The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 260 What is the cutest thing

Chapter 260 What is the cutest thing
What is the cutest thing?

If you ask this question to anyone, the answers they give are definitely different and similar.But in Shen Mo's heart, the cutest thing at the moment is naturally to turn the gems in Tongtian Demon Realm into a series of numbers on Weixin or Zhifubao that are too numerous to count.

Shen Mo felt that it was definitely the longest string of numbers he had ever seen since he was a child, and it was also the most reassuring string of numbers.

He first reported the situation of Wanbaoshan to the group leader Ma Shisan through the Weixin group, and asked her to send logistics personnel to deal with the aftermath. Then he took Xu's father and son to a remote corner to discuss cooperation.

Compared with Zhang Guofeng, Xu Zhangxun looks much more easy-going, like the uncle next door, giving people a friendly feeling. This kind of invisibly revealed affinity is what a businessman should have.

Harmony to generate wealth is the way to get rich.

Although the essence of doing business is to make money, if you want to transfer money from other people's pockets to your own, the most important thing is to be happy.

Happy you, happy customers, happy everyone.

As for some people, the most important thing is to be ruthless, fast, and accurate.Then congratulations, luxury single room and exquisite silver bracelet are waiting for you.Don't stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand.

"Master Shen, it really opened my eyes to have such superb skills at such a young age. Compared with my ineffective son, you are really a genius... I heard from Akai that you were in the woodcarving shop in Yancheng. Opening today, you can travel thousands of miles to Wanbaoshan to rescue Xu, such a kindness, should be repaid. I don't have any congratulatory gifts, so I will send someone a golden toad, a pair of gold-plated fortune trees, and gold-plated One piece of Jinsinan pilot rudder. Are you satisfied?"

Xu Zhangxun's words of praise were endless, but Shen Mo didn't listen to a few words, but Shen Mo listened carefully and clearly to the congratulatory gifts he ordered later.

Whoa!Mo Mo estimated that the total value of the things Xu Zhangxun just said would start at least 1000 million.Such a heavy gift, just open your mouth to give it? !

Silence pondered slightly, which was somewhat beyond his expectation, but after a little thought, he guessed Xu Zhangxun's mind.

First of all, Xu Zhangxun is a businessman, and a businessman seeks profit. This is his nature and principle. Therefore, Xu Zhangxun gave the gift of Silence not only to repay the current life-saving grace, but also to make friends with Silence. Please be silent.

What is there about Silence that Xu Zhangxun spared no expense to win over?
He subconsciously looked at the towering Wanbao Mountain behind him, and the answer to this question was ready to come out.That's right, it is the treasure mine in the Wanbao Mountain.

Xu Zhangxun wants to use the ability of silence to obtain the inexhaustible treasure mine from Wanbao Mountain. Since the ability of silence can save people from the mine, it is natural to take out the gems in the mine, and silence takes The speed of treasure is hundreds of times and thousands of times faster than that of normal operations, and the output is thousands of times and thousands of times higher.

How could Xu Zhangxun, a businessman, not see such a big business opportunity?He thought of this the moment he was rescued, so he spared no expense to thank Silence.

Listen to his last sentence, [Are you satisfied? 】Obviously, if Mo Mo says he is not satisfied, he still has a backhand behind him, and what is on the surface is just a water test stone, which is used to test the depth and ambition of Mo Mo.

Tut tut!Mo Mo couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the interest relationship between people is really wonderful and wonderful, mysterious and mysterious.

Seeing through the other party's motives, Mo Mo felt a bit more decisive, first he nodded slightly, and then shook his head again and again, which made Xu Zhangxun look uncertain and couldn't figure out Mo Mo's thoughts.

"If Xiaoyou Shen feels something is wrong, Akai and I will come to thank you for your kindness in a few days."

Nodding silently, "Then I'll prepare tea at Laifu Woodcarving Shop and wait for Boss Xu's arrival."

