The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 283 decides it's you

Chapter 283 decides it's you
"Can't take it?! Why can't I take it?"

There was actually a group of thugs with guns standing outside the Laifu woodcarving shop. These people had been ambushing outside the shop early on, watching the big and small thieves break into the woodcarving shop with their own eyes.

Their abacus is also very obvious, that is, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit. If the big and small thieves succeed, they can eat the black and eat the big and small thieves and their treasures. You can also play by ear, make another plan, and grab another day.

Such a plan was originally seamless, but what these gangsters didn't expect was that the depths of the Laifu woodcarving shop were unpredictable, and the characters inside were becoming more and more ruthless, so they could provoke them at will.

"Get it out!"

The leading bandit yelled again, pointing the pistol in his hand at the big bandit's head, which made him tremble all over and slur his speech.

"No... you can take it! You can take it... you can't!"

However, a gangster couldn't wait any longer. Without stopping, he reached into the big thief's trouser pocket. After some groping, the expectation on his face gradually became weird, and the brows of hope gradually locked , his complexion was extremely livid, extremely ugly.

"Monkey, what did you touch?"

The thug called Monkey withdrew his hand in astonishment, only to see something yellow and sticky on his palm, and he could vaguely see the figure of "see you later".

"Damn!" All the thugs took a few steps back, hurriedly covered their mouths and noses, and growled in disgust, "You actually touched shit!"

There was no expression on the monkey's face in the black hood, but he even wanted to kill the big thief at the moment, "You pulled your pants down and made me... vomit! I'll kill you !"

Monkey said he was going to raise his gun to kill the big thief, but was stopped by the bandit leader, "Monkey, stop, don't be impulsive, isn't it just a pile of shit! Money is more important than shit, let's make money first."

The monkey ignored him and insisted on shooting the big thief, but it took another two gangsters to pull him down.

The leading bandit spat out bad luck, greedily took a breath of fresh air, picked up the big thief and asked, "Boy, I hate you little thieves the most in my life. You have no technical content at all. You broke into it for a long time. Just bring out a pile of shit, it’s more than a success than a failure. Where is your accomplice? Is it still moving treasures in it.”

Scared by the cold muzzle of the gun, the big thief had already flown away the three spirits and left the seven spirits. He stared at the leader of the bandit stupidly, unable to answer for a while, and only murmured in fragments, " Hey, Jin Chan. Hey, so white..."

"Scared silly!"

The leader of the gangster threw the big thief on the ground viciously, called one of his subordinates to stun him and dragged him into a side alley, then poked his head and looked into the Laifu woodcarving shop.

I saw that the glass door of Laifu Woodcarving Shop was half-closed and half-open, and it was dark inside, and nothing could be seen. I looked at the movement of the bedroom on the second floor, but there was still no response.

The bandit leader murmured in his heart, "What the hell did these two guys do in there? Did they steal anything, but instead they came out frightened, and there was a small one who didn't see anyone. Could it be that the shop is prepared?"

The bandit leader pondered for a long time, not knowing what to do next. The situation in the store was very unclear, and he really couldn't make up his mind.

"Brother, do you want to do it!"

The gangster who had dealt with the big thief came back and asked in a low voice.

"That's right, brother, I see that the owner of the store hasn't noticed yet, we have guns, and we rushed forward, are you afraid that he will be a man and a woman?"

"Yeah, brother, do it! It's much safer than robbing a bank."

"That's right, brother, after passing this village, there is no such shop."

The leader of the gangster has a big head, and his intuition told himself that there is something tricky in this store, but he couldn't stand the greed in his heart and the urging of his subordinates. Said, "Go, fuck him."


A group of gunmen groped along the wall in the dark, preparing to enter the Fumu Carving Shop.

At the same time, Mo Mo and the others who were in the bedroom on the second floor also discovered these unexpected guests.

Silence sneered, "Is this the gourd baby saving grandpa, sending them off one after another?"

Liu Ruyan turned into a human form, and a voice like a silver bell came, and said with a smile, "Your comparison is really appropriate, but these people are all carrying guns, although Linger and Nannan can get rid of them, I'm afraid It hurt the wood carvings and storefront downstairs."

Liu Xiaoci also responded, "Yes! Nannan and Linger's abilities are really not suitable for dealing with these people. If they are frightened or unlucky, they will inevitably hurt Chi Yu and the things in the store."

When Liu Ruyan and Liu Xiaoci reminded him, Shen Mo was also aware of this, and he couldn't let Ling'er and Nan Nanhu come. The bandits would catch him, and he would hurt the enemy one thousand and himself eight hundred.

Mo Mo immediately patted the Lucky Cat on his waist, using this artifact to awaken Nan Nan, and ordered her and Linger to come back quickly, it was time to change the lineup.

Nannan and Ling'er naturally found out about these thugs. They wanted to have fun again, but they were called back by Silence. Although they were reluctant, they turned into two streamers and went upstairs.

Next, who should deal with these armed bandits? !

Doggy! ? Possi!The scene downstairs was very chaotic, non-combatants had to evacuate as soon as possible, Goudan was obviously not suitable for playing.

Ruyan Liu? ! Poss!He had just recruited this willow celestial being, so there was no reason for her to make a move. Of course, at this moment, it was for the old staff to show the background of Laifu Wood Carving Shop.

Linger and Nannan have already shown each other, so Liu Xiaoci is the only one left.

Liu Xiaoci! ?

Ever since Silence created her, she has never really used her. As the saying goes, pinch you for a while, use you for the rest of your life.Now is the time to test your abilities.

It's up to you.go!Thunder Little Fa Liu Xiaoci!
Xiaoci nodded slightly, bowed in a very dignified and virtuous manner, took the order, and went downstairs.

The moment she pushed open the bedroom door, her eyes became extremely sharp, as unstoppable as the thunder of the nine heavens, and countless tiny thunder arcs jumped on her body, descending into the mortal world like the god of thunder.

Besides, under the leadership of the leader, those gangsters rushed into the Laifu woodcarving shop in the dark. They also saw the treasure in the shop at a glance, and they were still little thieves who were stunned by the three-legged golden toad.

The leader of the thugs relaxed. It turned out that the big thief ran out in a panic because the little thief was stunned by the golden toad. Hehe, these little thieves with no technical content are simply too unprofessional. Going in is simply a disgrace to the industry, we scum.

"Monkey... no, you haven't washed your hands yet. Rabbits, mice, cockroaches... you guys are moving things, monkeys, you and the fox are watching outside. Tell the kangaroos to drive over..."

The leader of the gangster gave an order very professionally, and divided everyone into details. He held a gun and stood guard at the side, guarding the stairs on the second floor to observe the situation.

The moment they tiptoed to lift the three-legged golden toad, the little thief woke up suddenly. He let out a terrifying roar and cried out in pain, "My leg! It hurts like hell!"

The thugs were stunned on the spot, with a confused look on their faces, the golden toad that had just been lifted fell down again, knocking the little thief unconscious again.

At this moment, the bedroom door on the second floor opened slowly, and a figure flickered over.

The leader of the gangster was heartbroken, and shouted, "You can't do it in secret, let's grab it in the open!"

(End of this chapter)

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