The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 262 Laifu's Stage Name

Chapter 262 Laifu's Stage Name

"It's so lively? Which company is this holding an event, and what are they selling? Are there any free things?"

The aunt next door was carrying a bag of scallions and asked the people around her eagerly, for fear that she would miss out on the benefits, and wanted to figure out what was going on right now.

"This is the re-opening of the Laifu woodcarving store, and it's celebrating the store."

"Laifu?! Isn't that Zhou Dadiao, who is in his twenties and can't even ask for it, and only knows how to carve wood in the shop? He has made a fortune? Doing such a big battle?" The aunt next door looked surprised, with There is also a little jealousy and contempt.

"Hey, don't be a scholar for three days and treat each other with admiration. It's so easy to get rich in this day and age? It's common to get rich overnight and become famous overnight. Besides, people change their stage names. It's not called Zhou Da Diao now, it's called Zhou Da Diao. Silence." A melon eater who didn't want to leave his name glanced at the aunt beside him, and subconsciously moved to the side, for fear that the aunt would continue to disturb him watching the performance on the stage, and said where did this star come from? It's him who is alone, and he doesn't have a heavy style of hi, he is simply too talented.

The aunt next door yelled loudly, "Whether he is called Da Diao or Mo Mo, what I care about is whether he has free things to send?"

"It's not a supermarket that Renyi Woodcarving Shop gives away for free."

The aunt does not believe in evil, "Hey? The boss is so stingy. He doesn't even give a gift when he is holding an event. What about the woodcarving shop? Can't the woodcarving shop give some woodcarvings for fun? My grandson just needs toys Mile."

The aunt next door was yelling, so she greeted a few familiar middle-aged women, walked vigorously, and prepared to go to the silent store door to ask for some gifts.

This formation is very different from their weakness when they were working as a bus. They are like wolves and hungry tigers, very penetrating.

The aunt next door has naturally seen Silence, otherwise she would not have said a word about the situation before Silence.It's just that poor people make trouble and no one asks, and rich people have distant relatives in the mountains.The aunt next door has always looked down on Shen Mo, and even the third daughter of her family, who is about [-] catties, does not want to be introduced to Shen Mo.

Of course, silence is not willing to press F to get on the tank.

Not long after, the group of aunts next door came to the door of Laifu woodcarving shop, and met Shen Mo who was watching the store celebration performance.

Um? !Shen Mo raised his eyebrows, and the memory of the aunt next door emerged from the depths of his memory. The corners of his mouth raised and he smiled contemptuously. Isn't this the aunt who sneered and came to bless her many times?Why is she here?Did you come to find a driver for her tank?
"Come... no, you've changed your name to Silence now, right?" the aunt shouted loudly.

Nodding silently and politely, today is the celebration of his family's shop, so it is natural to live with face.

"Tsk tsk! I didn't expect you to keep quiet about this poor boy and he would have a prosperous day. What's the matter? Which rich woman will Diao Da Diao favor? Or go out and buy a lottery ticket and win the first prize?"

Silently sneered, the aunt's mouth was always so twitching in his memory, so he just listened to it as a joke, after all, how could a swan be able to lower her body and scream?When a dog bites a man, there is no reason for a man to bite back.

Seeing the silent smile, the aunt changed the subject quite wittily, "Today is your day of great joy, so I won't bury you. However, you have made such a big noise that you have seriously disturbed the people, do you know? Nothing Having said that, let us go in, show the baby a few wood carvings, and go back to play with them as toys, and this matter is over."

Silently, it turned out that she had such a purpose, no wonder she gathered a group of people with a aggressive look, cooperating with the broad daylight and taking advantage of the big day, to grab it openly.

Hey, it's interesting!Now is the period of the special campaign against crime. As the saying goes, there is black and black, but there is no black and evil.The behavior and nature of this group of people can be defined as evil!
Silently smiled, turned on the phone's camera silently, and faced the group of people, "What did you just say? The music was too loud, I couldn't hear clearly."

The aunt next door sneered, "Hey, it's still such a stick when you're rich. I said you're disturbing the people with your activities. If you don't let us enter the store to get some wood carvings, this matter will never end with you."

"Auntie, our event has already been reported, and it's a daytime event. Why is it disturbing the people? If you want to enter the shop to get wood carvings, will you give me money?"

The aunt shouted, "Why do I talk to you for the money? I don't have any money, so what do I get for nothing?"

"Collaborating with you, is this Ming Qiang?"

"Is it because of the Ming robbery? You are going to hold an event today, if we people make a fuss for you, can you still do it?"

Tut tut!It makes sense.If these aunts make a fuss, the activities of Laifu Woodcarving Shop will really be blackened, and Hua Yingjun's hard work will be in vain because of these aunts.

These days, barefoot people are really not afraid of wearing shoes.

Shen Mo turned off the video recording of the mobile phone and checked it again. The video and sound are very clear, the evidence is conclusive, and the crime is beyond doubt.Immediately, he sent the video to Team Niu, and then called Team Niu.

"Hey, Team Niu, have you been short of performance recently?"

"Xiao Mo, I'm not a salesman. What performance are we talking about? Are you busy? Just say it."

"That's right, you don't call it performance. However, I sent you a video. You can watch it before talking. I won't hang up the phone."

After a while, Team Niu's voice sounded again.

"Relying on the old to sell the old, bullying others with power. Xiao Mo, you wait, I will lead the team there immediately. Such a vicious village bully should have been taught a lesson long ago."

"Okay, I'll wait."

Shen Mo hung up the phone and stared at the other party with a smile. The other party seemed to have noticed something, and asked suspiciously, "Who did you call just now?"

"Don't you want gifts? I have prepared a luxurious package for you."

The aunt's face brightened, "Really? Young man, you are sensible. Then we will wait. If we don't wait for a while, we will really make trouble."

Wait, the gift for a while will never let you down.

Shen Mo turned his eyes away from these people and continued to watch Hua Yingjun's performance. Today, he has done evil for the people, so he doesn't know if there will be rewards for the report.

After a while, Team Niu led a team. After careful interrogation and checking, the team of the aunt next door took away the team.

And when the performance was about to end, four tool carts loaded with congratulatory gifts came slowly and stopped at the alley of Laifu Woodcarving Shop. A dozen workers came here carrying valuable congratulatory gifts and greeting cards congratulate.

Obviously, this is the congratulatory gift that Xu Zhangxun mentioned before [a golden toad, a pair of gold-plated lucky trees, and a gold-plated golden silk nan pilot rudder]

These three gifts alone are worth tens of millions.It can be seen how willing Xu Zhangxun is and knows how to choose.

"Congratulations! Dafu jewelry is here." The leading manager took the greeting card and reported the names of the gifts one by one. As for the value of the gift, anyone with a discerning eye can see it at a glance, and those who don't understand should just watch it.

"Oh my god! That Golden Toad must be at least 300 million!"

"And the pair of gold-plated fortune trees cost 400 million anyway."

"That seems to be golden nanmu. Although I don't know the age of the tree, but as the finale gift, the value can only be more than the first two, and it cannot be less."

"This Silence is engaged in woodcarving, how could it have such a big relationship with Dafu Jewelry?"

"Wood carving and gold carving are all carvings! Maybe it's someone's Dafu jewelry. I've seen Master Shen's carving skills."

"Tsk tsk! We have a gold carving master in Yancheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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