The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 311 I'm a God

Chapter 311 I'm a God

Silently sat in the speeding van, ten thousand prairie beasts roared by in his heart, and this van that was ventilated everywhere unexpectedly sold Hua Yingjun one hundred thousand rupees, which is equivalent to ten thousand soft sister coins.

If you are in China, you can run four or five round trips for more than 900 kilometers with [-] soft sister coins, but in India, the old driver who is driving a van with half a cigarette hanging is not only not happy because he slaughtered a fat sheep, but also has a look on his face. Reluctantly muttering, complaining that this trip didn't make much money at all.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched. Is the pressure of making a living in India so heavy?

He lowered his voice, and asked Xiao Hei beside him in Chinese, "Xiao Hei, you are not being deceived by this old driver, are you? More than 900 kilometers, [-] yuan per trip?! What, he is in the car What was burned was gold!"

Xiao Hei shook his head helplessly and explained, "Boss Shen, you don't know something! This is the market in India. You have to know that the transportation in many places here is not convenient, and there are many religious taboos. You have to go around There are several religious places, and drivers have to pay a lot of tolls if they want to pass there safely."

There was silence for a while, why did religion charge tolls?Doesn't Indian religion teach people to do good deeds?As the birthplace of Buddhism, shouldn't everyone here eat fast and chant Buddha, out of compassion?
Xiao Hei briefly explained to Shen Mo the religious contradictions in India, which involve religious disputes and armed conflicts, which are more terrifying than the other. In some areas, you can even see Indians living together two streets away. , Because of different religious beliefs, swords face each other, today you kill my people, tomorrow I will kill your people, everyone is to maintain their own beliefs, even death is with glory.

What's even more frightening is that India is a multi-religious country. There are many major religions everywhere, and there are so many minor religions. There are so many gods and Buddhas on 298 million square kilometers that even Indians can't count them.

Knowing these things, Shen Mo patted Xiao Hei on the shoulder again regretfully, "Xiao Hei, it's really hard for you to let you live here."

Xiao Hei joked, "It's not hard work. I'm mainly in New Delhi. It's much safer there than other places, and the conflicts are not as sharp as other places. If you want to talk about hard work, the ones stationed in Africa are the hardest. You don't even know about them." What do you eat every day?"

Shen Mo thought about it for a while, and it was really the case. There were many special commissioners dispatched outside the bureau, and they covered a wide range of areas. In this way, the colleagues stationed in Africa were the hardest ones, and the food in Africa was notoriously dark.

Knowing the situation of the van, Shen Mo leaned on the back of the chair and fell into a deep sleep. When it was daylight, they were still speeding on the road, and they were still nearly halfway to the city of Rajgha.

"Boss Shen, we'll go to the market ahead in a while. Let's have something to eat and let the driver rest for a while. We'll leave in three hours."

Nodding silently, the old driver in front drove the car all night. He, who fell asleep all the way, felt exhausted. It was hard to imagine how patient the old driver in front was. In short, India is indeed a magical country.

When we arrived at the market in front, the driver parked the car near the station, filled up the gas, ate some dry food, and lay down in the car to rest.With silence, Xiao Hei went to the small market near the station to solve the problem of breakfast.

"What do you usually eat for breakfast in India?" Shen Mo asked.

"In India, rich people eat whatever they want, and ordinary people eat out in the morning, that's all..."

Xiao Hei pointed to the homemade simple snack cart crowded with people not far away, silently saw a middle-aged uncle frying that kind of round noodle balls in an oil pan, and some white noodle cakes, curry-colored sauce, full of A strong Indian style.

This kind of thing is somewhat similar to fried oil cakes in China, but it is sweeter than oil cakes and has a very special strange smell. Silence can't taste it anyway. According to Xiao Hei, in India, any food will contain Put some spices. The strange smell mentioned by Silence is a kind of spices. In ancient times, the purpose of adding spices was to cover up the sour smell of food. Now it is mainly used by Indians.

But Shen Mo couldn't eat this kind of food, he couldn't bear the strange taste, but fortunately, the white noodles had no taste, so he ordered some more white noodles to barely satisfy his hunger!

Just as Shen Mo struggled to settle the food in his hands, the small market that was already crowded with people became more and more lively. I saw a group of bruised Indians approaching the east end of the market. Each of them had red hair on their heads. The turban, menacing, menacing.

At the same time, at the west end of the bazaar, a group of Indians wearing yellow turbans also emerged, and their complexion was also bruised.

