The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 246 The Man Covered in Gems

Chapter 246 The Man Covered in Gems
Silence couldn't help but pick out diamonds from the wall in a hurry, and put them in his pocket one after another. With these diamonds, although he can't be said to be rich, but at least he has no worries about food and clothing, and has no worries about money. How many times higher is it, is it amazing that he has dozens of suites?I'm a man covered in diamonds.

"I finally know why they want to go to the No. 40 mine one after another. It turns out that there are diamond mines here!"

Um?etc!Silence suddenly remembered something. If he remembered correctly, the place where there were diamond mines was once a volcano, which means that there are not only diamond mines, but also other gems.

Shen Mo immediately stopped his greedy little hands, and wanted to take out the phone to check it carefully, but when he took out the phone, he found that the phone had already been scrapped.After two consecutive impacts and the immersion of groundwater, even the best mobile phone can't stand such a toss.

In desperation, Silence had no choice but to continue searching along the wall with the faint light of fluorescent moss. Soon, he found other gems. There were not only bright red rubies, but also emerald green emeralds, and sapphires like stars. ···It is worthy of the name of Wanbaoshan.

Silence is very surprised, it is hard to imagine that there are so many types of gemstones in a mine, which seems a bit weird and different.

But it didn't affect Shen Mo's ability to pack the gems into the temporary small satchel that she folded out of clothes one by one. She didn't stop until the small satchel was full of gems, and then, the problem came.

How should he bring such a large bag of gems back?Looking around, I don't know where I am, and I don't know what kind of danger I am about to face. If I want to keep this bag of gems in the sudden danger, it will be as difficult as heaven.

But if Shen Mo wants to give up this bag of gems, he really can't treat money like wasteland.

what to do?Silent thoughts raced and soon came up with a solution.

Tongtian Demon Realm!That's right, Shen Mo can use the power of the Tongtian Demon Realm to store these gems temporarily, so Shen Mo activated the mimicry ability and summoned the talent skill Tongtian Demon Realm, and saw an ink-colored vortex appearing in his palm, accompanied by a wave of The suction directly incorporates the small satchel, and with the consumption of mental power and the sharp decrease of evil spirit, the gemstones are temporarily placed properly.

As for letting Shen Mo continue to use the gems of the Tongtian Demon Realm, Shen Mo really does not plan to do so. Greed is a good thing, but it must not be insatiable.

Numerous novels, TV series and movies tell us that when hunting for treasures, we must restrain our desires. Taking a little is sweet, and taking too much will kill us.

Silence has always been a man who is very predictable.

After putting away the gemstones, Mo Mo looked around carefully, except for the gemstone wall that he had just dug out, behind him was the bottomless cold pool he fell into. The pool is full.

Shen Mo realized that there must be an underground river under this cold pool, otherwise it would be impossible to swallow so much water.

He frowned, and the first problem before him was to find a way out of here.

Snapped!It's time for Nan Nan to make a move again.

"Nannan, what should I do next?"

Nan Nan's voice sounded, "Boss, there are two roads here, one is the wall behind you, and the other is the cold pool in front of you."

Silently stunned, looking at the freezing cold pool, he turned around and chose the gemstone wall, "Where is the road on the other side of the wall?"

Nan Nan pointed to an extremely hidden place, "It's over there."

Mo Mo rushed over, raised his hand to brush the dust accumulated on the wall, and an iron gate as tall as a person appeared in front of him.

"Why is there an iron gate here!" Silence is unbelievable, because the existence of an iron gate means that someone has been here, but someone has been here, how can a wall full of gemstones still exist?Could it be that there are people in this world who are as powerful as Silence?There are obviously not many such people!

creak!Silence pushed the iron door, making a dull sound, listening carefully, and could hear the spacious space behind the iron door.

With a flick of his wrist, the phantom battle ax reappeared, holding his breath and gathering strength, he slashed at the iron gate fiercely.

boom!The dust was flying, the iron gate trembled, and it burst open in an instant, revealing the scene behind the iron gate. It was a mine tunnel dug by man, with twists and turns, and no one knew where it led.

Looking carefully, there are many white knotted ropes intertwined in the passage, some of which have been rotten and broken, and some are still hanging with yellow-brown charms on them. According to the spiritual perception, these knotted charms have no aura at all and are useless. , I don't know if it's because of the age, the aura has been exhausted, or it's just a display with no ability.

But there is one thing that is very clear in silence, that is, the iron gate and the knotted charm are all for sealing something, and this kind of thing must be in the cold pool!
Mo Mo suddenly turned around, the spiritual sense seemed to lose its effect at this moment, and could not perceive the slightest fluctuation of spiritual energy, even the spiritual sense warning also lost its effect.

But the silent eyes could clearly see the depths of the cold pool, with bubbles constantly bubbling out, and the black water of the pool emerged like a spring, causing ripples on the surface of the lake, and the temperature of the entire hollow suddenly dropped, as if falling It was as cold as an icy hell, and gradually, a huge head that was as black as ink rose up, with pupils like a blood moon exuding a terrifying aura, scanning everything through the darkness.

It is a giant python with a whole body as black as ink, with a meaty bun protruding from the top of its head. The scarlet snake letter exudes a faint blood mist, and the cold air emitted by the snake's twisting body can even frost the air.

Looking at Silence again, he had already disappeared in place, his legs were moving more than three times faster than usual, and he had already slipped away the moment before the monster appeared!
The scenes written in TV dramas or movies where the protagonist stands stupidly waiting for the monster to appear will never happen to Shen Mo. He is a very aggressive person, how can he take his own life as a joke.

When he first realized that something was wrong, he had already run wildly, no matter what kind of monster you are, it is important for me to save my life, so I ran away first.

I saw that huge head locked on the broken iron door, revealing a hideous and terrifying mouth. The body of the giant python twisted, stirring the cold pool and shaking. There was a loud noise, and the gemstone wall in front trembled, and countless dust and broken stones fell down.

Although the iron gate was split by Silence into a crack that could allow one person to pass through, the axis was not damaged, and even facing the full impact of the giant python, it could not be destroyed.

Hiss!The giant python swallowed snake letters, its eyes showed a very humane look, it did not continue to hit the iron gate, but twisted its body and sank into the cold pool again, and soon disappeared.

Looking at Silence again, he naturally heard a loud noise behind him, and knew that the monster was hitting the iron gate. He didn't look back, but accelerated his pace more and more, and ran wildly.

Don't worry about him, let's escape to a safe place under Nan Nan's guidance first.

Not long after, Shen Mo fled into an abandoned mining area along the old mine road. There were still some fluorescent moss here, which allowed Shen Mo to see the situation here clearly.

But what shocked Shen Mo was that the mining area here was not the new mining area that belonged to Zhang Jiayi's father that he was looking for, but an old mining area that had been abandoned for decades.

This is an underground mine secretly built by the [36th Ghost Division Yingteng Brigade].

(End of this chapter)

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