He secretly calculated that when Xu Zhangxun came again in a few days, there would be no reason to come empty-handed. Naturally, he had to prepare a generous gift, and Shen Mo dared to assure him that this generous gift was definitely more than the present one.

After all, Xu Zhangxun didn't have time to ask for silence, how could he be less polite?

And Shen Mo took advantage of this gap and asked Xu Zhangxun to help him deal with the gemstone in his hand.

Mo Mo changed the subject and said bluntly, "Boss Xu, I heard from Akai that your Dafu Jewelry is mainly engaged in jewelry and jade?"

Xu Zhangxun didn't expect Mo Mo to mention this point, and he responded repeatedly, "That's right, although Dafu Jewelry is not the leader in the jewelry industry in China, it is still one of the best, and its market share is extremely high."

Silence did not listen to Xu Zhangxun's self-promotion, he directly took out a top-quality diamond the size of a goose egg from Tongtian Demon Realm, flicked his wrist, and showed it in front of Xu Zhangxun and Akai.

The sun shines and the diamonds sparkle.

The eyes of Xu Zhangxun and A Kai were instantly attracted by this superb diamond, and they both took a breath, widened their eyes, and growled in disbelief, "This... this is a diamond! High-quality diamonds of this weight are simply... priceless treasures! Priceless treasures!"

Xu Zhangxun screamed again and again, causing the rescuers around him to look sideways. When he realized something, he immediately silenced, quickly stopped his silent palm, and held it tightly, his eyes filled with excitement and excitement.

"Little friend Shen, no, Brother Shen, are you going to sell this diamond?"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, and he was a little embarrassed to see Xu Zhangxun's excited appearance. After all, this diamond is considered to be of medium quality in the Silent Tongtian Demon Realm, and there are many better diamonds than this one. Does he think it's troublesome? I took it out, but I didn't expect that just this one would surprise Xu Zhangxun.

"I took it out, of course I want to sell it. Boss Xu, give me a price?"

Xu Zhangxun tightened his grip on Shen Mo's hand, as if he was afraid of Mo Mo's repentance. He said solemnly, "The value of this diamond is still measurable. As long as you find the world's top sculptors to carve it, it will The value of it is the real priceless treasure.”

"Brother Shen, if you trust me, you can entrust this gemstone to my Dafu Jewelry for engraving auction. At that time, I will hold a global diamond auction exchange conference and invite the world's major jewelers to come to bid. You are satisfied with the price. Of course, Dafu Jewelry only charges you an extremely low handling fee, which is so low that it is negligible compared to the value of diamonds."

Silence is also a little surprised, isn't it just a diamond?There are still many in his Tongtian Demon Realm. As for mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people like this, he also holds auctions and invites celebrities from all walks of life, and sells them directly for money. Isn't it delicious?

According to Xu Zhangxun's meaning, if according to his plan, the value of this gem can be multiplied countless times, and Mo Mo doesn't worry about spending money right now, he can wait for it.

Therefore, Mo Mo readily agreed to Xu Zhangxun, he didn't take out even a single gem, and when Xu Zhangxun sold this gem, it would not be too late for him to take it out.

After talking about the cooperation with Xu's father and son, Shen Mo left with an excuse, found a hidden place, opened the portal, and returned to Laifu Wood Carving Shop.

When he just stepped into the bedroom, he saw the anxious Hua Yingjun pacing back and forth in the bedroom, chattering endlessly.

"Brother, you said that your house has a good opening today. You don't want to stay at home and go to Wanbaoshan to save people. This is too dedicated. Look, the opening ceremony will be held soon, can you still do it?" Hurry back? What do you want me to do without the opening ceremony of the master?"

Um? !Hua Yingjun had just finished muttering, when he saw the silence stepping out of the space portal at a glance, the two looked at each other, and were speechless for a while.


Did this kid speak ill of me just now? !

Hua Yingjun: "Hold the grass? What did I just see? A magic portal?! This is unscientific and unethical. It's actually magic?!"

(End of this chapter)

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