The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 257 Crazy Hints

Chapter 257 Crazy Hints
"We'll talk about the money later. You see, Uncle Zhang suffered a catastrophe, the mine collapsed, and the workers disappeared. Now it's time to spend money. It's really tight. When Uncle Zhang relaxes, change the situation." How about thanking you for saving your life today?!"

Zhang Guofeng changed the subject, using the mine disaster as an excuse, trying to fool the silence.

In Shen Mo's view, Wanbaoshan Mine suffered such a catastrophe, and the number of people affected by the disaster exceeded a hundred people. This was a time of great grief and distress for Wanfu Gold and ordinary workers' families. Ask again.

After all, asking for money is false, but severing friendship is true.Silence doesn't want Zhang Guofeng's stinky money, but just doesn't want to have too much intersection with such a person. The simple debt relationship between the two is enough, and there must be no other relationship, such as father-in-law, brother and so on.

After finishing Zhang Guofeng's matter, Shen Mo turned his attention to Li Peng and Hu Jiu. Seeing what they meant, they were completely standing with Zhang Guofeng. over this one.

However, Li Peng and Hu Jiu still had to have a good talk.

Mo Mo first found Li Peng, patted him heavily on the shoulder, shook his head and smiled wryly, "My friend, as the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed. You are really lucky to survive."

The other party was a little at a loss, and echoed repeatedly, "Thanks to you, if you hadn't rescued us, we wouldn't have been able to..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Mo let out a long sigh, as if he was extremely embarrassed.

He has rich experience in society, so he naturally saw that Mo Mo had something to say, so he asked, "Brother, if you have something to say, I'll wait."

"It's nothing serious, that's it," Moment reminded tactfully, "I know a man whose wife cheated on him, and the child is not his. I'm debating whether to tell him or not."

Li Peng was stunned and thought of himself at first, but after careful consideration, he and Shen Mo had never known each other, and it was impossible for the other party to know the situation in his family, so Mo Mo must be referring to someone else.

Ever since, the other party suggested, "This is easy to handle! You can hint him."

Silently pondered, "Hint? This is a good way."

I saw Shen Mo put his arms around each other, and pointed to a large green grassland behind him, "Friend, look at this grassland, how beautiful it is."

The other party nodded, "It's really beautiful. Although Wanbaoshan is a mining area, its environment is really beautiful."

Seeing that the other party didn't understand what he meant, Mo Mo pointed to the forest at the end of the grassland, "Look, how green that forest is."

"The grass looks far away but there is nothing! I have been to that forest, and it is no longer green when I walk in, but it looks green from a distance..."

He was startled, and stared at Shen Mo with weird eyes, as if he was questioning Mo Mo, what do you mean? !

Silence shrugged, what could I mean?I'm just following what you mean and hinting at what you mean.

It's a pity that your EQ is not high enough. Under my crazy suggestion, don't you understand?

The other party's face was shocked, and his lips muttered, "Brother, you can't be talking about me."

Shen Mo didn't answer directly, but bowed down and plucked a green grass from the ground, and helped the other party wear it on the top of his head, "Come on, don't be too polite, look how well this color suits you."

The other person's face turned pale in an instant, which was hinted at the top of his head. How could he not understand that the friend that Silent spoke of was really him, he was cheated on, and the child was not his?How can this be?

"Brother, don't be kidding, you can't joke about this."

Silently smiled without saying a word, pointing to the end, there are too many things in this world that are true and false, false and true, the reason why Shen Mo insists on telling the other party is because he feels that the other party has the right to know, as for what he will do in the future How to choose is up to him.

Silence left the other party in a daze, and walked to Hu Jiu again.

Mo Mo and Li Peng's counterpart, Hu Jiu, listened carefully, and when he saw the other party approaching him, he shuddered instantly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Brother, my wife loves me very much. I don't have a son, and the daughter must be mine."

Silence chuckled, "Who told you this. What I want to ask you is where is branch 40 of No. 361 mine?"

Hu Jiu smiled awkwardly, as long as he didn't come here to hint madly, he could ask anything, "The 361 Branch Road is just to the east of Wanbao Mountain, but it has collapsed there, and the people inside... hey."

Hu Jiu let out a long sigh, full of grief. Although the 361 branch road is not deep, the safety measures are not up to standard. Those who can't escape in time may be in danger.

"Brother, why are you asking this?"

Shen Mo didn't answer the other party, and asked again about the specific situation of Branch 361, and then got away and prepared to leave.

Zhang Jiayi saw that Shen Mo was about to leave, so she quickly pulled him back, and asked anxiously, "Silence, where are you going?"


After dropping two words, he silently stepped forward, and disappeared from everyone's sight after a while.

Zhang Jiayi remained silent, she still had a lot of words of thanks to Shen Mo, but saving lives is a major matter, so there should be no delay.

Zhang Guofeng was dumbfounded. The speed that Shen Mo showed just now was faster than Bolt, just like a martial arts master in a martial arts novel, with his light work, he disappeared without a trace.

"Jiayi, this friend of yours is really amazing, have you ever learned lightness kung fu?"

Zhang Jiayi stared at the direction where Shen Mo left, and replied in a dazed manner, "His ability is great, your ignorance has missed his trust."

Zhang Guofeng was stunned, he realized that he had misjudged, Mo Mo really seemed to be an extraordinary person, not a villain who used her daughter to cling to wealth.

But Zhang Guofeng didn't panic at all, because he knew in his heart that as long as his daughter didn't break up with Shen Mo, he would have a chance to get back together with Mo Mo again.

Let's say goodbye to Zhang Jiayi and others in silence, and rushed to the 361 branch without stopping. The purpose is naturally to rescue the people trapped in it. Of course, Akai's father is among these people.

Shen Mo couldn't help complaining, his mission this time should not be called exploring the underground world, it should be called helping people call daddy, calling a daddy, and another daddy, it's not over at all.

Another reason is that Shen Mo didn't get a cash reward from Zhang Jiayi's side. Based on the principle of never being an air force, he got the whole benefit no matter what.

Akai's father came to buy the ore, he belonged to the buyer, and in this incident belonged to the victim, so, in theory, as long as Silence rescued them, there was no reason for them not to be grateful.

Made up his mind, silently ignoring the message ringing in his mind.

【Ding!After the task is completed, the space portal can be opened, whether it is opened or not. 】

He decided to rescue Akai's father first, and then it would not be too late to open the space portal.

call!Mo Mo took a long breath and shouted, "Go, help someone save Dad again."

 Is this chapter water?
  Naturally, it is a little watery.But the bell can't help it. Who told me to drink too much water?

  Support Guoman, I hope everyone understands, don't send me blades, I have received several boxes, and I can't sell them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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