Chapter 319
Valeriva is no longer human.

Although she has the coquettishness and beauty that many women do not have, in essence, she is just a mechanical body assembled from a bunch of parts, even her brain is just an advanced chip that stores her memories during her lifetime.

Therefore, Valeriva is the person who is the fastest approaching the entrance of hell, no, to be precise, the thing that is the fastest approaching the entrance of hell.

Valeria stood at the entrance of hell, looking at the endless dark abyss below, she couldn't help turning around, and looked at the people who were fighting hard.

"Hurry up, everyone? I dare not jump into this hell alone."

Everyone ignored Valeriva's words. It was not easy for them to reach the entrance of hell. Every step had to resist the disturbance of dozens of resentful souls.

And the only one among the crowd who has the strength to reach the entrance of hell quickly, is chasing a group of resentful ghosts and hacking endlessly at this moment, it doesn't look like he is surrounded by resentful ghosts at all.

It actually gave people an illusion, as if he alone surrounded the mountain of resentful ghosts.

This person is naturally the red-eyed Shen Mo. Although there are a large number of these resentful souls, they are all ineffective remnants. For Silence's weapon blessing, it is a matter of face-to-face, and often the Holy Light has not hit it yet. , the remnant soul has been burned to the point of melting.

Silence only needs to probe and twitch to absorb the remnants of the soul and become the material for making dolls.

He didn't know how many soul fragments he had collected, he only knew that soul fragments were never enough.

Time flies, and soon, Wang Meng and others arrived at the entrance of hell.

But at the moment when Wang Meng approached the entrance of hell, there was another change on the mountain of meat, and the top of the mountain that reached the sky burst into a dazzling black light. Converging on the mountain peak, like a cracked space, a chrysanthemum-shaped black hole as black as ink blooms.

Roar!The black hole gradually enlarged at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon, a thick arm covered with gullies and pustules protruded from behind. The arm manifested, and a terrifying breath that made everyone tremble burst and passed through the air. There was an invisible ripple, affecting everyone present, and they froze in place as if they had been severely injured.

"Ghost Mandrill!"

Yamamoto Hashi yelled sharply, with an extremely ugly face. The blow just now exploded, directly shattering the Vajra charm that Miko Matsushita had blessed him into nothingness. A piece of flesh and blood, the blood glistening flesh and blood was eaten away by the resentful soul in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, the priestess Matsushita reacted very quickly and blessed her with a new Vajra Charm, otherwise, Qiao Yilang would be under the siege of resentful souls.

Qiao Yilang named the monster and continued, "This is a mandrill that has absorbed a lot of Asura's hostility and turned into a ghost mandrill. It is several times stronger and more ferocious than ordinary mandrills. Let's not get entangled with it and go to hell as soon as possible."


These words sounded a bit weird, but everyone who faced the ghosts agreed with Qiao Yilang's words very much.

No matter in terms of temperament or appearance, the other party is not a good problem, it is best to stay as far away from it as possible.

As the person who kills the most resentful souls, Shen Mo naturally became the first target of the ghost mandrill. Although Shen Mo had already retreated and stopped the battle ax to kill the resentful souls, he was still caught by the scarlet blood of the ghost mandrill. Eyes locked tightly.

hum!Mo Mo instantly activated the power of purification, releasing the figure fixed by the blood eyes, and before he could take a step to escape, a strange sound rang again in his ears.

"What's your name?"

This voice seemed to come from the endless hell. It was cold, weird, terrifying, and evil. It made Silence's head buzz and explode, and he was at a loss, and subconsciously wanted to answer the other party's question.

"Don't answer!"

Qiao Yilang yelled sharply, he saw the abnormality of the silence, and also heard a little strange sound of the ghost mandrill, but the strange sound of the ghost mandrill was just a bark of ghosts in the ears of others, and it did not form a sentence at all. Silent ears fell intentionally.

"Mr. Silent, don't answer the ghost mandrill's question. As long as you answer, he will haunt you forever. There is an old saying that you can't answer the mandrill's question. You can't answer the ghost's question. Quickly spray the blood on the tip of your tongue. The other side has a face."

Mo Mo was startled in his heart, and immediately recovered from his trance, if Qiao Yilang hadn't reminded him just now, he almost fell into the trap of a ghost.

