The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 258 We will never retreat

Chapter 258 We will never retreat
The 361st Branch Road of Wanbaoshan Mining Area.

Although the 361 branch road is just an inconspicuous one among the many mines, recently there is news that a large number of high-quality rough stones have been found in the 361 mine road, which is suspected to be a large mine, which has attracted many jewelers to flock to it.

Most of the businessmen just look at the showroom, but Akai's father Xu Zhangxun is a hardcore businessman, he likes to go to the mine to see the rough ore in person.

Therefore, when the mine disaster happened, Xu Zhangxun became the only businessman listed on the list of trapped persons.

Although this encounter was unexpected, it was within reason.

The gust of wind howled in Shen Mo's ears. As his speed became faster and faster, the originally easy-going wind slashed at him like a blade. If it wasn't for the holy light of the weapon's blessing that enveloped him, he might not have increased his speed to If you go to the extreme, you will be squeezed by the powerful air and you will be out of breath.

Is this a sound barrier? !
No, the speed of Silence cannot reach the level of triggering the sound barrier at all. This is just the change of air pressure caused by high-speed movement. Even so, it is difficult for the body of ordinary people to bear it for a long time. A constant cannot be measured by the standard of ordinary people. Just taking the physical properties of the blessing of weapons as an example is enough to make the most authoritative scientists look confused.

Silence is not a scholar, he doesn't care about these academic things, he just needs to know how to use this power, after all, he is not Chen Laomo, he doesn't understand academic research.

Soon, Shen Mo came near the 361 branch road. Before he could find the collapsed mine entrance, he saw a group of rescue workers struggling to carry the gravel and soil to clean up the collapsed mine entrance.

At the same time, he also saw an acquaintance - Akai.

How did he come to Wanbao Mountain so quickly? !Only six or seven hours have passed since Silence told him the rescue address.

Shen Mo estimated the time. In theory, if he had a private jet, he could indeed travel from Yancheng to Wanbaoshan.

Shen Mo soon found a helicopter on a relatively flat grass nearby, which made perfect sense. Akai knew the whereabouts of his father from Shen Mo, so he directly contacted the rescuers, took a helicopter, and traveled all the way. Come and save Dad.

This is such a good son!
Shen Mo nodded slightly, although the first image of A Kai was not very good, but for the sake of his filial piety, he can get a little more recognition.

Silently tapped his feet, and jumped to Akai's side, "You came pretty fast!"

Um? !Akai was engrossed in urging the progress of the rescuers, completely unaware that there was someone approaching behind him, and trembling in shock at the sudden greeting.

He wanted to yell at him, but when he turned his head to see the face of the visitor, he was stunned. After a moment of absence, he immediately reacted and exclaimed, "Master Shen, it's you!?"

Shen Mo waved his hand, "Don't call me master, most of those who call me master have been arrested these days, you should call me Big Brother Shen."

Akai nodded again and again, "Brother Shen, are you here to help me?"

"What else? Do you think I came to Wanbaoshan to say hello to you after all the hard work?" Shen Mo didn't want to admit that he came to save his father by the way. What's more, if you come here on a special trip, you can naturally ask for more for a short-term transaction.

"That's right..." Akai pondered and asked quickly, "Brother Shen, what you said is indeed right. I have contacted the person in charge of the mining area, and the information they gave confirms that my dad is trapped in branch 361, but now The entrance of the mine has collapsed, heavy machinery is temporarily unusable, and we can only clean it manually, but the progress is too slow, I am afraid that my dad and the workers inside will not be able to hold on..."

The more Akai spoke, the more anxious he became, the father-son affection was beyond words, "Brother, do you have a solution?"

That's the point of the question!Since Shen Mo came here in person, he must not have come to see the excitement of the rescuers. He must have a way to defuse the crisis at this moment.

Silence smiled and said, "Of course I have a way."

Akai heard the silent overtones, and said repeatedly, "That's really great, as long as the eldest brother can help me rescue my father and those workers, I, Dafu Jewelry, will definitely thank you very much."

Shen Mo nodded, with A Kai's words, his business was half done. He came to rescue Xu Zhangxun not only for a short-term reward, but another important reason was that Mo Mo got a lot of gems in the underground world. These gems All require professional handling to realize.

Shen Shen originally wanted to cooperate with Zhang Jiayi's father, Zhang Guofeng, but after getting in touch with him, he found that the other party's character was not good and he was not suitable for cooperation at all, so he chose Xu Zhangxun.

From Shen Mo's point of view, if he can raise a son who values ​​righteousness and filial piety, his father will most likely be no bad.

Back to the moment, Shen Mo stepped forward, jumped onto a boulder, and shouted loudly, "Everyone, stop."

With a loud shout, the rescuers stopped their hands one after another, looking up at Silence with surprised eyes, wondering what this guy who appeared out of nowhere wanted to do?
"What do you want to do?!" The captain of the rescue brigade stood up from the crowd, beckoning everyone to continue the rescue work, and stood still, shouting and asking in silence.

As the saying goes, human life is at stake. As rescuers, the sooner they open the mine tunnel, the more trapped people will be free from the threat of death. Therefore, in the process of their full rescue, the most taboo is to command blind people like Silence people.

Mo Mo glanced at the captain, and saw his name on his badge, "Captain Liu, please ask everyone to withdraw first."

Captain Liu was surprised, "Why? We are the only rescue team that can come, and the heavy machinery is blocked outside the mining area. If we withdraw again, the trapped people will undoubtedly be sentenced to death. We cannot withdraw, it is our responsibility."

"Yes, we can't withdraw!"

The rescuers joined in one after another. Their work did not stop because of this, but they became more motivated. Even if the gloves were worn out and blood was stained with stones and mud, they still did not do it. Moved.

Silence is endless, if he is just an ordinary person, he can only stand aside silently, pray for the underground people, and give spiritual support to the rescuers, but he is not an ordinary person, he has the ability to help the rescuers complete their mission together. duty of.

"Okay!" Silent compromised, he respected these cutest people, this has nothing to do with ability, but with personality, "but please make way for me, I am worried that my actions will hurt you by mistake."

Captain: "???"

Rescue personnel: "???"

Everyone was very puzzled, and they didn't understand what the words of silence meant.But as the captain's intuition, Captain Liu felt the special temperament in Shen Mo, which is not something ordinary people can have. He didn't joke anymore, he was serious. The commander retreated back to make room.

Everyone looked at Shen Mo, wanting to see what he would do next?
(End of this chapter)

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