The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 306 1 Everything is under control

Chapter 306 Everything is under control

"Brother, good morning!"

Not long after the rolling gate of the Laifu Wood Carving Shop opened, Hua Yingjun who lives next door ran over with an early breakfast brought from the Eight Immortals Bun Shop in his hand, and took a silent look. It's like Baozi and Tommy.

"Handsome, we don't need to take out breakfast from now on, we can just go to the opposite side to eat. Aren't you wasting a few more plastic bags?"

He muttered silently, like a stingy little boss.

"I know you are rich and don't care about one or two plastic bags, but everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment. Those who do big things should start with small things!"

Hua Yingjun repeatedly said yes, and handed the bun in his hand to Xiaoci, "Brother taught me the lesson, I will remember it."

In fact, when Hua Yingjun was buying steamed buns, Lao Huang also told him that he didn't need to bother to take them out, and he would come over to eat when he woke up silently.

But Hua Yingjun wanted to behave in front of Shen Mo, so he naturally had to do something, because as long as this was done, it would be Hua Yingjun's will, regardless of right or wrong, there was no problem with his position.

Xiao Ci took the buns and Tommy, took out the bowls and chopsticks from behind the bar, and put the buns and Tommy in them. These bowls and chopsticks were prepared by Hua Yingjun before. He wanted to order takeaway, and Hua Yingjun, who was not used to box lunches, bought a set of bowls and chopsticks. Even if he ordered takeaway, he had to pour it into a bowl before he was willing to move his chopsticks.When buying bowls and chopsticks at that time, it was natural to have a set for Shen Mo.

After packing up the breakfast, Shen Mo sat behind the bar and started eating. As a puppet, Xiaoci didn't have to eat, so he was busy cleaning in the store. Although Hua Yingjun knew the identity of Xiaoci's puppet, he still remembered Xiaoci and was very considerate. Help Xiao Ci tidy up the shop and clean up.

For a while, such a scene appeared in the Laifu woodcarving shop. The unscrupulous boss was sitting behind the bar to eat, and the two hardworking clerks were busy, and one of the two clerks was prettier than the other. Ci's beauty and virtuousness, because they are all created by silence.In other words, Hua Yingjun is also born fair and clean, comparable to the best among men and the petite posture among women.

If Shen Mo didn't know that he was a man, those who didn't know him would think Hua Yingjun was Xiaoci's sister.

Jingle Bell!
Just when Shen Mo finished off the third meat bun, the welcome bell of Laifu Wood Carving Shop suddenly rang, and as the glass door was pulled open, a beautiful and somewhat tired figure walked in step by step.

When Hua Yingjun heard the ringtone, he quickly put down what he was doing, and walked towards the hall, "Welcome to Laifu Wood Carving Shop, what help do you need, ma'am?"

It was none other than Zhang Jiayi who was rescued by Shen Mo in the underground world. She was obviously taken aback by Hua Yingjun's warm greeting, then looked around, and soon found that she was sitting behind the bar eating buns without even a head Lifted the silence.

At the same time, she also saw clearly Hua Yingjun's prosperous beauty, and Xiao Ci who was smiling at her. Zhang Jiayi's heart skipped a beat, and she was immediately shocked by the two's appearance. She couldn't tell what it was like in her heart. A slight inferiority complex appeared on his originally confident face.

To be honest, with her conditions, even if she had a relationship before, the men chasing her can line up from the east gate of Yancheng to the west gate, but compared with Xiaoci and Hua Yingjun, her proud capital seems fragile .

In terms of beauty...she is not as handsome as Hua.

In terms of virtuousness...she is no match for Liu Xiaoci.

In terms of the distance from Shen Mo...she is even worse than Liu Xiaoci and Hua Yingjun who are always by Shen Mo's side.

Why!Zhang Jiayi let out a long sigh from the bottom of her heart, and screamed endlessly in desolation, as if she had lost her soul, she stood there in a daze.

Hua Yingjun saw that Zhang Jiayi remained silent for a while, and looked unrequited, so he hurriedly asked, "Ma'am, are you feeling well?"

Um? !Hearing Hua Yingjun's question, Mo Mo raised his head, glanced towards the door, and recognized Zhang Jiayi.

He took the leftover half of the bun in his hand, stood up slowly, and said, "Zhang Jiayi, why are you here so early?"

Zhang Jiayi came back to her senses when she heard the silent voice, lost and muttered incoherently, "I just came back from Qilian Mountain, and I came to you directly after getting off the plane, thank you for saving me and my dad... Listen Saying that your store reopened, I didn't make it in time to congratulate you, I'm really sorry... this is my little thought..."

