The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 290 New Daily Tasks

Chapter 290 New Daily Tasks
Shen Mo put on her clothes, reclined on the double bed in the hotel, closed her eyes gently, and put her consciousness into the task list that had already been refreshed.

[Simple task (mirror world): Sleeping Beauty]

There is a beautiful Sleeping Beauty sleeping in the dilapidated old castle. It is said that only when the prince kisses her can she wake up from the witch's spell.And the one who guards Sleeping Beauty is a terrible demon from hell, which has the powerful power to confuse people and control living souls.

The real prince has been brutally killed by the devil. Please ask the clergyman to take up the title of prince, and in the name of Prince Shen, go to the ancient castle to kiss and wake up the sleeping Beauty.

[Task Reward: Sleeping Beauty*1]

【Sleeping Beauty, a princess from a certain kingdom, was cursed by an evil witch to sleep, and only the kiss of the prince can wake her up. 】

[Love at first sight: When the princess is awakened, she will fall in love with the person who kissed her at first sight, and fall deeply in love with the person who gave the kiss. 】

[Kiss once, wake up for three hours: You are not a real prince, so your kiss cannot completely remove the sleeping curse, and the awakened princess is still suffering from the curse of the curse.So, one kiss from you can only wake up the princess for three hours. 】

[General Quest (Main World): Dark Auction]

The aura is revived, and the ghost energy is awakened.As the frequency of spooky incidents continues to rise, more and more people know the truth of this world.Some people who can't adapt to the times, but have the resources of the upper class, start to use the capital in their hands to look around for what they think is extraordinary power.

Such a strong desire has attracted the attention of many criminals. Driven by profit, the Dark Auction came into being.

As long as you have money, you can buy everything you want.

Invite the clergy to sneak into the underground auction, participate in an auction, and successfully obtain the auction item.

[Mission rewards: 500 spirit energy for the auction item (unknown), Diamond King Card from the Dark Auction. 】

[Bidding item: The item you bid will be recognized by the system, and the attributes, skills, bloodlines, etc. of the auction item will be correspondingly increased. 】

[Diamond King Card of the Dark Auction: This is an identity certificate from the Dark Auction. With it, you can participate in any Dark Auction and get the information of the auction item in priority. 】

[Space Portal: Receive this quest, it will open the space portal and teleport you to the underground auction. 】

[Pretenders: The Dark Auctions are always showing their true colors, please make a good disguise for the clergy. 】

[There must be a score: the dark auction is full of fish and dragons, and it is not recommended for priests to use force or expose their identities. 】

[Nightmare Mission (Mirror World): Falling Dragon Valley]

Dragon, auspicious.It has nine similar shapes, can appear or hide, can be thin or thick, can be long or short, can reach the sky on the vernal equinox, dive into the abyss on the autumnal equinox, call the wind and rain, it is the divine beast of China.

It is rumored that the original name of Falling Dragon Valley was Yiyiya. Since a woodcutter witnessed a dragon falling into the valley, he changed its name to Falling Dragon Valley.Since then, every thunderstorm season, ordinary people can hear the sound of dragons singing, and countless dragon hunters have stepped into the Dragon Falling Valley, wanting to find the trace of the dragon, but without exception, they found nothing.

Invite the clergy to go to the Valley of the Fallen Dragon and unlock the secrets of the Valley of the Fallen Dragon.

[Task Reward: To be determined. 】

[I'm not Oboi: Ao? !Obai? !stupidly can not tell.In short, I am Ao, not Oboi. 】

【You are not alone: ​​remember, you are not the only one looking for dragons, there are countless people who want to get dragons. 】

Silent consciousness scanned the refreshed task briefing, and couldn't help but fell into contemplation. This time, the daily task contained a lot of information, and he had to check the details one by one.

The first thing I looked at was the simple task [Sleeping Beauty], Shen Shen shook his head, amazed, this task actually asked him to kiss the sleeping Beauty in the castle? !

This thing sounds like a good idea.But if you think about it carefully, it is a huge pit.

First of all, let's take a look at the task reminder of [Kiss once, wake up for three hours].
Do you think this is for your benefit?When you need Sleeping Beauty, you only need to kiss once, and you can use it beautifully for three hours? !
no no no!You are still too young.

The point of the problem is that you have obtained a Sleeping Beauty, a Sleeping Beauty who is the same as a normal woman in psychology, physiology, and nature, and this Sleeping Beauty is also an incomparably noble princess.

