The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 299 Hyperplastic Connective Tissue

Chapter 299 Hyperplastic Connective Tissue

"another world?!"

Ao Long's eyes flickered, and his first reaction was that Mo Mo was referring to the underworld, which probably means the same as when modern people scold, believe it or not, I will send you to another world.

But Ao took a closer look at Silence's attitude, that very serious look, it didn't look like he was joking at all, as if he really knew another world.

But so what? !I'm already a wreck.Even if I leave this world and go to another world, will it change the fact that I am a waste dragon?

Ao thought it was impossible, because the moment his mother Jiuji died, he had already appointed him, and now he was only full of nagging, and could no longer arouse any passion. and bloody.

"You'd better go! What's the difference between the other world and this one? Isn't it still the same in the end?"

Ao shook the dragon's head weakly, he just wanted to continue to be a useless dragon here until the sword wind blows his dragon soul into nothingness.

Mo Mo frowned, he had no experience in educating rotten houses, he had no love for Ao's life, and he was powerless, but he couldn't let Ao be reduced to useless garbage, no, even garbage has its value, Ao has this dragon How can there be any reason to violently send things out of the sky?

"Okay, okay! If you want to stay, then stay here." Mo Mo followed Ao's wishes, and then expressed his intentions, "But you are not even afraid of death. Cut a piece of flesh from your body and give it to me. Is it okay?!"

Ao Long's eyes flickered, and he asked in surprise, "How do you want my dragon meat?"

Silence didn't hide anything, and there was no need to hide it. He told Ao about his mimicry ability, expressing his purpose of coming.

Silence originally wanted to save Ao at the price of a piece of dragon meat, but now he couldn't solve Ao's knot at all, and the negotiations had reached an impasse.

"Mimicry?! There is such a mysterious ability in the world. It's a bit like Earth Sha 72 Transformation, but it's much inferior to it."

As soon as Shen Mo heard it, he became interested, and asked, "Do you know how to change the earth?!"

Ao shook the dragon's head, "How can I, an illegitimate little dragon from the lower realm, understand such a profound and mysterious method?!"

Silent and ashamed, I don't understand that you said a hammer, which made me happy for nothing, how about playing? !Hurry up and cut a piece of meat out, let me try something new!

Ao seems to see the disappointment of silence, why is he not disappointed in himself?This is what he deserves, but he insisted on detachment. Now that he has ended up like this, it is his own fault, and he can't blame others.Now Shen Mo came to rescue him from the abyss of the sea of ​​suffering, but he didn't even have the courage to walk out of this place, because he knew that it was easy to walk out, but difficult to live on.

Why!That's it!That's it!
Ao Chang sighed, and the five-clawed dragon hand grabbed his own dragon body suddenly, and with a hiss, he removed a piece of flesh and blood, and immediately threw it in front of Shen Mo.

"The meeting between you and me is a chance. I appreciate your kindness. This is what you want. Take it with you and let's go!"

Mo Mo saw the bloody dragon meat in front of him, his eyes seemed to be able to see the light, the dragon meat he had dreamed of was so easily placed in front of him, and he only paid the price of talking, this transaction is simply a huge profit!
Mo Mo didn't dare to hesitate, fearing that Ao would regret it, he grabbed the dragon meat in front of him.

【Ding!Flesh and flesh of the five-clawed golden dragon was found (cloacal hyperplasia connective tissue)*1]


What is the cloaca?Why did he have a bad premonition, in a flash of silence, he suddenly remembered that snake creatures have no anus, and their genitals grow together with the anus, which is collectively called the cloaca... the proliferative connective tissue of the cloaca, is it not the legendary Hemorrhoids!

Five-clawed golden dragon's hemorrhoid meat? !This is too damn funny!
Shen Mo's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, neither could he close it, nor would he continue to grab it.

So here comes the question, does he want this piece of meat or not? !

