The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 302 You Are So Fragrant

Chapter 302 You Are So Fragrant
Shen Mo put the small porcelain bottle containing Zhuyan Pill back into the sword pouch, and then took out another small porcelain bottle from it. There were also three ancient seal characters written on the porcelain bottle. According to the feedback from the investigative skills, these three ancient seal characters meant the Heavenly Heaven Pill .

He unscrewed the cap of the bottle and poured out a piece of Heavenly Heaven Pill, a tempting fragrance rushed into his nasal cavity, and went straight to the sea of ​​consciousness along the olfactory organs, making his sea of ​​consciousness tremble slightly, although he didn't know the formula of Heavenly Heaven Pill What is it, but this elixir obviously increases mental power, and mental power is the most important attribute of silence.That is naturally the attribute that needs to be strengthened next to the flourishing beauty.

grunt!Shen Mo raised his head and swallowed the Huntian Pill into his mouth, the elixir entered the mouth, and the scent of fragrance came to his nostrils. In an instant, Shen Mo had a pleasant feeling of being in the sea of ​​clouds. It is a mysterious feeling to get a certain degree of enhancement, which cannot be expressed in specific words, and the change in the four-dimensional attribute is an increase of 2 points in mental power.

Silence's mental power was enhanced, he did not hesitate, and prepared to get rid of all 10 pills in the porcelain bottle at once.

But when he was about to take the second Huntian Pill, the system reminded him that he could not continue to take the Huntian Pill, and it would take 24 hours before he could take it. reduce.

Mo Mo was a little helpless, this was the same as the absorption of spirit stones, after careful consideration, Mo Mo soon found out that except Zhuyan Pill, the rest of the pills had the same restrictions.

Why!No wonder it takes a hundred years and a thousand years to cultivate the truth. This pace is really slow. I don't want to silence the built-in system, which can ignore the accumulation of time and directly raise his realm and level to a certain place.

In desperation, Shen Mo had no choice but to put away the rest of the Heavenly Heaven Pill, and then took out the Marrow Washing Pill, Fengxing, Physique, and Blood Fiend in turn, and swallowed one of each kind of pill, which increased his thinking attribute by 4 points.

When Shen Mo checked his personal attributes again, he found that his four-dimensional attributes had not only increased by 4 points, but had increased by as much as 6 points.

uh-huh? !Five medicines with krypton still have the effect of increasing? !Mo Mo quickly checked the system information, and found that the two extra attributes did not come from the elixir, but the body of the dragon god he just obtained was working.

The body of the dragon god can increase the effect of attribute improvement from all aspects. Whether it is the increase of the level or the increase of krypton medicine, it can trigger the passive attributes of the body of the dragon god.

The corners of Shen Mo's mouth couldn't help but twitch, as if he saw a road of kingship where kryptonite would make him stronger, which aggravated Shen Mo's idea of ​​building a elixir storehouse.

"Go to Zhang Jiayi tomorrow morning to see if she can contact a medical expert."

After making up his mind, Shen Mo put all the pills into the sword pouch, and then put the sword pouch into his personal warehouse. In Shen Mo's view, although the sword pouch has a certain storage function, in terms of the convenience of use, it is still personal. The warehouse is more practical, and the sword pouch is only used to activate the three thousand feathers of the heavy sword and to take the pill and spirit stone.

Silently left the Xidelong Hotel, drove his own Maserati back to the Laifu woodcarving shop, called Niu Dui on the way, and told Niu Dui the ins and outs of the treacherous incident. thing.

When Shen Mo returned to Laifu Woodcarving Shop, it was already past one o'clock in the night, the bedroom on the second floor was still lit, and Nan Nan could vaguely hear the sound of typing on the keyboard.

If she didn't guess wrong, Nannan must have used "waiting for her boss to come home" as an excuse to trick Ling'er and the others into doing whatever they wanted at the computer desk.

Shen Mo opened the rolling gate, went straight to the second floor, pushed open the bedroom door, and saw Nan Nan galloping on the battlefield in the Summoner Canyon at a glance. Looking around, he didn't see Ling'er, presumably in the server Work overtime to make ghosts.

And the silent single dog bed has already been occupied by Xiao Ci, Liu Ruyan, and Goudan. The three of them, a puppet, a snake demon, and a demon soul, are fighting the landlord around the bed.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, he didn't know when Goudan and Liu Ruyan learned to fight landlords, but Liu Xiaoci's card skills are quite amazing because they communicate with Shen Mo.