You don't bring welfare home here, it's like bringing a Bodhisattva to your home.

Do you think the prince and princess can live happily together after they get married?No, no, those are all fairy tales to lie to children. The real ending should be the post-marriage battle between the princess and the prince, and scenes comparable to epic court infighting will be staged one by one.

How the pampered princess and the innocent prince fight wits and courage in the court is the real ending.Mo Mo dare not bring a princess home, because there are too many ghosts, monsters, and fairies in his house, and who can bear to invite another princess in!
Ever since, Shen Mo directly ignored this simple task and continued to look down.

Dark Auction? !It's still the dark auction in the main world? !
Silence was secretly surprised. As a special commissioner of the Super Bureau, he had never heard anything about the dark auction. It can be seen how deep this organization hides and how much energy is involved. It is not an exaggeration to say that the people in the Super Bureau Some people are likely to be regular visitors to the auction.

Because in this era of aura recovery, the economic benefits brought by dark creatures are more profitable than any business in the world, and there is no law that can restrict or manage this business.

It has become an unmanaged lawless place, full of interests, violence, greed, wealth...anything related to human nature.

Looking at the requirements of the mission again, Shen Mo sneaked into the Dark Auction and successfully bid for a lot. At that time, not only can he obtain the optimized ownership of the auction item, but he can also get the Diamond King Card of the Dark Auction. He has the priority to obtain the information of the auction item. s right.

It can be seen that the dark auction will not have a good impression of strangers, and it is not easy to obtain the qualifications for the auction. Moreover, the auction must have a treasure that can help Silence, otherwise the system will not release this mission that obviously has a follow-up plot to itself .

Shen Mo wants to take this task, because he is very interested in the Dark Auction and wants to see what the auction items inside are.

Take the zashiki boy Nannan in Shen Mo’s hands as an example. Nan Nan was sold to China by Toshiba, a monster trafficking organization in the island country. One Nan Nan can help Shen Mo get unimaginable benefits. Dark creatures like Nannan, the silent life can't fly to the sky.

But that's just thinking about it, because this task can obviously be done privately in the main world, and there is no need to waste the quota of daily tasks to obtain unknown auction items and the so-called Diamond King Card.

Silently write down all the information about the Dark Auction. After you are ready to complete this daily task, ask the group leader Ma Shisan if there is any information about the Dark Auction. If you want to pass Ma Shisan's hand, you will be able to easily Enter the dark auction and get something that will help you.

Why does Shen Mo believe that Ma Shisan has such great energy?Because Shen Mo knows the power of Ma Shisan, the eternal loli, not only is she extremely strong personally, but the power of the Ma family is also enormous.

If even the Ma family doesn't know about the Dark Auction, it's because Ma Shisan doesn't want to tell Shen Mo.

After deciding on this matter, Shen Mo set his sights on the last task.

Fallen Dragon Valley? !

That's right, you heard it right, it is Falling Dragon Valley, as the name says, there are really dragons in Falling Dragon Valley.

Dragon!That is the legendary dragon.

As a descendant of the dragon, Mo Mo's feelings for the dragon are deeply engraved in his bones, so when he heard that he had the opportunity to see the real dragon with his own eyes, there was no reason why he should not be excited.

This task is even more tempting than the dark auction's temptation to silence. After all, the auction items in the dark auction are unknowable, and the dragon in the Dragon Valley is a real dragon.

So here comes the question, what does Mo Mo want to do to the dragon in Falling Dragon Valley?

In addition to the task requiring Shen Mo to crack the secret of Falling Dragon Valley, Shen Mo has a bold idea.

Tut tut!That's right, it is naturally Shen Mo's mimicry ability. After Shen Mo absorbed the Millennium Tongtian Willow and obtained the form of the Tongtian Willow, Mo Mo has been thinking about what his next mimicry goal is.

Now that the real dragon appeared, the first thought that flashed through his mind was to absorb the real dragon and turn it into the second form of his mimicry ability.

As for why Shen Mo chose the real dragon as the second mimicry form?Does that need to be said?
The power of the dragon is unquestionable, the ability of the dragon is beyond words, and the significance of the blood of the dragon is self-evident.

As long as Shen Mo obtains the form of a real dragon, his mimicry ability can be increased several times in an instant, and his strength will naturally increase, breaking through the limit again and again.

How could Silence sit idly by such a temptation.

