Chapter 251
As the mimicry ability faded, the floating willow branches and the roots that took root in the ground returned to Silence's body like ants returning to their nests. Immediately, he hugged Zhang Jiayi in one hand, and held the phantom battle ax in the other, and slowly fell from midair. Falling on the devastated wasteland.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, and the hole left by the evil thought tree was still bottomless, as deep and cold as an abyss.After the spiritual sense perception confirmed that there was no danger, he finally let go of his breath.

Hey, with a winning rate of [-] to [-], it seems that Silence has won.

Counting the benefits of this mission, Shen Mo not only got the permission to open the copy of the evil thought tree, but also got 217 evil thought trees. This is not very good, but it is not bad after all.

The most important thing is that he has rescued Zhang Jiayi, and all that remains is to bring her out of the underground world safely.

Shen Mo nodded slightly, and set her eyes on the unconscious Zhang Jiayi. She still looked the same, but because she was parasitized by the evil thought tree, she looked a little haggard and thin at the moment, and there was not much change on the whole.

hum!Slow healing started, and a milky white halo enveloped Zhang Jiayi, helping her recover her damaged vitality. At the same time, Shen Mo began to think about how to place Zhang Jiayi.

At first, Shen Mo decided to take Zhang Jiayi to the underground world together, but just after the battle with the evil thought tree, he thought of a good way.

That is to use the power of the evil thought tree to pull Zhang Jiayi into the Tongtian Demon Realm, and release her after she leaves the underground world.

Originally, it was not allowed to bring strangers into the Tongtian Demon Realm, but through the parasitism of the evil thought tree, this restriction was cleverly circumvented. The only disadvantage is that it will affect the health of the parasites, but it does not matter, because this is in the Under the control of silence, can be weakened to a minimum.

Silence first focused on the Tongtian Demon Realm, found the three people who were still alive, and saved their lives by controlling the evil thought tree, and then called out their information.

[Zhang Guofeng: Owner of Wanbaoshan No. 40 Gold Mine, Zhang Jiayi's biological father, chairman and general manager of Wanfu Gold.As a master, he survived with perseverance far beyond ordinary people. 】

[Li Peng: No. 40 gold mine security officer, married, no children.He works outside all the year round and loves his wife very much. His wife is also very virtuous. She manages the housework every day and educates their son carefully... seems to be very happy.It is precisely because of the happiness on his head that he can persist in surviving. 】

[Hu Jiu: The person in charge of the 40st branch of the No. 361 gold mine.Originally, he just wanted to show off in front of the chairman, but unfortunately he was involved in this crisis. The reason why he survived was mainly because of his strong desire to survive and his strong body trained through years of hard work. 】

Zhang Guofeng? !He is Zhang Jiayi's father, this gold mine owner who always comes to open another branch every spring, really has something.

Li Peng? !Could this introduction be wrong?If there is no mistake, should I tell him?Forget it, it's not good to tell him directly, let's find a chance to give him a crazy hint.

Hu Jiu? !Tsk tsk, I almost lost my life because of work, little nine, you should be more careful.Wait, isn't branch 361 the mine where Akai's father was trapped?This little nine is still useful.

Shen Mo wrote down the information of the three people, and did not plan to release them, because it would not be too late to release them after they left the underground world.

Then, his wrist shook, and the ink vortex of Tongtian Demon Realm opened, and an emerald green figure manifested. The evil thought tree parasitized by unknown animals let out low growls, and the empty eye sockets showed surrender to silence.

With a thought of silence, he ordered the evil thought tree to abandon the parasitic animals, spread its roots and probe towards the unconscious Zhang Jiayi, the tentacles as thin as cicada's wings slowly sank into her body, pulling her into the illusion again.

Boo! ?Zhang Jiayi groaned, her beautiful eyes wrinkled slightly, and she fell into a deep sleep immediately.

