The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 289 The Appearance Association Must Die

Chapter 289 The Appearance Association Must Die

Silent's face drooped long, Ren he was already mentally prepared to meet the terrifying appearance of the little baby, but he was still frightened by the tank in the video.

This tonnage, this shape, and this temperament are simply not something that one person can control.

Silence can suddenly realize how sad and the atmosphere was when Liu Ming left. Compared with the photos on the screen saver of the mobile phone, this is simply Chiguoguo's fraud, defrauding the feelings of an innocent little man, and the hundreds of thousands of houses. fees, plus underlying hardware wear and tear, and so on.

Silence's complexion changed, so she couldn't escape the tank on the opposite side of the phone screen. Her big face trembled violently, her fat fluctuated a few times like water ripples, and then she roared with anger and disgust.

" also look down on my appearance, and you don't respect me, you appearance association that judges people by their appearance, you damn stinky man."

The curses of the tank kept coming from the mobile phone. Compared with the little brothers who took one bite at a time, it was like heaven falling into hell, and then from hell into endlessness.

Shen Mo frowned, I look down on your appearance?Sister, I really despise your appearance, it is too heavy, the face alone weighs dozens of catties!

I disrespect you?You don't respect yourself, you treat yourself like a heavy tank, and you still talk about respect with me? !
My Appearance Association?This world is a world where you eat by looking at your face. Good-looking people have advantages and capital. Don’t talk to me about interesting souls. You don’t have a good-looking face. I don’t want to understand your soul, even if it’s pure. Like a piece of toilet paper.

snort!Swordsman is hypocritical!

Shen Mo kept complaining in his heart, but he didn't say anything. He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and pretended not to mind.

"No, why would I dislike you? By the way, why are you posting videos with you? Don't you want to come here directly? Come here quickly! I'll wait for you."

In the video, the face of Tank froze. She did not believe in silence because of the words of silence, but took the words of silence as an insult and ridicule. Her fragile psychological defense could not bear the slightest stimulation.

"You lied to me... You men don't have a good thing."

Tank cursed, and strange brown-yellow juice came out of the plate with his big face, like the thick juice from rotten eggs, which could be smelled through the screen.

Mo Mo frowned, and instinctively wanted to close his eyes, but his reason told him that when the evil thing went berserk, he must not blink, and he had to look carefully to see how it harmed people.

I saw the brownish-yellow juice becoming thicker and thicker with the roar of the evil thing, as if it was about to overflow from the phone screen, and the palm holding the phone in Shen Mo felt strangely sticky and uncomfortable, just like a phone Endowed with some kind of life, it clings to his palm and begins to devour his flesh.

Shen Mo's eyes were fixed, and his spiritual sense was activated, and he saw that the yellow-brown juice contained endless resentment, mixed with countless words and emotions of jealousy, anger, and resentment, like countless ants trying to spread along the arms of Shen Mo's body .

It's done!This is the way it harms people, devouring the essence of the victim's flesh and blood through mobile phone video.

After Shen Mo knew the method, he didn't resist at the first time, because the other party didn't really show up. It was still hiding at the other end of the mobile phone video, but it was using yellow-brown juice to do evil.

Silence must find the specific location of this evil thing, or lure its body over.

Activating the investigative skill, silently investigate the information of this evil creature, trying to get useful information.

[Xiao Yueyue, female, 18 years old.Height 158cm, weight 158KG.Abandoned by an online dating partner, he ate snacks to death at home. He died with great resentment, so he turned into a ghost and harmed people through online address:****】

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched. This kind of player whose height and weight are equal is really a ruthless person. He can actually eat snacks and eat himself to death.

Furthermore, although love is beautiful, it is not the whole of life. Isn't it just a love lost and dumped?I can't think of anything.If there is no object, the earth will not continue to rotate, and life will not go on as usual? !
Before Silence, I knew a powerful person. I was in my forties and I was not married yet. My blind date experience can be written into a book called [On a Thousand Stances of Blind Date Women]. Isn't it still going against the current, the more frustrated the more courageous?

So, it was her own fault that Xiao Yueyue came to this point, why couldn't her heart be as generous as her body?

Knowing the other party's location, Shen Mo didn't have to endure the erosion of the yellow-brown juice. When he thought about it, his mental power exploded like a tide. First, a weapon blessing scattered the yellow-brown juice, and then another shot of purification shot at the phone .

The powerful purification power went straight to Xiao Yueyue in the picture through the screen of the mobile phone. Her big face exploded in an instant like boiling water meeting boiling oil, and disappeared in an extremely horrible posture accompanied by painful wailing. in the phone screen.

The picture flickered, and when the brilliance settled down, I saw a mummy lying on the bed holding a mobile phone, that was Xiao Yueyue's body, and it was also what she looked like when she died.

Mo Mo frowned, looking at the fineness of this corpse, she had been dead for at least half a year, and she was not discovered for such a long time, her life was really a failure.

Silence muttered to himself, wrote down the other party's home address, and passed the information to Dui Niu, asking him to restrain Xiao Yueyue's body.

Taking a closer look at the strength of Xiao Yueyue, this evil thing, I thought she was stronger than before, but what I didn't expect was that she was just an ordinary ghost who sucked human flesh and blood with the help of mobile phone videos, and she couldn't even purify it. Can't stand it.

This kind of ghost's methods are advancing with the times, clever and unpredictable, but its strength is mediocre.But it can't be killed all at once, the main reason is that Xiao Yueyue didn't swallow much flesh and blood of the living, and it hasn't become a climate yet. If she is allowed to continue to harm others, sooner or later she will develop a terrible vengeful spirit like Sadako.

Therefore, this world has never lacked opportunities for ghosts and wraiths. What is lacking is long-term accumulation. Whenever there are ghosts and wraiths who commit crimes, they will be tidied up before they jump a few times, and they will naturally become Not the climate.

I'm afraid that some places that the supernatural power can't cover, such as Ling'er's hometown, Shangtongtian Village, there is no one to subdue demons and eliminate demons, so that the evil things breed and grow, and when they are discovered, they are already out of control.

Of course, this is not what Mo Mo needs to care about right now, it is what the leaders of the Super Bureau care about.

To get rid of Xiao Yueyue, Mo Mo can be regarded as revenge for Liu Ming, I hope he will be more rational in his next life, and never believe in online dating anymore.

As the saying goes, there is no free dinner in the world, and naturally there is no pie that falls for no reason. When something good happens to you, don't calmly think about whether it is a tempting trap.

Shen Shen took off his clothes, washed up briefly in the bathroom, then put on his clothes, and lay down on the big round bed in the hotel. Since he had already consumed, he naturally had to finish his breakfast tomorrow morning before leaving.

And the reason Shen Mo put on his clothes is because today's daily tasks have been refreshed, and it's time for him to do the daily tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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