Chapter 245

As the saying goes, there is a silver lining in everything.

But I'm afraid that there are wolves in front, tigers in the back, vultures in the top, and dragons in the bottom.

Shen Mo now has a deep understanding of this sentence. Behind him is a group of ghost fire bats who want to eat him as a barbecue. What kind of danger is waiting for him in front of him. What should I do?
snort!Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky.

Shen Mo gritted his silver teeth hard, and his heart sank. Anyway, the front and back are dangerous roads, so it's better to rush in with your head covered and give him a chance of survival.

Da da da!
He kept pointing at his feet, no matter how dangerous the front was, he only hoped to be kinder than the group of underworld fire bats behind him.

Sniff!As the silence escaped deeper into the passage, the rotten smell that was unforgettable for a long time became stronger and stronger, and even became thick and pungent from the previous faintness.

He realized that he was getting closer and closer to the monster, and the ground-to-inch talisman in his hand was tightly gripped. His eyes were fixed on the passage ahead, and as the blue light of the fire bat flickered to illuminate the passage, a crimson A dark figure appeared in front of him and the underworld fire bat.

what is that? !

That is a huge long worm!

There is a single eye in the center of the huge golden mask, and something like an eyeball turns around in the pupil. The mouth of the mask is shaped like a tiger's mouth, and the open bloody mouth is like a passage leading to another world. The flesh-colored flesh membrane, and the round sharp teeth, one by one, swallowing four or five people at the same time is no problem at all. Under the golden mask is a thick crimson insect body that can be surrounded by five or six people, hovering like a giant python In the depths of the passage, its body was covered with thick scales, shaped like heavy bronze armor, indestructible, and the long sickle-like sharp spider legs were densely arranged under its belly, giving it a terrifying speed that did not belong to its size.

Roar!The long worm opened its bloody mouth wide, and let out a terrifying roar, as if venting that someone dared to disturb its slumber. The airflow from the huge mouth was like a hurricane, carrying the stench on the pavement, making Shen Mo cover his mouth and nose subconsciously. , stop breathing.

"What a big breath!"

Silent murmured, the investigative skills were thrown out instantly, and the information about the long worm appeared in his mind.

[Phoenix undead worm: a special net-like nerve creature between an invertebrate and a half-spine, with a hard surgery comparable to steel, and a sharp mouthpart that can easily pierce the steel plate, and at the same time has a speed not weaker than a cheetah. The scary thing is that as long as it still has some nerves, it can survive and be reborn.Quiet, omnivorous, awakened or awakened, will enter a predatory state. 】

Silently stunned, what kind of undead worm?Isn't this an Undead Huo's Worm!Didn't this ancient creature become extinct long ago because of the sudden change in the oxygen content of the air?
Where exactly is this underground cavity, and why does this ancient creature exist.

Mo Mo didn't have time to think about it, because he knew that he was definitely not the opponent of this long worm. As the saying goes, a long worm that cannot be killed is a snake that cannot be provoked.When encountering this kind of monster, avoid it if you can, and find a way to avoid it if you can't.

Snapped!Silence immediately made the hand shrink into an inch talisman, and the whole person disappeared between the undead worm and the fire bat, appeared behind the undead worm, clasped its hard shell tightly, and hid.

I saw that the undead worm couldn't find silence, and poured its anger into the swarm of ghost fire bats, swallowing heavily, forming a powerful vortex of air. In the belly of the undead worm, what was even more frightening was that the undead worm still had an unfinished look, twisting its body and rushing towards the group of ghost fire bats.

Silently lying on the back of the undead worm, he realized that these underworld fire bats were the rations of the undead worm, and it was the rhythm of feasting.

Shen Mo knew that he couldn't follow, otherwise he would be spotted by the fire bat if he wasn't spotted by the undead worm.

He immediately called to Nan Nan on his waist, "Nan Nan, find a way out."

hum!The Lucky Cat trembled slightly, and sent a new message, "Go 300 meters to a fork, jump in."

Mo Mo resisted shaking violently, fixed his eyes on the fork that Nan Nan pointed to, "Is it dangerous this time?"

"Compared to these two times, it is much safer."

That's good!
Shen Mo made up his mind, arched his body, and was ready to get away from the undead worm at any time. When the body of the long worm crossed the fork, he jumped into the fork with a leap of faith. Before his feet landed, he watched the undead worm far away The figure who was going, was determined in his heart, and finally got rid of these two monsters.

But the moment Shen Mo's feet landed on the ground, the feet seemed extremely wet and slippery, and the hard stone was corroded and smooth like a mirror, instantly making Shen Mo lose his center of gravity, and the whole person slid down again.

Silently stunned, he cursed secretly in his heart, "Nannan, is this how much safer you said?!"

Without even the slightest bit of defense, you made me ride a roller coaster again!
Silence's body slid down again, and a slight water flow began to appear around him. As he continued to deepen, the water flow became more and more turbulent, and the miserable green moss on the stone wall could not exert any force at all, so he could only let himself drift with the current, flowing to the unknown underground abyss.

Crash!The current is fast!
Plop!Shen Mo didn't know how long he had been skating, until he fell into the cold deep Tan, and the fall stopped abruptly.

Gululu!Forced to pour a few mouthfuls of cold pool water, Shen Mo's whole body seemed to be frozen, and the cold air wanted to flow into his body along with his limbs, making his limbs feel like heavy lead.

Purify!Shen Mo immediately used the purification skills to eliminate the negative state of the body, and then swam to the shore with all his strength, and waited until he climbed up the table with difficulty, turned over and lay down, panting heavily.

"It's so exciting! This is really an underground adventure, and it's not fake at all."

Um? !Before Silence could take a breath, his eyes were attracted by the things on the ceiling, which were countless moss emitting blue light, which illuminated the space.

Following the bright light, Shen Mo looked at the surrounding stone walls, and the reflected light from time to time was particularly eye-catching.

He hurriedly stood up, walked to the stone wall, and carefully looked at these reflective things.

Pick!An irregular thing the size of a quail egg was picked out, silently looked at it carefully, and was shocked, it couldn't be a diamond!

impossible!Shaking his head silently, he has never seen such a big diamond in his life, even the Canadian topaz, which is known as the world's largest, is not as big as the one in his hand, it must be a fake diamond.

Mo Mo pinched it as hard as he could, but it didn't move at all, his fingers hurt, it was so hard!

In order to determine whether the stone in his hand was a diamond, Shen Mo activated the detection skill again.

【Ding! 】

[Diamond: commonly known as diamond, famous diamond.The so-called diamond is forever, a diamond will last forever.Its value does not lie in itself, but in the meaning it is given. 】

Whoa!This is actually a diamond!

Shen Mo looked around subconsciously, the entire wall was covered with countless flashes, which could almost blind his 24K anti-krypton gold titanium alloy superconducting eyes.

Get rich!Get rich!This time it really became a woman's favorite.

(End of this chapter)

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