The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 303 Dragon God's Perfect Pocket Jar

Chapter 303 Dragon God's Perfect Pocket Jar
Sleeping is the happiest thing in life.

But for Shen Mo at the moment, whether he is lucky or not, only he knows from the bottom of his heart.

Mo Mo turned sideways, facing the wall, nodded slightly and looked at Liu Ruyan's slender arms hugging him from behind, and the slight coolness coming from behind.

Someone will ask here.Why is it slightly cool?Shouldn't it be slightly hot?
Please, Liu Ruyan is a snake demon who has cultivated for hundreds of years. Snakes are cold-blooded animals. Even after cultivating to heaven, they still feel cold to the touch.

Mo Mo really regretted that at the beginning, if he knew Liu Ruyan's cold comparison, he would not let the other party sleep next to him even if he killed him.

This is good, I want to sleep and I can't sleep because of the cold, don't sleep, and I can't cope.

Why!With a long sigh, Shen Mo simply got up, broke away from the sleeping Liu Ruyan, walked straight to the desk, and aroused Nan Nan in Lucky Cat.

"Nannan, come out!"

hum!The red light flickered, and Nan Nan turned into a stream of light and landed beside Shen Mo. She pouted and stared at Shen Mo with resentful eyes, "Boss, what do you want to do again? Do you still have demon power? If you continue to do this, Nan Nan is about to resist."

Mo Mo smiled, and was amused by Nan Nan, "Your tone of voice has become more and more mature recently, who did you learn from?!"

Nan Nan crossed her hands in front of her chest, and said proudly, "Nan Nan is not a little monster. Nan Nan has grown up a long time ago."

Shen Mo thought for a while, and said bluntly, "Did the companion teach you these things? It seems to be called Sister Fantuan, isn't it?"

Nan Nan was a little flustered for a moment, she muttered, "That's not it! This is all Nan Nan's own thinking. It has nothing to do with Sister Fantuan."

Silence waved his hands, and said indifferently, "Okay, let's not worry about this problem anymore, come on, help me open a jar for the boss!"

Silence naturally has no objection to Nannan's growth. When little monsters grow into big monsters, Nannan can learn knowledge other than games from Fantuan sister. As long as this knowledge is not bad, Silence will not be too much Blame.

Female monster!Naturally, they should be raised free-range. Captive monsters will enter the monster society in the future, and they will not be able to withstand the darkness and terror of the monster world.

Nan Nan nodded, and she also brought the topic to the pocket pot, "Ah, boss, you got another magical pot! This time, is it for Nan Nan?"

"No, open it for me this time. This jar is called the Dragon Clan's Perfect Pocket Jar, so it's not suitable for you."

Huh? !Liu Ruyan, who was lying on the bed, raised her ears subconsciously. She had been pretending to be asleep all this time, and she really heard that Shen Mo had mentioned the Dragon Clan.

Ever since she was obsessed with the fragrance of silence, she has been thinking hard about why she is obsessed with silence. Now, she finally understands that silence must have been inherited by the dragon god. Only real dragons can make her so obsessed.

It turns out that Mo Mo is the man of the dragon, no, more specifically, he is the man who received the inheritance of the dragon.

Liu Ruyan regained his energy immediately, and listened intently to the conversation between Shen Mo and Nan Nan.

And Shen Mo and Nan Nan looked at each other, they both noticed that Liu Ruyan was pretending to be asleep, but they didn't mean to expose her, they both tacitly focused their attention on the pocket jar that had just been taken out.

Wow!Seeing the perfect pocket jar of the Dragon Clan, Nan Nan opened her mouth wide in surprise and praised it repeatedly.

I saw that the shape of the perfect pocket jar of the dragon clan is very different from the previous pocket jars. The previous pocket jars were earthen jars or ceramic jars, but the perfect pocket jar of the dragon clan is not known what material it is made of. It is also engraved with colorful dragon god carving patterns, which are vivid, as if a real dragon is attached to it.

"It's so beautiful! Nan Nan couldn't bear to break it."

"Knock it! You know, the things inside it are definitely much more beautiful than it is."

Silence and Nannan smiled knowingly, the things in the jar were indeed much more beautiful than the jar itself.

"Then, boss, Nan Nan is about to strike."

"Come on! Use all your luck to knock out a top-quality product for me, the boss."

"Okay! Boss, don't worry, Nannan will not let you down."

This time, Shen Mo swears that this is the most ceremonial time he has ever seen Nan Nankai open a jar. Whether it is the movement of knocking on the jar, the angle, or the look and temperament, it can be called a sense of ritual. Thinking about it this way, the jar The things in it will definitely not disappoint Silence.

hum!I saw the Dragon God's perfect pocket pot began to shake violently, and as the cracks continued to expand, countless golden lights burst out from it, piercing silence and Nannan couldn't open their eyes at all.

Feeling the golden light, Liu Ruyan couldn't continue to pretend to be asleep anymore. She gasped and stood up, widening her eyes to take a closer look, but her bewitching eyes couldn't resist the burst of golden light, so she had no choice but to He closed his eyes and turned his head away.

When the golden light settled, everyone's eyes fell on the desk, and they were instantly attracted by the props on the desk.

It was a gold-plated battle armor exuding golden light. The streamlined texture was perfect, and the armor as thin as fish scales was attached to it. Each piece was shining brightly. There was a five-claw branded on the chest The golden dragon, making a posture of a dragon roaring to the nine heavens, overlooks the sky.

This is the treasure unearthed from the perfect pocket jar of the Dragon Clan.

Shen Mo swallowed subconsciously. Before checking the attributes of the battle armor, he was deeply impressed by the appearance of the battle armor. Such a compelling battle armor, no matter where it is worn, it will be domineering. style.

There was a small mouth on Nan Nan's side, and she hurriedly urged, "Boss, Boss, take a look, how is she doing!"

After returning to his senses in silence, he immediately checked the attributes of the armor.

[Dragon God Reverse Scale Armor: Dragons have reverse scales, touching them will kill you.Every dragon has its inverse scales since its birth, and each inverse scale is the hardest part of the dragon.This battle armor is made of the reverse scale of the five-clawed golden dragon, which has extremely strong defensive power and extremely high magic resistance.Wearing this armor, you will be protected by the dragon's reverse scale, and you will get the following special effects skills. 】

[Dragon God Reverse Scale Armor Special Effect Skill: 1 Scale of Anti-Injury, activate this special effect skill, in the next 1 minute, you will reflect 70% of any attack from any direction and any form, and convert it into magic damage to attack the enemy.To activate this special effect skill, it needs to consume 500 aura points. 】

[2 The Blessing of the Dragon God (passive skill), wearing this armor, you will receive the blessing of the Dragon God, and you will gain the ability to travel around the world just like the Dragon God. 】

[3 Rebellion of Nilin, this skill is the swan song of the Dragon God. When this special effect skill is activated, the Dragon God's Niscale Armor will collapse into nothingness. You will summon the Dragon God to descend and kill everything that touches Nilin. 】

[Reminder: The level of the dragon god exceeds the limit of aura in the real world, please use it with caution. 】

[Reminder: The level of the dragon god is far beyond the current level of the clergy, please use it with caution. 】


He was drooling, and excitedly picked up the dragon god's reverse scale armor on the desk. With this battle armor next to him, he didn't have to be afraid of being silent.

(End of this chapter)

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