The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 301 Xiu 3's Private Goods

Chapter 301 Repairing Three Hundred’s Private Goods
Shen Mo took out the gossip yin and yang sword pouch from his personal storage. He didn't care about why the sword pouch with storage function could still be placed in the personal storage. This might be the strength of the personal storage.

His thoughts were all in the sword pouch, and he wanted to see what other treasures were in it besides the three thousand feathers of the epee sword. Naturally, it is not comparable to bodyguards like Xiao Er, Xiao San and Xiao Si.

Mo Mo looked down at the gossip yin and yang sword pouch in his hand. The sword pouch made of unknown silk was cool to the touch, delicate, smooth and tenacious to the touch, and there was a faint fragrance between the traces. It was hard to imagine that this fragrance would appear On Xiu Sanbai's body, that guy was a huge monster with a weight of over [-]. A character whose size is based on the cross-sectional area must not be able to wear vulgar things like perfume, so this fragrance must come from the sword pouch itself.

Huh!A sword pouch with its own aroma!Don't let me down.Just let me see what good things will be in your body!
Shen Mo lowered his head slightly, untied the rope of the sword pouch, and stretched out his hand into the mouth of the pouch. Immediately, an embarrassing scene happened.

Silence's hand couldn't reach into the sword pouch. Although he could see the structure inside the sword pouch, it was blocked by a thin film. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through the barrier.

Silent and ashamed, could it be that he has suffered from kidney deficiency to such an extent? !Impossible, he keeps making wolfberry tea every day, red dates and ginseng are always in his mouth, so how could he be weak.

Then it must be a problem with the sword pouch itself.As a high-quality storage bag, it must be different from low-grade storage bags.

Shen Mo threw out another detection skill, and quickly found the problem from the feedback information.

[Bagua Yinyang sword pouch (unrecognized owner), please recognize the owner by dripping blood]

Silently stunned, what a clichéd way of identifying the master, now the routine of recognizing the master by dripping blood is already rotten on the street, I didn't expect to encounter such a low-end way of identifying the master, compared with recognizing the master by dripping blood, soul recognition , God's recognition is the lofty way of recognizing the Lord.

However, I don’t dislike being silent. After all, meals need to be eaten bite by bite, and babies need to be obtained one by one.

Bark!Mo Mo made a small gash on his finger with the phantom battle axe, then pinched the wound, forcefully squeezed a drop of blood, as the blood dripped on the gossip yin and yang sword pouch, the silk sword pouch quickly wiped out Mo Mo’s body. Absorbing blood, the sword pouch that exuded a faint fragrance immediately lost its fragrance, and then a faint smell of blood rose. This smell is very familiar to Silence, isn't it the smell of the flesh and blood of the five-clawed golden dragon? !

Could it be that the fragrance from before... the 300-jin Xiusanbai breathed out fragrance in the silent mind... Hey!Mo Mo shuddered instantly, shook his head quickly, and strangled his thoughts to death in the cradle.

See no evil, speak no evil, believe no evil.

He should just quietly be a pure little boy who doesn't know anything!
With the completion of blood-drop recognition, there is a mysterious connection between Shen Mo's mental power and the sword pouch, as if the sword pouch is the newly grown growth tissue on Shen Mo's body, and it is completely within his control and perception. One thought can control the action of the sword pouch.

Of course, if Shen Mo wants to control the epee three thousand feathers to fly freely in the sky, he still cannot escape the law of conservation of spiritual matter. He needs to pay 3000 aura to recharge the sword feathers. Shen Mo can also choose to charge 1000 aura first and control 1000 sword feathers Come out to play, the power is strong or weak, it depends on the amount of silent krypton.

Ever since, Shen Mo put his spiritual power into the sword bag, the surrounding scenery changed, and Shen Mo came to a brand new space.

This place is about the size of a basketball court, and the surroundings are as dark as an abyss. Four stone pillars reaching to the sky are carved with some kind of talisman code to support this space.

He looked around, and at a glance, he saw the three thousand feathers of the epee neatly placed on the ground. They were neat and orderly, and they were perfect.

Looking away from the epee three thousand feathers, Mo Mo began to look for other treasures. The closest treasure to Jianyu was a jade box the size of a suitcase, with a small golden lock hanging on it.

Get rich!
Mo Mo's heart trembled, it was packed in a jade box with a golden lock on it, how could the things inside be simple? !That must not be easy.

He hurriedly stepped forward, squatted beside the jade box, and stretched out his hand to unlock the golden lock, but was bounced away by an inexplicable energy, which was the restraint to protect the jade box.

