The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 252 Row without paddles

Chapter 252 Row without paddles

Add betel nut and smoke, the magic power is boundless.Betel nut and wine are immortal.

Shen Mo thinks, if the betel nut is replaced by Nannan, the effect must be excellent.

Who made Nannan be so foolish!It's just sucked to the extreme.

Are you saying it's not dangerous?Isn't such a terrifying dragon not dangerous at all?

And Nan Nan herself is also very innocent. According to her luck attribute, Mo Mo passed through the Sea of ​​Miracles without any risk. She never thought that there would be such a terrifying monster in the Sea of ​​Miracles. The demon's heart was pounding.

Sensing the silent resentment, Nan Nan quickly explained, "Boss, you know Nan Nan well. Nan Nan never lies. The Sea of ​​Miracles is indeed not dangerous to you. As for this monster..."

Nan Nan pretended to be stupid and cute, and joked, "Maybe they like you, but don't eat you!"

Silent and ashamed, he likes a hammer. Shanglong's love for us is to eat us and turn us into rice fields and feed them to the bottom of the sea to feed shrimps. Talking about feelings with it is really an old birthday star hangs himself and seeks his own death.

But Nan Nan's words are not wrong. Since luck has calculated that Shen Mo can safely pass through the sea of ​​miracles, then Shen Mo will definitely be able to safely pass through the sea of ​​miracles. The key point is how this miracle happened.

Shen Mo looked at the endless and dangerous sea of ​​miracles in front of him, and couldn't help thinking, how should he cross the sea?
swim over?Silent life is obviously not that hard!
fly over?Although Shen Mo really wanted to fly to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, but he didn't have flying skills, so it was impossible for him to fly.

That Qinggong floats on the water, floats over?It's even more unrealistic. Although Mo Mo's strength can make it possible to walk on water for a short time, it is only for a short time. Before stepping a hundred meters, he will fall into the cold sea due to lack of physical strength, and will be slaughtered by the dragon at will. The meat of the chopping board.

He shook his head, these methods are obviously not feasible, let's think of some practical methods.

Shen Mo cast his eyes on the dense jungle behind him, the towering ancient trees seemed to be posing towards Shen Mo, and murmured silently, you should have thought of us a long time ago, we are your best choice for crossing the sea Woolen cloth.

That's right, the most normal way Shen Mo thought of was to use the ancient trees behind him to build a wooden boat across the Sea of ​​Miracles.

Boat!But it is one of the greatest inventions of mankind to conquer the ocean.Its appearance made human beings start to try to conquer her while being in awe of the sea.

Someone once said, my treasure? I can give it all to you if you want it, find it! This is where everything in the world is stored! Men are all flying to the sea with flags, and the world has ushered in the era of great pirates!
Tsk tsk, pursed his mouth in silence, feeling the breath of that era, he took off a piece of cloth from his clothes and tied it on his arm. This is a simple ceremony for those who are about to go to sea, implying blessings and hopes.

"Come on, let's conquer the Sea of ​​Miracles!"

Silence waved the phantom battle ax passionately in his hands. Under Nan Nan's surprised eyes, he walked firmly towards those ancient trees. They have grown here for an unknown number of years, but now they will be turned into bone and flesh, casting a tree that belongs to Silence. of warships, the great warships used to conquer the Sea of ​​Miracles.

hum!hum!One operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the ancient ones that fell under the Silent Tomahawk are neatly arranged one by one, as the basic material for shipbuilding.

And Shen Mo, who already has the skills of a master woodcarver, is more and more confident in the next shipbuilding process. Although he has never built a ship by himself, he has never eaten pork or seen a pig running?

After an hour of model building in the early stage, a wooden sailboat the size of a palm appeared in the palm of Shen Mo. He stepped to the beach, put the sailboat down, and wanted to try the effect.

Plop!The sailboat entered the water, and before it had time to react, it sank to the bottom of the sea and disappeared.


Nan Nan: "???"

The scene was very embarrassing for a time, the silence was very helpless, Nan Nan was uncomfortable with holding back his laughter.

Sure enough, if you don't know how to build a ship, the light-sculpted model can't enter the sea.

So Shen Mo wants to give up this method?

No, it is not his code of conduct to give up lightly. He is a man of command and knows what he is doing and what he wants.

Shen Mo plunged his hands into the icy sea water, groped for a long time, and fished out the failed sailboat. He carefully studied it for a long time and began to improve the structure of the sailboat.

About half an hour later, a brand new wooden boat appeared in his palm.

This time silently eliminated many complicated steps, directly retaining the most original function of the ship-carrying people!If it is to carry people, only one hull is needed, so the most primitive canoe appeared.

It has a smooth bottom, pointed head and tail, and the head and tail are raised. It is shaped like a shuttle, shaped like an arrow, like a flat boat, and as small as dust.

But such a canoe, in the hands of Shen Mo, can become a big killer beyond the miracle of crossing.

He put the model into the sea again, and the canoe floated slowly, steady like an old dog, drifting with the current.

Mo Mo was determined, no more hesitation, and immediately started building the ship. He first selected an ancient tree, removed the redundant branches, leaving only the straight trunk, and then activated the wood carving master skill, holding the battle ax in his hand, and slashed it down like a pear blossom in a rainstorm. In just an hour, a canoe big enough to carry him appeared on the coast.

[Canoe (Weapon Blessing) (Master's Light)]

[This is a canoe that has been blessed with weapons and the light of the master. The breath it emits can deter marine life. The blessing of the light of the master makes this effect even more significant.Finally, the perfect carving gives it a unique streamlined hull, which greatly improves its speed. 】

Silently checked the information about playing canoe, the corners of his mouth raised confidently, and he was sure in his heart that this was his magic weapon to conquer the sea of ​​miracles.

Of course, the sea cannot be crossed with just a canoe, and the silence needs something else.


Do you use paddles for rowing?
Ordinary boats naturally need oars, but a silent boat doesn't need oars at all, because it has more powerful power than oars.

Mo Mo picked up the Phantom Tomahawk and pushed the canoe into the Sea of ​​Miracles. He jumped into the boat with his feet connected, and then his motivation came.

hum!I saw Shen Mo activated his mimicry ability, and countless vines as thin as fingers spread out from his back. They circled and interlaced like spirit snakes, gathered along the stern, plunged into the sea, and condensed into a huge and powerful wooden spiral.

You thought this was the end?No, things are not that simple.

Silence's arms vibrated, and the demon's power surged and condensed. In an instant, two huge demon hands appeared. They were as flexible as fists, and submerged into the sea, stirring up waves as tall as a person.

Ow!so amazing!
Nan Nan saw it in her eyes and was shocked in her heart.She didn't expect Shen Mo to have such a powerful operation, she could fly like crazy.Is this the legendary rowing that relies on waves instead of oars? !

(End of this chapter)

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