The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 244 The Black Who Can't See 5 Fingers

Chapter 244
When Shen Mo stepped out and rushed through the space portal, there was a feeling of breaking through a certain membrane, and at the same time, there was a slight electric current flowing through his whole body.

Silence ignored this wonderful feeling, because his attention was all on the sudden change of environment.

black!It was too dark!This is a kind of black that you can't see your fingers!
His eyes seem to be useless here, unable to capture the slightest light at all. If it weren't for the damp ground blowing in front of him, with some rancid breeze, he would even think that he had fallen into a dark nightmare and lost his perception of the physical body.

Although Silence's eyes have already been able to see at night, but in the absence of a ray of light, it is also powerless to see the surroundings clearly.

"I should have brought a flashlight if I had known."

After being silent, he immediately took out his mobile phone, turned on the screen, and lit up a dim light to illuminate a space about one meter away.

call!suck!Look around.

He found himself in a long and narrow underground passage that could accommodate three or four people in parallel. The surrounding texture marks were chaotic and complicated, and it was impossible to see that they were grooved by something, but it was undeniable that it was possible to dig out such a huge and long and narrow tunnel. It is definitely not a human being. If it is a monster, then it must not be underestimated.

Silently turn on the lighting function of the mobile phone, and shine the light forward, illuminating a passage that continues to the underground abyss.

call!As the breeze paved the surface, the rotten smell became clearer and filled his silent nasal cavity, making his breathing a bit difficult. The smell was like rotting fresh meat that had been placed for a long time, or fermented feces of some kind of animal.

Shen Mo frowned, covered his mouth and nose with one hand, isolated and purified the air a little, then turned his head and looked behind him, the light passed through, but it was still a bottomless passage, and no valuable information was found.

In desperation, he had no choice but to check the mission briefing again, the immediate priority was still to rescue Zhang Jiayi and be her unrivaled hero.

Well, the problem is coming.

Should he keep going?Or turn around and walk back?
Papa! Silently patted the lucky cat on his waist, and whispered, "Nannan, I want to find Zhang Jiayi, so how should I go, forward? Or backward."

hum!The Lucky Cat, which symbolizes luck, trembled slightly, and within a few breaths, Nan Nan responded childishly, "Boss, you should go down!"

Silently, he pointed to the direction where the rotten smell came from, "Is this the direction you're talking about?"

hum!Nan Nan shook his head and denied, "No, I'm talking about downward."

"Down?!" Shen Mo looked down at his feet. It was a special soil quality mixed with brown soil and some unknown minerals. He could hear the rustling sound when he stepped on it. He stomped his feet and made a dull thumping sound.

Silence is very surprised, this dull echo, "Could it be empty below?"

boom!Before Silence could finish his words, the soil under his feet collapsed like quicksand. The strong suction force swallowed him whole without giving him any time to react. all traces of

oh oh oh!I don't know how long it has passed, Shen Mo only knows that he keeps sliding down the sand until he falls to the ground, and the sand dunes are stepped on his feet.


Ten thousand prairie beasts roared past his heart, because the happiness came so suddenly, he couldn't bear it at all.

"Nannan, please explain clearly next time, and give me some psychological preparation!" Shen Mo complained in a low voice, and quickly raised his mobile phone to check the surrounding situation vigilantly, but it was still pitch black.

Da da!Silence shakes out a small amount of sand and soil flowing into the cracks of the mobile phone. The light looks around and finds that this is a huge underground cavity. There are countless circular passages connected to the surrounding stone walls, as if it can lead to any place underground. It is the end of all passages.

Will Zhang Jiayi be here?
Silence looked around for Zhang Jiayi under the light, but unfortunately, he did not find Zhang Jiayi, but found countless corpses and white bones. These bones of unknown animals had no trace of flesh and blood, only pale bones left. Scattered in every corner of the hollow.

The silent spiritual sense trembled, sending an extremely dangerous warning, but looking around, those skeletons were just ordinary skeletons with a lifeless ghostly look, and there was no sound of any monster approaching from the surrounding passages.

But why did this extremely dangerous warning intensify in Shen Mo's mind.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately pulled out the phantom battle ax in his personal space, because he never missed the warning from his spiritual sense.

When the pink artifact brilliance bloomed, Silence finally found the dangerous makers. They came from the sky above the big void, those monsters hanging on the sharp stalactites, the whole body was gray, but as long as they moved a little, they would emit light blue flame brilliance.

They are so densely packed that it is difficult to count them, and they can illuminate the entire void in an instant.

What the hell are they!
Ding!The Ring of the Investigator comes with a special effect skill - Investigate, Activate!
[Ghostfire Bat: A special bat that lives in a large cavity. Its whole body can emit extremely high-temperature ghost fire, which is used to burn and roast its prey. It likes to be quiet, lives in groups, and is extremely crazy and bloodthirsty when hunting. 】

Silence felt a chill down its spine, because those dark fire bats had already been awakened by him, waking up piece by piece like a chain reaction. They were hungry and let out piercing whispers, and their special hunting methods locked Silence in an instant.

Puff chirp... The dark fire bat that covered the sky and the sun swooped down from the sky above the big hole, approaching the silence.

call!The phantom battle ax swept across with powerful force, repelling the first batch of ghost fire bats who wanted to get close to him, but the ghost fire bats that followed immediately burned the dead bodies of the same kind until they turned red, emitting fat melting waves. There was a sizzle sound, and in the next moment, it was eaten away, and there were not even bones left.

Mo Mo frowned, and at the moment of life and death, his mind became clearer, his wrist shook, and the Shrinking Inch Talisman was activated instantly, and immediately disappeared in place.

"Nan Nan, show me the way!"

Silent shouted, and other talismans blessed him one after another, and tried their best to escape from the big hole.

"The third passage on the left!"

Nan Nan's voice rang in his ears, and the foot of Silence connected, with powerful force, he stomped on a ghost bat, and rushed to the third channel like lightning. It poured down and condensed into a huge devil's hand, blocking a large group of ghost fire bats who wanted to eat away the silence.

Puff!With the twisting of the devil's hand, nearly a hundred ghost fire bats were crushed and exploded, but compared to the countless bat swarms, it was nothing.

But this stagnation gave Silence precious time to escape.

I saw him cast the ground-to-inch talisman again, stepping out, that is, stepping into the third passage, taking advantage of the crazily shaking flames of the underworld fire bat, lying on his body, and escaping into the depths of the passage like a madman.

Puff chirp!Those hellfire bats have already entered an extremely bloodthirsty state, and they will not give up if they don't eat away at Silence. They wave their light blue hellfire flesh wings, chasing Silence along the sky like a barrage of bullets.

This is a game between the hunter and the prey. The underworld fire bats play the role of the hunter, while Silence is reduced to the poor prey.

"Nannan, can't you point out a safe way?"

Nan Nan said innocently, "If you want to save Zhang Jiayi, every road is full of dangers... this is unavoidable."

Silently stunned, he exclaimed, "Wait, every one?! Then, what about this one!"



(End of this chapter)

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