I saw Shen Mo biting off the tip of his tongue fiercely, the severe pain accompanied by the spurting hot blood made his consciousness instantly wake up, the hot blood rolled in his mouth, surging like a wave, and soon turned into a thick ball Thick blood ink.

Mo Mo brewed the blood ink in his mouth for a moment, mustered up all his strength, and spat it out fiercely on Gui Yao's face.

The blood ink flew across, turning into a ball of bright red blood, directly piercing through countless resentful souls, and slapped on Gui Yao's face. After a moment of silence, there was even an illusion, as if the blood ink had flown onto Gui Yao's face by itself.

Zizizi!With blood on his face, Ghost Mandrill's originally extremely ugly face became more distorted and twitched, and thick white smoke erupted instantly, as if white phosphorus was burning, and the fireworks were bright.

Roar!Ghost Mandrill let out a burst of mournful wailing, covered his face with his pus-covered palm in pain, stood in the air, struggling and twisting.

Mo Mo took this opportunity, not daring to stay where he was, he tapped his feet, the wind and electricity talisman stuck to his legs, and rushed towards the entrance of hell like the wind.

From everyone's point of view, as long as they enter the entrance of hell, the ghost mandrill and the resentful ghost will not be able to touch them, and they will be able to get rid of each other's entanglement.

In fact, this is indeed the case. This ghost mandrill and resentful souls are not eligible to enter hell. The main reason why they are left at the entrance of hell to guard hell is that they were honest and good people during their lifetime, and hell will not accept them at all. These good old people.

Hell does not accept good people, and heaven does not accept evil.That's the reason.The mountains in India, to put it bluntly, are the tombs of good people.

And this ghost mandrill is the legendary benevolent man of the ninth generation. He should have been rich and powerful in the tenth generation, but in order to suppress the entrance to hell, he was brutally killed by the Vishnu family, and his body and soul were all imprisoned. In the mountain mountain, command thousands of resentful spirits and ghosts, and guard the entrance of hell forever.

This is the sorrow of a good man, but it is also a helpless destination.

Therefore, it is impossible for the silent blood ink to kill the ghost mandrill. The ghost mandrill who was burned by the blood ink only wailed for a moment before recovering from the pain.

Looking at the appearance of the ghost mandrill again, one can find that the face of the ghost mandrill has changed into another face.

It was an extremely handsome face, white and clean, and quietly angry, giving people the feeling of a creamy niche. If he was not still covered with pustules and dimples, he would definitely be a handsome guy.

Good people have thousands of faces, and evil people have all kinds of attitudes.

This ghost mandrill has thousands of faces, but it's a pity that he only has one posture.

Ghost Mandrill's fair face looked at Shen Mo again, only to see that Mo Mo and the others had already rushed to the entrance of hell by taking advantage of this gap.

Everyone jumped involuntarily, and jumped into the entrance of hell as deep as a black hole.

Roar!Ghost Mandrill let out a mournful cry, he wanted to rush down to hell, catch up with Shen Mo and the others, and kill them all.

But as soon as Ghost Mandrill came into contact with the entrance of hell, he was blocked by an invisible barrier. No matter how hard he beat, he couldn't break through the barrier.

After a long time, Ghost Mandrill was helpless, and he wanted to escape from the mountain again, but when he had just left the mountain at a distance of nine meters, he was pulled back by an invisible force, and was once again bound to the top of the mountain, no matter how he struggled , could not escape the fate of being imprisoned.

This is sad, but it is also a fate that he cannot change.

It's just that he was born at the wrong time. A benevolent person like him of the ninth generation would definitely have a fortune in China if he was in China, but in India, he would not be able to escape the caste shackles of the Vishnu family.

Let's talk about Shen Mo and the others jumping down the entrance of hell. They thought they would keep falling down, but what awaited them was not the feeling of falling downward, but after a period of trance, they opened their eyes again and came to another place. Fantastic space.

Here is hell? !
Shen Mo stared wide-eyed, looking in disbelief at the lush green world surrounded by flowers and plants. If such a world belongs to hell, then what kind of scenery would heaven be like.

Others also opened their eyes and were stunned by the beauty in front of them. They thought the hell world was terrifying, but when they were really in hell, they were attracted by the beauty of hell.

Here is simply the fragrance of birds and flowers, the breeze blows with a touch of earthy fragrance, the leaves whirling and singing melodious tunes, and the bright sunshine gives people a comfortable warmth.

