The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 266 Supernatural Communication Learning Conference

Chapter 266 Supernatural Communication Learning Conference

Why did Ma Shisan come to find Shen Mo?

From Shen Mo's point of view, this must be a very important matter, otherwise Ma Shisan would not have come to find Shen Mo in person. Now that communication is so convenient, a problem that can be solved with a Weixin letter and a phone call, but in those days, it was naturally very important thing.

Ma Shisan put away the monster dragon wooden carving Haosheng, walked slowly to the cafe area to sit down, and signaled Shen Mo to sit opposite her, and waited until the two sat down, Ma Shisan said solemnly.

"I have three things for you."

three item!Mo Mo was a little surprised. He thought there was only one thing, but he didn't expect there were three things. How could Ma Shisan have three things that were related to him or needed him?

A few words flashed through Silence's mind, the big tree invites the wind, the capable ones work harder, and the crying children have milk... After thinking about it carefully, the happiest person in the 21 groups is none other than Silent, the other group members Although there are also demons and demons, but they are only active in their own city, which is not like silence. In just half a month, they have traveled almost half of China, and every task is a disaster-level task. Relatively speaking, Silence also received the most grants.

One time is fine, two times is fine, three times and four times... Ma Shisan is a little bit overwhelmed.Taking a look at the details of the subsidy bill, 70.00% of the subsidy was taken away by Shen Mo, such performance will naturally attract Ma Shisan's attention.

"Is it about the subsidy?" Shen Mo asked tentatively.

Ma Shisan smiled and nodded, "Count it as one thing, you know, your subsidy for half a month is even more than some people's subsidy for a year."

Silently joking, "Those who are capable work harder, serve the people, the leader doesn't need to send me a small red flag or something, as you can see, the shop is small and there is no place to hang it."

Ma Shisan chuckled, and made a sweet and tender voice like a copper bell. Lolita's characteristics were fully revealed. Maybe she was laughed at by the shameless Silence, "Of course there is no little red flag. Our Super Bureau is not in the open yet. Now, some things still need to be kept low-key... However, the day when we will be on stage is not far away."

Ma Shisan pondered for a while, and continued without waiting for a silent question, "I arranged the subsidy in this way. In view of your strong professional ability and the high frequency of incidents, your subsidy will be issued from the previous report. The process is changed to monthly accounting and cumulative distribution. Do you understand?"

Mo Mo pondered carefully, this is equivalent to changing the previous daily salary to the current popular monthly salary, there is no big problem, and he naturally has no opinion.

However, such a small thing counts as a thing?Are the remaining two things very important?

"The second matter," Ma Shisan saw that there was no objection to the silence, and continued to speak, "it's about Uncle Lame."

Lame uncle!Silently paused, three days had passed since the lame uncle rushed to India to deal with the Buddha's tomb incident. It stands to reason that he had already arrived in India and started this matter. If there is no accident, Ma Shisan would not come to him Yes, did Uncle Crappy have an accident in India?

The silent expression changed slightly, and when he was about to ask, he was interrupted by Ma Shisan, who explained, "Don't worry, Uncle Lame is fine, but he just reported to me the situation in India and asked about your recent situation."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, thinking to himself, you eternal loli, can you stop panting when you speak in the future, and finish your sentence at once, it seems that you are worrying people, and you don't know how to measure length at all.

"Uncle Lame asked me to bring you a message."

Mo Mo's face darkened again, and he subconsciously replied, "As long as you can surrender to the imperial army?"

Ma Shisan: "???"

Ma Shisan looked bewildered, she obviously didn't know what the imperial army was talking about, she tilted her head subconsciously, and asked with a puzzled face, "What did you say?"

Mo Mo smiled, and changed the subject, "It's okay, I'll just give it a go, you continue."

Ma Shisan was a little embarrassed. She found that there was a generation gap between herself and Shen Mo, not only because of her age, but also because of her way of thinking and attitude towards life.

