Chapter 295
Sword Wind Absolute Tomb.

Silence stood alone outside the tomb, carefully sizing up the sword wind vortex with a pair of eyes. Through spiritual perception, he could clearly perceive the powerful sword intent contained in the sword wind. It can be seen that these sword wind vortexes are definitely not simple.

Ever since, Shen Mo picked up a piece of gravel from the ground and threw it towards the sword wind vortex closest to him.

The gravel draws a beautiful curve, and it only takes [-] seconds to enter the sword wind, and it is torn into debris by the strong tearing force of the sword wind, and then crushed into fine powder, even if there is no trace of existence up.

hiss!Mo Mo frowned, marveling at the horror of the vortex of the sword wind, and at the same time fearing the tomb in front of him. The dangers that are only visible to the naked eye are so terrifying, how desperate are the dangers hidden in the dark? !
However, Shen Mo didn't panic at all, because he had Nan Nan as a little peg, as long as Nan Nan used it well, any difficulty would not be difficult.

Clap clap!Pat the lucky cat on the waist to call out Nan Nan inside.

"Nannan, is this the secret of Falling Dragon Valley?"

Nannan's scarlet eyes flickered, she nodded repeatedly, and replied, "Yes, boss, according to my luck, you can find what you want here."

"Then, how can I avoid these terrifying sword wind vortexes?" Mo Mo looked at Nan Nan with a smile, the meaning was self-evident.

After so many adventures with Shen Mo, Nan Nan has a very good understanding of Shen Mo's behavior style. She jumped onto Shen Mo's shoulder, then pointed at the tomb of Jian Fengjue in front of her with her pink little finger, and murmured.

"Isn't that simple! The old rules, Nan Nan said, the boss does it. Let's help each other to work... that must be great."

Mo Mo smiled knowingly, poured energy into his feet, followed the walking method Nan Nan pointed out, and jumped into Jian Fengjue's tomb.

Hurrah!The wind was blowing under his feet, and he moved around in the tomb of Jian Fengjue like a nimble loach. He was able to perfectly avoid those dangerous sword winds every time, and Mo Mo gradually discovered that some sword winds were invisible, so With Nannan's guidance, even invisible dangers were all avoided by silence.

If someone saw Shen Mo at this moment, they would be able to see him coming and going in Jianfengjue's tomb as freely as in his own back garden, constantly approaching the secret of Falling Dragon Valley.

Time passed by minute by minute, about half an hour later, Shen Mo and Nan Nan couldn't help but stop, they didn't reach their destination, but saw another wave of sword cultivators trapped in Jianfengjue's tomb , and, the silence of this wave of sword repairs is still known, it is Xiu Sanbai and others.

At this moment, Xiu Sanbai no longer had the arrogance and arrogance he had at that time. His brocade attire was already in tatters, and there were sword marks everywhere, and his fat white body was exposed through the sword marks. Women who pursue extreme whitening in beauty salons are ashamed of themselves. He looks haggard, as if his energy has been sucked dry by something, and his originally huge body has shrunk a bit compared to before. He no longer needs others to lift him up and he can walk around on his own.

Looking at the four bodyguards under Xiu Sanbai, all four of them were wounded, their aura was sluggish, and their expressions were exhausted. They followed Xiu Sanbai closely like bereaved dogs, for fear that Xiu Sanbai would leave them behind.

Such a situation made Shen Mo very surprised. What are they doing?Why did they line up in a row and follow closely behind Xiu Sanbai.Does this world also pay attention to a team must be neat and tidy? !

Mo Mo looked closely again, but saw Xiu Sanbai's hands pinching the sword formula, manipulating a lot of sword feathers as thin as ox hair, changing shapes while exploring the way forward.

So it turned out that Mo Mo finally understood that Xiu Sanbai was using these sword feathers to explore the way and avoid being strangled by the vortex of the sword wind. footprints to avoid danger.

It's just that compared with the silent luck evasion method, Xiu Sanbai's sword feather evasion method not only consumes a lot of spiritual power, but sometimes it can't completely avoid danger. The injuries on their bodies are the best proof.

At this moment, Xiu Sanbai and the others also saw Shen Mo and Nan Nan who stopped not far away and stared at them. The two groups of people looked at each other. After a moment of silence, their own thoughts arose in their hearts.

Xiu Sanbai naturally recognized Shen Mo's identity, and he hated this shameless thief. If Mo Mo hadn't stolen Xiao Er's storage bag, they wouldn't have offended the female Jianxiu, and they would have been tricked by Jian Feng. In the Absolute Tomb, now that the enemy met, he was naturally extremely jealous.