Therefore, Mo Mo chose the nightmare-level task [Falling Dragon Valley], he wanted to go to the mirror world Falling Dragon Valley, rescue the real dragon hidden in the valley, and then gain the power of the real dragon and have his own real dragon form.

Mo Mo didn't pay attention to his psychological changes, because from the moment he devoured the thousand-year-old Tong Tianliu, he knew that the road he was walking was a different road. This road was full of bumps and thorns, and it was inevitable that others would criticize and blame him.

But he didn't panic in silence, because he knew what he wanted.Leaving aside the skin of strength, there are many things contained in it, and just a little bit can make most people flock to it.

For example, do whatever you want.

Of course, silence is not that superficial. Apart from wanting to do whatever he wants, he also wants something more important, that is dignity.

Recalling the days when he was rubbed on the ground by Ma Shisan, Shen Mo vowed that one day he would rub back.As the saying goes, how can a good man with strong bones be trampled under by Eternal Lolita.

I saw Shen Mo counting and sorting out his props again, and as soon as he thought about it, he chose the nightmare-level task [Falling Dragon Valley]

Silence only felt a humming in his ears, and then a breeze came gently in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the Xidelong Hotel, but appeared on an extremely spacious plain.

The plain here is lush with vegetation and the sky is blue. You can see a very towering cliff on the horizon at a glance. What is even more amazing is that there is a gorge that is more than ten meters wide in the center of the cliff. The breeze blowing on Shen Mo's face came from here.

Shen Mo looked intently, his eyes fell on the gorge for a long time and he did not look away, because the humming in his head was not the physical discomfort caused by entering the mirror world, but a certain perception from the spiritual sense.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's spiritual sense, the gap in the distance exudes a certain powerful aura all the time. It is an unstoppable terrifying aura, as if anyone who dares to stop him will be killed by this aura. It is crushed and chopped into fine powder.

Silently under this breath, he was as small and powerless as an ant, and he couldn't even think of fighting against it.

This aura seemed to exert a certain power to the extreme, and Mo Mo was still a little familiar with this power.

Thinking about it carefully, Mo Mo thought of Yan Chixia in A Chinese Ghost Story. As Yan Chixia who had received the inheritance of the sword fairy, he naturally practiced the way of the sword.

And the familiarity that this breath gives to silence is exactly the way of swords used by Yan Chixia.

Silently stunned, he exclaimed endlessly, could it be that this canyon was cut out by someone with a sword? !

In this mirror world, someone can cut out such a terrifying canyon with a sword... What level of strength has the sword wielder reached? !

Silence was very surprised, and at the same time he was very curious about the aura emanating from the canyon, because his spiritual perception told himself that as long as he was close to the canyon, he would have a chance to comprehend the power of the aura in the canyon.

That is the power from the sword.

Wait, isn't silence made with an axe?What is the use of him comprehending the way of the sword?

Hey, superficial!Who said silence can't be a sword?
During the time spent with Yan Chixia, Shen Mo still learned some sword skills, but Shen Mo integrated the sword skills into the ax technique, and used the ax as a sword to play.

Now that he has the opportunity to comprehend the Supreme Sword Way, no matter whether Shen Mo will use a sword, an axe, a sickle, or a prayer bead in the future, this sword intent will definitely be beneficial and harmless to Shen Mo's future growth.

After all, the eighteen kinds of weapons, such as knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, battleaxes, hooks, forks, whips, maces, hammers, claws, shovels, sticks, lances, clubs, crutches, and meteor hammers, all have something in common. .

People at the level of silence, whoever understands a little of the true meaning, will benefit endlessly.

Ever since, silently stepping on the feet, stepping on the crisp and tender vegetation, he rushed towards the direction of the Sword Intent Canyon.

The matter of the real dragon is important, but of course the matter of comprehending the sword intent is even more important right now.

The so-called sharpening the knife without cutting firewood by mistake, if he can comprehend a little of the true meaning of the way of swordsmanship, it will naturally benefit him a lot in the next journey of searching for the dragon.

 Sorry everyone!
  Ling Dang had his wisdom teeth pulled out in the past two days, and now he suffers from toothache all the time, even taking painkillers, it doesn't help much, his whole head hurts...
  The doctor also asked Ling Dang to infuse fluids for a week, so the recent update has not been effective, I am really sorry for everyone.

  When the bell is revived with full blood, I must write more and more updates.

(End of this chapter)

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