The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 312 Kevin Spike

Chapter 312 Kevin Spike

The old driver is in a panic now!
He has been driving a van for so many years, and it was the first time he met God who rented a car. No, shouldn't the point of the question be that he actually met God? !

The old driver is also a sincere believer. After seeing the silent miracle and other people's beliefs, the old driver fell into a trap.

He refunded the money he got out of it to Xiao Hei, and gave the van to Shen Mo for free. In his opinion, it is an incomparable honor for his van to be used by Shen Mo.

What's even more exaggerated is that the old driver actually gave all his money to Shen Mo, and called it a gift from God.

Mo Mo resisted at first, if you can’t give me what you want, wouldn’t it be embarrassing for me, but with the unremitting efforts and persistent determination of those people, Mo Mo was finally moved, he had no choice but to choose Accept everyone's gifts.

The van continued to speed on the highway, and the old driver drove the car with a slavish face. He said that he wanted to send God to where God wanted to go, and that was the most worthwhile thing in his life to show off.

And Mo Mo sat quietly in the back of the van, watching Xiao Hei counting the value of the gift like a poor child picking up a treasure, gold, jewelry, spices, cloth... any gift is worth a lot.

Xiao Hei finally believed in Shen Mo's words. He could really change his life and bring him endless wealth. Mo Mo really didn't lie at all.

"Brother, I kneel down for you. You don't bother to find me a master, just accept me!"

Shaking his head silently, he is still a younger brother who has not changed his job, so he has no intention of accepting disciples. Besides, the skills of priests really cannot be taught, and it would be useless to accept them.

"You don't have a relationship with me as a master and apprentice, so don't mention this matter again."

Xiao Hei seemed very disappointed, but was soon fascinated by the gift in front of him, "Then help me find a good teacher! I will study hard and win glory for the country."

Silently smiled, you are not trying to win glory for the country, you clearly want to profit for yourself, but since you promised the little gangster to help him find a master, then of course you want to find it, but the master likes it, If you don't like Xiao Hei, it depends on Xiao Hei's own good luck.

Silence is just a bridge to pull the strings, the crux of the problem still lies in Xiao Hei himself.

Silently, he began to check the 134 soul fragments he had collected before.

[Soul fragments * 134, can be refined into soul fragments * 13, whether to refine. 】

Silently stunned, it turned out that the meaning of the soul fragment made him happy in vain, thinking that the future soul fragment would not have to worry about it.

No matter how small a fly is, it is still meat, and the price of pork is so expensive, Silence does not dislike it, and directly transforms the soul fragments into soul fragments.

After completing the refinement, he fell into a deep sleep, and when it got dark again, they finally arrived near Rajagha City.Silence Through the dilapidated car window, the outline of Rajagha City can be vaguely seen by the moonlight.

This is the capital of Magadha in 684 BC. It was destroyed for unknown reasons. It is located in a solid basin surrounded by rocks, like the Great Wall of China. It has a very special meaning for India.

Shen Mo opened his spiritual sense, and found nothing unusual, only in the depths of the king's city, he sensed a very strange aura, he had never seen this kind of aura before, it was not powerful, but it made people's hearts flutter .

According to the information sent by Ma Shisan, that is the entrance to the underground palace of Wangshe City, and the strange aura is supposed to come from the unknown under the underground palace.

"Xiao Hei, take me to see Kevin Spike, he must know something."

Xiao Hei nodded, and headed silently to the temporary stronghold of the special operations team in Rajagha City. This is a temporary stronghold established by special personnel from various countries with a venue provided by the Indian special department. The purpose is naturally to facilitate everyone's gathering and communication.

Although countries are secretly competing with each other to compare the strength of the extraordinary power, but on the bright side it is still passable.

Under the watchful eyes of the old driver, Shen Mo and Xiao Hei quickly disappeared into the night. The base was not far from the stop of the van, so it didn't take long for them to arrive at the base.


Shen Mo pushed open the heavy wooden door, and the door hinges and stone slots made harsh noises. Everyone in the stone house immediately set their eyes on Shen Mo and Xiao Hei. They are short like dwarfs, and some are as coquettish as Serpentine, but without exception, Shen Mo perceives the existence of aura from them, whether strong or weak, hard or soft, hot like fire, or cold like ice.

Yanran here has become a stone house full of bosses.

Silent eyes scanned the crowd, and soon found Kevin Spike in the crowd. He looked haggard and weaker than in the photo, as if he had been sucked away by something for more than ten years.

At this moment, Kevin is surrounded by a group of white people, as if they are protecting them, and they seem to be isolating people from other organizations to inquire about news.

Xiao Hei led Shen Mo to sit in an empty seat by the door, and then explained to Shen Mo in a low voice.

"That's Kevin, with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents beside him, it seems we're late... On your left is the Dodo from Mauritius... On your right is the Sakura Club from the island country... "Those glamorous women who look like Serpentine are members of the Russian mafia."

Silence was very surprised, didn't they say that they were extraordinary personnel sent by various countries?Why are there black and white?
Xiao Hei explained in this way, "Brother, you have to know that in the situation abroad, it is so stupid that you can't tell the difference between black and white."

Silence is clear, what the hell is the dodo group in Mauritius?

"The organization in Mauritius is named after the dodo bird on their island. This kind of bird is only found in Mauritius, but it is a pity that it has been extinct due to human hunting."

"What about the Sakura Club?"

"The unhealthy associations in the island country are full of ronin who take money to do things."

"Those women?!"

"The mafia is good at mechanical transformation of the human body. The woman in your eyes may not really be a woman. He may be a sturdy man. You know, the appearance of a woman has a certain psychedelic effect."

Silence is speechless, the situation abroad is really the same as what the news said, it is really a mess.

"Do you know their specific information?"

Xiao Hei shook his head, "I don't know the specific situation. After all, all the people here except Kevin are the second batch of agents who have arrived. There are still many agents from other countries who have not yet arrived. Our people, too Only the two of us came."

Silence nodded, "So, what are we waiting for now?!"

"It should be waiting for everyone to come together, discuss a plan that most people agree with, and then go down to the underground palace."

Mo Mo smiled, and when everyone was together, the day lily would be completely cold.

He stood up abruptly and walked straight to the table where Kevin was. Such a reckless behavior naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Xiao Hei originally wanted to hold back Shen Mo, but thinking of the method before Shen Mo, he stood up silently and followed Shen Mo's footsteps.

Just when Shen Mo was about to approach Kevin, a female S.H.I.E.L.D. agent beside Kevin finally made a move.

(End of this chapter)

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