The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 296 Ao, not at home

Chapter 296 Ao, not at home

Sword Wind Absolute Tomb.

Shen Mo walked slowly in front, followed by five people closely behind him, these five people were naturally Xiu Sanbai and others, I saw that they were tense, and followed behind Shen Mo with cats, imitating the appearance of Shen Mo , stepping to the position where Silence had stepped with every step, while imitating Silence's movements, avoiding the danger they couldn't see.

From a distance, it seems that the owner of the puppet is manipulating five puppets to imitate his own behavior, which is quite interesting.

Shen Mo suddenly squatted down, and Xiu Sanbai and others behind him immediately squatted down, looking terrified and disturbed.

"Boy, what are you doing?!" Xiu Sanbai asked sharply, "What happened just now, why did you squat down all of a sudden?"

Shen Mo glanced back and said, "It's okay, my shoelace is loose, please note the shoelace."

Xiu Sanbai: "..."

Xiu Sanbai wanted to get angry, but he noticed that Silence's shoes were different from theirs. They were a pair of well-made shoes with laces on the instep, which had a great difference in design from the current popular leggings boots. different.

"What kind of boots are you?"

Xiu Sanbai asked, as the young master of the heavy sword sect, he had some understanding of the cultivation and fashion circle.Although he is fat, he has a heart for fashion.

Shen Mo stood up slowly, "Running shoes."

Xiu Sanbai was stunned. This pair of running shoes looked very comfortable, and the design style was quite avant-garde. They must feel very good on the feet, but unfortunately there is no spiritual fluctuation on them. They are obviously just ordinary shoes in the mortal world. Compared with the pair of cloud-chasing shoes that have been blessed with magic circles, they are nothing worth mentioning. Of course, their design style is quite good. Design style to make a pair for yourself to try.

Xiu Sanbai murmured like this, and slowly stood up imitating silence, "Boy, we have traveled a long way, why haven't we walked out of Jianfengjue's tomb yet, are you playing some trick?"

Silence stopped, and he recovered his senses and stared at Xiu Sanbai, "Jianfengjue's tomb is so easy to get out of, it won't be called the Jedi of Yixianya. If you don't trust me, you give me the antidote, and you Go your way, I'll go mine."

Xiu Sanbai's face was gloomy, and there was nothing he could do about Silence, the dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. After all, silence was the key to their departure. Being in an extremely microsecond exploitative relationship, neither side is willing to break the current balance unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, hurry up and lead the way, if we encounter Jian Fengchen, we don't know how we will die."

As Xiu Sanbai said, there was a hint of fear in his eyes, as if the sword wind and dust storm he was talking about were wild beasts.

As soon as Xiu Sanbai's words fell, there was a thunderstorm in the sky, and a red-white lightning flashed out, as if splitting the sky in half.Everyone raised their heads and saw this terrifying lightning bolt.

They couldn't help but look at Xiu Sanbai, you've opened your mouth, haven't you? !You were talking about Jian Feng Chen Bao just a second ago, but this second you will encounter Jian Feng Chen Bao, can you be more accurate, crow's mouth.

Xiu Sanbai's face was also waxy, he didn't expect bad things to happen so quickly, looking at the thunder and lightning just now, it was obviously the sword storm described in the situation, they were going to suffer!
Mo Mo hurriedly shouted, "Why are you still here, hurry up, or you will be caught in the sword storm, and you will die without bones."

After Mo Mo finished speaking, regardless of the five people behind him, the middle-level talisman blessed his body, and he rushed forward under Nan Nan's command.

Xiu Sanbai and the others didn't dare to hesitate, they suddenly increased their speed, and followed closely behind Shen Mo.

At this moment, the sound of thunder in the sky continued to resound, and countless thunders flickered, and they became more and more intense. The sword wind around everyone was originally fixed at a certain place, but with the flickering of the thunder, the sword wind vortex that was stationary in the distance unexpectedly It starts to move, and it works with some kind of mysterious law.

Mo Mo can see the changes of the sword wind vortex, but he can't understand the law of the vortex movement. He can only continue to rely on Nan Nan's luck to avoid the strangulation of the sword wind vortex.

As for Xiu Sanbai and the others who followed closely behind Shen Mo, they could only increase their speed to the extreme, keeping up with Shen Mo's footsteps and body changes as much as possible.

At first, they had no problem, but as time went by, the sword wind vortex moved faster and faster, the number became denser, and the difficulty of silently avoiding the vortex was increasing. reached the limit.

