Chapter 286 Room 401

"Is room 401 occupied?"

Mo Mo walked into the hotel, went directly to the bar, and saw a middle-aged man with a sad face at a glance. Generally, the hotel is responsible for the reception of young women, no matter how bad it is, there are some pretty young aunts, but a frowning, unshaven What the hell is that uncle standing behind the bar?

Hearing the silent inquiry, the man seemed to have recovered from his worries. He pretended to be optimistic and asked, "What did you just say?"

Silence repeated again, "I said, is room 401 occupied?"

The face of the man pretending to be optimistic changed instantly, his eyes showed hatred, he looked up and down in silence, and shouted at the top of his voice, "It's you bastard reporter again, how many times have I told you, don't come to my hotel again, You all report some godlike things, so that I can’t do business, even the waiter quits... I beg you, don’t mess with me, let me go, I still have to count on I support my family with this store."

Shen Mo frowned slightly. It turned out that this man was the owner of the Hao Zai Lai Hotel. Liu Ming's death had a great impact on the business and reputation of this hotel. Coupled with the exposure of some unscrupulous reporters, the Hao Zai Lai Hotel was completely judged. got the death penalty.

"I'm not a reporter," Shen Mo raised his hand and shook the case file in his hand, "I was introduced by Team Niu. Didn't he say hello to you?"

The boss was taken aback, knowing that he had identified the wrong person, and quickly apologized, "Sorry, I've been a little... ah!"

The boss let out a long sigh, he was so depressed that he couldn't describe it in words, what he was most afraid of when he opened the door for business was that this kind of thing happened in the store, and what was even more afraid of it was that this kind of thing was mysterious and supernatural. Being met by him, the psychological endurance of ordinary people is naturally difficult to accept and adapt to.

"I understand that the matter has come to this point. Only by solving this matter as soon as possible, the public opinion turmoil will naturally pass soon."

The boss wished to mutter, and then handed Shen Mo a cigarette, which is a mellow Changbaishan, "I hope so... If it doesn't work, I can only type it out... Oh, by the way, police officer, what do you call it?" .”

"My surname is Shen, and I'm not a police officer. You can call me Boss Shen, or you can call me by my first name, Shen Mo." Mo Mo briefly introduced himself, and the boss looked confused.

It's not the police officer, you come here to solve some problem, it's not the police officer, you want to enter this kind of place, maybe you are looking for a relationship to come over and do something.

The boss smoked back the cigarette handed to Shen Mo, his face darkened, and asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

"Clean up!"

Silence was a simple word, and the boss's heart trembled when he said it. He had seen Liu Ming's corpse, and that kind of death was definitely not what a natural death should be. But as a hotel owner, he resisted this idea in his heart. No one wanted to admit that his hotel was haunted and even harmed people.

Now that Shen Mo mentioned this to him, he naturally understood it instantly.

"I really have that kind of thing here?!"

Shen Mo's spiritual sense was opened, but he still didn't find anything unusual. This time, the strange thing was even weirder than he had imagined.

"Do you hope to have it, or not?" Mo Mo asked back, staring at the boss.

The boss blurted out, "Of course not..."

Before he finished speaking, there was no follow-up, because he knew in his heart that nothing was impossible, people were sucked into that, if a living person did it, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

"Just pretend you didn't! Because I'm here!"

Mo Mo said, pointing to the stairs leading upstairs, "Give me the key, I'll go up and have a look, you wait downstairs, don't walk around at will."

The boss was in a daze, overwhelmed by Silence's temperament, and began to believe in Silence unconsciously in his heart. He handed the key to Room 401 to Silence, and he did not forget to remind, "You also take the walkie-talkie with you. If it happens later, What, I'll go out and find support for you."

Mo Mo smiled, what kind of support are you looking for, this is the rhythm of running away when you see that the situation is not good.

He didn't argue with the boss, just took the walkie-talkie and walked up the stairs to the fourth floor.

Fortunately, Zalai Hotel is an old hotel, so it is not equipped with an elevator. To get to the fourth floor, you can only go through the dilapidated stairs full of decay and damp. The stairs are very wide and can accommodate four or five people at the same time, but the walls on both sides are It is moldy and deteriorated due to perennial moisture, and the paint is peeling off.If it weren't for the really low prices in this store, the business wouldn't be so good.

The 4th floor arrived soon, and Shen Mo stood in the dark corridor, as if he was in a dark abyss. The gray corridor lights flickered, like the god of death in the night shaking his arms. He looked left and right, passing through the rusty The house number, find the location of room 401.

Turn right and continue to go deeper, room 401 is actually at the end of the corridor.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, he knew some taboos about the hotel.

Ordinary candidates usually do not choose a room with "0" in the middle number, because "0" and "spirit" imply ominous.

Furthermore, when choosing a room, you should not choose the last room at the end of the corridor, because the end represents yin, and the strength of yin means the decline of yang. When meeting people with insufficient yang energy, unclean things may be attracted.

And this room No. 401 not only has "0", but also the last room on the 4th floor, directly committing two taboos.

So, why did Liu Ming live in this house?Unlucky to be assigned?There is still another secret.

Shen Mo remembered the previous task briefing about the simple task [Love that Sees the Light and Dies].

Online dating has always been good, but it's too early to die when you see the light.Could it be that Liu Ming's online dating partner did the trick, or that his online dating partner is the murderer Shen Mo is looking for? !
With doubts in his heart, Mo Mo came to the door of Room 401. He first sensed it with his spiritual sense, but found nothing abnormal, then he slowly raised his hand and knocked on the door of Room 401.

Boom boom boom!
The hollow sound echoed in the dark corridor, and the dull echo from the room passed through the gap in the door to Silence's ears. Apart from these normal things that could no longer be normal, he still didn't find anything abnormal.

In desperation, Shen Mo had no choice but to use the key to open the door. He inserted the key into the door lock, and after some twisting, the door opened with the sound of mechanical bearings turning.

Immediately, an extremely strong rotten smell spread over the surface, which is the smell that only dead people have.

Shen Mo frowned, he was sure that Liu Ming's body had been taken away, but his body fragrance still remained in the room, what was even more frightening was that apart from his body fragrance and the smell of rotting furniture, Mo Mo couldn't smell it anymore. Not any weird smells.

This is obviously unscientific, let alone metaphysical.

Because whenever a ghost is at work, no matter how well it hides, there will still be a little ghostly aura left.

But the current situation is that there is no ghost at all in room 401, only Liu Ming's body fragrance and the original smell of the room.

With full of surprise, Shen Mo pushed the door open and walked through the narrow and gloomy corridor. On the left hand side was a floor-to-ceiling mirror, reflecting the appearance of Mo Mo.

He frowned slightly, the installation of this mirror was really out of harmony, it was not good to put it anywhere, it had to be put here.

The most taboo thing about opening the door is the mirror, but it has to be installed with a mirror. After a while, I have to ask the boss who hired to do the decoration, which is really amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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