The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 250 Lumberjack's Ruthless Battle Ax

Chapter 250 Lumberjack's Ruthless Battle Ax
[Title: Ruthless Lumberjack]

[Wearing this title, you will get the following special effects skills. 1: Tree language, ruthless. During the ruthless logging process, you have comprehended tree language and can communicate with trees. 2: Catalysis, trees don't grow as fast as you cut them down, so you realize the ability to urge trees to grow wildly.As long as you are willing to give up your mental strength, you can grow as thick as you say. 3: An emotionless lumberjack activates this skill, and the damage to wood attribute creatures increases by 200%.There is no tree that you cannot cut down, if there is, be more ruthless. 】

Looking at the introduction about the ruthless logger again, Mo Mo's fear of the evil thought tree was somewhat relieved.

After all, the strength of the lumberjack has been verified by the dryad grandma.Wearing the title of lumberjack, dealing with these wood attribute creatures can be said to be twice the result with half the effort, six of them almost flew.

Mo Mo didn't dare to hesitate, for fear that Zhang Jiayi would not be able to hold on and would suffer a mental breakdown from the tree of evil thoughts. He quickly put on the title, and then activated the special effect skill one: tree language.

Milky white brilliance escaped from Silence, and descended on the Evil Thought Tree like nightfall, endowing it with a thinking ability similar to Silence.

"Wow! Pain! Fear! Crash! The louder you yell, the more excited I am! Huh? How can I think? How can I speak human language? Who am I? Where am I? ? What am I doing?"

The tree of evil thoughts parasitized by Zhang Jiayi was amazed again and again, such a wonderful feeling, for the tree of evil thoughts, which already had some spiritual wisdom, it was like kryptonite, making it obsessed and in a trance.

It floats!Fly high!Totally immersed in the excitement of acquiring the ability to think.

Silence didn't give Xie Nianshu much time to think, he ordered sharply, "Xie Nianshu, let go of the woman in your hand immediately."

Evil Thought Tree: "???"

After a moment of silence, the evil thought tree seemed to have finally figured out the situation. It roared excitedly, completely ignoring the order of silence, "Haha, I have become so smart, I can perceive happiness, excitement, joy, anticipation... ·As well as greed, desire, tyranny... This feeling is really cool. Since I am already so happy, what right do you have to order me to do things? What right do you have!"

Mo Mo raised the right corner of his mouth, and did not refute the evil thought tree verbally, but directly removed the tree's language ability, making the evil thought tree lose the thinking ability that belonged to Silence.

Um? !patter!The evil thought tree twisted its body, showing a sluggish and absent expression on its ferocious face, how high it floated just now, how painful it is now falling.

Ruthless torture, the most deadly.

Smiled silently, waited for a while, and used the tree language again to give the tree of evil thoughts the ability to think.

"How dare you deprive me of my senses... you bastard..."

hum!Before Xie Nianshu finished speaking, Mo Mo removed the tree language ability again, causing the other party to lose consciousness.

After so many repetitions, Mo Mo contacted the tree of evil thoughts again, and stared at its gradually imposing face with a playful look.

After turning around, Xie Nianshu realized that his perception was given by the person in front of him, and he also had the terrifying power to deprive him of his perception.

Therefore, the tree of evil thoughts was terrified, and it was very forceful to admit it.

"My lord, what exactly do you want to do?" Xie Nianshu asked weakly, his originally grim face was full of helplessness and hospitality.

Mo Mo pointed to Zhang Jiayi in Xie Nian Shu's arms, "I said, let her go."

Evil thought tree: "It's that simple? Why didn't you say it earlier, look at the one who tossed me, the consciousness can't take care of itself..."

Shrugged silently, "I told you, but you didn't listen."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault... I'll just let her go."

The evil thought tree was more cooperative than Shen Mo expected, and saw that it removed the branches that pierced Zhang Jiayi's body, and twitched the old tree roots to release Zhang Jiayi.

Snapped!Zhang Jiayi, who was still in a coma, lost the support of the evil thoughts tree, and was about to fall weakly, but was hugged by Shen Mo in his arms, before Shen Mo could check Zhang Jiayi's physical condition.

The tree of evil thoughts moved again.

Crash!I saw Shen Mo's feet squirming, and countless vines sprang out from the ground, trying to bind Shen Mo and Zhang Jiayi together. These vines obviously came from this evil thought tree endowed with thinking ability.

It turned out that it didn't succumb to Silence at all, but wanted to swallow Silence as well. In his thinking, as long as it swallowed Silence, it would naturally be able to acquire the thinking ability that belonged to Silence.

Shen Mo sneered, as expected of the evil thought tree that was endowed with his thinking ability, he learned how to play hard to get, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger so quickly.

And Shen Mo's understanding of himself is naturally very deep, and he has actually been prepared for the sudden attack of the evil thought tree.

"Hey, you promised so readily, I knew you had a problem!"

drink!Silent shouted loudly, and activated the Earth Shrinking Talisman that he had prepared long ago, making him and Zhang Jiayi disappear in place in an instant, and in the next breath, they appeared above the head of the evil thought tree.

I saw Shen Mo embracing Zhang Jiayi's waist with one hand, swung the phantom battle ax with the other, and activated the skill [Axe Skill - Collapsing Mountain Strike]

With the powerful dive inertia, the vigor infused into the battle ax, and the 200% damage bonus from the title, the ax of silence can be said to have the maximum damage value.

boom!Sawdust flew, juice flowed horizontally, and in an instant, the evil thought tree was split into two by the phantom battle axe, and the root system that was rooted in the ground was also cut off, and countless juices spread out from the ground, which was very terrifying.

After killing an evil thought tree, Mu Mo not only did not relax, but became more cautious and cautious, because as one evil thought tree was cut down, other evil thought trees began to move around, and the wasteland under his feet squirmed and twisted at a speed visible to the naked eye , turning into a terrifying sea of ​​vines composed of countless old tree roots, any creature that steps into it will be swallowed and strangled by the sea of ​​vines and reduced to nutrients.

Shen Mo poured energy into his feet, and tapped on the top of the evil thought tree one after another, bursting several heads, so that he and Zhang Jiayi could stand in the air as much as possible, not daring to fall into the sea of ​​vines.

At this moment, Silence suddenly had an urge to fly. If he could fly, why would he be afraid of the sea of ​​vines everywhere? As long as he flapped his wings, he could escape and ascend to heaven.

But under the current situation, Shen Mo had to face the Tenghai in front of him, and fight with the evil thoughts trees with all his strength.

Talent skill: mimicry!launch!

Mimicry: Millennium Babel willow.Total body mimicry!
Puff!Mo Mo stood in the air like a demon god, and countless willow branches spread out from behind him, covering the sky and covering the sun.

In the blink of an eye, the willow branches fluttered in the wind, and the clouds flew up automatically, and the roots entangled deep into the vine sea and swallowed Kunsha.

Who is stronger and who is weaker than the thousand-year-old Tongtianliu and the vine sea of ​​the evil thought tree?

The answer is naturally obvious.

I saw Silence triggering Tongtian Liu's innate skill Tongtian Demon Realm, and the ink-like demon power crashed down like a tide, rushing into the vine sea along the root system, stirring up the wind and clouds, and then dispersing the vine sea, and the evil thoughts trees were swallowed and absorbed one by one, Included in Tongtian Demon Realm.

【Ding! 】

[Tongtian Demon Realm: Thousand Year Old Demon (Soul Eater)*1.Superior Yin soldiers*1000.Incomplete soul * 64. Evil thought tree * 217 (only three of the parasitic organisms survived and can be released)]

(End of this chapter)

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