The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 256 Young Man, You Are Rich

Chapter 256 Young Man, You Are Rich

Shen Mo sank his consciousness into the Heavenly Demon Realm, and found Zhang Jiayi's and the other three's evil thoughts trees from more than 200 evil thoughts trees. Immediately, the ink vortex appeared, and first released the evil thoughts tree that parasitized Zhang Jiayi.

Buzz!Under Shen Mo's order, the Xie Nian Shu let out a deep mournful cry, and countless cicada-winged tentacles detached from Zhang Jiayi's body, and then turned into a stream of light and fled back to the Tongtian Demon Realm.

Mo Mo stepped in front of Zhang Jiayi. After the slow healing process before, her injuries had already recovered to a good degree. At this moment, she swayed a little and woke up leisurely.

Huh? !

Zhang Jiayi murmured slightly, she slowly opened her beautiful eyes, half drunk and half awake, vaguely saw the silent figure.

"Am I dreaming? Silence, I dreamed of you again. These days I can dream of you every moment, why? Why do you always appear in my dreams... Am I already in love with you .”

Silence answered, "No, you didn't."

Zhang Jiayi: "???"

She was stunned for a moment, and gradually recovered her sanity, which made her realize that she was not in a dream, but was actually in reality. Realizing this, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were bewildered, and she was at a loss for what had just happened. As he said that, he was ashamed to find a hole in the ground and burrow into it, completely forgetting the silent "You didn't" answer.

Mo Mo raised his hand, put his palm on Zhang Jiayi's forehead, gave her a step and said, "You seem to have a little fever, so you must have been talking nonsense just now."

Zhang Jiayi was so smart, she immediately went down the steps and said, "Well, I feel a little uncomfortable, my head is in a daze, and I don't know what I just said, don't mind."

Shen Shen shook his head, "I don't mind, you know, I'm very casual."

Silence is indeed very casual. His attitude towards Zhang Jiayi is very contradictory. This woman has the capital and ability to make most men flock to him. Silence is not unavoidable. He also thinks that Zhang Jiayi is a very good life partner. She is beautiful, rich, and has a good job. , with a high degree of education and a good personality. If you give a very good evaluation, at least an eighth will start.

But I just think, keep silent about this person, he has a slight cleanliness, he doesn't mind buying a second-hand house, but if someone died inside, it would be a little annoying.

It's the truth, it's realistic, and it hurts.It is inevitable that some people will be offended, so I will not investigate this issue in detail.

cough cough!Mo Mo coughed twice, and the two skipped the topic tacitly.

"Thank you, you came to save me." Zhang Jiayi was very grateful. Although she didn't know how Shen Mo knew that she was trapped in Wanbao Mountain, but when life and death were in danger, if someone came to save her, that would be the best thing in the world. Lucky thing.

Shen Mo smiled, "Don't be polite to me, saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda! Oh yes, not only did I save you, but I also saved other people."

Shen Mo briefly introduced the situation of the Xie Nian Shu to Zhang Jiayi, and then opened the Tongtian Demon Realm without any shyness in front of her, releasing the three parasitized Zhang Guofeng.

Um? !Zhang Jiayi's beautiful eyes were tightly locked. She was first refreshed by Silence's method of changing things through the air, and then she was terrified by the hideous appearance of the evil thought tree.

And when she saw clearly that the person parasitized by the evil thought tree was her father, Zhang Guofeng, she rushed to the evil thought tree, trying to rescue Zhang Guofeng.


Although Zhang Jiayi hated her father who came to find another branch in spring, in the final analysis, Zhang Guofeng was still her father. The love between father and daughter was deep, and blood was thicker than water.

"Your dad is fine!"

As he said silently, with a wave of his wrist, the cicada wings and tentacles of the evil thought tree retreated one after another, releasing Zhang Guofeng and the three of them. Except for Zhang Guofeng who was protected by Zhang Jiayi, the other two fell to the ground powerlessly.


Zhang Jiayi called repeatedly, but she couldn't wake up the unconscious Zhang Guofeng.

Silence stepped forward, "It's useless for you to shake like this. They have been parasitized by the evil thought tree for too long, and their vitality has been damaged. If they want to recover, I need to take action."