Looking at Liu Ruyan's and Goudan's face full of white paper, and the bastard's picture, one can see that Liu Xiaoci wins more than loses in this game.

Standing silently at the door of the bedroom, he realized that his small bedroom was becoming more and more lively, with more and more people, monsters, ghosts and the like, and if this continued, he would have no place to stay.

Silently muttered to himself, in the future, when encountering ghosts, they will no longer be able to trade at a loss if they disappear.

Huh? !The arrival of silence naturally attracted the attention of all the ghosts, among them Liu Ruyan who was holding a landlord card was the one who was particularly surprised.

I saw a pair of captivating eyes under her pair of willow-leaf eyebrows. At this moment, the eyes are flickering, as if they can see the light.

Suck!Liu Ruyan was shocked, and instantly dropped the cards in his hand, turning into a cloud of green smoke and attacking Shen Mo.

Xiaoci and Goudan were startled, and shouted repeatedly, "You landlord, you lose if you lose your cards! (Wow, woof, woof!)"

Liu Ruyan didn't respond to the words of the two of them at all. She wrapped herself around Silence in one breath, circled around his body several times, and then stuck it on her shoulders. Huffing and puffing non-stop, and rubbing and swimming around Shen Mo's neck.


What's happening here? !Aren't you fighting landlords? !Are you guys playing Truth or Dare?Who loses and who takes the risk? !Liu Ruyan is playing a big adventure?What kind of person do you think of yourself as?If you want to rub it, you can rub it, what's the system? !

Xiaoci and Goudan also came to their senses, looking at Shen Mo and Liu Ruyan in a daze, not knowing what was going on.

Has your boss already developed to this point with Liu Ruyan?Show affection on the spot, or show affection across races.

Nan Nan glanced back and complained, "Hey! The boss is molesting the female employees again! Shameless!"

Silence is suffering from the bottom of his heart and he can't tell. Now he is the boss who is being molested, so why is he shameless?

"Hey! Liu Ruyan, if you have something to say, please speak up, I won't accept your tricks! Get off of me immediately, otherwise, I will be rough."

There was a strange chirping sound from Liu Ruyan's snake mouth, which made the silence even more awkward. How could Liu Ruyan's chirping attribute be triggered even by talking by himself? !This is not scientific!
"Liu Ruyan, what's the matter with you? Did you eat realgar? Or did you drink soju? Don't expose your snake nature in front of so many people. Let's talk about it another day."

Liu Ruyan was entangled in silence, obsession flashed in her snake eyes, and she couldn't control herself, so she could only plead in a low voice, "I don't know what's wrong with this? The moment I see you..."

Silently stunned, he immediately thought of the reason, what kind of strange fragrance, it was clearly the body of the dragon god.

Liu Ruyan is a snake who became a spirit. In her genealogy, dragons are the existence of grandparents... Grandpas. When she met the silence of eating five-clawed golden dragon meat and obtaining the body of a dragon god, where is Liu Ruyan? There is still the power to resist, and every minute falls under the fragrance of the silent mouth.

But here comes the problem!Silence can't let Liu Ruyan pester her like this all the time, let alone whether she cares or not, the puppets, demons, and ghosts in the house will definitely care.

Suck!Mo Mo stretched out his hand and tore Liu Ruyan off his shoulder, then threw it to Xiaoci and Goudan.

"Stop watching the excitement, you two, hold her down for me."

Xiaoci and Goudan obeyed Silent's orders, and naturally pressed Liu Ruyan tightly on the bed, no matter how hard she struggled, she still couldn't get rid of Xiaoci and Goudan's bondage.

Nan Nan turned his face and glanced again, "Hey, the boss is too shameless, you can't be soft, you have to be tough."

Silent and ashamed, "Nannan, you can shut up! Play your game quietly, and Zaipilian will clean up with you."

Nan Nan shrank her neck and said, "You are the biggest here, you can do whatever you want, Nan Nan just..."

Doing whatever he wants is a hammer, silence is not a beast, the reason why he pressed Liu Ruyan on the bed was mainly to clear his mind, so that he could figure out how to solve Liu Ruyan's obsession with him.

The reason why Liu Ruyan is so madly obsessed with Silence is because Silence has the attribute of the dragon god's body, which has an irresistible allure to the snake clan demon cultivators.

Then the solution is naturally to start from the body of the Dragon God, how to relieve the temptation of the body of the Dragon God to Liu Ruyan.