As Zhang Jiayi said, she took out a big red envelope from her satchel and handed it to Shen Mo.

Nodding silently, he motioned for Hua Yingjun to accept the red envelope. Although the store celebration has passed, the exchange of favors cannot be evaded. Gift money that should be received must still be collected, and benefits that should be asked must be asked for.

As for the fact that Zhang Jiayi didn't come, he didn't care at all. Mo Mo had a portal to send him back from Qilian Mountain. Zhang Jiayi and his father didn't have each other. Besides, Zhang Jiayi's father was a stick, and he wouldn't be like A Kai's father. So willing to spend a lot of money to congratulate Shen Mo.

If it weren't for Zhang Jiayi's friendship with Shen Mo, Shen Mo would never talk to Zhang Jiayi's father, the man who judges people by their appearance, likes old cows to eat young grass, and is always in spring when he is old.

Judging from the thickness of the red envelopes, these gift money are not much, presumably Zhang Jiayi paid for it herself, and his father didn't take silence seriously at all.

This family really has a hard-to-read sutra!

Shen Mo complained in his heart, and then said to Zhang Jiayi, "You don't need to worry too much about Qilian Mountain, after all, it's over. If you're really sorry, I happen to need your help with something here."

When Zhang Jiayi heard that Silence asked her to help, she responded again and again, "Yes, if there is anything I can help you with, just tell me, and I will definitely help you."

Silently organized his words, "You are a medical student, so do you know some medical experts? I'm talking about experts, the kind of bigwigs in the industry, not the kind of brick-and-mortar experts."

"Medical experts?!" Zhang Jiayi frowned slightly. Although she couldn't understand why Shen Mo wanted to find a medical expert, it happened that she happened to know a medical expert.

This person is her ex-boyfriend, Tu Jie, who is currently in the United States, works at the New York Institute of Medicine, and is engaged in the research of ultra-new technology medicine.

The reason why Zhang Jiayi and Tu Jie broke up back then was because Tu Jie was hired by the New York Institute of Medicine and had to go abroad for three years, during which time he was not allowed to return to China.After careful calculation, this year is the third year he has been away. If there is no accident, he should be preparing to return to China.

However, Zhang Jiayi had to figure out why Shen Mo was looking for a medical expert, otherwise she was really unwilling to take the initiative to contact this ex-boyfriend.

"Amo, I do know a medical expert, but can you tell me why you are looking for a medical expert?"

He was silent for a while, there was no need to hide this kind of thing, so he told Zhang Jiayi about Zhuyan Dan.

"What?! Zhuyan Pill?!"

As a high-knowledge talent in the medical field, although Zhang Jiayi is not engaged in medical research, she naturally knows the value of Zhuyan Pill, which is such a fantasy medicine. It involves pharmacological properties and technical difficulties. With today's medical technology , There is no way to develop the so-called Zhuyan Pill, let alone Zhuyan Pill that can retain its appearance for ten years.

Silence didn't explain much, he flipped his wrist, took out the Bagua Yinyang sword pouch, and took out the small porcelain bottle containing Zhuyan Dan from the sword pouch, unscrewed the cork, and poured out a peach-flavored pill in the palm of his hand.

"Look, this is what I call Zhuyan Pill, a pill that can keep a mortal's face youthful for ten years."

Zhang Jiayi's eyes widened, staring closely at the Zhuyan Pill in Shen Mo's hand, the faint peach blossom fragrance came to her nostrils, she was a little suspicious of Shen Mo's words at first, but when she saw the porcelain bottle in Shen Mo's hand and the peach-colored medicine flowing on the Zhuyan Pill If you are angry, you have already believed it by [-]%.

"Where is this medicine? This is the legendary elixir!" Zhang Jiayi chanted excitedly, just like Magellan who discovered the New World, extremely excited.

"The elixir is not enough, it's just an ordinary elixir." Shen Mo commented truthfully, the so-called elixir was for the immortals, and the elixir he pulled from Xiu Sanbai was only for the monks to eat, at most It is a panacea.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, the elixir is the so-called elixir.

Zhang Jiayi doesn't worry about whether Zhuyan Dan is a panacea or a panacea. In her values, the two are almost identical.

"Amo, do you have a formula?"

Shen Mo smiled awkwardly. If he had the formula, would it be necessary to seek medical experts?Finding a master who knows how to make alchemy through Ma Shisan is not a matter of solving the problem in minutes.

