Chapter 318

Chapter 317

Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!

From time to time, the sound of water droplets colliding with the stone surface can be heard from the damp underground palace, which is particularly eye-catching when the sound of everyone's breathing can be clearly heard.

The silent eyes were narrowed slightly, and cast into the depths of the underground palace with the light of the firestick.

They had already passed through the thick stone gate, and continued down the stone ladder, heading deeper into the underground palace.

After walking for about 10 minutes, everyone came to a new scene again. This place is like the record of Taohuayuan.Go back dozens of steps, suddenly see the light.

This is a mountain hidden underground!
That's right, it is an extremely magnificent mountain.It is located under the underground palace, like a sleeping beast dormant in this dark and damp underground, its outline is clear, the gullies are clear, every place seems to be chiseled by people with knives and axes, what is more eye-catching is, Under the mountain, you can vaguely see a black hole leading to the depths. The hole is huge enough for a dozen people to jump down together, and the Asura's hostility that keeps rising from the depths of the hole is completely outside the thick stone gate. Dozens of times, but hundreds of times.

Everyone's face was solemn, and they all realized that the terrible hole in the ground was the gate to hell, the hole of hell.

Ichinami Yamamoto also stood up and said, "Yanzhongyue! The underground palace! This is exactly the same as the entrance to hell recorded in Indian mythology."

Shen Mo thought carefully about Qiao Yilang's words, the so-called Mountain in the Mountain naturally refers to the mountain in front of everyone, and the underground palace naturally refers to the underground palace where everyone is, and the last entrance to hell is that deep hole like a black hole .

Seeing the unceasing anger of Asura escaping, Mo Mo was a little surprised. The first batch of people who went down to the underground palace actually had the courage to jump into such a terrible underground cave, which is simply a great courage.

No, there may be a possibility that when the first group of people went down to the underground palace, it was not affected by Asura's hostility. The underground cave they faced was just an ordinary underground palace, but the underground palace that Mo Mo and the others faced was A terrifying burrow that constantly spews Asura's hostility.

Then, it must be that after the first group of people went down the cave, some kind of restriction was triggered, or some terrible thing was released.

Everyone cautiously followed a gravel path to the bottom of the mountain. They had been watching from a distance before, but they didn't see the real face of the mountain. They didn't see the structure of the mountain until they got close to the mountain.

hiss!Everyone gasped, and saw that the mountain in front of them was not a mountain made of earth and rocks at all, but a mountain of meat made of countless bones and flesh. It used flesh and blood as stones, resentful souls as forests, hatred as grass, and ghosts. Flowers, everything is a horrible and evil thing.

"Using the evil mountain to suppress the entrance to hell is the favorite practice of the Vishnu family, similar to China's use of evil to suppress evil."

Yamamoto Hashi Ichiro explained again, and at the same time deliberately mentioned Huaxia, the purpose of which was naturally to please Shen Mo, although his request for stone carvings was rejected by Mo Mo, Qiao Yilang still did not give up, thinking that as long as he continued to show weakness, he would not give up. It is naturally useful to have a good relationship with the other party at critical moments.

Shen Mo ignored Yamamoto Hashi Ichinami's words and flattered him, Qiao Yinang couldn't even match one-tenth of Hua's handsomeness, Mo Mo could already be immune to this kind of mental attack.

He focused his attention on the mountain of flesh in front of him, looking at the grieving ghost who kept screaming, he couldn't help leaving a huff at the corner of his mouth.

Shen Mo has his eyes on this mountain of meat! ?No, he's taken a fancy to this fleshly resentful ghost.

【Ding!Discover soul fragments*∞+]

[Whether to absorb! 】

Silent Harazi is not for the mountain of meat, but for the mountain of soul fragments. These resentful ghosts who have turned into vegetation and trees have long been transformed into soul fragments under the baptism of years.

Although ten soul fragments can be synthesized into one soul fragment.But the infinite number of soul fragments in front of him is almost equal to the infinite number of soul fragments.

If Shen Mo can collect all the soul fragments in this mountain, then the soul fragment materials he needs to refine dolls in the future can be said to be inexhaustible, so don't worry about not having enough soul fragments anymore.

Even Shen Mo was able to use these soul fragments to create an innumerable one-time doll army. Just thinking about the scene, the battle, and the posture makes people tremble with excitement.

The abnormality of Shen Mo once again attracted everyone's attention. They couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts when they saw the silent Halazi, but they didn't expect Shen Mo to be such a person.