Mo Mo thought about it, and thought of two ways, the first one would naturally give Liu Ruyan a piece of five-clawed golden dragon flesh, so that Liu Ruyan would not only no longer be obsessed with Mo Mo, but also get a big chance, the five-clawed golden dragon For a snake demon cultivator like Liu Ruyan, flesh and blood is simply a panacea that can reborn, a treasure that can last thousands of years of hard work.

The second method is to use purification skills to help Liu Ruyan eliminate the influence of the Dragon God's body. This is a temporary solution, not a permanent solution, and it will make Liu Ruyan unable to get rid of the silence. Let silence have its way.

After thinking about it silently, it's not that he is reluctant to give up the flesh and blood of the five-clawed golden dragon. After all, he still has a piece of hyperplastic connective tissue from Oboi that he doesn't even want to eat. It would be extremely unfair to throw this piece of meat to Liu Ruyan. OK

Silence is mainly because he doesn't want Liu Ruyan to escape from his control. He accepted Liu Ruyan to prepare for the future Liu Xianguan. Ruyan's restraint is naturally not as good as before, maybe Liu Ruyan will do things under his hands.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, Shen Mo decided to use the second method, using purification skills to help Liu Ruyan fade away from the influence of the Dragon God's body, further increasing his own attraction to Liu Ruyan, as well as his own stickiness to Liu Ruyan , Let this little white snake obey her orders, come and go as soon as she asks.This is Liu Ruyan that Mo Mo wanted.

As for the flesh and blood of the five-clawed golden dragon, when the time is right, he will naturally not treat Liu Ruyan badly. He will naturally give it when it should be given, but definitely not now.

As the saying goes, if you catch a sparrow and throw some bottom valleys, you have to use some tricks to fool a snake monster that has been around for hundreds of years.

Da da da!
Mo Mo stepped to the side of the bed, beckoned to touch Liu Ruyan under Xiaoci and Goudan, and immediately, the power of purification was activated, and a milky white halo enveloped Liu Ruyan. After a while, Liu Ruyan was After regaining his sanity, the eyes looking at Silence became a little more normal.

But it is undeniable that Liu Ruyan still has a desire for silence, which comes from instinct.

Hiss!Liu Ruyan puffed out her scarlet, snake-shaped mouth, and murmured, "My lord, you are really delicious! Xiang's servant really wants to eat you in one bite."

Silence chuckled, "No matter how fragrant you are, you have to endure it. You are a snake demon who has cultivated for hundreds of years. You must have concentration. If you don't have concentration, you can find me at any time, and I will help you to concentrate."

Liu Ruyan shuddered, thinking of the milky white halo that hit her body just now, although the power of purification cleared away the negative state in her body, but for Liu Ruyan, it was really not very comfortable, and she didn't want to suffer again.

"I'm just joking with you. I just want to say that I'm happy by your side."

Smiling silently without saying a word, what he wants is this effect, he is not afraid that you are not capable, but that you are not clingy.Because ability can be cultivated, but sincerity is hard to come by.

This is like a woman, a beautiful face can be made up or plastic surgery, but an interesting soul is hard to come by.

Although most people only pursue a beautiful face, Shen Mo, as a man who sees through the essence of the world, naturally does not fall into the stereotypes. He not only wants a beautiful face, but also an interesting and obedient soul.

In short, in the world of adults, you need everything you need.

After solving Liu Ruyan's matter, silently called everyone to leave, let Goudan and Nan Nan return to their monster body wood carvings, Xiao Ci stood in the corner as a doll, and entered the standby mode, and the rest of Liu Ruyan was unwilling Entering the monster body wood carving prepared by Shen Mo for her, she insisted on sleeping with Shen Mo.

Silence refused at first, and I can't sleep for you just because you want to sleep, how embarrassing it is for Silence to do that.But following Liu Ruyan's constant begging and pleading in human form, Mo Mo reluctantly agreed to Liu Ruyan, leaving her a small side.

Before going to bed, Silence kept telling Liu Ruyan that sleep is sleep, and you should not do too much. After all, everyone is an adult, and Liu Ruyan is also an adult demon, and everything must pay attention to the consequences.You can't do whatever you want with your temper.

Liu Ruyan swears to the sky that she just quietly stays by Shen Mo's side, absolutely doing nothing, and swears on her reputation, that's how she made the decision to make this happen.

Nan Nan looked at Shen Shen and Liu Ruyan, and murmured in the Lucky Cat, "The boss has become more and more shameless recently! The stench of contemporary young people is exuding all over his body."

(End of this chapter)

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