Puff!The bodyguard Xiaosi who was at the end finally couldn't stand it any longer. He saw a hidden vortex of sword wind passing by his side, directly piercing through half of his body, bursting out a cloud of bright red blood mist. lost his life.

"Little Four!" The rest of the bodyguards wailed and called out the names of their companions, but they didn't dare to stay where they were, and could only walk away with hatred, for fear that they would not be able to keep up with Silence's footsteps.

Xiu Sanbai's face was extremely gloomy, Xiaosi's death did not cause much sadness to him, on the contrary, it made him plan to abandon the remaining bodyguards.

In fact, from the moment they entered Jianfengjue's tomb, these four bodyguards had already lost their function, and keeping them was just a burden.

Especially now, the dust storm is getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of silence is getting faster and faster. It is simply impossible for four people to keep up with the footsteps of silence and avoid the change of the sword wind.

"Ah! Young Master, save me!"

The bodyguard Xiaosan wailed, his legs were directly twisted into pieces by the sword wind because he couldn't dodge in time, and now he rolled to the ground, begging Xiu Sanbai for help.

Xiu Sanbai frowned, he looked at Shen Mo who was running wildly, and then looked at the bodyguard behind him, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, he pretended not to hear the bodyguard's call for help, he jumped out and followed the bodyguard behind him. pace.

And the bodyguard named Xiaosan had already realized that he was abandoned by the young master, and their companions were helpless, leaving a look of regret.

"I'm sorry, Xiaosan, we have to protect the young master."

Before the words fell, everyone abandoned Xiaosan and continued to escape.

Xiao San's eyes were lifeless, he beat the ground hard, but the pain didn't last long, a sword wind vortex strangled past and took Xiao San's life directly.

Xiu Sanbai listened to the wailing behind him, and fixed his eyes on Silence, "Little brat, don't forget that you still have poison on your body. If you don't have me, you will definitely die. So, you'd better not let me died."

Silence sneered, twisted his body perfectly, dodged a vortex of sword wind, and then replied, "Young pig, I forgot to tell you, in fact, I am invulnerable to all poisons. Your little poison can't do anything to me at all. It’s just a matter of a few cannonballs.”

Xiu Sanbai's face darkened, and he said in shock, "What? You lied to me."

Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth, "Soldiers, tricks. You are stupid, who can you blame?"

"Damn it!" Xiu Sanbai's face exploded with hostility, "You want me to die, but I won't make it easier for you."

After finishing speaking, Xiu Sanbai patted the gossip yin and yang storage bag on his waist, and the heavy sword with three thousand feathers trembled out, strangling towards Silence's back like a spirit snake.

Mo Mo didn't turn his head, because he had expected that Xiu Sanbai would make a move, otherwise he wouldn't have taunted him, and ran away directly and handed Xiu Sanbai to the sword wind vortex to strangle him, wouldn't it be much easier.

hum!Silence's wrists trembled, and the empty gloves were put on in an instant, and the magic of Kong Kong'er was activated instantly with the passage of mental power. The storage bag on Xiu Sanbai's waist trembled, and then disappeared, but the next moment, it had already appeared in silent hands.

And the sky-filled sword feathers fell into Shen Mo's hands with the storage bag, and couldn't help but stagnate in mid-air, like a plane that had lost power, crashing down from the sky and scattered all over the ground.

Xiu Sanbai was stunned, he exclaimed in disbelief, "My storage bag! How do you know that my imperial sword covers the door?!"

Silence is not a mallet. Every time Xiu Sanbai uses the heavy sword Sanqianyu, he will slap the storage bag at his waist. Anyone who has the heart can guess that the medium for manipulating the heavy sword Sanqianyu is the storage bag at his waist .

Coupled with the fact that Shen Mo has such a heaven-defying ability in investigation skills, once the investigation goes on, he will understand Xiu Sanbai's imperial sword.

To be precise, the bag on Xiu Sanbai's waist was not a simple storage bag, but a sword pouch that held the three thousand feathers of the heavy sword.

[Bagua yin and yang sac: This is a sword pouch refined by the technique of bagua yin and yang. It is shaped like a bag and a pouch. It can hold three thousand sword feathers and collect all kinds of things in the world. 】

[How to use: Tap twice to summon the heavy sword Three Thousand Feathers.Tap three times, take back the epee three thousand feathers. 】

[Each use consumes 3000 aura points (each sword feather consumes 1 aura), and the actual amount of aura consumed is equal to the number of controlled sword feathers.Each manipulation is achieved for 5 minutes with no cooldown.As the infusion of spiritual energy increases, the power of the sword feather increases in a certain proportion. 】

These are the information detected by Shen Mo's investigative skills. It is precisely because Shen Mo has a certain understanding of the gossip yin and yang sac that he can do everything just now.

clap clap clap!
Mo Mo gently patted the gossip yin-yang sac in his hand, and immediately the three thousand sword feathers were awakened again, and returned to the gossip yin-yang sac like a swallow returning to its nest.

