The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 249 The Forest of Evil Thoughts

Chapter 249 The Forest of Evil Thoughts
Is this Journey to the Center of the Earth?
Mo Mo couldn't help complaining that the so-called follow-up mission was to let him explore the underground world, and there were time and requirements restrictions, and Zhang Jiayi had to be rescued within 12 hours.

Tut tut!This follow-up task looks simple at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, it can be a big pit.

Obviously, there are two choices before Shen Mo, the first is to explore the world first and then save Zhang Jiayi, but this choice will be restricted by a 12-hour time limit, if Shen Mo fails to find Zhang Jiayi in the end, then he will have to go underground with Zhang Jiayi The world is singing cool, which is obviously risky.

The second is to save Zhang Jiayi first, and then go to explore the underground world. This choice seems to be no problem, but in the face of unknown dangers, carrying Zhang Jiayi is obviously a heavy burden. If Zhang Jiayi dies in an accident, he still has to accompany Zhang Jiayi Sing cool hand in hand.

In short, if you play well, the benefits are unknown, but if you don't play well, you can fly together, hand in hand.

Hmph, want to be silent?How can it be so simple!
As the saying goes, choose the lesser of two evils, and choose the greater of two benefits.

Shen Mo weighed in his heart, and immediately made a decision. He first rescued Zhang Jiayi, and then looked for the exit of the underground world. As for exploring the world, he had the right to follow the Buddha's fate, and he was not greedy at all.

After making up his mind, he silently patted the beckoning cat on his waist, calling out Zashiki boy Nannan, "Nannan, is Zhang Jiayi outside?"

Nan Nan felt it and nodded, "Yes! She's quite close to here."

"Okay, take me to her. If there is any danger, please inform me immediately. This time, I am talking about all dangers, even if there is no danger."

Silence emphasizes it emphatically, for fear that the situation of falling before will happen again.

Nan Nan pouted, nodded, and pointed to the world outside the gap, "Okay, everything is up to the boss."

Hearing that Nan Nan agreed so readily, Mo Mo felt a little worried in his heart, whether this little monster listened to his words, hey, there is really a monster in the family, and he is always worried!

"Boss, let's go! You poke the gap first, and we'll talk after we get out of the hole."

Silence's wrist shook, and the phantom tomahawk rolled down, instantly expanding the gap to the width that one person can pass through, then hugged Nan Nan in his arms, and stepped forward to explore the unknown world, oh no, yes To be Zhang Jiayi's hero.

Mo Mo and Nan Nan were completely stunned by the scene outside just as they were in the underground world.

Beautiful and colorful!Strange turns rot into wonder!
If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Shen Mo would not have believed that there would be such a world underground.

First of all, there is light in this world. Its light source comes from the countless fluorescent moss plants on the dome of the sky. These plants emit dazzling white light during the day, just like the sun shining on everything, and emit faint blue light at night, shady creatures, and breed thousands of creatures. .

And the underground river water flowing down from the Tianqiong River converges in this distance, forming an underground sea that can't be seen. The sea surface is as calm as a mirror, reflecting the fluorescence of the sky, as if connecting the sky and the earth into a line. It is so beautiful. .

Shen Mo didn't care to appreciate the beautiful scenery around him. Most of his mind was on the task. As he moved forward step by step, the speed of exploration of this world slowly increased.

[Current underground world exploration degree: 0.01%]

"Nannan, which direction is Zhang Jiayi in?"

Nannan points to a dense jungle, which is composed of many silent and unnamed plants, which is somewhat similar to the Amazon rainforest, but more dense and prosperous than the former.

"She's in the jungle, but..." Nannan paused for a moment, and replied truthfully, "This jungle is very dangerous. Even with my luck, there is still a [-]% chance that you will be swallowed by it."

Shen Mo looked at Nan Nan in surprise, this was the first time Nan Nan gave him such a serious warning, and he didn't know whether it was the exhortations made by Mo Mo before it worked, or if there was indeed great danger in this jungle.

But be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, Shen Mo attached great importance to Nan Nan's warning, he held the phantom battle ax in his hand, blessed a few middle-level talismans, held the ground-to-inch talisman in the palm of his hand, and the demon soul of the dog egg crawled on the ground On the shoulders, slowly recovering the mental power that had been consumed before, as if facing an enemy, he took a deep breath and stepped into the jungle.

The shoes stepped on the rotten dead leaves, making a slight rubbing sound. The surrounding vines moved Silence's calf from time to time, hindering his walking speed. It becomes dim and depressing, as if creating a dead and decaying plant world.

Walking forward in silence, ready to strike at any time, under the guidance of Nan Nan, he kept approaching Zhang Jiayi's direction.

After walking about three kilometers, Shen Mo still couldn't get out of the jungle, but the mission information had a new change.

[Current underground world exploration rate: 0.1%. Trigger scene: evil thoughts jungle. 】

[Evil Thought Forest, this is a terrifying jungle ruled by the Evil Thought Tree. Any creature that enters the jungle will become the nutrient of the Evil Thought Tree. 】

[Hint: This scene can be projected to (Aura Unlimited) and used as an infinite copy world. 】

Silently, he didn't expect that the underground world exploration mission was actually connected with the dungeon world of the previous aura infinite mission. Originally, he was still worried about how to create a dungeon world after refining the server. Now this is not a solution, and it has been solved perfectly. what.

Mo Mo secretly rejoiced, feeling slightly relieved of depression, and just after he peeled off a piece of grass in front of him that blocked his sight with the phantom battle axe, Nan Nan at his waist trembled violently, sending out a warning.

"Boss, danger and Zhang Jiayi are just ahead."

Nan Nan didn't need to explain, Silence also saw the danger in front of him at a glance.

On an extremely desolate dry land, there are countless horrible human-shaped plants growing chaotically. They have heads and faces similar to humans, with hideous and terrifying expressions, and evil spirits. Under the heads, there are thick branches like the roots of old trees. , circling and twisting to firmly restrain the creature, and piercing the creature's body with branches as thin as cicada's wings, absorbing the evil thoughts and nutrients in the creature's heart.

Evil Thought Tree, parasitic on creatures, creates illusions, pulls creatures into terrible dreams, and grows as an extremely evil life-like body that devours fear.

They are terrifying existences that play with the will of creatures. Any creature parasitized by them will eventually die in fear, and their soul and body will become the nutrients of the tree of evil thoughts.

Forehead!Shen Mo swallowed subconsciously. It was the first time he saw such a terrifying and evil life-like body, and he never thought that there would be such a weird creature in the world.

But that's not the point, the point is that Shen Mo found Zhang Jiayi who was parasitized at a glance, and ten strangers who were also parasitized near her.

Shen Mo's head is a bit big, how should he save Zhang Jiayi from the parasitism of the evil thought tree?And who were those ten strangers?

Silence's eyes flickered, looking at the title in his personal warehouse: ruthless lumberjack.

Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe... it's time for him to be a ruthless lumberjack again.

(End of this chapter)

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