The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 282 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 282 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
How could Laifu woodcarving shop recruit thieves?
If this matter had been left in the past, the thieves would have to walk away with tears in their eyes when they came in and walked around.

But now today is not as good as in the past. Silence is a woodcarving master worth [-] million, and he is also inextricably linked with Dafu Jewelry. On the day of the store celebration, the gift from Dafu Jewelry is worth tens of millions. The treasures placed on the table in front of everyone naturally aroused the concern of those with vicious thoughts.

Through observation, these people found that one day later, the people in the Laifu woodcarving shop had no intention of transferring the treasures at all, as if they had completely forgotten that there were still treasures worth tens of millions in their shop, and went to the opposite Baxian Baozi shop to organize group building. When you're done, just pull down the shutter and close it to sleep.

This simply doesn't put them in the eyes of these thugs, there is no reason not to eat the obvious meat.Ever since, a small group of thieves secretly couldn't bear the restlessness in their hearts, and pried open the door of Laifu woodcarving shop.

"Brother, where is the treasure! They put such an expensive thing here at random, the minds of rich people really can't understand."

"Hush! Keep your voice down, don't make noise upstairs, let's move things away quietly, what are we doing so much?"

"Okay brother, there are only the boss and his beautiful waiter upstairs...the waiter is really good-looking, I reckon, tsk tsk, they must be in full swing right now..."

"Bah! There's something in my head. After I finish this job, I'll be rich. You want as many beautiful women as you want, so be careful to suck you dry."

"Hey, brother is right, I will hit ten by then!"

"Stop talking nonsense, move!"

Although the whispers of the little thieves downstairs were extremely soft, their technique of opening the shutter was quite clever, and they didn't make much noise.

But in the ears of Shen Mo and others, all the actions and words of the little thief were the same as the live broadcast, without any omission, and they were all perceived.

Smiling silently without saying a word, these two little thieves are throwing themselves into a trap, sending food to the tiger's mouth, any person, ghost, or demon in the room can clearly arrange them, this is simply seeking their own death.

As for their words, Mo Mo himself doesn't care, and he has the right to listen to them as a joke. Liu Xiaoci, as the heroine of the hot incident, has no opinion. After all, he was pinched by Silence. It doesn't matter.

But Linger couldn't sit still.

You little thieves with long hairs in their mouths, it’s nothing more than stealing things, but you actually use such dirty thoughts to defile our noble souls, it’s a heinous crime, an unforgivable crime, and a sin worthy of death...

Linger's ghost flickered, and immediately rushed across the floor of the second floor to the first floor, wanting to teach these little thieves a good lesson and give them a vivid ideological and political lesson.

As the mascot of the store, Zashiki Nannan is also interested. She has always disliked these bad guys who dare to invade her territory privately, because in addition to attracting money, she also has the duty of guarding the house. This is something that has been neglected before Silence. After all, Nannan's ability to attract money is so excellent and dazzling that other talents are ignored.

Nannan turned into a stream of red light, followed Linger and went downstairs.

Mo Mo and the others looked at each other, they had no intention of making a move, they were going to be a quiet audience, to see how Linger and Nannan showed off these little thieves.

In the blink of an eye, Ling'er had already come behind the two little thieves. She kept her figure concealed, her cold eyes staring straight at the little thieves who were struggling to move the three-legged golden toad.

"Hiss!" The little thief's back suddenly felt cold, his hands froze, and he muttered in a low voice, "Brother, do you feel the cold behind you?"

The eldest brother is trying his best to fight with the three-legged golden toad, so he doesn't care if the back is cool, he urged impatiently, "Have a hammer, move quickly, after moving this one, there are two more piece!"

"Oh!" The little thief shook his head, put the matter behind him, joined the ranks of the porters, and carried it with a grunt.

Ling'er snorted softly, but when she was about to do it, she was stopped by Nan Nan, "Sister Linger, don't do it yet, let me play first?"

Nannan blinked her big eyes full of hope, and stared at Linger longingly, as if silently saying [Sister Linger, if you were me, you would definitely understand how much I want to play with these two people. 】

If this matter were placed on ordinary bear children, they would definitely be swung by a feather duster for dozens of rounds, but it just so happened that this happened to Linger and Nannan. One of them is a ghost, the other is a little monster. Under the combination, nothing can be done.

Ling'er smiled knowingly, "Go, I'll take care of them after you finish playing."

Nan Nan got permission, nodded her head in a big way, concealed her demon body, and bounced up to the little thief. She stretched out a finger and gently tapped on the little thief.

【Ding!Lucky Prosperity Skill Launched!The luck attribute of the target is extracted, and the target luck attribute is reduced to: -99]

oops!Then came a scream, it turned out that the little thief whose luck was taken away accidentally sprained his foot, the raised three-legged golden toad lost its center of gravity, and slammed on the little thief's leg, making him hurt more and more painfully. Grinning his teeth, tears streaming down his face.

"Hush! Hold back!" The little thief's elder brother immediately stepped forward and covered the little thief's mouth to prevent him from making any movement. He shook his head and stared at the stairs on the second floor. After a long time, seeing that there was still no movement above, he let go , but just as he let go, he saw that the little thief had passed out due to suffocation.

Big thief: "???"

The big thief was too nervous, and he covered it too much, so that the little thief fainted from lack of oxygen, and the corners of his mouth twitched, what should I do? !
With his own strength, how could he carry all three treasures onto the cart? !I really didn't read the almanac today when I went out, I don't know which god I offended, it's so stupid!
Why!No, thieves don't leave empty space, so they have to take something with them!
The big thief looked at the unconscious little thief, and then at the three-legged golden toad that was pressing on him. His heart sank, he picked up the three-legged golden toad, thinking of dragging it out, and then came back to move the little thief.

But just when the big hairy thief was about to turn into a three-legged golden toad, a cold and strange voice sounded from behind him.

"Wang Fugui!"

hiss!The big thief trembled all over, turned around suddenly, and shouted in a low voice, "Who is it? Who is calling my name."

Ghosts and the like all have some small spells that can read people's minds. Naturally, Ling'er can easily know the name of the other party, so she invoked the name of the other party to infuse the atmosphere of terror.

Wang Fugui looked around carefully under the moonlight, but he didn't see a single figure. He muttered to himself, maybe he was too nervous and had auditory hallucinations, but just as he was about to turn around, a whispered call sounded in his ears again. .

"Wang Fugui!"

Oh my god!Wang Fugui couldn't sit still anymore, he realized that it wasn't that he didn't go to worship Buddha today, this is the rhythm of rebelling against evil spirits!

His face turned pale in an instant, and he glanced over slightly trembling, only to see a pale face appearing beside him with his head covered, with scarlet eyes still flowing with bright red blood.

My mother!Wang Fugui's legs gave way, and he almost fell to the ground, but his strong desire to survive made him rush out of the house, screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

Do you think this is the end?No, when Wang Fugui rushed out of the shop, another wave of gunmen who had been ambushing outside the shop stopped him.

"Don't move, hand over everything you stole."

"What's that thing you're covering under your trousers? Your buttocks are swollen, take it out!"

Wang Fugui burst into tears, "Brother, we are colleagues, can we not take it? You can't take this thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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