The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 304 This is our crystallization

Chapter 304 This is our crystallization

The dragon's inverse scales, you will die if you touch it.

This Dragon God Reversing Scale Armor is both offensive and defensive. It can summon dragons to slash powerful enemies when advancing, and can resist beatings and gang fights when retreating. It is really a perfect defensive treasure.

Most of the skills, props, special effects, etc. that Silence had before were offensive or auxiliary abilities. In terms of defense, it has always been in an embarrassing situation where it can't go up or down. Now with this reverse scale Armor, that is to fill the gap in Silence's defense, allowing his overall strength to be further leapfrogged.

Mo Mo no longer has to worry about being killed in the small Yin hook by the old Yin pen. Those enemies who want to sneak attack or die Mo Mo will most likely be crippled by the 70.00% reflection damage of the reverse scale armor.

If it weren't for the fact that 500 aura points would be consumed every time the Scale of Anti-Injury was activated, and the consumption of aura points would be increased if the reflected damage of the Scale of Anti-Injury was exceeded. In the League of Legends, there is a dragon turtle with its own anti-injury effect. Others who retaliate every minute kneel down and call Dad.

Just as Shen Mo was thinking about the future, Liu Ruyan, who was startled from the bed, had already turned into a puff of white smoke and landed in front of the desk. Harazi destroyed her enchanting image to nothing, as if an old cabbage that had been hungry for hundreds of years met tender green fresh meat.

"Young master! this a treasure of the Dragon Clan?!"


Mo Mo was brought back to his senses by this sudden question, and turned to look at Liu Ruyan, who was extremely excited, unexpectedly, this little girl fell into the negative state of Dragon God again.

"Young master, can I touch her? She is so beautiful!"

Liu Ruyan stared at Ni Linjia fascinatedly, her appearance was even more extreme than when she was sticky and silent.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand involuntarily, and with the power of purification, Liu Ruyan, who was extremely emotional, woke up instantly.

"Huh?!" Liu Ruyan's eyes flashed, she froze in place, and immediately blushed and apologized repeatedly, "My lord, I'm sorry, I've been rude again... this is really embarrassing... I can't help it!"

Silently waved his hands, he could understand Liu Ruyan, as a snake cultivator, facing the dragon god's reverse scale armor, if she could stick to her heart, then she would really see a ghost.

As Shen Mo said, when he thought of it, he put on the dragon god's reverse scale armor on his body, and the upper body of the gilt battle armor immediately changed Mo Mo's temperament drastically, as if he was calm and majestic like a dragon descending into the world.


Liu Ruyan's eyes widened, and she was instantly attracted by the silent temperament. The emotions that had just been purified were revived again, and it became more and more intense. That one could resist it.

Forehead!Mo Mo realized that something was wrong, he didn't dare to hesitate, turned his fist into a palm, and knocked Liu Ruyan unconscious to the ground as soon as he hit the knife.

He didn't do it for anything.

But the power of purification is still in the cooldown period, and the effect cannot be superimposed. In desperation, he can only beat Liu Ruyan unconscious.

If Mo Mo hesitates for a few seconds and waits until Ruyan Liu sticks up, it will make matters worse, and Mo Mo may lose the most precious thing in his life tonight. The road of fate is gone forever.

Silence watched Liu Ruyan, who had fainted, turn into a small white snake, and motioned to Nan Nan to pick her up and throw her on the bed, then went to the bathroom, looked at himself in the mirror, wearing the dragon god reverse scale armor look like.

Lying grass!This is so cool!

Silence's cultural level is neither high nor low, and it can't be said to be elegant or unrefined.

He looked at it for a long time, and when he recovered from his intoxication, he flicked his wrist and put the Dragon God's Reverse Scale Armor into his personal storage, and it would not be too late to take it out when he needed her.

After all, such a dazzling treasure cannot be worn day and night like Lady Luck's woolen trousers, and it should be put away.

call!Mo Mo took a long breath. After getting the Dragon God's Reverse Scale Armor, he was in an exceptionally good mood. The previous drowsiness was gone. As the saying goes, people feel refreshed when they meet happy events. sleep.

To paraphrase with what Hua Yingjun often likes to say, that is [what sleep?Let's get up and say hello! 】

Looking around in silence, Nan Nan stood by the bed and fiddled with Liu Ruyan who was unconscious. This little girl has always been very curious about the prototypes of other monsters. Now that she has the opportunity to study Liu Ruyan's prototypes, she will not let it go Such a great opportunity.

Silence didn't bother Nan Nan, after all, this little girl has just made a great contribution, so let her study if she wants to. Anyway, the same sex is impossible, and the opposite sex can spark the spark of love.

Shen Mo glanced at Xiaoci again, she was still standing at the foot of the wall, in standby mode, so there was no need to wake Xiaoci up, and then looked at the dog egg on the desk, the dog called hi when he was sleeping, so he simply didn't call it .

After thinking about it, Shen Mo finally set his sights on the computer. He should share the joy of the moment with Linger, and then build an infinite world of spiritual energy in the server together with Linger.

Speaking of the task of unlimited aura.It was originally a time-consuming, labor-intensive and money-consuming task, but his silent intuition told him that as long as he completed this task, the benefits he would gain would be unimaginable.

hum!Shen Mo activates his mimicry ability, and uses the weapon blessing to transfer his spiritual consciousness to the server. Having previous experience in crawling the web, he soon came to his own server.

After Ling'er worked overtime all day and night, the server didn't change much. That's right, even if Linger practiced hard all day and night, it would be an undetectable change for the task progress bar with infinite aura.

Silence doesn't care about this, as long as they refine a little bit every day, they will succeed one day.

"Ling'er! Come down and rest!"

Silence aroused Ling'er in mid-air, wanting to share what happened that day and his own joy with Ling'er.

Um? !Ling'er slowly opened her eyes, she saw Shen Mo, but she didn't stop her movements, instead she called Shen Mo to her side.

"I'm not tired, you come up!"

After a silent pause, without saying anything, he jumped to Linger's side, "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

With a smile on her face, Ling'er slowly spread her hands, as if pushing away the fog and void in front of her eyes, murmuring like a child asking for credit.

"Look, this is the fruit of our hard work."


Linger!You are also a cultural person, the word crystallization is rather ambiguous, can we put it another way?Makes me feel like I made a mistake in the server.

Before Silence finished complaining, he was attracted by something under the mist. What is it? !Is this the culmination of my hard work with Linger? !

(End of this chapter)

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