The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 265 Ma 3's Intention

Chapter 265 Ma Shisan's Intention
Brother, you can save me.

Hua Yingjun cast a look of help to Shen Mo, which made Mo Mo a little confused. Although he had talked with Ma Shisan many times, it was all about chatting. He didn't know much about Ma Shisan himself. I don't know what kind of loli she is.

Therefore, Shen Mo didn't dare to promise to help Hua Yingjun through this catastrophe, but, as a grasshopper on a boat, Shen Mo naturally wanted to help Hua Yingjun as much as possible. exist.

Snapped!Congratulations to Ms. Luo for bidding this rare treasure at a price of 1 million yuan.

Hua Yingjun first auctioned the monster dragon wood carving to Ma Shisan at a price of [-] million according to Shen Mo's intention.

Wow!When the audience heard such a high price, there was an instant uproar. They talked a lot, some were marveling at the sky-high price of [-] million, some were recalling the charm of the woodcarving, some were envious and jealous, and some were spinning their minds. with a bad gut...
But without exception, they were all shocked by this auction. They did not expect that there would be a woodcarving master worth [-] million yuan in Yancheng. This is unimaginable. , Keep the fragrance in your hands.

Let's talk about the auction being over, Hua Yingjun finished his final closing speech, and the store celebration of Laifu Wood Carving Shop finally came to a successful conclusion, but none of the real people who came to see the excitement were willing to leave. They all lingered outside Lai Fu Wood Carving Shop, wanting to see Seeing the silence of the woodcarving master worth [-] million, he may ask for an autograph or a photo, which will be worth tens of thousands of treasures in the future.

Hua Yingjun was busy settling today's assistant fee with the leader, he was entangled in everything, and couldn't get away for the time being, Shen Mo stood alone with Ma Shisan on the first floor of Laifu woodcarving shop, the two of them looked at each other silently, look at me, look at me look at you.

Mo Mo looked at the monster dragon wood carving in Ma Shisan's arms that was constantly being stroked, and opened up the topic by saying, "Group leader, if you like this wood carving, just say hello to me, there is no need to talk to me on stage. How about Hua Yingjun's bidding? It seems that Hua Yingjun was so frightened that he almost couldn't take care of himself."

Ma Shisan raised her head slightly, except for her mature eyes, her cute loli face is like a bone-cutting steel knife that kills people without blood.

Since ancient times, loli has three good things, soft voice, soft body, and very well-behaved.

Mo Mo doesn't think that the loli in front of her is so nice, she doesn't speak softly, doesn't rub her body, and definitely isn't well-behaved.This is definitely a fake loli in a loli's coat, the real big sister.

Ma Shisan said lightly, "I didn't want to bid at first, but this wood carving of yours fits perfectly with the dragon power I have cultivated, so I am determined to win it. As for the money to bid for her..."

Mo Mo smiled, "How can I collect your money?"

"Hey, one yard is one yard, and I won't give you less than one hundred million and one cent, but you must use the money for charity according to the previous agreement, can you do it?"

The silence was not pretentious, and he replied repeatedly, "Of course it's okay. I've always kept my word, and I will do charity when I say charity. I will never stare at the hat of charity and do dirty things like stealing chickens and dogs."

Ma Shisan smiled shyly, unable to see what she was really thinking. She took out her mobile phone and did some operations, only to hear a reminder of the account coming from the silent mobile phone.

【Ding!100000000 yuan has been credited into your Weixin account to deposit in the coin purse, please pay attention to check. 】

Shen Mo was stunned, regardless of whether Wei Xin had a limit or not, and how much handling fee it would cost to transfer [-] million at one time, but Shen Mo had indeed received this huge sum of money.

He was a little dazed, happiness came so suddenly, he had vowed to earn his small goal of [-] million first, and finally achieved it.

Although the money was destined to be used for charity, it was also done in his name, and it was his silent face that raised the money. It is a blessing to pretend that other people's money is your own.

As for Silent's investment, it's just a piece of wood from the tree demon's grandmother, and a blessing of wood carving master skills and weapons.

This is simply an investment with the highest yield in the world, an investment that even Warren Buffett can't match.

After receiving the payment, Shen Mo wants to transfer the money to Lingqiantong to earn interest. According to the rate of return, 1 million yuan is 30 yuan a day, 360 yuan a month, and 30 million yuan a year.Without doing anything, he can earn [-] a month and live a life of whatever he wants.

Ma Shisan glanced at him, seeming to guess what he was thinking, and reminded, "If I were you, I would never transfer all the money to Changqiantong."

Silently, he blurted out and asked, "Why?"

"Because it's easy to transfer in, but difficult to transfer out. The income of 3612341.23 million yuan a year is only 500 yuan. But if you want to withdraw the principal and interest at one time, it is impossible. According to the withdrawal limit, even if you Withdrawing the maximum amount, you have to spend at least [-] days to withdraw the money. So, are you sure to deposit your money?"

Shen Mo listened in a trance. He really didn't expect Ma Shisan to know so much. This is a very knowledgeable girl!
"Then what should I do? Just put the money in the change?"

Ma Shisan muttered contemptuously, "Have you forgotten what you promised me? This money is for charity, and they are just passers-by in your hands. Since they are passers-by, let them go." .”

The silence is amazing, there is still a layer of oil left after the pork is passed, can this [-] million passed without even earning interest?Are you bullying me? I haven't seen so much money.

Ma Shisan thought about the silent thoughts thoroughly, and she suggested from the side, "I have a method that allows you to do charity and maximize the benefits of the money."

Mo Mo's eyes lit up, "Let's listen."

"Have you ever heard of charitable foundations?"

"Slightly heard."

"I wanted to set up a charitable foundation before, but I couldn't realize this plan because of identity issues. If you are willing, I am willing to invest another [-] million to help you set up a charitable foundation named after you. And our foundation The purpose of the establishment of the association is to help those who have been persecuted due to supernatural events, so that their families and children can receive the most effective help."

Frowning silently, helping those persecuted by supernatural events? !He stared closely at Ma Shisan, such an interesting soul lived in this lovely loli body.

Why is she doing this?Perhaps it has something to do with the severe trauma she suffered when she was 12 years old, but her actions are indeed noble and full of positive energy.

Silence agreed.Good things naturally don't need too many reasons and excuses, just do it.

"I really didn't misunderstand you, you are completely different from those hypocritical guys." Ma Shisan said, with a long-lost smile on his face, a cute smile, the kind of cuteness that makes a handful of water.

"In this case, this foundation should be called Laifu Fund!" Ma Shisan suggested.

"No, it should be called the Clergy Foundation."

"Why a priest?!"

"Because, it will be a holy guardian protecting those who are persecuted by supernatural events."

Ma Shisan pondered for a moment, and it sounded a bit interesting, but the name of the clergyman did not please the domestic people at all, so it was obviously inappropriate and down-to-earth.

But seeing that Shen Mo was so persistent, she also compromised.

After this matter was finalized, the relationship between Shen Mo and Ma Shisan became much closer, so he asked bluntly, "So, you made a special trip to Yancheng to find me, definitely not for the foundation's affairs? There are other things."

Ma Shisan nodded. She really came to find Shen Mo for other things, and the Yaolong woodcarving and the Foundation were just doing it by chance.

(End of this chapter)

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