Xiu Sanbai's eyes widened in disbelief. It took him three years to master the method of controlling the heavy sword Three Thousand Feathers, and Shen Mo could manipulate the sword feathers so easily just after getting the sword pouch. possible?How he did it.

Xiu Sanbai didn't know that Mo Mo had a belt on his body, that all impossible things could become possible.How could the little sword pouch be able to stop Silence? After the system's spiritual energy data adjustment, the way for him to use the magic weapon has become extremely simple, just exchanging the spiritual energy value for control rights.

Shen Mo accepted the gossip yin and yang bag and was naturally happy in his heart. He didn't control Jian Yu to kill Xiu Sanbai, because Jian Feng Chen Bao would wipe Mo Mo's ass clean, he just needs to walk forward chicly like a man without looking back.

Silently tapped his feet, the whole person was once again submerged in Jian Fengchen, and quickly disappeared under Xiu Sanbai's astonished gaze.

And Xiu Sanbai, who lost the gossip yin and yang sac, no longer had the strength to fight against the terrifying sword storm. One minute after the silence disappeared, several sword wind vortexes strangled, and Xiu Sanbai turned into a cloud of blood mist .

Xiu Sanbai is dead!He died very aggrieved, or in other words, he died the moment he offended the female sword cultivator.

If he hadn't met Shen Mo, he would not have been able to escape the fate of dying under the vortex of the sword wind, and meeting Mo Mo just helped the gossip yin and yang sac find a good home.

At the same time, somewhere far away in this world, here is the mountain gate of the heavy sword gate.Among countless sword pavilions, the wick of an ever-bright lamp flickered several times, then went out immediately, and several streams of blue smoke rose.

The little boy who guarded the lamp turned pale with fright, and ran to the main hall of the mountain gate in a hurry to report to the gatekeeper.

"Master, something is wrong, the young master's ever-burning lamp has been turned off!"

Above the main hall, a middle-aged man who was fatter than Xiu Sanbai twitched his fat and let out a low humming sound.

"My son! Who dares to kill my son! I will never let him go."

Let's talk about Mo Mo taking away Xiu Sanbai's gossip yin and yang bag, and after another sprint in the sword storm, he finally came to the place where the secret of Falling Dragon Valley is hidden.

Here is a smooth mirror-like stone wall, on which Silence's shadow can be faintly reflected, and at the same time, strange fluctuations that isolate the aura come from the stone wall. If it is not for Moment's keen sense, he will not be able to find the abnormality of the stone wall at all.

"Nannan, is that it?" Mo Mo raised his hand, gently stroked the stone wall, his hands were slightly cool, like modern marble.

"Yes, boss, this stone wall is the place where your luck value is sky-high."

Boom!Silence took a look at the stone wall, and there was a crisp sound.

So here comes the question?What kind of secrets does this stone wall hide?
Shen Mo first checked with the naked eye and spiritual sense, and found that he couldn't find any clues at all.Ever since, Shen Mo used the investigator skills to explore the secrets of the stone wall, and the information he got made Shen Mo's head bigger and bigger.

【Ding!Find special props to fall into the dragon wall! 】

[Falling Dragon Wall: A stone wall created by an unknown immortal with great supernatural powers. Its purpose is to seal the seriously injured five-clawed Jin Longao. The dragon soul and body of the golden dragon. 】

Why is Silent's head getting bigger and bigger? Because the water in this world is getting deeper and deeper. Before, I thought this was a cultivation world, but now it seems that it is clearly a terrifying world where immortals fly all over the sky and monks run everywhere.

Compared with the real world, if the magnitude of the real world is 1, this world has reached 3, or even 4.

Silence is a bit scary, why did I come to such a mirror world?So scary, so dangerous.

But Mo Mo didn't panic at all, because he knew very well in his heart that high risk represented high return, and taking such a huge risk, the benefits he gained would definitely be huge.

Leaving aside Xiu Sanbai's gossip yin and yang sword pouch, the five-clawed golden dragon behind the stone wall is the biggest gain of Silence's mirror world this time.

Boom boom boom!
Shen Mo knocked on the stone wall again, and asked in a low voice, "Ao, are you at home?"

(End of this chapter)

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