"Uncle Lame let me tell you, the opposite is the movement of the Tao, and the weak is the use of the Tao; everything in the world is born of being, and being is born of nothing."

After Ma Shisan finished speaking, she watched Shen Mo's reaction quietly, only to see Mo Mo being stunned for a moment, her eyes were complicated, as if she was thinking about something, she didn't disturb Mo Mo, and waited quietly.

Silence was very surprised in his heart. The previous sentence was the outline of the talisman that shrunk into an inch talisman, also known as the core of the talisman. It was the secret of the talisman passed to him by the lame uncle himself.

And what is the last sentence? !Another talisman outline? !Or the talisman core? !

Lu Xun once said: A boxer teaches his apprentice to keep his hand, lest he learn to beat himself to death so that he can rule the roost.

Could it be that the lame uncle kept his hand? !

Shaking his head silently, he denied this guess, because the Earth Shrinking Talisman he cast was not unable to cast it because of the lack of a word. If he added a word, according to his experience, the Shrinking Earth Talisman would probably not be able to be activated. .In other words, the latter sentence is not the core of the talisman, so what does it mean?A superfluous nonsense! ?
Mo Mo turned her gaze to Ma Shisan, wanting to find the answer, but Ma Shisan was also in a daze, she couldn't even understand the first sentence, let alone the second sentence.

The two stared at each other, neither knowing what Uncle Lame's deep meaning was.

"Don't you know?"

"Should I know?"

The two looked at each other, and the scene was a little awkward.

"How about I contact Uncle Lame and ask for clarification?" Mo Mo suggested.

"He's already gone to the grave, and you won't be able to contact him until he comes out." Ma Shisan waved his hand, "No matter what the meaning of this sentence is, you should remember it first, and you can ask him when he comes back. Well, anyway, I brought my words."

Nodding silently, that's all there is to it.Hey, I let out a long sigh in silence, I really hate the book when it is time to use it. When I was young, my Chinese teacher left early, which made his understanding of classical Chinese so weak that it exploded.

Keeping this sentence firmly in his heart, Shen Mo began to ask the third thing.

So, what is the third thing?

Ma Shisan smiled and said, "The third thing is a great joy."

I saw Ma Shisan took out a gold-stamped invitation card from his arms, and slowly handed it to Shen Mo.

Mo Mo raised his hand to take it, and looked down, it was an extremely exquisitely crafted invitation card. When he pinched it with his thumb, the gold border on it was actually made of real gold, and there was an extremely neat regular script branded in the middle of the paper. Supernatural Communication and Learning Conference] Open the invitation, the content reads as follows.

【sincere invitation】

【Sincerely: Mr. Shen】

[In order to deeply explore and study supernatural phenomena, and to further deepen exchanges and learning among organizations from all walks of life, bureaus, groups, groups, etc., the Bureau of Supernatural Phenomena Research and Defense will organize an event at 9:8 a.m. Carry out the "Supernatural Exchange and Learning Conference".In view of your outstanding performance, the organizer hereby invites you to participate in this event. 】


After reading the invitation, Mo Mo was really surprised. He didn't expect that he would be invited, and he didn't expect that Ma Shisan, the leader of the group, would personally find him for this matter.

By the way, is this meeting important? !

Ma Shisan said solemnly, "It's important, of course it's important! Do you know how many people want to participate in this exchange conference, but they don't even have the qualifications. It's a good thing that you can participate."

Shaking his head silently, he still has a good score, "The pies that fall from the sky are not necessarily delicious, and if they fall badly, they will kill people. I just want to ask, how can I be qualified to participate in this exchange conference .”

Ma Shisan pouted, "Want to know the reason?!"

"If you don't understand, I'm not sure about going."

Ma Shisan clasped his immature little hands, motioning for Shen Mo to approach her, wanting to communicate with her in a whisper.

"Come on, come closer, I'll tell you."


Should he lean on it?Or lean on it?Or lean on it?
(End of this chapter)

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