The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 267 Eternal Violence

Chapter 267 Eternal Violence

Shen Mo turned his face to the side, ready to listen to Ma Shisan's whisper, but when his head was about to approach Ma Shisan's vermilion lips, the expected whisper did not come, and what followed was a burst of madness like a rainstorm output.

I saw Ma Shisan stretching out his hand horizontally, pressing a tender palm half the size of Shen Mo's hand on the top of Shen Mo's head, pressing him hard on the tea table with great strength, and then there was crazy friction, and extremely violent scold.

"I let you go, you go or not! Go or not!"

Suffering such a violent attack, Shen Mo instinctively wanted to resist, but saw a red golden three-clawed golden dragon rising from Ma Shisan's body, echoing the white demon dragon in the demon dragon wood carving, twisting and twisting, turning into a continuous stream of flying dragons. Qi was injected into Ma Shisan's body.

The power of Yulong!The secret technique not passed down by the Ma family has always been passed on to women but not to men. Those who practice this secret technique can drive the power of the Ma family's guardian spirit beast - the three-clawed golden dragon, and endow it with powerful physical strength far beyond the ordinary.

Four years ago, Ma Shisan was seriously injured, and the power of Yulong was damaged, but after four years of cultivation and recovery, the injury has recovered to eight or nine. The increase in the attribute of the light made the power she displayed at this moment even stronger and more violent than four years ago.

Ma Shisan has turned into an eternal violent rose, revealing her murderous nature that has been dormant for four years.

Eternal Violence is so terrifying.

Silence was pressed on the tea table, and he was powerless to resist for a while. He finally knew that the information about Ma Shisan that he had detected was not written as a joke. He was good at body training and possessed the power of controlling dragons. He was really powerful. small peek.

Silently showing weakness, "I will go! I will definitely go to this exchange meeting."

Isn't that all right? !Ma Shisan slowly moved his palm away, his face was full of excitement and excitement, as well as that kind of violent desire that was hard to ignore.

She didn't expect that the monster dragon woodcarving's effect on her strength would be so high. Originally, she only wanted to give Shen Mo a bad start, but she didn't expect that once she made a move, her strength went berserk, and she almost rubbed Mo Mo into doubting her life.

whee!So excited!So open, so excited!She, Ma Shisan, is finally back!
Ma Shisan's excitement and agitation were beyond words, she was not good at hiding her emotions, so Silence saw all this and kept it in her heart.

Silence muttered to himself, good girl, you are holding my wood carving and rubbing against my head, you really think my head is hard to pinch, although I am not your opponent now, but give me a few more days Time, when I complete a few more daily tasks, I will be able to push you to the ground and crush you crazily. Today's humiliation will be doubled.

Silence can’t hold back this tone. If Ma Shisan explained to Shen Mo well, he would half-push and half-assed, but Ma Shisan insisted on following his own temperament, so violently coercing Mo Mo, it would make Mo Mo very unhappy. .

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.The same is true when the uncle trains Lolita.Silence's temporary submissiveness is for the sake of future development, and a little unbearable will lead to chaos and big schemes!

After receiving the invitation from Ma Shisan, Silence is to agree to this matter. After a month, he will rush to Yanjing to participate in the supernatural phenomenon exchange conference. He will definitely go there at that time, and also I will participate in this exchange conference as the strongest.

Dissatisfied?Let's set up a falg as proof.

Watching the back of Ma Shisan's departure, Mo Mo secretly muttered in his heart, although his strength is already at a height that ordinary people cannot reach, but facing these family children with profound family background, he still has some gaps.

There are mountains outside the mountains, and buildings outside the buildings. A mountain is higher than a mountain, and there are strong hands among the strong.Therefore, you still have to keep a low profile in your actions in the future.Low-key is the highest-key show off.

Not long after Ma Shisan left, Hua Yingjun finished his chores and hurried back to Fumu Carving Shop anxiously. The first thing he said when he entered the door was to ask about Ma Shisan.

"Brother, where is the group leader?"

"Let's go!"