Obviously, the Indians on both sides belong to the lower caste Indians, and the purpose of their gathering, of course, is to fight a life-and-death battle for their respective religious beliefs.

Xiao Hei soon realized that the situation was not good, and he hurriedly dragged Shen Mo into the station. If this kind of dispute broke out because of religion, if he was involved, his death would be in vain.

It's not that Xiao Hei is afraid of being beaten to death by Shen Mo, Xiao Hei is mainly afraid that Shen Mo will kill them. After all, he is an undercover agent, so he is not afraid of trouble, and he can't cause trouble!

But here came the problem, Shen Mo stood where he was, no matter how Xiao Hei pulled him, he couldn't pull Mo Mo a little bit.

"Boss Shen, let's go, this is not something we should manage."

I saw Shen Mo frowning slightly, his eyes staring back and forth on the tops of the two groups of people, and under the perception of the spiritual sense, there were countless souls and grudges floating above the heads of the two groups of people. It is the people who died because of this senseless so-called jihad.

Even if they are dead, their souls are imprisoned in this killing, and they suffer the torture and pain caused by the killing every day, and they will never be reborn forever.

Does Shen Mo want to help these ghosts? !Is his Madonna overflowing? !

Pooh!Mo Mo ever made a loss-making business, and the moment he found the dead soul and grudge, a reminder sounded in his mind.

[Find soul fragments*134. 】

[Whether to absorb and refine. 】

hey-hey!The silent corner of his mouth couldn't help leaving a sigh, thinking back in the past, he worked so hard to collect soul shards, but now he went out to have breakfast, and unexpectedly picked up 134 soul shards for nothing.

Um?Wait, it's not a soul fragment, but a soul fragment. What is a fragment?Never mind him, just accept it first.

It was too late, but it was fast, I saw Shen Mo's feet connecting points, leaping up from the spot, and pounced on the two groups of people like a divine soldier, with his hands open, embracing them like a big net, absorbing those people. Soul fragments.

[Get Soul Fragment*1]

[Get Soul Fragment*1]

Mo Mo poured energy into his feet, and directly tapped on the top of an Indian's head. The whole person soared into the air again, drawing a beautiful arc, shaking his wrist, absorbing several fragments, and then stepped on his head to borrow strength, like a dragon god Shuttle over the heads of two groups of people like traveling around the world, and staged a light kung fu show that took place on the streets of India.

Those private fighters didn't care about Silence at first, but as Silence became more and more unscrupulous, they stopped what they were doing and set their eyes on Shen Mo.

Taking a closer look, I saw that every time Shen Mo reached out and pulled, a faint flash of light could be ignited, which was the last stubbornness when the soul fragment was absorbed.

In the eyes of the two groups of Indians, the flash of light in Shen Mo's hands was like a miracle, coupled with Mo Mo's elegant body that seemed to be free from gravity, immediately shocked everyone present.

They fell to their knees one after another, chanting the gods of their respective beliefs slavishly, as if silence was the messenger sent by their gods to punish those heretics.

Silence doesn't care whether they kneel or worship, he just wants to collect all the soul fragments floating in the sky as materials for refining dolls.

134 soul fragments, compared to Shen Mo’s collection speed, it only took about ten minutes. After Shen Mo collected the soul fragments, he slowly fell to the ground, and then he noticed that there were already devout believers kneeling under his feet. .

They chanted the gods they believed in, and offered their slavery in their own unique way.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, he is not a god, nor is he an envoy of God, he just came here to pick up soul fragments for nothing, please don't get me wrong!

Having said that, the fact is also true, but those kneeling Indians don't believe it!They only regard Silence as an envoy of God, and it will not make sense to let Silence explain it.

In desperation, Shen Mo had no choice but to accept his fate. He admitted that he was an envoy of the gods. It was God who could not understand them killing each other and doing meaningless killings. Therefore, now, immediately, immediately, ordered the two groups of people to turn their fights into jades. any form of killing.

These people were unwilling to let go of their hatred at first. After all, the two sides have been fighting for so many years, and countless people have lost their lives because of it. How could they give up their hatred just because they were silent?

Ever since, Shen Mo opened his hands again, the weapon blessing ability was activated, and the milky white halo erupted, immediately attracting everyone's attention, and then he slowly walked towards a young man who was beaten to the point of bleeding Just imitating the appearance of a god's envoy, lightly touch the boy's wound.

hum!Slow healing starts!

The boy's wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his face turned from pale to rosy.

His wounds are healed!He stood up again!
ah!My God!

