The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 305 Let's play tricks

Chapter 305 Let's play tricks
Mo Mo was so ashamed, it took so much hard work to produce such a big crystal!
Under the void and fog, there is an extremely black giant egg. Its size is the same as that of an ostrich egg in the real world, but its texture is completely different. Even if it is silent, it cannot be seen what kind of material is formed on its surface. Structure.At the same time, an indescribable aura continuously overflowed from the giant egg, spreading in all directions like water ripples, causing countless ripples.

In silence, 1 questions arise in my heart, what are they asking? !

Is this the crystallization that Linger said? !
He and Ling'er have been tinkering for the past few days, and they have come up with an egg.This is too nonsensical!
Shen Mo subconsciously wanted to stretch out his hand to touch the giant egg, but before he stretched out his hand, Linger grabbed it.

"Don't touch it, it's dangerous!"

Linger's warning didn't sound like a joke at all.

"Isn't it just an egg? What danger can it be?"

Before Silence finished speaking, I saw the ghostly aura on Linger's body surging, turning into a slender arm reaching towards the giant egg. The next moment, the arm touched the giant egg, and the giant egg, which was as black as an abyss, burst out with a terrifying suction force , Instantly devoured Linger's arm transformed with ghost energy. If Linger hadn't been prepared to cut off the ghost energy in his arm early, the ghost energy in Linger's whole body would not be enough for the opponent to suck for a few seconds.

Silent for a while, he was speechless. He stared at the dome in a daze, and he never thought that the dome was so terrifying.

If you just touch it, if you don't pay attention, you will definitely be sucked dry. Even if you escape by chance, you will have to take off a layer of skin.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Silence's forehead, and he repeatedly asked, "Ling'er, how did we come up with such a dangerous egg?!"

Ling'er shook her head and nodded again, "I'm not very clear, but this egg gives me the feeling that it has the same origin as the core of the server, as if it is the server, and the server is it."

Shen Mo frowned, not knowing what Linger's words meant, so he threw out a detection skill directly, trying to find out the origin of the dome.

hum!The detection skills were activated, and the information about the dome was quickly passed to Silence's mind.

[Server Heart (currently complete 1%): A clergyman who keeps pace with the times!Your wit and opportunity create new worlds.This is the heart of the world born in the server, as long as you control it, you can control the world. 】

[Warning: The heart of the current server is in the embryonic stage, and its traits are extremely unstable. Please contact the clergy carefully. 】

[Reminder: The heart of the server has sprouted, and the progress bar of the infinite aura task appears.Current task completion progress bar 1%]

[Reminder: When the server heart progress bar reaches 10%, you will be able to create the first infinite copy world.Your control over this world will be expressed through server heart transformation. 】

[Reminder: When the progress bar of the server's heart reaches 100%, the system will digitize the server's heart, and the server's heart will be bound to the soul of the priest.Therefore, when the progress bar does not reach 100%, please clerics to develop wretchedly, don't waste time. 】

Shen Mo read the information in his mind several times, because the amount of information he got this time was too great.

First of all, this dome is the legendary heart of the world.

What is the heart of the world?In many novels and TV dramas, there have been descriptions about the heart of the world, and under Shen Mo's understanding, the heart of the world means that as long as you get her, you can do whatever you want in this world.

For example, in the Marvel universe, Thanos who got six infinite gems could do whatever he wanted, although he died in the hands of the son of the plane in the end.

Another example is in a certain infinite novel, every infinite world has a world heart, which is the core supporting this world, and getting her is equivalent to owning this world.

In short, the giant egg in front of Shen Mo and Ling'er is a very important treasure. When Shen Mo and Ling'er raise it together, the two of them will be the parents of this world.

Um? !Although this understanding is a bit weird, there is nothing wrong with it in general.

The second point is that the system warns Shen Mo that when the World Heart has not reached 100% progress, it is best not to fiddle with the World Heart. When the progress is complete, the system will help Shen Mo win the World Heart.

This is good news, and it is also something the system often does. She has helped Shen Mo brainwash the baby in the world of daily tasks more than once.This kind of coquettish operation is very silent.

The third point is the permission of the first infinite dungeon at 10% progress. Mo Mo received the task of unlimited aura before, and the first task was to unlock the first infinite dungeon.

From this point of view, as long as the progress reaches 10%, Shen Mo can complete the first mission of Unlimited Reiki and get the mission reward.

Silently checked the mission rewards.

[Mission reward: 1000 aura points, then a lucky player extractor (repeated permanent props), title: the lowest-level main god of the stinking land (upgradeable)]

[Random Lucky Player Extractor: Use this item to randomly draw lucky players from computers, mobile phones, TVs, etc. to enter the world of infinite copies. 】

[Title: The Lowest Lord God of Stinky Land, wearing this title, you will gain the ability of the lowest level Lord God of Stinky Land.Special effects ability: ? ? ? (display after wearing)]

Tut tut!Silence's head was buzzing a little. He realized that the things he came into contact with were very profound. If he continued to delve into the depths, he would not understand even after studying for a year or two. Rather than looking for troubles, it is better to take a step at a time, anyway. With the bosses of the system behind his back, Mo Mo is not afraid of any troubles in the infinite world of spiritual energy.

This is the legend that has been circulating in the Jianghu for a long time, as long as someone is covering him, he can walk sideways.

After getting to know the heart of the server, Shen Mo told Linger about the taboos, and then worked hard with Linger to refine the server. When the refining progress of the server reached 10%, the Reiki Unlimited Mission was the first reward when.

As for the joy to be shared with Ling'er before the silence, it was natural to share it when they joined hands in refining.

Ling'er is naturally happy for Shen Mo's acquisition of a new baby, which female ghost doesn't want to see her family live well?A good and sensible female ghost like Ling'er naturally doesn't need to explain much.

Silent and Linger were immersed in the happiness of the refining server for a whole night without talking, and Shen Mo left the server until dawn.

Although the progress bar still showed 1%, Mo Mo didn't panic at all. He knew very well in his heart that as long as he worked hard and ground an iron rod into a needle, Li Bai's bowl of poisonous chicken soup did have some truth.

A new day has begun again, Shen Mo simply washes up, then wakes up Xiaoci who is on standby, and goes downstairs with her, opens the shutter door of Laifu Wood Carving Shop, and prepares for new business.

(End of this chapter)

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