The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 268 Exploration of Earth Jar Pocket Jar

Chapter 268 Exploration of Earth Jar Pocket Jar
After the three of them finished drinking, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Lao Huang left first and went to his bun shop to share family happiness with his wife and children, but Hua Yingjun didn't leave for a long time, as if he was going to share the bed with Shen Mo tonight.

Because Hua Yingjun was incapable of drinking, although he could pour beer casually, he poured baijiu in twos.When the wine bureau is over.He was so drunk that he still had the consciousness to leave alone.

"Brother...why don't I leave tonight?" Hua Yingjun muttered in a daze, reeking of alcohol, his wine-red handsome face aroused pity.

He was born so beautiful.

As a man, but with a handsome face that fascinates all beings, both men and women are killed, this is simply the greatest sin.

Shaking his head silently, trying to keep his mind as clear as possible, he stared at Hua Yingjun, swallowed subconsciously, the thought of rebelliousness and retrograde attack flashed by.

hiss!How could he have such an idea, no, absolutely not.

Mo Mo patted himself on the head, and said sharply to Hua Yingjun, "Find a substitute driver or take a taxi, anyway, you can't sleep with me tonight."

Unaware of the seriousness of his sins, Hua Yingjun asked, "Brother, why can't I sleep here?"

Shen Mo laughed, kept silent, the bar said that he was very good at counting, but now he has no counting at all, he has a face that provokes crimes, don't you know?

Shen Mo continued to shout, "If you really don't want to leave, you can sleep on the first floor tonight, and I'll sleep on the second floor."

Hua Yingjun was taken aback, seemed to grasp the key point, and replied awkwardly, "No... no, I'd better call! The hotel I live in is not far from here."

Hua Yingjun never hires a replacement driver, because he regards his supercar as his girlfriend, and there is no reason in this world to give his girlfriend to someone else to drive.

After Hua Yingjun got into the taxi, Shen Mo closed the door of Laifu Wood Carving Shop and went straight to the bedroom on the second floor.

He first took off the rhubarb wood carving of Goudan and Nannan's lucky cat, put them on the corner of the desk, patted the lucky cat's head, and muttered in a low voice, "Nannan, come out to work!"

hum!The red light representing luck flickered, and Nan Nan's figure appeared at the corner of the desk. She was shaking her two calves, supported the edge of the table with her hands, tilted her head and pouted, "Boss, is it time to open the jar again?" ? Great, Nan Nan has new props to play with."

Shen Mo's face darkened, and he immediately corrected, "Nannan, this time I'm driving for me. After all, you have already got two exclusive props that belong to you. Don't be greedy, you have to control yourself."

Nan Nan shook her head in disappointment, "No, I'm still young, I don't need to control myself."

Shen Mo regretted that he should have promised Nan Nan to let her open the jar for himself. He should have known that opening a jar is addictive, especially a little monster who has no self-control, how can he resist opening a jar? lure.

But it's too late now, Nannan obviously tasted the sweetness from opening the jar, opening the jar is such a subjective show operation, you must discuss it with Nannan in advance, otherwise after opening the jar, there will be two exclusive items for Nannan Props, that would be embarrassing.

Silent and contemplative for a while, thinking about how to fool... No, convince Nannan.

In the next moment, he had a flash of inspiration and thought about his words.

"Nannan! It's not the boss, I'm stingy. There are too few jars, and there are many kinds of them. Different jars can produce different things. The jar you opened before happened to match you, so it started to suit you. Props, this time the pot doesn’t match your horoscope, and the hit is offensive, so it’s obviously not suitable for you to open it.”

Nan Nan looked puzzled, tilted his head and stared at Shen Mo, "Really? Boss, are you lying to me?"

Shen Mo said nonsense in a serious manner, "How could I lie to you! You see, I am such a big man, do I have to lie to you, a little monster! I am doing this for your own good. When I get a jar that suits you, I will definitely give it to you. you drive."

Nan Nan nodded suspiciously, counting it as a promise.

Shen Mo took out the soil jar exploration pocket jar from his personal warehouse, and placed the two pocket jars on the desk one by one.

A blush flashed in Nan Nan's pale red eyes, and she was using her ability to perceive whether the two jars matched her luck attributes.

hum!Nannan was disappointed!
The props in these two jars did not respond to her abilities, and they were obviously not suitable for her. It seemed that Silence did not lie to her.

In fact, Silence really lied to Nan Nan. Before the pocket jar of the earthen pot was opened, it was impossible to detect the properties of the props in it. Naturally, Nan Nan had no way to perceive the connection between the props and her, because the props inside It is simply an unknown.Only at the moment of opening the jar, can the valuable props in it be drawn by virtue of luck.

Slightly disappointed, Nan Nan turned around and stood on the desk. She puffed her cheeks angrily, and kicked the two pocket jars before the silence began.

Snapped!Snapped!The two pocket jars shattered, and dazzling white light burst out from the inside.


Show skills - open pocket jars with your feet? !

Nan Nan, you can't play like this, every pocket jar is a priceless and precious prop, how can you kick it away with your foot so casually?How much respect do you have for pocket jars? !
Ding!Ding!Two successive prop acquisition sounds brought the silent complaints back to reality.

This is a golden hammer with an extremely cartoon and peculiar shape. The person who designed it must have not studied human grip mechanics at all, or it was not designed for human use at all, because the handle of the hammer is compared to the body of the hammer. When you stand up, it is almost negligible. The huge hammer body seems to be able to shatter everything, but you have the strength to swing it up.

[Hammer of Exploration (one-time item)]

[As the name suggests, the Hammer of Exploration can break through all restrictions, seals, formations, secret realms, etc. in the world. 】

[With it, my mother will no longer worry about my treasure hunt trip, where there is no opening.The Hammer of Discovery, the perfect choice for your treasure hunting adventures. 】

The next prop is a gold silk soft glove. I can’t tell what material it is made of, but its soft texture and texture that fits tightly to the palm make it look very stylish, a bit like a TV series The gold silk soft armor gloves worn by the little dragon girl in Condor Heroes.

【Skillful Empty Gloves】

[Kong Kong'er's divine art, people can't see its use, and ghosts can't follow it.Wearing this glove, you will get the special effect skill "Smart Hands". Anything you want to steal, as long as it touches the opponent's body, it will appear in your hands without anyone noticing. 】

[With it, you will become a peerless thief.In fact, this prop was originally a wonderful object for treasure hunting, but it was ruined by criminals. 】

Silence stared at these two props related to exploration, with mixed feelings in his heart, say happy, Kaisen!Say disappointment, a little disappointment.

These two props seem to be very useful, but upon closer inspection, they are also very restrictive. One is a one-time prop, and it will be gone after hammering.

One is a treasure of Stealing Words, which cannot be used easily.

Hey, Mo Mo shook his head, put it away for now, maybe it will come in handy in the future.

However, Nannan's two kicks are quite technical. Continue to maintain, and strive to propose Asia and go to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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