But when Xiu Sanbai saw Shen Mo's intact appearance, he lost his heart to kill Mo Mo, and reason told him that Mo Mo could come here, there must be a way to avoid the vortex of the sword wind, and this method is very safe and saves effort , It is almost possible to come and go freely in Jianfengjue's tomb.

Xiu Sanbai couldn't help but be caught in a dilemma. Should he control the heavy sword Sanqianyu to kill Mo Mo on the spot, or capture Mo Mo and lead them to escape from the tomb of Jian Fengjue? !

The answer is naturally beyond doubt. Xiu Sanbai naturally chose the latter, because it is easy to kill Shen Mo, but it is extremely difficult to get out of Jian Fengjue's tomb.

After making up his mind, Xiu Sanbai hid the murderous intent in his heart, his complexion changed immediately, and he begged for help from Shen Mo with a pleading look.

"Fellow daoist, meeting is fate, please help us! We are trapped in this tomb of Jianfengjue."

Mo Mo's heart paused, Xiu Sanbai's sudden show of weakness and asking for help made him question Moxiu Sanbai's motives, first of all, Mo Mo stole... Bah!Taking away Xiao Er's storage bag, Xiu Sanbai and others have already discovered it, but instead of questioning Silence because of this, they seem to ask for Silence, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is something tricky in it , it is obvious that they want to escape from the tomb of Jianfengjue with the help of silence.

hey-hey!Shen Mo couldn't help sneering, since he saw through Xiu Sanbai's motives, how could he help them? !
First of all, Mo Mo is not a good old man, he knows how much he has, if he helps Xiu Sanbai and the others, when they come out of this Jianfengjue tomb, the five of them will definitely kill Mo Mo on the spot .Even if the other party has a heart like a mirror, is of high moral character, and knows how to reciprocate kindness, it is negligible to thank Silence.

Such a transaction where the risk outweighs the benefit will not be done in silence.

"I'm sorry, I can't save you, so farewell!"

Silence clasped his hands and said the soul three-strike combo, and before he finished speaking, he was preparing to leave under Nan Nan's command. Such an unusual act made Xiu Sanbai suddenly startled, and then a hostility appeared on his face.

"Fellow Daoist, I am the young master of the Heavy Sword Sect. As long as you help me get out of Jianfengjue's tomb, my father will never treat you badly."

Shen Mo sneered, instead of stopping, he accelerated his speed of leaving, as if no matter what hype you said, I just don't wait for you, my lord.

Xiu Sanbai's face was pale, he could finally see that Shen Mo didn't intend to save them at all, he saw that his face exploded with hostility, his fat and white flesh trembled and turned into pure aura, and the gossip yin and yang storage bag on his waist was repeatedly Trembling, countless sword feathers as thin as ox hair shot out, heading straight for Silence to kill.

Before Shen Mo took a few steps, he was blocked by countless sword feathers, and part of the sword feathers turned into a black iron epee under Xiu Sanbai's control, hanging high above Shen Mo's head, as if the opponent's sword moved, Can kill silence on the spot.

"Little brat, try running one more time?!"

Silently blushing, he really didn't dare to try it, because he would die if he tried it now, and he didn't dare to joke about his own life.

Looking at Xiu Sanbai behind him again, the blow just now made the fat and white flesh on his body lose at least forty or fifty catties. Such a huge weight change made Mo Mo understand that the fat on Xiu Sanbai's body It is the aura he has stored up.

This is a different kind of sword cultivator who relies on fat to cultivate, it is simply a comparison of vigor.

And in this tomb of Jian Fengjue, the shrinking ground into an inch talisman cannot be used, and the speed of silence is not as fast as the three thousand feathers of the heavy sword. From this point of view, running is impossible, and you can only fight wits and courage with Xiu Sanbai and others up.

Shen Mo immediately explained, "Don't misunderstand, fellow Taoist, I just turned around and looked at the road behind me. It was fate that you and I met. How could I not save myself?! Put down the sword first, let's have a good talk .”

snort!Do not eat a toast and eat a fine wine!Xiu Sanbai sneered. In his eyes, silence is like an ant. Although he doesn't know what means he has, he can come and go freely in the tomb of Jian Fengjue, but means without lethality are useless in front of real strength. Not reused.

With his powerful strength, Xiu Sanbai can completely play between Mo Mo and Gu Zhang.

"You are here!"

Xiu Sanbai commanded sharply, urging the black iron epee to force Shen Mo to approach them.

Mo Mo was stabbed in the back by the epee, and a chill penetrated his body, making his body stiff and his aura dazzled. It can be seen how powerful the three thousand feathers of the epee sword is. The sword energy alone can limit Mo Mo's strength play.