This is indeed a miracle!He really is an envoy sent by God!
At this moment, everyone obeyed the words of Silence, and they kept prostrating to Silence, offering their most sincere beliefs.

Shen Mo was speechless at the bottom of his heart. He still used this nonsensical method to resolve the years-long struggle between the two groups. As for beliefs, in Shen Mo's view, as long as they lead people to good faith, they are good beliefs.

The killings that broke out because of different beliefs are all evil and ignorant.

After a while, silence dispersed these people, and they returned to the station under Xiao Hei's extremely envious eyes.

"Brother Shen! Your skill just now was really amazing...can you teach me?"

Shen Shen shook his head, this really can't be taught.The skills of a priest are his only one.

"That can't be taught, so you can teach me whatever you want. Look at me, although I am a super-jumper, but I don't have any supernatural power. How can I win glory for us super-jumper!"

Mo Mo took a long breath, "No ordinary people can learn my things, so if you really want to learn, I can help you find a master after the matter of Wangshe City is settled, as long as he is willing to accept, you can learn. You know, this kind of thing is about chance, root, and luck."

Xiao Hei nodded repeatedly. As long as Shen Mo said this, his path of practice would be stable. As a special commissioner stationed in India, he was sent here precisely because he lacked ability and opportunity. Now Shen Mo is Xiao Hei's chance and luck .

clap clap clap!
Xiao Hei patted the sleeping van driver to wake him up, and motioned him to sleep in the back of the van, and Xiao Hei would drive and continue on the road.Because of Shen Mo's behavior just now, this place is obviously not a place to stay for a long time.

Sure enough, even though the two had foreseen it, they were still a step behind. The Indians who had been dispersed by the silence returned again and blocked the station. At the same time, reporters with cameras followed.

"An envoy! Where is the envoy?!"

Those Indians held their most precious gifts and called out the name of the angel.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, and he said to Xiao Hei, "No matter how many people there are, rush out, if you are surrounded by them, you won't be able to leave here until it gets dark."

Xiao Hei nodded, started the van immediately, honked the horn, rolled the window, and shouted in the Hindi sign, "Get out of the way, let us go out first."

Among the Indians who were looking for the envoy, there were sharp-eyed ones who saw the silence in the van.

"The envoy is in the van, and he is leaving us!"

"The envoy can't leave! You have to stay and protect us!"

Xiao Hei's voice not only failed to disperse the crowd, but instead led the crowd to Shen Mo's side.

Mo Mo was extremely embarrassed, and at the critical moment, he still had to do it himself.

Suck!Shen Mo directly took off the hood of the old driver beside him, tore off a face cloth to cover his appearance, then opened the door and got out of the car.

hum!The weapon blessing was activated again, and the milky white halo manifested again.

"You have already received my blessing, why are you still unwilling to leave! Go, resolve the hatred in your heart, and treat everyone around you with love and kindness!"

"I will continue to proclaim my beliefs, so please step down!"

Mo Mo knew that his words were extremely mediocre and full of goosebumps, but these words were extremely useful to the believers present.

They understood the meaning of silence, and quickly made way for the van to pass.

Then, while Xiao Hei was driving the van, he kept stuffing their gifts into the car, what gold!What spices!What jewelry!

In short, silence has been buried by gifts.

As for the old driver of the van, he got out of the car in astonishment and followed behind the car in disbelief, feeling overwhelmed.

He actually carried a god.

ah!I am a god!
 PY a book [I was taken away by the system]

  "Thanos once said that he admired me very much, but later he cried and called me Dad."

  "Emperor Xiao Dou once had a chat with me over wine, but then his ring disappeared."

  "Once Jiujiang Chen Dachui invited me to visit the Adventure House, but there was only one river crab left at the scene."

  "I used to naively think that as long as you provoke the boss and keep dying, you can travel back home."

  "I never expected that the system would actually take over and force me to become stronger!"

  The sky sword in his left hand and the sword of oath in his right hand.

  Wearing the armor of a madman, his crotch turns into a horse.

  "I beg you, who can give me death?"

  The poisonous milk Jiang Bai got stuck in the gamified Blue Star World, where there are portals to other worlds everywhere, and only death can travel back home.

  But the system always takes the house and beats him instead, forcing him to become stronger!

  Portal copy world: Dungeon and Warriors, Chen Sledgehammer's Adventure House, Marvel, DC, Dragon, Silent Hill, Fight Break Sphere, Adventure Island, One Punch Man, Wandering Earth...

(End of this chapter)

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