To put it mildly, hemorrhoids are also meat, a piece of dragon meat.To put it bluntly, this piece of meat is full of bad taste. If he imitates and absorbs this piece of meat, although he can obtain the blood of the five-clawed golden dragon, if people find out about it in the future, he will be ashamed.

Hey, look, here is a hemorrhoid that has become a golden dragon with five claws!Is this to laugh at the opponent to death, and then inherit the rhythm of the opponent's equipment? !

Shen Mo glanced at Ao with an expression of you playing tricks on me.

Ao Long's mouth twitched. He originally thought that silence could not be seen, but now looking at the expression of silence, he must have discovered the truth, but so what, such a humble ant, giving him a piece of hemorrhoid meat is also a great gift. Where does the qualification come from to be picky, whether you want love or not, don't let it down.

Why!Silent sighed, but it was so, he was not qualified to be picky, the choice is a privilege for the strong, and the weak like him have no choice in front of these big guys, the meat is there, love it or not , After passing this hemorrhoid, there will be no next hemorrhoid.

Silently thinking about it, just as he was hesitating, there was a sudden change on the Tongtian Suolongzhu. I saw that the Suolongzhu, which had been motionless before, began to tremble violently. Immediately, a series of powerful and supreme sword intent diffused down from the ceiling. , turned into sword winds, and slashed fiercely on Ao's body. In an instant, his body was covered with sword marks, and countless blood and minced meat shot out, instantly staining the ground red.

At the same time, the overflowing sword wind strangled Shen Mo. Although it was the energy that spilled out, it still had the terrifying power to kill Mo Mo.

Mo Mo's feet continued to click, relying on Nan Nan's guidance to perfectly avoid the sword wind's slash, and at the same time, he jumped and rushed towards Ao on the Tongtian Suolong pillar.

hum!Mimic ability, activate!

The silent hands opened, and instantly turned into the roots and vines of countless thousand-year-old willows, like big hands, holding the flesh and blood that fell from the sky, and after a while, they collected a lot, which was much bigger than the hemorrhoid dragon meat before. Fully doubled in size.

【Ding!Found five-clawed golden dragon flesh (minced meat tissue)*2]

[Flesh and flesh of the five-clawed golden dragon: This is the flesh and blood tissue from the five-clawed golden dragon. If you swallow this flesh and blood directly, you will gain attribute power +30, speed +25, constitution +30, and spirit +25.Through the absorption of mimicry ability, a new mimicry form can be obtained: five-clawed golden dragon (Ao)]

[Reminder: Because Ao's body is weak, the priest's body has limited endurance. According to the law of conservation of spiritual matter, the priest cannot inherit the realm of Ao's body's strength, and the strength of the five-clawed golden dragon after mimicking is equal to or less than the body's strength of the priest. 】

Shen Mo's face was happy, this minced meat tissue is much more delicious than Ao's hyperplastic connective tissue, who has nothing to eat than human hemorrhoids!Simply insane.

Um? !Don't move, there is still a big piece of meat, I will pick it up, I will pick it up again.

Roar? !Ao Zai was enduring the great pain brought by the sword wind array, while Shen Mo was exhilarated to receive meat from below, it was beyond words.

Not long after, Shen Mo received five copies of the five-clawed golden dragon's flesh and blood, which not only met Shen Mo's needs, but could also be taken back for other people, ghosts, and demons to eat.

Roar!Ao Qiang endured the severe pain. He naturally noticed Shen Mo's movements, but he was helpless against Shen Mo's shameless behavior. On the edge of it, he couldn't touch Silence at all, and could only watch him collect his own flesh and blood.

Until the sword wind retreated, Mo Mo also disappeared in this world with a wicked laugh.

As for the piece of hemorrhoid meat, Shen Mo shamelessly accepted it. He didn't want to eat it, but he could leave it for others to eat.

【Ding!The task of falling into the Dragon Valley is completed, return to the real world. 】

[Mission rewards are being calculated, please wait. 】

(End of this chapter)

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