Chapter 261

Hua Yingjun was stupefied. He had always thought that Mo Mo, who studied under Niutoushan, was a serious underground Taoist priest with extraordinary Taoism skills. He had practiced body training skills to the point where he could kick him tens of meters with one kick. Realm, the art of talismans is also quite accomplished, and it has been able to sell on a small scale in the super game.

How could such an amazing Taoist know how to play magic? !The law of heaven, justice, and the great injustice!

Today, Hua Yingjun finally opened his eyes. It was the first time he saw and heard that someone could use Taoist talismans and Western magic so superbly.

Besides, he had never heard of magic in the west, but it was rumored that the west also had a mysterious organization, and there were some characters with superpowers in it.

Most of his understanding of magic comes from online novels, but this does not affect Hua Yingjun's judgment.

These two systems are completely different. The average person will become obsessed when they are forced to practice, and they will not be able to take care of themselves in severe cases. In the next life, they will be dependent on the ICP intensive care bed.

But looking at Shen Mo's lively appearance, Hua Yingjun can guess with his toes that there is a big secret hidden in Mo Mo's body.

Hua Yingjun wanted to ask, but unfortunately he didn't have the courage, so he could only stand where he was, gave a thumbs up, and praised silently, "Brother, Niubi."

Silently smiled, you bastard, do you think I won't hold you accountable for breaking into the bedroom if you say something that everyone knows?

Why don't you organize the store celebration downstairs, why go to the bedroom on the second floor?
Hua Yingjun was really suffering and couldn't tell. The Shanghai sister group he had invited before had an accident with changing faces, so he bought them air tickets overnight and sent them back.

Originally, I planned to hold all the performances by myself on the day of the store celebration, but who would have thought that the host would not be seen on the day of the store celebration, leaving only the guests and excitement in the venue, you say it is annoying or not.

Hua Yingjun kept muttering, "Brother, don't talk. Hurry up and come down with me, the crowds downstairs are all waiting for you alone."

"Wait for me alone?" Shen Mo was a little puzzled. Although his family made the store celebration, it is not qualified or necessary for the crowd to wait for him alone. It will start when the time comes. How can there be so many tricks.

Hua Yingjun explained, "Brother, you don't know something. In order to enhance the atmosphere of the scene, I transferred over a hundred professional group performers from Hengdian overnight, five hundred per person, including round-trip air tickets, food and lodging. Such a big battle , if the decision-maker doesn’t come, who would dare to make a fuss first?”

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, and he was really speechless for a while, Hua Yingjun is really a talent.

In the past, I often heard that people who sell houses and cars find actors to harass them, and pack [-] lunches a day, but now holding a shop celebration is so ceremonial, it is almost stinky to the extreme.

However, Silence likes it very much, at least there is no need to worry about the silence.

To be honest, the location of Laifu woodcarving shop is a bit remote, and the usual traffic is pitifully small. Only half of the people with a radius of 500 meters know that there is a woodcarving shop here. He was really worried at the time when the store was celebrating. It would be embarrassing if there were not as many customers as those celebrating the store.

Now that there are a hundred or so people listening to the group performers they dispatched to help out online, there is no need to worry about whether the scene is cold or not, but how lively it is.

Mo Mo followed Hua Yingjun downstairs, and was shocked by the sight in front of him as soon as he arrived at the shop on the first floor.

I saw that the small Laifu woodcarving shop is exquisitely cared for. The wooden shelves are full of rare and exotic carvings. There are big carvings before Zhou Laifu, and there are small things carved by Silence, and some are not even silent. The woodcarving works I have seen, judging from the carving techniques and skills, I think it is an excellent work that Hua Yingjun borrowed from some master, no, bought it to fill the scene.

Looking outside the Fumu Carving Store, there are red flags waving, gongs and drums blaring, and a sea of ​​people. Even if the store celebration has not started, it is still very lively and full of voices.

Before Shen Mo had time to praise Hua Yingjun, he was dragged out of the Fu wood carving shop by the other party. As soon as he stepped out of the store, he heard Hua Yingjun shouting at the top of his voice.

"Brother is here, let's start the store celebration."

clap clap clap!
The enthusiastic applause came like a tide, shaking the silent eardrums, and looking at the performance stage that had been set up long ago, there were about a hundred people in unison, although they were dressed in different clothes. , but the temperament of the gestures is generally the same, completely under the command of Hua Yingjun, which heightens the atmosphere of the scene and ignites the whole scene in an instant.

Immediately, Silence was dragged onto the performance stage by Hua Yingjun, and the lines prepared for Silence were stuffed into his hands with a look of contempt. Welcome down.

Then, our handsome Hua appeared on the stage.

I saw that he was still wearing a neat suit a moment ago, but now he changed into an alternative hip-hop costume.

"Hello everyone, next, I, Hua Yingjun, will bring you an opening song [DJ version today is a good day] for everyone, I like it, everyone likes it."

Move every time!Ivy Babe!One time is enough!
The explosive music combined with the cheerful rhythm and drums, as well as the lyrics with very local characteristics, instantly detonated the audience, and they were so excited to the sky.

Shen Mo was stunned. There is also a DJ version of this thing, which is an eye-opener for him today.Besides, Shen Mo didn't expect Hua Yingjun to have such a skill, don't say that you are really good at singing.

When the song was over, Mo Mo thought that Hua Yingjun was about to leave the stage, only to hear Hua Yingjun report again.

"Thank you everyone. Next, I will invite Hua Yingjun to bring you an impromptu popping. I hope you like it."


Audience: "???"

Is this a store celebration or a personal concert? !Could it be that Hua Yingjun was the only actor in the show?Don't tell me, Hua Yingjun is really the only one.

Ever since the accident with the Shanghai Sisters Group, Hua Yingjun, who had lingering fears in his heart, had no intention of looking for any support group. He felt that with his talent, it would be no problem at all to resist the program list of the next store celebration event.

After all, Hua Yingjun, as the second generation of rich, likes to tinker with these talents when he has nothing to do. If his father didn't force him to learn the 36 Fengshui secrets, he would probably have become a trainee who has practiced for several years now.

The dance music sounded, and Hua Yingjun's body vibrated in conjunction with the drumbeat. The vibration was simply eye-catching, and the dancing skills did not belong to professional dancers who had been immersed in it for many years.

Silently exclaimed, "Hua Yingjun, you are really versatile!"

At the end of the song, Hua Yingjun will also bring you a stand-up comic, an electric guitar rock song, a poem praising the beauty of China, and what's even more frightening is that he also acts as the host in the middle of the show, inserting a paragraph about the future Advertisement for Fu wood carving shop.

Versatile and handsome, it is simply terrifying.

This shop celebration was very successful, at least Shen Mo himself was very satisfied.

Such battles and movements naturally attracted a large number of melon-eaters who came to watch the excitement. Although they would not patronize Laifu Woodcarving Shop, they would at least advertise for Laifu Woodcarving Shop.

"Hey, do you know? There is a very impressive woodcarving shop opened in that corner of the old town. On the opening day, it was full of gongs and drums, and it was crowded with people. It was very lively."

After this time of steaming, the name of Laifu Woodcarving Shop officially started in Yancheng.

As for what kind of business it is mainly engaged in?
Of course, the main business is woodcarving, and the sideline is cleaning.

(End of this chapter)

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