The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 313 Daisy Johnson?

Chapter 313 Daisy Johnson?
The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent raised her leather-gloved arm, opened her palm, and sent out a shock wave of water ripples visible to the naked eye, and the powerful shock wave rushed towards Silence along with the water ripples. It came and hit him hard.

Mo Mo's forward pace couldn't help but stagnate, every cell in his body seemed to be under tremendous pressure for a moment, but he only took two steps back to stabilize his figure.

The emerald green eyes of the female agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. instantly widened, and she stared at Silence in disbelief. From the awakening of her ability to the present, no one has ever been able to withstand her blow to Shockwave, even if the shockwave just now did not She didn't use all her strength, but she was still surprised and shocked by Shen Mo's strength.

Huaxia's transcendent is indeed extraordinary.

Similarly, Silence was also shocked. Could it be that the ability the other party used just now was Shockwave? !She's a woman, and she's an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Is she Daisy Johnson? !

How can it be? !Isn't that the character in the comics?How could it appear in the real world?

Silence is 100% sure that this world is not the world of American manga, because who of you has seen the world of American manga and Marvel movies and TV series broadcast around the world?
So who is she? !A time-traveling reborn like Silence? !

A hundred thousand questions suddenly rose in Shen Mo's heart, all of which revolved around the female agent in front of him.

He began to carefully look up and down the female agent. First of all, she has a very good figure, with all the advantages of a white woman, a thin waist, and a pair of long legs on the Internet, which is the level of the legs. Uniforms, battle-tested temperament, if the evaluation is out of ten, at least 9 points to start.

"Daisy Johnson?!"

Silence asked tentatively.

The other party was also taken aback, then shook his head and replied, "I'm not Daisy Johnson, my name is Xin Yingwang, I just happen to have similar abilities to Daisy. As for you, your abilities are very strong, but I warn you, in all No one can approach Kevin until everyone is here."

Xinyingwang still raised her arms, frightening the silence, as if if he dared to take a step forward, she would activate her ability again and send out a stronger shock wave.

Silently, his heart was relieved. It turned out that everything was a coincidence, and it wasn't that Daisy Johnson crossed over from the world of American comics.

That's right, this world is already chaotic enough, please don't come to this world to make trouble for those time-travelers, isn't it good to give this world a chance? !
Silence stopped and said seriously, "We can afford to wait until everyone is here, but the people below the underground palace can't afford to wait. Now that many people have arrived, we have the right to know what happened under the underground palace."

Silently cast his eyes on Kevin, "Kevin, you don't want your teammates buried deep in the underground palace either! Tell us what you know, if possible, we can go down to the underground palace to rescue them now."

The silent words spoke out the hearts of the people present. They rushed to Rajagha City early to snatch the treasure under the underground palace... Bah, to rescue the companions under the underground palace, but when they came to Rajaghacheng in a hurry, they were caught by Aegis. The secret agents of the Bureau were under pressure, and they couldn't understand the information below the underground palace. They were also very timid, and none of them dared to go down to the underground palace rashly, so there was a scene of embarrassingly sitting down.

Now that Silence is the first bird, they raised their voices to echo Silence's behavior.

"Souga! I, Honda Qiao Yilang, agree with this brother's suggestion. Information about the underground palace must be shared."

"The Dodo Group also thinks that they should immediately organize people to go to the underground palace."

"Hmph! What this handsome guy said makes sense. We don't need to wait any longer. In our country, hesitation is death. Only the brave ones are the real warriors."

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. instantly became the target of public criticism. They were put on airs, neither up nor down.

Just when the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were in a dilemma, Kevin Spike stood up slowly. He raised his hands tremblingly, covering his cheeks, and a pair of bloodshot eyes were revealed through the cracks in his palms.

"Do you want to go to the underground palace? Do you really want to go? There is hell! It is real hell! Anyone who dares to step into the underground palace will suffer and die in the endless hell. No one can escape from it, no one "..."

Kevin's emotions became more and more agitated. He growled almost maniacally, his trembling body seemed to fall apart in the next moment, and bloody tears flowed from his eye sockets because of the violent dilation.

Silently tapped his feet, passed through several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in an instant, and came to Kevin. He suddenly stretched out his palm and pressed it hard on Kevin's head.

"What are you doing?!" Xin Yingwang was the first to react. She wanted to subdue Shen Mo, but she saw a milky white halo rising from Shen Mo's palm. The next moment, Kevin, who was in a state of madness, gradually calmed down. His eyes also gradually recovered, showing some sanity.

Xinyingwang slowly put down her hands and signaled her companions not to attack. Judging from Kevin's situation, the silence was not meant to hurt him, but to help him recover from his fear.

"This is your ability? Healing?" Xin Yingwang asked.

"Our abilities are different from what you understand." Silence fooled the question, and then said to Kevin, "Kevin, do you feel better now?"

Kevin nodded slowly, his body still looked weak, but at least he was no longer crazy, boom!Kevin sat on the chair, raised his head, and thanked, "Thank you, I feel a lot better."

"So, how much do you remember about the underground palace?"

Kevin pondered for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and said, "We are a group of 34 people, all of whom are elite superhumans from various countries. At first, everyone was full of confidence and wanted to solve the mystery of the underground palace, but the situation below the underground palace is more dangerous than we expected. , where is indeed a hell, a hell used to seal demons..."

Kevin told all about what they saw and heard when they went down into the underground palace, and he had already explained in detail how he escaped.

After a long time, the stone house was still completely silent, and everyone present was shocked by Kevin's words.

There really is hell under the underground palace!
And the people who built this hell... No, what is the purpose of building this hell?Is it really to seal the devil as Kevin said?
Snapped!Honda Hashi Ichinami of the Sakura group stood up instantly, and said with solemn eyes, "If I guessed correctly, what Brother Kevin saw was indeed hell. According to the Buddha, there are eight types of hell, eight types of heat. , loneliness, just like Brother Kevin said."

"If it's really hell, what is it for?" asked the alluring basilisk of the Russian mafia.

Honda Bridge shook his head, "I don't know, maybe it's really used to seal demons."

"If this is the case, there is no need for us to go any further! Such a powerful demon can't escape from it, how could we escape from it." The members of the dodo group retreated. They were small and weak, and could not afford to evaporate. .

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. remained silent, and they still insisted that they must wait for everyone to arrive before going down to the dungeon together, otherwise, the danger of failure would be too great.

call!He silently listened to their discussion, but he had his own opinion in his heart.

First of all, the underground palace is not extremely dangerous, otherwise Kevin would not be able to escape from it. Furthermore, there are obviously 36 people going down the underground palace. Why is there 34 people in the intelligence and Kevin's mouth? Who are the two extra? !

enemy?Or teammates? !

The answers to all questions are actually under the underground palace.

As long as you go down to the underground palace, everything will be known.

After a moment of silence, he stood up again and said, "My people are down there. Regardless of whether the underground palace is hell or not, even if it really is hell, I will try my best today."

(End of this chapter)

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