The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 243 Zhang Jiayi's Peerless Hero

Chapter 243 Zhang Jiayi's Peerless Hero
The daily tasks have been refreshed and can be viewed.

Shen Mo put his consciousness into the briefing of the daily tasks. Having checked many times, he ignored the simple tasks and general tasks and looked directly at the nightmare tasks.

[Nightmare Mission (Main World): Zhang Jiayi's Unparalleled Hero]

A bizarre earthquake occurred in Wanbao Mountain in the Qilian Mountains. Zhang Jiayi, who came to the No. 40 mine in search of her father, was unfortunately buried deep underground. She was trapped in a strange underground cavity at the moment.

Because Zhang Jiayi is always yearning for her unrivaled hero to step on the auspicious clouds and come to rescue her without fear of danger, and her strong desire triggers this daily task.

Please go to the Qilian Mountains immediately to rescue Zhang Jiayi.

[Tip [-]: There are follow-up tasks for this task, which can be triggered by entering a specific environment. 】

[Tip [-]: The large underground cavity is not just a cavity, its magic is beyond your imagination. 】

[Tip [-]: Are you ready for an underground adventure?If you don't have it, give it up. 】

[Task Reward: To be determined. 】

Oh hoo? !
Shen Mo let out a low growl, and suddenly got up from the bed, the sudden change startled the dog curled up on the bedside, raised the dog's head and looked at Mo Mo curiously, wondering what kind of wind its owner was doing, startled At first glance, it was not calm at all.

Mo Mo didn't have the heart to care about Goudan's thoughts, his attention was all on the nightmare mission [Zhang Jiayi's Hero of the World].

After carefully reading the mission introduction again, Shen Mo immediately thought of Chen Xue and A Kai who had just left. Isn't [Wanbaoshan No. 40 Mine] the place where A Kai's father lost it?
You said it was no coincidence!
Some time ago, Shen Mo was still wondering why Zhang Jiayi left without saying goodbye, without even saying hello. It turned out that she was going home to find her father who is said to have a gold mine at home.

Tut tut!Shaking his head silently, he felt that things were not as simple as he imagined, because the time when Zhang Jiayi left was different from the time when A Kai's father left. The two did not enter Wanbaoshan No. 40 Mine together. After the accident, Zhang Jiayi heard the news and went to the rescue. Akai's father should have arrived a little later than Zhang Jiayi.

What's the matter?This treasure was found in the Wanbaoshan No. 40 mine? !How to rush to the No. 40 mine.

Silence's first instinct was to think of an old stalker, which was very appropriate to the current situation. The gourd babies rescued grandpa and sent them inside one by one.

Mine No. 40 must have extremely attractive treasures, otherwise these people would not have sharpened their heads to drill into it knowing that it was dangerous, except of course Zhang Jiayi, who was going to save Dad.

It's a pity that my father was not rescued and put himself in it.

So, here comes the problem.Can you accept this task? !
Shen Mo didn't hesitate, this mission was definitely to be accepted, although the mission location was in the Qilian Mountains, extremely far away from Yancheng, but in terms of the nature of the mission, as well as the importance and breadth of the people involved, Shen Mo had to accept this mission.

Leaving aside the undecided task rewards, if you save Zhang Jiayi's father or A Kai's father, will the reward be less?No matter what happens, you can't get a few gold bars to overwhelm you!
Therefore, he is definitely going to take this task.

As for simple tasks and general tasks, Shen Mo must also pay attention to them. If they involve the main world, they can still do them after returning from the Qilian Mountains.

[Simple task (main world): see the love that dies in light]

Online dating is risky, and you need to be cautious now.Is the love you thought was the love you thought it was?
Liu Minghuai from Haojing came to Yancheng to seek his true love with longing for love, but what is waiting for him is not necessarily love.

[Task Reward: 10 Reiki]

[General Mission (Mirror World): Holy Dung Beetle King Worm]

Dung beetles living in grasslands, mountains, deserts, and jungles take on the sacred mission of purifying nature. They carry and process dung day and night, making the world a poop-free place.

However, with the deterioration of the environment, the dung beetles living in the suburbs are facing the tragic fate of having no shit to move, until a holy dung beetle king worm exuding golden luster appears in their group, and the fate of their family is taking place. Variety.

Please ask the clergy to capture or destroy the holy dung beetle king worm to prevent the mutation of the dung beetle family.

[Task reward: 100 aura, material: shell of the holy dung beetle king worm]

[Material: The shell of the holy dung beetle and king worm can be used as a material for refining dolls.Trigger passive special effects according to the quality of the puppet]

Shen Mo frowned, as he expected, the simple task is the main world task, you can write down the introduction and do it later.

As for Liu Ming mentioned in the mission, Shen Mo didn't know him at all. Trying to target Liu Ming in the huge Yancheng was like finding a needle in a haystack. It was really difficult, but it was only difficult.

Silently wrote down Liu Ming's name and his identity from Haojing, and immediately opened Weixin, respectively @牛队 and Haojing李阳, and asked them to help find this person. With the help of Chaoju's intelligence network, he wanted to lock down an ordinary person , that is not a small matter of killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Hao Jing Li Yang: @凤城黑恐, Brother Shen, leave this matter to me, don’t worry.But I'm curious, why are you looking for him?
Niu Zhongmin, Yancheng: @凤城黑恐, received, after locking the target, call to know.

Hao Jing Li Yang: "..."

He realized that he was talking too much, since Shen Mo was seeking help in the group, he was naturally performing a special task. The group leader Ma Shisan should be worried about the root cause of the problem, and he only needed help.

Simply keeping silent did not answer Li Yang's meaning, and the 21 groups fell silent again.

And Shen Mo beautifies and modifies the love that has seen death a little, and reports it to the group leader Ma Shisan. After she gets the mission execution document in her hands, she can receive the mission subsidy.

As for the previous two mission grants, Ma Shisan didn't transfer the money, so he was still going through the process.

In just 5 minutes, Shen Mo handed over the intelligence collection work of the simple task, and the rest was waiting for a reply.

Next, Shen Mo set his sights on the general task [Holy Dung Beetle King Worm].

First of all, this is a mirror world quest. For Silence who has chosen the Nightmare quest, it has no value. If there is any value, it is that this year is so terrible that even a dung beetle can become king.Can't afford it!Can't afford it!

【Ding!Receive the Nightmare Mission: Zhang Jiayi's Unparalleled Hero]

Received!The space portal is about to open!

Silently stunned, he almost forgot that there was a precedent for the space portal in the Yuan Tomb mission before, this time the mission is so urgent, naturally there is also a space portal directly to the mission location.

Mo Mo looked down at her loose pajamas, casual flip-flops, and the dog eggs on a coil, and Nan Nan who was playing a game. It didn't mean that she was about to enter the mission dungeon.

"Quick, quick!" Shen Mo jumped off the bed anxiously, picked up the dazed dog egg, and threw it directly into the rhubarb wood carving. The clothes on the hanger changed instantly, and the lucky cat on the waist shook, calling Nannan's demon body.

Nan Nan: "Boss, why are you in such a hurry, I'm still playing games!"

Before Nan Nan finished speaking, a blue-white electric light flashed on one wall of the bedroom, and a vortex the size of a fist appeared, spinning and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it formed a space portal.

Mo Mo picked up Nan Nan and threw her into the Lucky Cat, "Hurry up! There's no time to explain!"

Nannan: "No, my pentakill super god..."

(End of this chapter)

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