As he spoke silently, he stretched out his palm and at the same time used the power of purification and slow healing to heal Zhang Guofeng's injury.

Zhang Jiayi, who was on the side, looked into her eyes and was shocked in her heart. The magic tricks displayed by Silence one after another ruined her three views and confused her cognition, even though she had long known that there were ghosts in this world.

But the power displayed by silence is more and more metaphysical, and it can no longer be inferred by common sense. How can she not be surprised? Even an outsider can see that the power of silence is much stronger than before.

An idea came to Zhang Jiayi's mind, and she couldn't help but want to learn from Zhou Shuren, abandon medicine and pursue literature, and follow Shen Mo to learn Taoism and metaphysics.

But she couldn't say it after all, maybe because she was afraid of being rejected by silence, or maybe she had other concerns. In short, this thought flashed by and was deeply hidden in her heart.

After Shen Mo treated Zhang Guofeng, he stood up to help Li Peng and Hu Jiu. After about 10 minutes, the three woke up slowly. After Zhang Jiayi's brief introduction, they had a basic understanding of each other, and they all knew that Shen Mo was their savior. .

Zhang Guofeng looked Shen Mo up and down very carefully. Judging from Shen Mo's appearance, temperament and clothing taste, he was nothing special at all, and there was nothing outstanding about him.

Such a person can't be found for a second after being thrown in the crowd, and he suddenly turned into their savior.

There's something tricky in here!

Zhang Guofeng's sharp eyes swept over Zhang Jiayi. According to what his daughter said, Mo Mo is a master with great means, his cultivation is unfathomable, and his future is limitless.

Hidden expert? !
Zhang Guofeng scoffed, he was born in gold mines, he has met eight hundred if not one thousand high-ranking people, most of them are villains who play tricks and cheat money and power.

Even if one is really capable, one cannot hide one's desire to hide these days. In a materialistic world, there are very few people who are alone.

Judging from Shen Mo's age, he is probably just a fledgling young man with some skills, but not too high.

His keen intuition told him that there was something wrong with the way his daughter Zhang Jiayi looked at Shen Mo, she looked like a slut looking at her lover.

Thinking about it this way, it's probably because of her daughter's little boy who is trying to gain power, her abilities are mediocre, but she is a master at picking up girls.

Zhang Guofeng didn't know how terrible the danger they were facing, but it was a pity that there was no memory after being parasitized, and Shen Mo and Zhang Jiayi were unwilling to mention too much the danger of the underground world.

Therefore, Zhang Guofeng only thought that he and others had experienced an ordinary mine disaster.

As for Shen Mo, he was probably a fool who had learned some metaphysics and was lucky enough to rescue them, or a villain who liked his family property and capital, and borrowed his daughter to get rich.

Such a person is just a small character who can be fooled by a little favor, or a promise of big cake.

"Young man, you are very rich."

Zhang Guofeng was arrogant, and muttered with the posture of a superior, "Thank you for saving us, how about this, from today on, you follow me, and I, Zhang Guofeng, will never treat you badly."

Mo Mo frowned, staring at Zhang Guofeng contemptuously. After all, he is a gold mine businessman, so he must have the ability to check people, right?But he still said such things, obviously he didn't take himself seriously, thinking that he was a small character who came to cheat money and sex?

Ignorant and ridiculous, compared with Zhang Jiayi, she is not at all compulsive.

Silently snorted coldly, expressing his displeasure. To deal with such a person who judges people by their appearance and looks down on others, there is no need for deep friendship, no need to talk about friendship, just talk about benefits, "Boss Zhang, don't lie to me, I Saved the four of you. Zhang Jiayi's I will calculate with her in the future, and for you, Weixin is still Zhifubao."

Zhang Jiayi smiled and said nothing, secretly thinking that the silence is still the same as before, talking about money with people, talking about love deeply, and pretending to love money on the surface, but in fact it is wise to eliminate those who are not worthy of close friendship.

Zhang Guofeng sneered, secretly thinking that he really didn't guess, Shen Mo is indeed a greedy little person.

Li Peng and Hu Jiu looked confused, secretly thinking that the money must be paid by the boss.

 A book of PY [the strongest circle of friends in the heavens]

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(End of this chapter)

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