The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 263 Master's Sculpture

Chapter 263 Master's Sculpture

Hua Yingjun held the list of congratulatory gifts handed over by the manager of Dafu, with a rather shocked expression on his face. He did not expect that Dafu Jewelry would send such a generous congratulatory gift.

When others give gifts, the focus is not on the price, but Dafu is good. Not only is the focus, but the price is also raised to a very high position. He is really rich and willful, and he is more reckless than the rich second generation like him.

According to the introduction on the list, Hua Yingjun introduced the purpose and origin of the gift to the audience in turn.

As the saying goes, two-legged people are easy to find, but three-legged toads are hard to find. The first congratulatory gift is a three-legged golden toad, cast in pure gold, auspicious.

The second congratulatory gift is a pair of gold-plated lucky trees, each with 66 platinum lucky leaves, implying good fortune and smooth career.

The pilot rudder with golden silk nan is made of century-old nanmu and inlaid with gold.

"Let us applaud Dafook Jewelry for its support to Laifu Woodcarving Shop!"

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped!A hundred or so professional ensemble performers are no joke. Their applause swept the entire venue like a wave, and it was hard to calm down for a long time.

"Finally, I invited the manager of our Laifu woodcarving shop to carve a work for everyone on the spot, and this work will be put up for auction, and all proceeds from the auction will be used for charity."

Silence standing under the stage was slightly taken aback. Hua Yingjun hadn't mentioned this to him at all during the event, so why did he make such a sudden announcement?
uh-huh?Can woodcarving be carved and photographed now?Hua Yingjun's arrangement must have been a bit miscalculated!

Hua Yingjun did not miscalculate. He had seen Shen Mo carved some small pieces in his spare time before. With Mo Mo's current strength, works that would normally take seven or eight hours to complete can often be completed in half an hour.

Hua Yingjun didn't let Shen Mo carve any big pieces, but just carved a small thing, Lulu's ability.

Of course, he has arranged all the actors participating in the auction. As long as the bidding price is higher, it will be able to bring out the value of Silence.

Therefore, no matter what Silence carves out, he pays 500 million...
No, Hua Yingjun looked at the tens of millions of congratulatory gifts beside him, his heart sank, and he secretly thought that he couldn't lose face compared to Dafu Jewelry.No matter what, the starting price is 1000 million, and this work is taken.

Hua Yingjun simply told Shen Mo what he meant, and Mo Mo's face darkened, and he cursed secretly, "Okay, Hua Yingjun, this is using your money to put on a facade for me here. It's really... well done."

However, buying a piece of wood carving for 1000 million yuan is too much no matter what he is carving.From this point of view, Shen Mo must use a little trick to increase the potential value of the wood carving, and we can't let Hua Yingjun suffer.

As for Hua Yingjun's claim that all the proceeds from the auction will be used for charity, he didn't pay too much attention to it, and he just talked about it casually if he wanted to come to Hua Yingjun.

What Ling Mo didn't expect was that Hua Yingjun was not joking, he really planned to use 1000 million for charity.He plans to donate the money to children in impoverished mountainous areas so that they can have enough food.

If Shen Mo knows, it must be difficult to understand. Donate 1000 million to the children in impoverished mountainous areas so that they can have enough food? !Is this the rhythm of making them eat shark fin?Children from rich families can really do whatever they want.

Under the warm applause, Silence slowly came to the stage, and immediately, four logistics personnel brought up the tools and wood needed for carving.

Shen Mo glanced at the ordinary peach wood, missed his body, blocked everyone's sight, and took out [Material: Wood from the demon body of the tree demon grandma] from his personal warehouse, a piece of withered yellow wood exuding a faint evil spirit, and displayed it in front of everyone.

Next, Shen Mo rolled up the carving knife and activated the woodcarving master skill, 5 points of spiritual power dissipated instantly, his eyes flickered, as if he could see the brilliance flowing in it, picked up the wood, and the carving knife walked away, under everyone's gaze , The master's carving skills are fully displayed.

hiss!There was a gasp in the audience. Although they were all laymen, they gradually carved the wood into shape at a speed visible to the naked eye as they walked silently with their carving knives. Everyone was shocked.

Hua Yingjun's eyes widened as he watched from the side. He had never seen Shen Mo perform the skills of a wood carving master. He originally thought that Mo Mo's carving skills were no different from ordinary people, but now it seems that Mo Mo's carving skills have entered the realm of his difficulty. The realm of imagination.

In just 10 minutes, the tree demon grandma's demon body was carved out of wood. The audience in the audience has not yet come to their senses. They are still immersed in the silent and uncanny carving skills, unable to extricate themselves.

hum!Shen Mo put down the carving knife, brushed the work with his right hand, and blessed it with a weapon.

The next moment, the wooden carving, which was originally a dead object, emitted a milky white gleam under everyone's gaze, and a pure white snow-like dragon let out a thunderous roar, carrying auspicious clouds, stepping on the morning glow, rising up, circling nine days, and soaring Thousands of miles, Xia Luo, submerged in the woodcarving again.

Everyone looked again, only to see a brown wooden dragon the size of a forearm in front of Shen Mo.

[Three-clawed Demon Dragon (Possessed by Demon Spirit) (Master's Light) (Weapon Blessing)]

[This is a three-clawed demon dragon carved from the wood of the thousand-year-old tree demon's demon body. The thousand-year-old demon spirit has been re-given to life under the carving skills of the master.It has been reborn and reborn. 】

[Demon Spirit Possession: There is a tree demon spirit inhabiting the three-clawed demon dragon woodcarving. It can transform into a dragon body and attach itself to the holder. The holder will get a 20.00% increase in all attributes and special effects. Body protection, which can resist fatal damage once. (After the demon spirit is defeated, it takes 24 hours to recover.)]

[Master's Light: The effect of demon spirit possessing all attributes is increased by 20.00%. 】

[Weapon Blessing: Demon spirits can cause a lot of damage to undead, demons, ghosts, elves and other monsters. 】

[This is a work that surpasses the skill of a master, and the proficiency of the master woodcarver will be significantly increased. 】

[Wood Carving Master, current skill level 3, proficiency +1000, current experience value (1002/10000)]

After reading the introduction of the three-clawed demon dragon in Shen Mo, he secretly thought that this wood carving was sent to Hua Yingjun at a price of 1000 million, and this kid definitely made a profit.

Hua Yingjun watched carefully from the sidelines. Although his half-baked feng shui secret technique did not allow him to gain extraordinary power and perception of aura and evil spirits, he still had a keen intuition. He also discovered the three claws at the first time. The extraordinaryness of the demon dragon.

It is imperative to get this wood carving.

Hua Yingjun immediately winked at the actors in the audience, and shouted from the bottom of his heart, "Bastard, you are asking for a price! Hurry up and take a picture of it for me. If the eldest brother regrets it later, I will let you know what an actor's cultivation is." .”

The bidders who had been arranged in the audience suddenly came back to their senses, quickly raised the number plate in their hands, and shouted, "I want this wood carving, 500 million!"

Hua Yingjun was stunned on the spot. He forgot to communicate with the actor about the temporary price increase, and the actor still shouted the previous price.If this is shot at 500 million yuan, Shen Mo will really regret it if he fails to keep it.

No, you have to increase the price!

Hua Yingjun was about to wink at the actor again, telling him to raise the price, but at this moment, another voice jumped out from the crowd.

"I'll pay 3000 million!"

Hua Yingjun: "???"


Who is this guy?She is not our actor, is she? !
(End of this chapter)

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