Shen Mo didn't dare to act rashly, under the command of Nan Nan's spiritual sense, he approached Xiu Sanbai step by step, pretending that as long as you don't kill Lao Tzu, you can say anything.

The soul triple strike just now seemed to have nothing to do with silence.

When Shen Mo came to Xiu Sanbai, Xiu Sanbai took out a small milky white porcelain bottle from the gossip yin and yang storage bag, unscrewed the wooden cork on the porcelain bottle, and poured out a smelly red pill on the palm of his hand.

"Eat it!" Xiu Sanbai ordered.

"Eat it?!" Shen Mo stared at the red pill, knowing that if he took the red pill, it would really be over sooner or later.But if you don't eat now, you have to finish playing now.

Hey, in the final analysis, it is still a comparison of strength, there is no way to face the three hundred cultivators who have just died, and they can only wait for the opportunity to kill the opponent.

In desperation, Mo Mo just twirled the red pill on the opponent's palm, endured the stench from the pill, and swallowed it into his stomach. Don't tell me, this is the worst pill that Mo Mo has ever taken in his life. It's like rat droppings that have been there for a few years.

"Hey!" Xiu Sanbaijian swallowed the pill silently, immediately withdrew the sword formula, put the epee three thousand feathers back into the storage bag, and then sneered, "What you just ate is the three-day heartbroken secret made by our epee sect." Pill, if you don’t take the antidote within three days, you will die from anorectal rupture.”

Shen Mo's face was waxy white, he secretly mobilized his mental power, activated the purification skill, and a milky white halo loomed in his body, without being noticed by Xiu Sanbai, it was Qi Qi who purified the toxicity of the Three-day Broken Heart Pill Eighty-eight, the remaining medicinal properties only make Shen Mo feel upset a few times.

The power of purification is simply terrifying.

Shen Mo continued to pretend to be convinced by the other party, staring at Xiu Sanbai's fat face with hatred.

"But you don't have to worry, as long as you take us out of Jianfengjue's tomb, I will not only give you the antidote, but also give you a huge reward."

Silence is not stupid, he asked back, "If I take you out, won't your words count?"

Xiu Sanbai's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, "Are you qualified to negotiate terms with us now? You can only choose to trust me, otherwise, you will die now."

hum!Dozens of sword feathers condensed and merged into a slender long sword, pointing directly at the heart of Mo Mo, the powerful sword energy instantly tore his clothes and skin, and blood spattered.

hum!Xiu Sanbai withdrew his long sword and stared at Silence like an animal.

"Choose for yourself!"

Clutching his chest silently, he hastily dug out the top-quality golden sore medicine from the storage bag at his waist, skillfully poured out some and applied it on the wound, and the broken wound healed as it was visible to the naked eye.

He was silent for a long time before muttering, "I'll take you out."

"Then lead the way!"

Mo Mo put away the high-grade gold sore medicine, and was about to get up, but Xiaoer grabbed his wrist, and the other party's originally decadent face regained his hostility, and he shouted arrogantly, "Boy, return my storage bag!" Give me."

Shen Mo didn't say much, he untied the storage bag from his waist and returned it to Xiao Er.

Xiao Er took the storage bag, quickly checked the contents, and made sure that his garden map and the girl's bellyband were still there, and his complexion improved a little.

But he still has a fierce face when dealing with silence.

"Little brat, you dare to steal my storage bag, let's see how I will deal with you."

As Xiao Er said, she wanted to exert force with her palm and twist off Silence's arm.

"If you dare to hurt me, I will blew myself up immediately, and you will never get out of Jianfengjue's tomb in this lifetime."

There was determination in Shen Mo's eyes, and he stared at Xiao Er aggressively, making the other party stunned.

Xiu Sanbai came out to save the siege and said, "Little Er, step back, the grievances between the two of you will be discussed after the Jianfeng Jue Tomb, and I promise to give you a fair chance to resolve this matter."

Xiao Er understood from the bottom of his heart that the fairness his young master talked about could be the fairness of breaking the opponent's legs and arms to make the opponent compare swords with him.Therefore, if Silence leaves Jianfengjue Tomb, he will definitely die.

And does Mo Mo really want to take Xiu Sanbai and others out of Jianfengjue's tomb? !

Naturally, he would not take them away, not only would he not take them away, Shen Mo planned to take them further into Jianfengjue's tomb, heading straight to the Falling Dragon Valley hidden in Jianfengjue's tomb.

Shen Mo knew in his heart that the secret of Falling Dragon Valley was the best time for him to counter-kill Xiu Sanbai and the others, and the treasure on them was already named Shen Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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