Mo Mo frowned, feeling more and more that the treasures in the box were of great value, because there were actually restrictions on the golden lock.

He looked at it for a long time, and tried to use force to break the restriction, but the restriction was so strong that it would be useless for him to chop with an ax and a knife.

In desperation, Shen Mo had no choice but to take out a special item [Hammer of Exploration] from his personal warehouse.

A small golden hammer appeared in the sword pouch, Shen Mo used his mental power to control the hammer of exploration and smashed it hard on the golden lock.

Snapped!With a crisp sound, the small hammer dissipated with the wind, the restriction and the golden lock also disappeared with the wind, and the jade box was already revealed in front of Shen Mo.

With full anticipation, Shen Mo slowly opened the jade box, and immediately a dazzling golden light burst into his eyes, making it difficult for him to open them. When the glare settled down, the treasures in the jade box finally revealed their original form.


This is the so-called treasure? !Shen Mo stared at the neatly placed small clay pills in the jade box, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought, who rubbed these small clay pills, why should they be placed in such a precious jade box?Could it be that Xiu Sanbai is a psychopath with extremely evil tastes? !
He looked again, and there was a thread-bound ancient book on top of a box of small clay pills, with four large characters written in an unknown script.

Of course, the word Silence is unknown. Opening the ancient book, there are not only unfamiliar ancient characters, but also many bald men with drawn veins and veins. They look like I am a peerless secret book.

I can't help but feel ashamed for being silent, you are the immortal formula of the heavenly book, I can't understand it, it is not a waste book!
Ding!Shen Mo immediately activated his investigative skills, wanting to investigate the information of Xiaoniwan and ancient books.Soon information about the two was fed back to Silence's mind.

[Spiritual Pills: Spiritual pills made from precious elixir and high-quality spirit stones are the exclusive elixir for practicing giant spirit formulas. 】

[Jiangling Zhenjue (fragmented): It is rumored that this Zhenjue is the Jue Lingshen’s natal Jue, which was left out as fragments when he was living in the mortal world, resulting in great flaws in this Zhenjue.The shape of those who practice this formula will change greatly, the deeper the cultivation base, the higher the weight.Although this true formula is incomplete, it is after all a posthumous chapter of the immortal formula, and it has the beauty of purifying the marrow and refining the bones and enlightening the enlightenment for the beings below the immortal.Comparing the pros and cons, the cultivator decides on his own. 】

After reading the information of the two treasures silently, his expression was extremely ugly, not to mention that he couldn't practice this formula, even if he had the opportunity to practice, he would not choose to practice a formula with huge flaws.

Take a look at Xiu Sanbai's body, and think about the helplessness of four people carrying it when you go out. Is that a burden that ordinary people can bear? !

No matter how many benefits you give to Silence, Silence will not turn itself into a behemoth of hundreds of kilograms.

Snapped!Mo Mo closed the jade box heavily, the contents inside were simply tasteless to him, it would be a pity to throw them away, and it would be useless to keep them.If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't find a place to throw them away, and they were afraid that they would pollute the environment, Shen Mo really wanted to throw them out.

Turning over the dog blood incident of the jade box, Mo Mo continued to look down, and soon he saw another jade box, this jade box did not have a golden lock, and could be opened directly.

Shen Mo came to the side and slowly opened it, and it was no surprise that there was half a box of spiritual pills inside, obviously it was the leftover spiritual pills that Xiu Sanbai had eaten.

Why!With a long sigh, he continued to look down, Mo Mo finally found something useful to him.

It was a wooden box the size of a backpack.

The wooden box is neatly filled with spiritual stones, each of which is about the size of a palm, exuding a dazzling blue light, and the overflowing aura makes Shen Mo feel like being in a warm ocean.

【Ding!Discover middle-grade spirit stones!It can be absorbed directly, and 1 spirit stone can convert 1000 spirit energy. 】

Shen Mo's face was filled with joy, counting down, there are 18 middle-grade spirit stones, which means that Mo Mo has 18000 points of spiritual energy.

Silence with so many aura values ​​has never been seen before. How many levels is this enough to raise your own level? !
He couldn't help but look at his level panel, level: Level 10 (Aura 3150/6000)


How many levels are there! ?Judging from the current situation, 18000 points of spiritual energy can at most raise his level to level 12, and there are 6000 remaining spiritual energy points, which can only be increased by two levels.

Such an increase made Shen Mo feel a little disappointed, but no matter how small an ant is, it is still meat. Two levels are two, which is better than nothing. What kind of amplification effect will be obtained.

