The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 308 I'm Here

Chapter 308 I'm Here

Why did Mo Mo take up this task without a score?
Doesn't he know that this time the mission is in the real world, maybe there will be a dead person, even if he still has a resurrection coin on him, but in the face of an unknown powerful existence, resurrecting a few times is just a matter of exchanging a few dead people That's all.

Could it be that Silence is a little swollen, wanting to fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?
No!In fact, such a decision was made by Shen Mo after deliberation. He carefully read the mission introduction several times, and found that this mission was not as scary as it appeared intuitively.

First of all, in terms of the requirements of the mission, the purpose of the mission is to allow him to decipher the secrets of the underground palace. There is no need to be silent and fight to the end with the terrifying unknown existence in the underground palace. As a reward, he can choose to save all of them, or he can choose to save Uncle Lame alone, so the danger will naturally drop a lot.

Furthermore, and most importantly, Uncle Lame and the others are not dead!Uncle lame they are not dead!Uncle lame they are not dead!Important things must be said three times.

Since the lame uncle and others who went deep into the underground palace did not die, it means that the existence in the underground palace did not kill, and it was not a narrow escape. I am afraid that there is some strange ability that trapped lame uncle and others in the underground palace.

Of course, these are just speculations made by Shen Mo based on the information at hand. As for what is going on under the underground palace, Shen Mo must meet the only person who escaped from the underground palace.

According to the data, the man who escaped was named Kevin Spike, an extraordinary agent of the American S.H.I.E.L.D. Good logistical support work.

Yes, you read that right, S.H.I.E.L.D.? !The information shows that it is indeed SHIELD, the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau. This name is exactly the same as the organization in the comics. I don’t know if it was designed by the US according to the settings in the comics, but it is certain. , most of the members in this organization are existences with extraordinary abilities.

Meijian's side does not have a profound and extraordinary inheritance on Huaxia's side. The people there basically all acquire abilities through mutation, and very few bigwigs actually rely on technology.

As for the specific situation of S.H.I.E.L.D., Mo Mo doesn't know much. After all, the data is only for Kevin Spike's personal data, and there is not much secret information about S.H.I.E.L.D.

Closer to home, after Shen Mo took over the task of the Buddha's evil burial, a reminder sounded in his mind.

[Sub-task: Buddha's evil burial.Received.Please clergymen rush to Rajagha (former site) as soon as possible]

Mo Mo took a long breath and called Ma Shisan again.

"Group leader, count me in this mission."

"Silence, I knew you would go back." Ma Shisan seemed to understand Shen Mo very well, "Actually, I have already registered for you, and the specific itinerary, the logistics staff will contact you in a while."

The corners of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, Ma Luoli, don't pretend to know me well, I really don't know you very well, if it weren't for me, I might not be able to beat you now, and I would have taken revenge for mopping the ground that day.

Hanging up on Ma Shisan's phone, it didn't take long for Shen Mo to receive a call from the logistics staff. Mo Mo's trip to Rajagha, India has been arranged. If there is no accident, he will take the plane at noon today and fly to New Delhi, India. After arriving in New Delhi, there will be a special commissioner stationed in India from the Super Bureau to meet him, and then take him to the former site of Rajagha, which is where the underground palace is located.

And at the same time as Shen Mo, there were also three groups of Super Bureau, Wang Meng and others who had contact with Hua Yingjun in the tomb of the Inner Mongolian Tatar General.

Wang Meng and others were also ordered to rescue missing persons in Wangshe City. It seems that three groups are often dispatched for this kind of rescue mission. The specific reason can only be known after Shen Mo gets in touch with them.

Mo Mo looked over her itinerary several times, then put away her phone, and beckoned for Xiaoci and Hua Yingjun.

"Xiao Ci, handsome, I have to go to India for something, and you will keep an eye on the store during my absence."

"Indy?!" Hua Yingjun was taken aback, "Why do you want to go to India all of a sudden? Are you traveling!? Then why not go to Thailand, where the little brothers are all beautiful."

Mo Mo really wanted to shake his hand and give Hua Yingjun a big mouth. His Pipi attribute has not completely faded, and he still likes to be happy when he likes to be skinny.

"This time it's business! Uncle Lame is in trouble, I have to save him."

Hua Yingjun pleaded again.

"Ah?! Why is Uncle Lame in trouble again? Didn't the tomb of General Tatar just be rescued last time?!"

Silence is also speechless, will you die if you don't speak up?In this business like ours, when is it not licking blood with a knife, shoulder to shoulder with death, and it is normal for accidents to happen?Do you think that everyone is like you, as a logistics staff who only care about Feng Shui, have no sense of crisis and risk at all? !
Hua Yingjun didn't notice the change in Silence's expression, and he wanted to try again, but Xiaoci stopped him, "Okay, master, don't worry! I can leave the things in the store to me. As for Hua Yingjun Handsome, he is still young, I will call for you in a while."


Shen Mo smiled knowingly, as expected, Little Charity was understanding, worthy of being a puppet with the same thinking ability as Shen Mo, the arrangement of this matter was just as desired.

When Xiaoci said this, Hua Yingjun also realized that he had just swelled up, said something that shouldn't be said, and got skinny that shouldn't be skinned.

But what can he do?Who made him unable to control his mouth?Fortunately, Hua Yingjun had a strong desire to survive, so he quickly changed his words.

"Brother, just sit and wait. I'll help you pack your luggage. You're going abroad on duty this time, so you must prepare well. You see, this card is universal, with no limit, and you can swipe it at will. I'll pack it for you."

Shen Mo chuckled, this damn handsome Hua is not good at anything but rich.

Is Silence the kind of person who can be defeated by money?Come on, put the card in my bag and write the password on the back.

Forced to accept Hua Yingjun's card, Shen Mo went straight up to the second floor, and he still had to clean up his salutes by himself, after all, even Nan Nan Gou Dan needed to be collected by Shen Mo himself.

This time, Shen Mo not only brought Nannan and Goudan, but also all the intermediate talismans in the desk drawer, and counted the props in his personal warehouse in detail to determine his cards and combat power, and everything was ready After that, I drove a Maserati to Yancheng Airport.

When Shen Mo arrived at the airport, he waited in the terminal for about two hours before boarding the plane to Guangzhou.

Because there is no direct flight from Yancheng to New Delhi, he has to go to Guangzhou first, and then transfer to New Delhi. Shen Mo, who has experience in flying, will naturally not have any accidents.

He sat by the window, looked at the endless white clouds outside the window, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"India, I am silent."

 A book friend asked why SHIELD appeared in the book?

  Bell here emphasizes that SHIELD in the book is not the SHIELD in the American comics.

  As for the name of the Meijian Extraordinary Organization, Ling Dang thought about it and didn't know what name to use.

  Simply use "S.H.I.E.L.D."

  Although it sounds a little jumpy, it can be regarded as a spoof of Sam boy.

  In recent years, American comics have become popular, and the category of science fiction is more than half of the sky.

  Bell thinks that our super game should also show off the beautiful and strong S.H.I.E.L.D.

  A little spoiler, in the chapter on Meijian, Silence will come to New York to teach S.H.I.E.L.D.

(End of this chapter)

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