The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 285 Please come to the hotel again

Chapter 285 Please come to the hotel again

When Shen Mo came down from the bedroom on the second floor, the group of thugs had already been restrained by Xiaoci with the tree demon vines, and they were thrown outside the Laifu Wood Carving Shop, neatly arranged in a row. The formation was quite spectacular.

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of neighbors from nearby neighborhoods. They pointed at the bandits on the ground and discussed in low voices.

"I met this man on the day of the store celebration. You can see that he looks like a mouse, and he is not a good thing at first glance."

"That's right, and the one with the fox eyes, I've seen it too, he was peeking at me all the time, he looked like a hooligan."

"Tsk tsk, you're paying attention to the wrong focus! Fifteen people, or gangsters with guns, were dealt with so easily. Do you think Laifu woodcarving shop is simple! It seems that neither the boss nor the beautiful waiter Ordinary people!"

"Hiss! It's true what you said. There were only the two of them in the shop. How did they knock down fifteen gangsters and arrange them neatly? No matter how hard it is for fifteen people Five or six people resist!"

"You guys came late, I don't know the situation, but I saw with my own eyes the beautiful waiter in the Laifu store, carrying a person on one shoulder, coming out of the store with wind on her feet, she was the one who arranged the gangsters in a row... This girl is very burly, it looks like she is destined to have a boy."

"One shoulder, one shoulder, fifteen back and forth. Could it be that he has practiced kung fu! Have you heard that there are many rumors on the Internet recently..."

"Hush! Don't spread rumors, be careful to sue you for spreading rumors."

"Tch, let's gossip in private! I just know one thing, have you ever heard of the ones in the north of the city coming to the hotel?"

"Huh? What's the matter? Can something happen again?"

"Not only did something happen, but it was also very evil. A young man died in it. When he was discovered, he had already become a man. A friend of mine had something to do with it. I got a photo of that guy. He looked like that. Very human."

"Don't say it so evil, it's probably a few rich women playing happy balls and ruined it."

"That rich woman inhaled semen! Adults did it..."

The surrounding melon-eating crowd were stunned for a moment, and even Silence frowned slightly, as if the situation was not good. Naturally, they could hear their words Silence clearly, so he had seen it before coming to the hotel. But I didn't expect that there would be a murder case in the hotel, and depending on the situation, it was a crime committed by a ghost and a ghost, who completely sucked the energy of the young man, and directly made an adult commit it.

Shen Mo muttered to himself, when did this happen, why didn't Team Niu contact him, has this matter been resolved?
Mo Mo wanted to ask people in the know, but at this moment, the Niu team led the team to arrive. He had already understood the situation on the phone, and without saying anything, he brought a group of thugs into the car one after another, and at the same time they were also in the trash can. Found the big thief who was knocked out, and the little thief who was knocked unconscious by the three-legged golden toad.

Just as they were carrying the little thief into the car, the team members slipped their hands and threw the little thief so dizzy that only half of their lives were left.

Dui Niu patted Shen Mo on the shoulder, coughed twice and said, "Be gentle next time, you see half of your life left."

He smiled silently, "After such a disturbance, does the Niu team think there will be another time? Besides, I didn't take any action. It was all done by the ghosts and monsters at home."

"That's right, knock the mountain and shake the tiger. After cleaning up like this, those people with bad intentions really don't dare to call your attention again. However, you should be careful. Most people can't do anything to you. If you meet your colleagues, you have to be careful. I finally know Why do you like to collect these ghosts, monsters, tsk tsk, it is really useful at critical moments."

Nodding silently, he knows how to measure and is also very far-sighted.

"If there's a chance, I'll catch one for you too, just like a Tibetan mastiff," Shen Mo said, then changed the subject and started asking about Hao Zai's hotel, "Do you know Hao Zai's hotel?"

Niu Dui slapped his head and said anxiously, "I was going to tell you about this! Well, the next thing, you can solve it."


Niu Dui nodded, "It's very tricky. This is not the first time. According to the intelligence of the bureau, six similar homicides occurred in just one day. It's a sin, but there is no doubt that it is definitely not an ordinary evil spirit."

"Six cases! Or in different areas of the province, and when?" Shen Mo realized the seriousness of the problem.

"According to the forensic inference, the time difference between the deaths is not more than one hour. It is very likely that a gang committed the crime, but it seems to be the same target..." Team Niu's head is a bit big. If it is not useful, normal people will not be able to find clues and answers to this matter.

But silence is a flash of inspiration, thinking of the simple task I received before, seeing the love that died in the light, could it be this person who died in Hao Zai Lai? !If Shen Mo remembers correctly, his surname seems to be Liu.

"Team Niu, what's the victim's name?"

"Liu Ming! A person from Haojing," Dui Niu murmured, and then remembered something, "It's the person you asked Li Yang to help investigate in the group. This matter can't!"

Shen Mo's face darkened, he didn't care about the questioning of the Niu team, he felt uncomfortable because Li Yang hadn't sent the information, Liu Ming had already died, although this matter was not directly related to Shen Mo, but it was somewhat responsible of.

Niu Dui shook his head and denied his guess, "You are the most accurate person I have ever seen. You definitely did not do this, but since you are paying attention to it, I will leave it to you. Death If you can’t come back to life, if you want to avenge Liu Ming, find the murderer as soon as possible, because I have an ominous premonition that this matter is not over yet, it’s just the beginning.”

Mo Mo nodded heavily, he knew the seriousness, this is not the time to blame himself, but to rush to the hotel and then go to the hotel to find clues, find the murderer as soon as possible, so as not to escalate the situation.

Mo Mo handed over the scene to Team Niu, gave Xiaoci some instructions, and then took Nan Nan and Goudan to drive the Maserati all the way to the Haozailai Hotel.

Mo Mo wants to see what it is that can crash the market and kill six people in a row at the same time.

At the same time, Mo Mo also muttered in a low voice, the clergy foundation mentioned by Ma Shisan must speed up its progress and be established this morning. People like Liu Ming, although they don’t know why they died in Haozai Hotel, but at least they are A human life, out of humanitarianism, should be greeted.

Ghosts are ruthless, but people are sympathetic.If people have feelings, the sky is also old!

Well come to the hotel again.

This is an old hotel, the kind that costs [-] to [-] a night. Generally, those who come here to stay here are cheap, and the distance from the train station is relatively close.

Therefore, there are a lot of people coming to the hotel, and the customer base is also very complicated, with people from almost all levels.

Sitting silently in the car, he checked the case file sent by the Niu team, and carefully understood the details of the incident. After reading it, he opened the car door and walked straight to the hotel before returning.

He was downstairs, his spiritual sense was open, but he didn't find even a trace of ghostly evil, such a silent head was a bit big.

Because this means that the murderer is no longer here and can come to the hotel again, but Shen Mo still has to go up and take a look at the situation at the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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