The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 310 Xiao Hei Is You

Chapter 310 Xiao Hei Is You

Indira Gandhi International Airport.

Mo Mo stepped on the soft carpet, looked at the extremely luxurious airport hall, and couldn't help but be dazzled. He didn't expect that the New Delhi Airport in his imagination would be so luxurious. It was a surprise.

But when Shen Mo walked out of the airport and saw the scene outside the airport, he was instantly embarrassed. It turned out that the only luxury was the airport, and the road outside the airport was not as good as the secondary roads in the countryside in China.

The surrounding buildings are particularly depressed because the airport is more than 20 kilometers away from the capital New Delhi, which is comparable to the level of domestic county-level cities.

In a word, this is really a magical and surprising country.

According to the itinerary, Shen Mo stood on the pick-up sidewalk with his luggage on his back and waited for the special commissioner of the Super Bureau to come to pick him up. As a special organization hidden in the dark, it is impossible for the special commissioner in India to hold up the nameplate like ordinary people and shout the words of Silence Name, so Silence can only stand in place, waiting for the other party to find him.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Shen Mo didn't wait for a long time, and a guy came to him on his own initiative.

The first impression he gives people is that he is black, the kind of black that is not black. His facial outline is somewhat similar to that of Indians, but it has an indelible Chinese charm. He does not hold any name tags in his hand, except Apart from a key to the tuk tuk, Shen Mo couldn't find anything else.

"Shen Jianerman?!" The young man came to Shen Mo's side and asked in a low voice.

Silent for a moment, he immediately confirmed the identity of the other party's special commissioner in India, and at the same time replied, "It's me, are you?"

The boy's face brightened, and he quickly said, "It's me, I'm Xiao Hei. We talked on the phone before."

Xiao Hei?It's dark enough.He is the connector in New Delhi?What a coincidence!
"For convenience, you can call me Xiao Hei, and I will call you Boss Shen directly, so as not to attract other people's attention."

Xiao Hei was speaking in Huaxia language, and raised his hand to help Shen Mo carry the luggage.

Mo Mo just wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by the other party, "As a passenger, it is right to help you carry your luggage. We have done enough tricks!"

Mo Mo's mouth twitched, why didn't he mention in the itinerary that he wanted to pretend to be a passenger?If it is posing as a tourist, how did you get the visa?

Mo Mo was puzzled, and Xiao Hei didn't explain to him, so he came to the tuk-tuk stop with Mo Mo.

"Boss Shen, get in the car! Let's go to the hotel first."

Silent and awkward, the so-called tuk-tuk is the kind of three-jump car in China, which is a very common means of transportation in India. It also has a nickname called [Desperate and money-dead bumper car]. To plant a car, you not only have to pay, but sometimes you have to bet your life on whether the driver's driving skills are good or not.

Silence is not because he dislikes the lack of quality of the tuk tuk, but he just finds it hard to believe how the car of the special commissioner stationed in India can be reduced to this situation with the financial resources of the bureau.

Xiao Hei seemed to see Shen Mo's thoughts, he put the silent salute on the tuk tuk, and then explained, "Boss Shen, you don't know something. The fastest speed in New Delhi is not the Maserati, but the one in my hand." A tuk-tuk, as long as you want to go, there is no place it can't go."

Silence agrees with this point very much. A few years ago, when the three-wheeled car was flooded in China, the four-wheeled car really couldn’t outrun the three-wheeled car, because the three-wheeled car didn’t wait for the traffic light at all, such as retrograde overtaking, and red light. Going straight, what big circles are elegant, that is the basic skill of a three-jump driver, and what is even more frightening is that the accident rate of a three-jump is actually lower than that of a car, which is simply a miraculous miracle.

Shen Mo went to the countryside and got on Xiaohei's tuk-tuk car, and once again experienced what is called a downtown speed car, the feeling of chasing the wind, almost reminding Shen Mo of the past.

Back then, he was still an ignorant young man who liked to sit on the bench and didn't know how precious his life was.

The tuk-tuk drove wildly on the highway in New Delhi. About half an hour later, the two arrived at the Super Bureau embassy in India, which is a two-story, somewhat dilapidated small hotel with a very Chinese name— — God of Wealth Inn.

Mo Mo looked at the signboard of the inn that was missing half a corner, secretly wondering if the God of Wealth was short of money recently, and didn't even know how to get a new one when his own signboard was broken.

Looking at Xiao Hei's slightly thin body, one can imagine that the life of the special commissioner in India is not easy.

"Xiao Hei, I'm really embarrassing you!"

Xiao Hei was taken aback, and waved his hand, "It's hard to say, everyone sacrificed their lives for the country! I know that the situation in China has become more and more serious in the past two years, so the funds for overseas missions are always not received. I understand this. I'm not afraid, you see, I usually drive a tuk-tuk, attract domestic tourists, and have a small side job, which is enough for my life."

When Xiao Hei said this, Shen Mo felt more and more pitiful for Xiao Hei. Thinking of the thousands of super commissioners who were struggling on the front line abroad, Shen Mo felt proud of them from the bottom of his heart.

When Ma Shisan's funds are in place, Mo Mo will definitely create a foreign aid plan to help a group of colleagues who are living in the turmoil.

This is not the overflowing heart of the Silent Virgin. Anyway, it is not his money that is spent, but his face is earned, so why not do it.

"Xiao Hei! Don't worry, when I go back, I will definitely report your difficulties to the organization, and the organization will definitely remember your efforts and hardships."

Xiao Hei smiled, and he should listen to it, but he didn't know that silence really helped him change the current situation and let him live the life of a real special commissioner in India.

Shen Mo and Xiao Hei didn't stay at the God of Wealth Inn for long. They changed into another tuk-tuk and rushed to the former site of Wangshe City by night.

"Xiao Hei, we didn't go all the way to Wangshe City in a tuk tuk, did we?!"

"How is it possible? The straight-line distance from New Delhi to Rajagha is more than 900 kilometers. No matter how powerful my tuk tuk is, I can't drive Rajagha."

"Then where are we going?"

"Station! If you take the bus tonight, you will be able to reach Rajagha in [-] hours."

"Twenty hours for 900 kilometers? Is this bus climbing?"

Xiao Hei muttered solemnly, "Boss Shen, let's go faster. If there are more than 70 people on the bus, the time may be longer."

Silence stunned, a bus with 70 people? !How the hell did it get in there?Wait this is India, anything magical can happen, silence means understanding.

But he didn't have that much time to spend on the road. After twenty hours passed, the little girl had turned into a yellow-faced aunt.

Besides, Mo Mo wanted to rush to Rajagha as soon as possible to meet the only escaped Kevin Spike and ask him about the situation in the underground palace to increase the odds of completing the mission.

If it takes twenty hours on the road, it's still playing with a hammer.

"Xiao Hei, come! I'll pay, you go and hire a car, and we'll go straight there."

Talking silently, he took out the Universal UnionPay card given by Hua Yingjun, hired the best van at the station, and drove all the way to Wangshe City.

(End of this chapter)

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