Under Shen Mo's control, the evil thought tree did not pull Zhang Jiayi into a nightmare, but made her fall into a deep sleep like a deep sleep. This kind of parasitism can minimize the damage and at the same time avoid the restrictions of the Tongtian Demon Realm. Bring Zhang Jiayi into the demon world.

As for choosing to let the Evil Thought Tree parasitize Zhang Jiayi, although the approach is a bit unusual and perverted, from the safest and rational point of view, this is indeed the best way.

hum!After Shen Mo ensured that Zhang Jiayi was in good condition, he directly brought her and the evil thought tree into the Tongtian Demon Realm with the ink vortex. After doing this, the task progress was taken a big step forward.

Now the task ahead of Shen Mo is to find the exit of the underground world as soon as possible before the volcanic eruption caused by the crustal movement, and at the same time explore the underground world as much as possible, and unlock a lot of dungeon worlds with infinite aura.

Silently patted the lucky cat on his waist, and called out Nannan, "Nannan, next, I want to find a way to leave the underground world. It is best to meet special scenes on the way, such as the jungle of evil thoughts."

Nan Nan tilted her head, "Boss, you have so many requests, and this request is not easy to satisfy..."

Shen Mo smiled, he knew Nan Nan well, whenever Nan Nan spoke in this tone, he was actually negotiating conditions with Shen Mo.

"Go back and give you 1 yuan coupons."

"Boss, go this way, this road can not only leave the underground world, but also the things on the road can meet your requirements."

Smiling silently without saying a word, he picked up the phantom tomahawk and walked in the direction Nan Nan pointed.

As the saying goes, if the son does not teach, it is the fault of the father.

What if the little monster is disobedient?
Of course, drive them away with profit, transform them with love, trap them with traps, and teach them with great perseverance... In this way, you can get a well-behaved little monster.

Mo Mo is on the road of educating little monsters, and has become more and more experienced. If he has spare time in the future, he can write a miscellaneous note on educating little monsters, which is also very good.

Let's say that after Shen Mo harvested the tree of evil thoughts, he moved forward all the way, and soon drove to the next scene. He stepped into this area, and the next moment he heard the reminder of the task update in his mind.

【Ding!Current underground world exploration rate: 0.9%. Trigger scene: Sea of ​​Miracles]

[Sea of ​​Miracles: This is an underground sea full of miracles, and its existence can be traced back hundreds of millions of years ago.Therefore, it is not just a sea, but a miraculous place with hundreds of millions of years of history. 】

[Hint: This scene can be projected to (Aura Unlimited) and used as an infinite copy world. 】

Mo Mo looked at the endless sea level in front of him, as if the sky and the sea overlapped and intersected in the distance, he looked helplessly at Nan Nan on his waist, "Nan Nan, you don't mean to let me swim across this sea!"

Nan Nan said bluntly, "That's right, boss, swimming across this sea is the fastest way to leave the underground world."

Silence was speechless. As the saying goes, those who drowned are those who can swim.Although he knew a little about water, he couldn't stand the endless underground sea. Besides, there were no monsters in this sea, and Shen Mo didn't know the bottom of his heart.

"Nannan, is this sea dangerous?"

"Of course there are dangers, but to you, that's nothing to worry about," Nan Nan waved his hands and said soothingly, "Don't worry, boss, I won't hurt you, after all, you still owe me What about the coupons?"

Nodding silently, Nan Nan's words are indeed good, so should he swim or not? !
Puff!While lingering silently, a huge adult pliosaur, ten meters in length, jumped up from the water surface, gnashed its teeth like a crocodile and opened, instantly devouring the seabirds passing by in the air. With a bloody mouth, ten silences are more than enough.


Nan Nan: "???"

Is this what you said it's not a big deal? !This is the late Jurassic marine overlord Pliosaurus known as the "monster". Eating people is like eating jelly beans. You actually told me it's nothing.

Mo Mo has an urge to sacrifice Nannan to heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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