The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 298 I'm Already a Waste Dragon

Chapter 298 I'm already a useless dragon

Silently evoking the name of the five-clawed golden dragon, Ao, who was imprisoned on the Tongtian Locking Dragon Pillar, slowly opened his dragon eyes, a pair of eyes full of exhaustion and despair shone with a faint light.

"Who are you?!"

Ao's voice has long since lost the arrogance of being a dragon, or in other words, the way of heaven is unfair. When the human race is in full swing, the dragons have already retreated behind the stage of the way of heaven and become dust in the lower realm. The family of the fallen.

Shen Mo raised his head and looked at Ao's dragon eyes. This was the first time he had seen a real dragon with his own eyes, and it was a noble five-clawed golden dragon among the dragon clan. Naturally, he had to look carefully and make the proper gestures, even if the other party was captured Imprisoning this place is already at the end of its strength, and it must show the respect and humility of the descendants of the dragon.

"My name is Silence, and I'm here to save you."

Roar? !Ao let out a roar that shook the sky, fell silent, and trembled all over his body, as if his bones were about to fall apart. When he felt it carefully, the blood in his whole body was also stagnant, his brain was blank, and he was at a loss. .

But if he looked closely, he could see that the Tongtiansuo Dragon Pillar was not moving at all, and the black iron chains that bound Ao were getting tighter and tighter with his roar, as if it was about to crush his dragon body.


Ao uttered a mournful cry again, bearing the pain of being strangled by the iron chain, his eyes were lifeless, his aura was sluggish, a glimmer of hope swept through the silence, and it was instantly shattered again, never to listen to the words of such a humble person Not getting into his heart, he muttered helplessly, "Let's go! With your strength, you can't break the seal here. Before the sword wind array is triggered, you still have a chance to escape."

Great array of sword wind? !In Shen Mo's mind, that is the great formation that the immortals used to destroy the dragon souls, and the sword wind and dust storm outside are the omens that the great formation is about to launch. When the magnitude of the dust storm accumulates to a certain level, the sword wind will be triggered The eyes of the formation absorb the supreme sword intent and destroy Ao's dragon soul and body.

From this point of view, there is not much time left for silence.

He didn't dare to delay, and immediately revealed his abilities and intentions.

"Ao, you have to trust me, I do have the ability to rescue you from here, but there is one condition for me to rescue you."

Ao didn't utter the dragon chant this time, perhaps because the dragon chant just triggered the restriction of the chains, causing him to suffer great pain. This time, he just opened his dragon's mouth slightly to speak human words.

"How happy is life? Why fear death?! I am now a useless dragon, what's the difference if I can't get out of this Falling Dragon Valley?"

Ao desperately looked up at the ceiling at a [-] or [-] degree angle, as if there was his glorious past there, as well as the endless helplessness he couldn't tell now.

"Waste Dragon!?" Mo Mo's mouth twitched, as if he could smell the stench of young people in a decaying house. This Ao had obviously been imprisoned for a long time, and he didn't even have the courage to go out. He just wanted to die here.

How about that? !If Ao doesn't come out, won't his mimicry plan come to naught?No matter what, Silence wants to get Ao out, and then make some dragon meat to try something new.

Silence is no nonsense, and he directly took out the Hammer of Exploration from his personal warehouse.

[Hammer of Exploration (one-time item)]

[As the name suggests, the Hammer of Exploration can break through all restrictions, seals, formations, secret realms, etc. in the world. 】

[With it, my mother will no longer worry about my treasure hunt trip, where there is no opening.The Hammer of Discovery, the perfect choice for your treasure hunting adventures. 】

The small golden hammer landed on the palm of Shen Mo, exuding an alluring luster of treasures. Shen Mo held the handle of the hammer tightly, as if a god descended from the earth, able to control the life and death of people, and yelled at Ao condescendingly.

"Okay, Ao, your parents gave birth to you and raised you, did they just let you give up on yourself here, sit and wait to die?! Now I will give you another chance, as long as you nod, I will save you with this explorer. Hammer rescued you from the sea of ​​suffering, and you only need to pay a small price. At that time, you can travel around the world of Kyushu again, and fly across the nine realms of heaven."

Ao was silent for a long time, looking at the small metal hammer in Shen Mo's hand, he really couldn't see that this hammer could be used as a hammer? !Can it really break the restriction of Falling Dragon Valley? !

Wait, so what if it breaks open! ?He Ao is indeed a useless dragon now.Even if you can escape here, what is the difference between the future and the present? !
Speaking of his parents, although he Ao is the son of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he has a desperate "private" word. Although he is of the Dragon God blood, he is not even qualified to be included in the immortal class, and he is destined to be reduced to the dust of the lower world for the rest of his life. .

His mother, Jiuji, stole the elixir of the Antarctic fairy in order to make Ao obtain the qualification of the fairy class, and wanted to help him change his life against the sky, but in the end, he ended up in a frenzy. He ran away to save his mother, and faced the heavens. General, the dragon's tendons were pulled out, and the reverse scale was pulled out. Although he saved his life with his father's thin face, he had to bear the pain of being cut and killed by the sword wind, and died in endless pain and suffering.

Is there any chance of turning this around? !

No!Not at all, even though he has a heaven-defying posture, he is not an opponent of the gods and Buddhas in the sky. He is destined to be reduced to the dust of the dirt in this life, and will pass away with time.

"Think about your parents!" Shen Mo asked again, trying to arouse Ao's desire to survive.

"My mother is dead!" Ao Ru replied honestly, the tragic death of his mother Jiuji when Wan Jian pierced her heart flashed in the dragon's eyes.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, and he changed the subject, "Think about your father!"

"I'm an illegitimate child."

Silent for a moment, speechless, thinking about it, and comforting, "Think about the beautiful tomorrow."

Ao muttered in despair, "The gods and Buddhas all over the sky are my enemies. If I go out and everyone wants to kill me, hurry up, tomorrow?! Do I have a tomorrow?!"

Silently and awkwardly, "What did you do wrong?"

Speaking of this, Ao finally couldn't control his emotions, did he make a mistake?No, he is not wrong.

If non-appointment was a mistake, he was beyond pardonable.He just wanted to change his own destiny. What was wrong with him? !
Why is it that some dragons are born as dragon sons, who can be ranked in the immortal class and enjoy a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, but he is also noble as a dragon son, but he is not even qualified to step into the Crystal Palace, so he can only dormant in humble Shoals and narrow gorge, drag out until the end of life.

Is this the fairness that the gods and Buddhas in the sky said? !This is the fate that the gods and Buddhas in the sky said! ?
But he, Ao, just doesn't believe in this fate, so he wants to change his fate against the sky, he wants to let his own life be controlled by himself.

Because of this, he has become a thorn in the eyes of gods and Buddhas all over the sky, a thorn in his flesh, and he must get rid of them quickly.

Why?Why? !

Ao roared, he said everything he had said, leaving only a stunned expression of silence to stop where he was, without returning to his senses for a long time.

After a long time, Mo Mo finally came to his senses, it turned out that Ao hadn't made any mistakes, he was just a poor dragon who wanted to change his destiny.

In the rules of the game set by all the Buddhas in the sky, he is such an ant with no background, no strength, and no chance. He is not worthy of the idea of ​​​​changing his fate against the sky. When the earth is a loach, how dare he have the ambition to turn into a dragon, even though he is a dragon.

The hammer of exploration in Shen Mo's hand was tightly gripped, and he muttered in a low voice, "Ao, if this world is unfair to you and you are powerless to change it, then are you interested in going to another world to see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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