Ever since, Shen Mo took out a mid-grade spirit stone from the wooden box, held it in his hand and prepared to absorb it.

【Ding!Discover middle-grade spirit stones, which can be absorbed, and it takes 24 hours to absorb them.Whether to absorb. 】


He almost threw the spirit stone on the ground, it would take 24 hours to absorb it, 1000 spirit energy takes 24 hours, these eighteen spirit energy need 18 days.

In 18 days, Mo Mo's spiritual energy obtained through daily tasks is much more than this number!Isn't this a pity to discard it, keep there still some tasteless taste? !

Then suck, or don't suck!
suck!Do not smoke white or smoke, do you want to keep it for the New Year?Shen Mo muttered to himself, confirming that he had absorbed the aura of the spirit stone in his hand, and saw that the palm-sized spirit stone instantly shattered into powder, turning into countless blue halos and sinking into his body. Immediately, a progress bar appeared in his mind.


Good guy, it also comes with a progress bar.This also saves the effort of silently calculating the time, closing the wooden box again, and continuing to rummage down.

Soon another wooden box fell into his eyes, and Shen Mo's head was a little big. After all, the box he opened before had already caused a certain psychological shadow on him, and now he found the box again, and he was somewhat timid.

Couldn't there be spirit stones in this wooden box again? !
Snapped!Mo Mo slowly opened the wooden box, and the slightly frowned brows were revealed in front of his eyes as the contents inside were revealed. He raised his eyebrows, and immediately reached into the wooden box, and in the next second he took out a milky white porcelain vase, the porcelain vase There are three small characters written in the same script as the ancient book.

【Ding!Discover the best medicine for golden sores *10]

【Ding!Discover Zhuyan Pill*9]

【Ding!Discover Xisui Pill*8]

【Ding!Discover Fengxing Pill*10]

The prompts that followed made Shen Mo fall into an unspeakable sense of happiness. This time, he finally found a treasure that was valuable to him.

The treasures in this box are all kinds of elixirs, which can be taken directly and increase their own attributes, or elixirs that can have a healing effect, or elixirs that can suppress negative states.

Counting carefully, there are more than ten kinds.

Silence first listed several pills that would help him most directly.

[Zhuyan Pill: If you eat Zhuyan Pill, your appearance will be frozen for ten years.This elixir can be consumed repeatedly.Food limit 0/100]

[Xian Sui Pill: After eating the Sui Sui Dan, your four-dimensional attribute +2.Food limit 0/10]

[Fengxing Pill: Dexterity +2. Food limit 0/10]

[Physical Pill: Constitution +2.Food limit 0/10]

[Blood Demon Pill: Strength +2. Food limit 0/10]

[Huntian Pill: Spirit +2.Food limit 0/10]

These six elixirs are the main elixirs that Silence needs to krypton at the moment, they are the most direct for the improvement of Silence, as for the rest such as water-avoiding pills, fire-avoiding pills, and poison-dispelling pills... all belong to auxiliary pills Medicine, it’s never too late to krypton when you need it.

From this point of view, this box full of pills is the top-grade pill box that Xiu Sanbai prepared for himself. He never thought that these top-grade pills are better than silence.

Mo Mo first took out a Zhuyan Pill, the vermilion elixir exudes a faint fragrance of peach blossoms, could it be that this thing is made of peach blossoms? !

Shen Mo was surprised, raised his head and threw Zhuyan Pill into his mouth, chewed it lightly, and the pill melted in his mouth, turning into peach perfume and flowing into his body.

Immediately, Shen Mo only felt a microsecond change in his body, and his face was frozen at this moment, no matter how time is a butcher's knife or pig feed, it can't ripen Shen Mo and fatten him up.

Mo Mo secretly muttered in his heart, if he could get the formula of Zhuyan Pill, it would be a counterattack road to get rich.May I ask which woman in the world doesn't want to beautify her face, and a pill of rejuvenating face can keep her beauty for ten years, if it makes them bankrupt, they will all sharpen their heads and give money to Shen Mo one after another.

Shen Mo looked at the remaining 8 Zhuyan Pills in the bottle, thinking about finding an expert in medicine to do some research, to see if he could fiddle with imitations, even if the effect was mediocre, it would still be a hundred times better than the beauty products on the market.

Silent's first instinct was to think of Zhang Jiayi who was in Yancheng Central Hospital. Although Zhang Jiayi majored in surgery, as a person in the medical circle, she must know some medical experts. Naturally, it would be no problem to ask her for an introduction.

Keeping this in mind, Mo Mo continued his journey of krypton medicine.

His principle is that the power that can be kryptonized is not in vain or in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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