Chapter 309

When the silent plane landed at Baiyun Airport, it was already three hours later. He followed the crowd off the plane and waited in the terminal for more than an hour before boarding the flight to New Delhi.

Originally, if he wanted to go to India, he had to apply for a visa in advance. As a person in a special position, Shen Mo enjoyed special convenience in some aspects, such as the visa exemption this time, which allowed Shen Mo to board the plane to New Delhi smoothly.

Mo Mo sat on the CZ359 direct flight of China Southern Airlines to New Delhi, still sitting by the window, allowing him to see the scenery outside the window.

This time, sitting next to Shen Mo was a young Indian guy in a neat suit. It was not difficult to see from the high-end watch he wore and his mannerisms that his caste was not low.

Even so, Silence can still smell a faint smell of curry from the other party, which is a unique smell of Indians.

Does silence know India well? !No, he doesn't know much about it. He just checked this knowledge from his mobile phone.

He didn't just sleep on the plane, he did some homework about India.

India is the largest country in the South Asian subcontinent. It is one of the four ancient civilizations along with China. It has created the colorful Indus River Civilization. The Republic of India was founded in 1950. It belongs to the Commonwealth of Nations and the second most populous country in the world. It also belongs to the BRICS countries. First, it is one of the fastest-growing countries in the world. At the same time, the distribution of wealth in India is extremely uneven, the gap between rich and poor is huge, and the caste system is even more acute.Even at present, men and women of different castes still cannot achieve intermarriage.

Shen Mo saw an old news on her mobile phone. A high-caste woman married a low-caste man.

Huh!I can't help but feel ashamed in silence, India is indeed a magical country.

Um? !While Shen Mo was flipping through the news, the Indian guy beside him glanced subconsciously and saw the old news on Shen Mo's phone.

He seemed to be interested in something, and he took the initiative to chat with Shen Mo, speaking in stumbling Chinese, "I have paid attention to this news. Their death is due and honorable."

Shen Mo frowned. In his values, such a death has nothing to do with honor, but in the eyes of the guy beside him, this is actually honor.

Mo Mo couldn't help but be thankful that he was born in China. If he was born in India and cast a child of a low caste, it would be too miserable if he had to ask the other party's family and class before even dating.

Silently smiled, and didn't want to have too much communication with the other party. After all, people with high and low values ​​in their values, even if they are good, how good can they be?
Seeing that Shen Mo didn't answer him, the boy became interested again, and he muttered, "Sir, I know you can't understand such behavior, but you have to know that in our place, this is the system. Don't you have an old saying in Huaxia? There is no rule without rules, this is the rule.”

Shen Mo turned his head and looked at the white clouds outside the window. He still didn't want to talk to the other party, because what he said was nonsense. Although Mo Mo could understand it, he would never accept it. This is the bottom line of Mo Mo.

The boy's face was gloomy, as if he was irritated by the silence, he snapped, "Hi! I'm talking to you, and you don't even look at me, isn't it very rude, you low..."

Snapped!Before the boy could finish his sentence, Silence made a backhand with a big ear, which directly knocked the boy out.

The air instantly became quiet, and the slap was so loud that even the stewardess in front of the cabin could clearly hear it, and the passengers around could see it clearly, but no one stood up to criticize the silence, and they all chose to ignore it tacitly. Some Chinese even raised their thumbs up to Mo Mo, to the effect of [Brother, well done] [Good fight] and the like.

Shen Mo thought brokenly in his heart, I don't want to talk to you, why did you push your nose on your face?Who gave you the courage?What is your caste?Let me tell you, in our Gada, the peasants have turned over and sang long ago, whoever is your surname is a hammer!

Of course, these words were kept silent, and international friendship still has to live on in terms of face.

Soon, the stewardess who heard the movement rushed over. She saw the unconscious Indian boy, quickly checked the other's injuries, and asked.

"How are you, sir?"

Silently waved his hand, "Don't worry, he's fine. He said that he has been suffering from insomnia lately, he can't stop urinating when he wakes up at night, and he always sweats. He has tried many old Chinese medicine doctors but nothing works. It just so happens that my ancestors specialize in treating all kinds of insomnia, so I will help him treat it." After a while. Look, how soundly he sleeps now."

The stewardess looked blank: "???"

The friend who just gave a thumbs up to Mo Mo, gave Mo Mo a thumbs up again, with admiration and admiration in his eyes.

As soon as the voice of silence fell, he put his hand on the shoulder of the Indian boy.

hum!The power of purification was activated, and the comatose boy woke up instantly.

"Look, isn't he awake!" Shen Mo explained to the stewardess, and before the Indian boy could react, he hit him on the back of the head and knocked him unconscious, "Look, he fell asleep again Got it, my ancestral unique skill is dedicated to curing all kinds of insomnia, and it has been proven time and again, the acupuncture points and meridians involved in it are all secrets that have not been handed down."

The stewardess was speechless for a moment. She had been a stewardess for so many years, and it was the first time she saw someone who could talk about beating someone so clearly and refined.

This person is definitely a ruthless person.

The stewardess was skeptical, and stood up slowly. She couldn't solve this matter, so she let it go. "Then sir, please be careful. If you have any questions, please contact us immediately."

"Okay, thanks!"

After the stewardess left, Shen Mo looked out the window again, the white clouds outside were still so white, and the atmosphere in the airport was still so harmonious.

What a perfect flight!
Snapped!After about an hour, the Indian guy woke up again, and Shen Mo still knocked him out. After all, Mo Mo didn't want to hear the guy moaning and sobbing on the plane, and it would be good for everyone to fall asleep.

From Baiyun Airport to New Delhi, it takes a full five hours. During this period, Shen Mo shot the Indian guy fainted 6 times, each time without giving the other a chance to speak, until the plane landed at New Delhi Airport, and all the passengers left the plane. The Indian guy It was only after the flight attendant's wake-up call that I woke up.

"Bastard, you dare to face my opponent, I curse you for having a daughter forever!" The Indian guy said the most vicious words of Indy, he got up from his seat unsteadily, supported the huge bags on the back of his head, and cursed, " You wait for me, the Pandeyko family will not let you go, I will let you stay in India forever."

(End of this chapter)

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