Everything here is not like hell, but like a paradise.

Everyone looked at Yinan Yamamotohashi one after another. As the most knowledgeable and shortest dwarf in the team, he should stand up and explain everyone's doubts at this moment.

But Yilang Yamamotohashi was also stunned. There is never a single word in the ancient books that describes the scene of hell like this!

Every ancient book about hell records an extremely terrifying and evil purgatory. How can there be such a pleasant world?

It's a dream!It must be a dream!Everyone must have been under some kind of illusion and was collectively pulled into a certain environment.

Snapped!Ichinami Yamamotohashi is also a ruthless person, he slapped his face so hard that even the foam of blood came out.

hiss!The burning pain on his face made Yamamoto realize that he was not in the environment, they were really in reality, and the world in front of him was really the so-called hell.

hey-hey!Is everything in the book a lie?

Yamamoto doubted life, he replied helplessly, "Don't look at me, everyone, I don't know what's going on. Maybe we jumped into the wrong hole. Maybe the hole is the gate to heaven?"

hey-hey? !Shen Mo smiled awkwardly. There was nothing wrong with these words, but when they came out of Yamamoto's mouth, it was a different flavor.

Hole to Heaven? !What an evil existence!

Seeing that Yamamoto couldn't answer this question, Mo Mo pinned the way to find the answer on his own investigative skills.

He first conducted a survey of the surrounding vegetation.

[Violet, an annual herb belonging to the cruciferous family. 】

[evergreen, perennial liliaceous plant. 】

[Camphor, camphor tree, evergreen tree. 】

All right!There is nothing wrong with these plants, they are just ordinary plants.

So, what about those animals?

Silence scouted those small animals again.

[Pheasant, galliformes, walking birds, precocious birds. 】

[Turtledove, pigeon eye, delicious meat, delicious. 】

All right!There was nothing wrong with the birds either.

So, what exactly is this place, how did they come here, and where are Uncle Lame and them.

Mo Mo and the others stepped on the soft soil and pressed the tender green grass, relying on their intuition to keep walking to the depths, and soon they came to a big peach tree.

This is a big peach tree surrounded by ten people. The young leaves like boat teeth are extraordinarily prosperous, the vigorous branches are thick and ligated, and the branches are covered with peach blossoms, just budding, like red beans, pink and tender.Numerous butterflies dance among the flowers, and birds stand on the branches, singing softly.

Everyone looked up and saw that the big peach tree reached the sky, like the building trees supporting the world, together with the sky and the earth.

Mo Mo immediately activated his investigative skills to investigate the big peach tree, and soon got the information of the peach tree.

[Big Peach Tree: A divine tree born in the gap between Yin and Yang, it has the power to communicate Yin and Yang.A stranger who wants to enter hell only needs to turn left nine times around the mahogany tree, turn right six times, stamp his right foot three times, and hit his forehead once to enter hell. 】

I was stunned in silence, and I couldn't help but want to complain, why is this setting similar to Liu Linpo, the bhikkhu country in Journey to the West No. 70, or is the setting of Liu Linpo really true?

Mo Mo didn't care so much, since he knew the way to enter hell, he would naturally do it, but he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, why is it so difficult to go to hell?

Isn't it easy for people to die in hell?How did it happen to these people, one after another, one layer after another, like peeling an onion, when they really got to hell, tears came out in a hurry.

Shen Mo told the crowd through Da Tao Mu's method, and they were also very surprised. They didn't expect that there would be such exquisiteness and know-how for a stranger to go to hell.

They wanted to lead the way to Shen Mo and show them the ability to turn around.But when everyone looked at Shen Mo again, he actually blew out another soha, this time staring at Da Tao Mu Liu.

Hiss!Mo Mo just put his hand on the big peach wood, and a new reminder sounded in his mind immediately.

[I found a thousand-year-old peach tree, whose branches and leaves can be used as material for dolls. 】

[Special effects: There are differences according to different parts. 】

[Will it be chopped off? ! 】

Hehe, there was an evil smile on the corner of Shen Mo's mouth. In the battle of Yamanakayake, he absorbed 542 soul fragments. After refining and absorbing, he could get 54 soul fragments, plus the previous 13, enough for him to make 6 dolls.

Now, after cutting this big peach wood, the materials obtained are definitely enough for 6 dolls.

So, here is the problem?
Silence to chop or not to hack.

(End of this chapter)

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