Hua Yingjun was taken aback, "Leave?! Brother, if she leaves, what should I do? I am the man who asked her to spend 7000 million more. Will she hold her grudge and take this opportunity to avenge her personal revenge and kill me..."

Hua Yingjun didn't dare to continue thinking about it, because it really made him shudder.

Patting Hua Yingjun's shoulder silently and reassuringly, remembering the crazy friction that happened not long ago, "You think too much, she has already vented her anger on me, and she won't vent her anger on you, besides, this matter has been resolved. Otherwise she wouldn't have left."

Hua Yingjun asked doubtfully, "Really? Brother, I'm timid, don't lie to me."

"I don't need to lie to you," Shen Mo said, and handed the invitation letter to Hua Yingjun, "She just begged me to participate in this exchange meeting, and if I don't go, then the little loli will not pursue her." This matter is an exchange, and an agreement has been reached with me."

Hua Yingjun was stunned, his heart was finally at ease, but he couldn't help looking at the scratched tea table out of the corner of his eye, and asked in surprise, "Brother, what is this?"

Mo Mo's face flushed slightly, and he forcefully explained, "We just drank tea, and the teacup was worn out."

cup?Grind it? !Hua Yingjun looked bewildered, looking up and down Shen Mo with weird eyes, he seemed to understand something, but also seemed to understand nothing.

After a long time, Hua Yingjun gave a very silent thumbs up, "Brother, you are really a bird... no, you are really awesome!"

He laughed silently, and did not explain. After all, even if the matter is over, it is completely unnecessary to bring it up again.

In general, Laifu Woodcarving Shop's store celebration today was very successful. Not only did the Laifu Woodcarving Shop become famous, but also the name of a silent master worth [-] million yuan resounded throughout Yancheng, and even his name It is spreading to the whole country at an extremely fast speed, because at that time there were not a few people who took pictures of the demon dragon's appearance.

Silence didn't think deeply about this, because Ma Shisan didn't say anything to stop him, or remind him afterwards, so naturally he didn't need to worry.

If this matter develops in a bad direction, the logistics department of Super Bureau will definitely take action to eliminate the negative impact of this matter.If it is a positive impact, Super Bureau will turn a blind eye and close one eye, and let it pass.

Shen Mo sincerely thanked Hua Yingjun who had been busy working for Laifu Woodcarving Shop, and planned to invite him out to have a good meal, then sleep naturally and relax.

The two were just about to close the shop and leave, but they bumped into Lao Huang, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop opposite.

I saw that Lao Huang looked a little thinner than the previous few days, but he was still in good spirits. He carried two big bags in his left and right hands respectively, one bag was full of food, and the other bag contained two bottles of top-quality Moutai.

Obviously, Lao Huang is here to invite Shen Mo to have a drink. This drink has been postponed for a long time, and they can have a good drink on today's big day.

As a result, Shen Mo and Hua Yingjun gave up their previous plan, and bought some seafood (Hua Yingjun likes to eat seafood) and started a small banquet for the three of them on the coffee table that had been subjected to crazy friction.

The dishes were fragrant and the wine was strong. After drinking for three rounds, Lao Huang's words gradually increased.

"Brother Shen, my old Huang's family is able to have today thanks to your help. If it weren't for you, my wife and children would have been separated by yin and yang, and we would never see each other again. I offer you a toast."

As he spoke, Lao Huang raised his glass to toast and drank it down in one gulp.

Silence raised his glass in response, "It's nothing to worry about. If it was you, you would do the same, wouldn't you?"

Lao Huang was grateful in his heart, and he could only express his gratitude with wine.

Seeing this, Hua Yingjun also raised his glass, "Brother, I want to thank you too. If you hadn't woken me up with your kick, I would still be that ignorant Hua Yingjun in Shanghai. Now, I have learned a lot, the most important thing is Son, I have more than before."

Silently patted Hua Yingjun on the shoulder, "Keep working hard, you still have a lot of room for improvement."

"Well! I will definitely learn from you and make myself more and more competitive."


Why does this sound so strange?

(End of this chapter)

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