Chapter 281
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
The two chanted almost in unison, and looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled.

"My paper piercing technique is quite effective in catching ghosts and exorcising souls." Lao Huang boasted.

"My 36 feng shui secrets, treasure hunting and acupoint exploration are no problem." Hua Yingjun also boasted.

"Since that's the case," Hua Yingjun and Lao Huang shook hands, "You and I will definitely be able to collect the materials needed for the doll in the shortest possible time."

That's right, if Huahuang and Huang join forces, it will be no problem to use their energy to collect ghosts and precious woods with spirits. This will greatly ease the difficulty and tasks of Shen Mo's work, especially the collection of materials. .

After all, it would be too time-consuming and labor-intensive to collect the materials needed to make dolls with the power of silent alone. It is better to delegate the task to the people under him to solve it.

Silence gave them [-] soul fragments for a doll and a piece of spirit-enchanting treasure wood. Naturally, the amount was exaggerated, and the purpose was also very simple and pure. It is understandable to earn some price difference from it. matter.

There is a [-]/[-] profit in business, and Shen Mo has made such a big deal, so it must be [-]/[-].

Is this too much?Obviously not too much.

Hua Yingjun asked in a low voice, "Brother, if I collect all the materials for dolls, can you help me carve dolls as well."

Nodded silently, then shook his head again, making Monk Hua Yingjun Zhang Er puzzled as to whether to agree or not.

"Of course it is possible, but if you want a doll, in addition to the materials just mentioned, you also need to collect a complete soul. This complete soul determines the character and appearance of the understand me Mean it!"

Hua Yingjun is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart. He immediately understands the meaning of silence. There is no problem in making dolls. The problem lies in what kind of dolls you want to make. The reason Liu Xiaoci is so beautiful is because of silence Well, on the one hand, it is to make her a complete soul with a solid foundation and easy to train.

Lao Huang's wife and children's living soul can be a complete soul, but Hua Yingjun wants to find another complete soul, and this complete soul must also meet his own aesthetic needs.

Hua Yingjun's head is a bit big, and most of the ghosts and ghosts don't meet the standard. Which one is a simple character that can turn into a ghost? If you poss, but you don't find it from ghosts and ghosts, do you want to find one from living people? If you like it, then kill Twitching Soul? !

Huh!Hua Yingjun shook his head hastily. If he really did this, Shen Mo would stand up immediately and hang his dead body on the old city wall of Yancheng for three days as a warning to everyone else. Obviously, this method will not work.

What should I do?
Hua Yingjun set his eyes on Shen Mo, and took a look at the dignified and virtuous Liu Xiaoci, who was like a goddess. He mustered up his courage and asked tentatively, "Brother, it's hard to find a complete soul that meets the requirements. How about you help me?" I'll find it, and I'll pay for it."

Shen Shen shook his head, he is not that kind of person who sold his whole soul for money? !Of course he couldn't do it.

Hua Yingjun was a little disappointed, but it was also expected. He was not discouraged, and continued to try, "I'll exchange it with you for the Fu Ling Treasure Wood, a complete soul that meets the requirements... for five treasure woods."






Hua Yingjun was so flustered that he quickly stopped Mo Mo, "Fifteen is fifteen, I can't raise it any further, if it rises any further, I'll have to run and lose my leg."

Silence understood Hua Yingjun thoroughly, and finally reached an agreement at the price of fifteen for one.

So here comes the question?Where can Shen Mo find a complete soul that meets Hua Yingjun's requirements?
In the mirror world of course!The mirror world is all-encompassing, and it is naturally much easier to find a complete soul with good qualifications than in the real world.

That's why Mo Mo dared to negotiate terms with Hua Yingjun, he was concerned, so he didn't panic at all.

After everyone discussed and finished their meal, they returned to Laifu Woodcarving Shop.

There were still a lot of people who came to the store in the afternoon, but most of them came to join in the fun. Few of them bought wood carvings sincerely, or had ghosts and needed to be dealt with silently.

This is normal, it is completely in line with the market conditions of the woodcarving business, and the status quo of the sideline business. The woodcarving business has been in business for three years, and the sideline business of cleaning up garbage. Although there are many supernatural events in Yancheng, ordinary people know that Silence can clean the place. The rubbish ones are really rare.

Shen Mo thought, maybe he should find an advertising company and secretly advertise for Laifu Woodcarving Shop? !

no!Advertisement is for fear that others will not know about it. How can you advertise secretly and want to find target customers, but you are afraid that too many people will know about it.

After much deliberation, Shen Mo decided to start a side business through the old way, Team Niu!That's right, it is still through the bull team to solicit business.

From the point of view of Team Niu, the information he comes into contact with is definitely more comprehensive and systematic than the information of any other advertisement, but any trace of cunning incidents can be heard by Team Niu immediately. Therefore, If you want to find the bull team for performance, that's absolutely right.

After a phone call, he told Dui Niu what he thought. Of course, Dui Niu would have 1. Before that, Shen Mo was busy on the field, but he had to bite the bullet and use the talismans Shen Mo sold to him to settle some tricky things. Now Shen Mo If you want to return to your old job and return to work, of course, 1 people are welcome, and [-] people are happy.

Time passed quickly, and the first day after the reopening of the Laifu Wood Carving Shop passed quickly. On this day, the store's income was twelve suites, and a potential stock Liuxian, plus Hua Yingjun and Lao Huang. These two tried their best to get off the assembly line, Shen Mo felt that the harvest of this day was quite big.

After closing the store door and coming to the bedroom on the second floor, Shen Mo officially introduced Liu Ruyan to Ling'er and the others.

Naturally, Nan Nan and Goudan had nothing to say, and Liu Ruyan's arrival was nothing more than an extra playmate to them.

But Ling'er doesn't think so. She works so hard on the research and development of ghosts in the server, but you are silent and promiscuous outside. You can just find a woman, but you don't even let the snake go, it's crazy, and the stench is unspeakable.

Of course, Ling'er couldn't say this. She knew that she had no right to control Shen Mo, and she also knew that her jealousy would not have any positive impact on this matter. All she could do was accept this fact. Ruyan Liu is No matter how beautiful she is, she will leave Silence and go to her incense temple to eat fireworks with peace of mind. Only her, Lin Linger, is the ghost who has accompanied Silence the longest.

cough cough!As for Liu Xiaoci... Ling'er's head is a little bigger, she has only been around for a day, and Shen Mo has found two beauties who are as beautiful as a country and a city.

Although Ling'er knows that Liu Xiaoci was pinched by Mo Mo himself, wouldn't you pinch a brother to fight side by side?You have to pinch a beauty as beautiful as a flower, where are you going to fight side by side? !

Hey, Ling'er sighed helplessly, she can't control it, just let him go, just be an excellent man and always have women's wishes, and treat silence as an ancient gentleman, then you can feel more comfortable.

Among ancient men, which one didn't have three wives and four concubines, isn't it normal to be silent?Besides, Silence is not looking for people, they are all...ghosts, monsters, dolls, etc., it's not too much!

Just when Linger, Xiaoci, and Ruyan were exchanging their sisterly feelings, the rolling gate downstairs creaked, as if it was pulled open by someone.

The discussion of the people stopped abruptly, and they exchanged glances, "The store is recruiting thieves!"

(End of this chapter)

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