funds. He is a well-known figure in the Yancheng business circle. A few days ago, his father went to the Qilian Mountains to buy a batch of high-quality raw ore. It stands to reason that this afternoon I can go home, but there is no news until now. I called the Qilian Mountains mining area, only to learn that an earthquake occurred in the Qilian Mountains this morning, a large area of ​​the mining area collapsed, and a major mining accident occurred. Akai’s father lost contact at that time of.

Shen Mo learned from the detected information that Akai's father is still alive and is currently trapped in the 40st branch of the No. 361 mine in Wanbaoshan.

Shen Shen took the red envelope from Akai, and said bluntly, "I can't help you with your affairs."

Akai was taken aback, seeing Shen Mo putting the red envelope into his pocket, but then bluntly rejecting him, he was very puzzled, "Master, I haven't said what it is yet."

Silence played tricks, "If a son is looking for his father, he should go to the relevant department. Why are you looking for me?"

A Kai was stunned, and looked at Shen Mo in surprise, he actually knew why he came here, the master is indeed a master, what Chen Xue said is absolutely right.

Akai hastily took out his mobile phone, opened Weixin Wallet, and showed the balance in an extremely foul manner, "Master, money is not a problem, please help me!"

Shen Mo glanced at the wallet balance, tsk tsk, it's quite a lot, he decisively took out his mobile phone, opened the QR code for payment, "You child, why don't you understand? I can't help you with this. "

The corners of Akai's mouth twitched. You said you couldn't help, so why did you open the payment code on your mobile phone?Is it really good to be so duplicity?

Chen Xue on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly said, "Master Shen, I know it's unscientific to ask you for this kind of thing, but we have no other way."

Nodding silently, he understands this point. When people are powerless, they always pin their hopes on illusory ghosts and gods.

If there are no ghosts and gods in this world, they are just spending money to find a possibility.

But it just so happens that this parallel world is an alternative world where ghosts and ghosts are rampant, and the aura is revived. They just happened to meet the big-coated Bi Shen Mo.

Seeing that Chen Xue stopped Akai from scanning the QR code to pay, Shen Mo said frankly, "Wanbaoshan No. 40 Mine No. 361 branch road, the person is still alive."

Chen Xue and A Kai looked at each other, thanking each other repeatedly, "Thank you!"

Silence: "Don't just say thank you, you scan the code, the QR code is almost invalid."

(End of this chapter)

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