The reason why Shen Mo wanted to find a medical expert through Zhang Jiayi was naturally that he wanted to use this expert to decipher the ingredients of Zhuyan Pill, and then take the formula as his own, so as to make a lot of money from women.Then continue to crack other pills and create a pill empire that belongs to him.

cough cough!Talking far away, back to the present, silently replied truthfully.

"I don't know the formula, I only have 8 Zhuyan Pills left in my hand, so I hope to find a medical expert to help me crack the formula of Zhuyan Pill, it is best to be able to imitate the new Zhuyan Pill .”

Zhang Jiayi couldn't help falling into silence. After a long time, she replied, "Amo, you may not know much about medicine. According to my understanding, with the current level of medicine, I want to decipher the pharmacological properties and formula ratio of this Zhuyan Pill." , That’s simply looking for a needle in a haystack, a fantasy. The chance of success is very small. Even if it succeeds by chance, a series of problems such as clinical trials in the later stage will follow one after another. In the end, two years, three years... or even ten years It is possible every year, and the financial, material and human resources invested in it are simply unimaginable... This road is very difficult..."

Mo Mo was stunned on the spot, he didn't expect Zhang Jiayi to say that, it was tantamount to strangling the Silent Medicinal Pill Empire in its cradle, thinking about the fact that the Medicinal Pill Empire had just been born, it was brutally murdered by reality, Silence is of course intentional Unwilling.

"So difficult? Is there no other way?!"

"If you can get its formula, then there are only technical issues left, but the problem is that if you don't know the formula, then everything is just on paper, maybe..." Zhang Jiayi pondered for a while, "You know some Taoist priests Is it? According to the legend, don’t all Taoist priests like alchemy? Maybe they have something to do.”

Shen Mo sighed, after all, he still couldn't escape Ma Shisan's door, if Ma Shisan knew that Mo Mo had these pills in his hand, with Ma Shisan's stinky character, he would definitely step in, even though her feet were small , but his temper and ambition are not small at all.

Shen Mo thinks that this girl who is labeled as an eternal loli by reality is somewhat perverted psychologically.

Wait, there was a flash of inspiration in Shen Mo's head, why did he forget the most important thing.

Lame uncle!Isn't his guide, Lame Uncle, a Taoist priest?It is said that he is still the leader of the Niutoushan Taoist priests, a ruthless character that no one dares to provoke.

Mo Mo doesn't need to find Ma Shisan to find a relationship, just find Uncle Lame, say hello to Uncle Lame, and post a message in their Weixin group on Niutoushan, isn't that a matter of solving the problem in minutes? !

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, considering his relationship with Uncle Lame, this trivial matter should not be too simple!

Of course, what Mo Mo said is simple and needs to be established in the real world. There is still some inheritance. If Uncle Lame can't find a Taoist who knows how to make alchemy, then he can only settle for the next best thing. According to Zhang Jiayi's stupid The solution is to waste time and money.

"I do know someone, but I'm not sure if he can find a Taoist who understands alchemy."

Zhang Jiayi pondered for a moment, and suggested, "Amo, why don't you do this! You can contact me first, and I will also contact you. The two of us will work together and start from two directions. Even if one side fails, there is still another side that can be counted on." .”

"It's okay! Styles come to bloom, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Just do as you said, you can ask a medical expert first to see if he can do anything. I'll contact the people here."

Zhang Jiayi nodded, she took a Zhuyan Pill from Shen Mo, packed it in the carved wooden bottle that Shen Mo handed her, and put it carefully in her satchel.

"I'll take this elixir to him for help, and I'll let you know as soon as there's news."

"Okay, this matter must be kept low-key, and the fewer people who know about it, the better."

"I understand proportion."

Silence watched Zhang Jiayi leave, and when she was far away, Hua Yingjun jumped out and asked.

"Brother, why did you give her the pill? Is she trustworthy?!"

Silence looked up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, "Although her father is nothing, she has no problem with her character, and I trust him."

"What if? This kind of thing is unexpected. Besides, you don't even know who she wants to contact. You are not afraid that that person will ruin things."

Mo Mo was speechless, he really didn't think about it that much, just now he was only thinking about asking Uncle Lame for help, so he just ignored this matter.

As the saying goes, if a wise man thinks a lot, he will make a mistake.Shen Mo didn't expect him to make such a low-level mistake.

But so what? !Things have already happened, Shen Mo can admit that he was wrong in front of Hua Yingjun?
That is definitely not possible, he is a man of face.

"Hey, don't panic, everything is under my control."

Hua Yingjun was taken aback, looked at the confident silence, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Brother, Niubi."

(End of this chapter)

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