He actually blew his head in front of such a terrifying meat mountain, what was he thinking?Could it be that his three views have been distorted to this extent! ?
Izumi Yamamoto hurriedly stood up, and he reminded, "Mr. Silence, this is really inedible!"

Pooh!Silently complain, you only want to eat it, your whole family loves it, which one of your eyes sees that I want to eat it!
Hiss!Shen Mo sucked Harazi back, he really looked like a crazy foodie.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in these meat mountains."

Everyone looked like you must lie to us, and they didn't believe in silence at all.

"I just see the mountains full of resentful spirits and ghosts, and I want to save them."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone had their own ghosts in their hearts.

Bo Lun, a telepath from S.H.I.E.L.D., used telepathy to transmit to his colleagues, "This matter is definitely not as simple as what Silence said. He must have concealed something. The matter of saving the undead must be of great importance to him." Good thing, otherwise, he wouldn't be so abnormal and active."

Xin Yingwang also nodded in agreement. Through several contacts with Shen Mo, he knew that Mo Mo is a person whose interests are greater than emotion, and he will not do things that are not beneficial.

Wang Meng from the super bureau has heard about the ability of silence, and knows that he likes to deal with evil spirits and ghosts very much. It seems that these things are tied with banknotes, making silence flock to him. In just half a month, the world has 21 The group surpasses [-]% of the number of resentful souls.It can be seen how crazy his preference for resentful souls is, and, according to the information provided by Ma Shisan, Shen Mo's strength has improved every time he has transcended resentful souls. If this is the case, Shen Mo must have some kind of ability to be able to Gain strength from wraiths.

This is a guess of the masters of the Super Bureau about the silent ability. Although it is far from each other, it is relatively close.

Super is super, Wang Meng has no objection. Inwardly speaking, their various groups are in a competitive relationship, but in a big way, they all belong to the super bureau. The silence is strong, which is naturally beneficial to the current task. of.

As for Wang Meng's dismounting of Silence before, it was out of Wang Meng's personal will, who made Wang Meng a man who is called a man of fierce waves, he usually acts with violence first, and then with brains.Violence can go well, and you don't know how to use your brain at all. If you can't beat violence, you can use your brain to solve problems.

After Ichiro Yamamotohashi heard the words of Silence, his first thought was to stop Silence, why?Because this meat mountain is used to suppress the entrance of hell.

If the silent act of transcendence causes the mountain of meat to collapse, then there will be nothing to press down on the entrance of hell, and the demons sealed underground will all rush from the entrance of hell to reality, which is a consequence they simply cannot afford.

But Yamamoto Hashi made another attempt on the stone sculpture of Silence. He was a little entangled, so he finally said in dialect, "Mr. Silence, this body is used to suppress the entrance of hell. Judging from the degree of Asura's suffocation , there must be something wrong with the restrictions below, if we destroy this mountain of meat again, the consequences... will be disastrous!"

Everyone looked sideways, and they could tell that Qiao Yilang's words were not joking, and everything at the moment was exactly the same as Qiao Yilang's analysis.

If the mountain of meat collapsed due to silent behavior and released countless Asuras, then they would become major sinners and be responsible for the life and death of 13 billion lives in India.

Therefore, everyone turned their backs one after another and stood on the opposing side.

"Silence, don't overdo it, put this matter aside for now." Wang Meng persuaded.

"Mr. Silence, please respect yourself!" Xinyingwang warned.

"Little brother, don't mess around." Valeriva shook her head and muttered.

"Mr. Silence, think twice!"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, he knew the seriousness of the problem, but he couldn't stand such a tempting ghost, "I'm just a little bit better..."

"Not at all!" Everyone shouted almost in unison.

Exceeding a little is also exceeding, and a little bit is also over.Don't do evil because it is small, and don't do good because it is small.One penny a day, ten pennies a day.A rope saws a piece of wood, and a dripping water wears away a stone.

Everyone knows this.

The extinction of the crowd will not give a chance to silence.

Why!Shaking his head silently, looking at the ghosts full of resentful spirits waving to him, he could only suppress the longing in his heart in disappointment, and let's save them again when there is a chance!
If there is no chance, it can only be said that silence has nothing to do with them.

"Since this is the case, we are predestined to be rescued!"

Before the words of the silence fell, there was only a loud noise, and the huge meat mountain began to tremble violently. Staring at Shen Mo and the others.

Everyone gasped one after another, anyone who was stared at so nakedly by countless resentful ghosts would feel chills in their backs.

The forest-like wraiths swayed their pale arms, the grass grew crazily and unstoppable due to hatred, and the flowers transformed by the ghosts bloomed with strange colors, and all the evil spirits parasitized on Roshan were awakened at this moment.

They wake up!And targeting Silence and the others, they launched an offensive.

Whoooo!The cold, ice-like howls of ghosts and wolves resounded all around, reaching everyone's ears, making people fall into the ice cellar. The pale and cold resentful souls separated from their bodies, and strangled to them in a strange trajectory accompanied by ghost cries. .

Faced with such a scene, Mo Mo, instead of being surprised, said happily, "Look, they did it first. No wonder I!"

Everyone: "..."

There is nothing wrong with what he said. Although I don't know why Roshan suddenly changed, but the current situation is that everyone has been surrounded by countless resentful spirits and ghosts on Roshan, and there are only two ways to choose.

First escape the underground palace along the original road.This path was directly ignored by everyone.Are they people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, aren't they just a group of resentful ghosts?What is there to be afraid of.

The second is naturally to break through the siege of resentful spirits and ghosts, and enter the hell below the meat mountain through the entrance of hell.

Everyone keenly discovered that no matter how the resentful ghosts toss about, there is not a single resentful ghost hovering at the entrance of hell. They seem to obey some rules, and they are not allowed to approach the entrance of hell.

Everyone made eye contact with each other tacitly, each showing their magical powers, preparing to fight a bloody road to the entrance of hell.

hum!I saw the silence turned into a white light, rushing into the resentful ghosts like an angel descending from the earth, the angel wings flashing behind him made him look like the most holy existence in the world, although his heart was cheap and sloppy, but he couldn't stand it The appearance of his strength is so flamboyant.

The phantom battle ax blooms a dazzling pink halo, accompanied by the milky white halo of the weapon's blessing, echoing each other, every time it slashes, all the monsters in the killing range are cleared.

【Ding!Absorb soul fragments*1]

【Ding!Absorb soul fragments*1]

Silence directly ignored the constantly refreshing reminders, because such reminders really couldn't keep up with the speed at which he killed the ghosts. In just a few breaths, Silence had already killed a blank.

Seeing the power displayed by Silence, the others joined the team to kill the wraith and ghost after a moment of astonishment.

Let me talk about the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., their ability to deal with ghosts has a great disadvantage, but fortunately, they are well-equipped and have exorcism props tailored for them. Some lethal.

Xinyingwang has a pair of black gold gloves engraved with inscriptions, which can not only increase the power of her shock wave, protect her arm bones from being hurt by the shock wave, but also add a certain amount of magic attribute damage to wraiths and ghosts. All the resentful souls were shaken out of their wits by the shock wave.

The psychic Beren has a black iron helmet, which forms a transparent protective cover and covers another colleague. No matter how hard the resentful soul works, they cannot tear their protective cover. Obviously, this is a kind of brain power The enhancement device can concretize Bolun's telepathic ability into a protective cover, but unfortunately, it can only be concretized into something like a cover, which is practical but not very adaptable.

Besides Wang Meng and others, both Wang Meng and Zhang Yi practiced martial arts, and they did not have an advantage in dealing with resentful souls. Fortunately, Liu Li was born in the orthodox Longhu Mountain, and the Longhushan Talisman in her hand was extremely powerful. It is to protect the three of them, and between the strokes of the talisman, it will also cause a lot of damage to the resentful soul.

Then there are Yamamoto and others from the Sakura group. The ronin use swords. The island country's kendo is not lethal to resentful souls. Fortunately, there is a woman named Matsushita Omeko among them. She is a witch in the shrine. He is good at using spells to dispel evil spirits. Although the power of these spells is not as powerful as that of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, they can barely withstand the attack of resentful souls when combined with the ronman's swordsmanship.

The last, and the most surprising one, is Valeriva, the mafia's coquettish snake princess. She has no means to deal with the resentful ghosts, but the frightening thing is that the resentful ghosts don't define her at all. As the target, completely ignoring her existence, even if Valeriva passed by the wraith, they would not attack Valeriva.

That's right, because in the eyes of the resentful ghosts, Valeriva was originally a dead thing, and Valeriva whose whole body has been mechanically transformed can no longer be called a human being.

Because she has not been a human being for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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