The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 320 You have to control yourself

Chapter 320 You have to control yourself

When he was in the middle of the mountain, Shen Mo faced countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts, "not chaotic in the face of danger", and she shed a halazi who chose his soul and devoured it.

Now, in the face of the big peach tree, Shen Mo once again "doesn't bother her" and sheds her greedy halazi.

cut it?

That has to be cut.

Who has trouble with money these days!No, who can't get along with the big baby!There is a ready-made baby in front of him, if he can really stay in his arms without coming, Mo Mo feels that that person either has a problem with his sexual orientation, or he has already entered the palace with a knife to serve the emperor.

Silence is a normal person, he knows how to choose.

It must be cut, but in order not to affect everyone's entry into hell through the big peach tree, how to cut it is a problem that must be studied.

Cutting down with a single knife, even cutting off the roots of the big peach tree, that would definitely not work.If the big peach tree falls, everyone will have no way to enter hell.

Mo Mo looked up and down, and then he had a decision in his heart. He set his eyes on the dense branches of the big peach tree. These branches not only grow densely and thickly, but are still far away from the main trunk of the big peach tree.

Botanically speaking, cutting off these roots will definitely not affect the teleportation ability of the peach tree.

But this is just a silent speculation. The big peach tree in front of me is not an ordinary peach tree after all, so it cannot be deduced with common sense.

So, how does Shen Mo determine which branch can be cut and which branch cannot be cut?
Just as Shen Mo was contemplating, Yamamoto Bridge saw through the essence of Silence, and he hurried forward to stop Silence, shouting, "Mr. Silence, you have to control yourself! Greed will only bring disaster and death. "

When everyone heard Qiao Yilang's words, they also understood that Mo Mo was calling Da Taomu's attention.

"Mr. Silence, this tree is the only way for us to go to hell, don't mess around." Xin Yingwang's face was serious.

"Silence, the task is important, don't make extra trouble!" Wang Meng warned.

"Little brother, does your greed make you look cuter? Are you interested in playing in sister's laboratory?" Valeriva's expression was strange and chilling.

Silently smiled, they stood up to stop him when he was in the middle of the mountain, and now they jumped out to stop him. Could it be that he is so unreliable in their eyes?
"Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't think about things?"

Silence questioned everyone, making everyone stunned.

Although Shen Mo showed greedy desires far beyond ordinary people, but Mo Mo's actions and actions are extremely calm and sophisticated, not at all like a reckless man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind, so their worries are obviously unnecessary.

Shen Mo turned his head away, and once again set his eyes on the big peach tree, he had a thought, and the special title in the personal warehouse was worn on him.

[Title: Ruthless Lumberjack. 】

hiss!In an instant, Silence turned into a ruthless woodcutter, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to see the rapidly rolling sawtooth, which could easily tear any tree apart.

Crash!The big peach tree seemed to perceive the sudden change of silence. She shook the dense branches and leaves, making the rustling sound of leaves rubbing against each other, as if she was singing in a low voice, telling unknown riddles.

【Ding!Ruthless Lumberjack Special Effects Skill: Tree Whisper.launch! 】

The silent spiritual power turned into a white light and shrouded Da Taomu's body. The next moment, he felt a feeling of harmony between himself and Da Taomu. This feeling did not come from the body, but from the spiritual level, referred to as "spiritual friendship".

Under the influence of the tree language ability, the big peach tree temporarily possessed a silent thinking ability and way. She trembled a few times with its dense branches and leaves, and couldn't help but stop abruptly, replaced by an extremely old and benevolent voice.

This voice is neither male nor female, neither male nor female, nor male nor female. It is somewhat similar to the voice of the dryad's grandmother, but with a little more aura and compassion.

"Yo Yo! Is that you? The ignorant and fearless person who gave me a human mind!"

Nodding silently, "It's me, my ability can temporarily give you the ability to think. Don't thank me, because I'm about to ask you for something."

Shen Mo imitated the tone of Da Tao Mu Zhong Er. Although this way of speaking sounds awkward and awkward, it has always been a very useful conversation skill for these monsters who have been around for thousands of years.

They eat this set very much.

"Yo! Should I thank you for your generosity, human? Please tell me what you want. If possible, I hope you can give me this ability permanently. After all, I really desire this ability. Even though I know that spiritual wisdom will bring endless loneliness and despair, I still yearn for spiritual wisdom as a human being.”

The big peach trees are swaying branches and leaves, like Nucheng believers longing for a miracle from the gods.

Silence stopped some words and expressed his purpose.

"Big peach tree! Please let me use the sacred weapon in my hand to remove those redundant branches and leaves for you. Although they were born in your blood and flesh, they have already become a burden on your root system, absorbing your root system and passing them on all the time. The energy that prevents you from obtaining human-like spiritual wisdom. If you want to obtain permanent spiritual wisdom, then you must lose something."


Da Taomu was silent.

Silence was also silence.

The big peach tree understands the meaning of silence. He wants to cut off his branches because the branches hinder the growth of the big peach tree.

Silence didn't dare to speak anymore, because he was waiting for his flicker to work. Obviously, Silence's fudge was not advanced, but he threw the problem to Da Taomu.

Don't you want to gain human thinking?So, your branch is blocking the process, do you want the human mind, or do you want your branch?

There is no necessary connection between the two, but in Shen Mo's mouth, they have become existences that cannot have both fish and bear's paws.

Big mahogany!Do you want a fish or a bear's paw?You can only choose one!

Choose both, that's for adults, you can't cross the line!

Da Taomu was silent for a long time, and then slowly said, "Hey! This is really a difficult choice. Between human thinking ability and my siblings, I am already in a dilemma. Then, ignorant and fearless human beings , if you were me, how would you choose?"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, he originally wanted to speak in accordance with his own interests, and persuade Da Taomu to choose to abandon its branches and pursue illusory human thinking.

But after he thought about it for a while, he changed the topic and stood in Da Taomu's position to really answer this question.

Worry about what others worry about, worry about what others worry about; if you act as usual, you will definitely benefit.

"If I were you, I'd have both."

"Yo Yo, that's a good choice, but how do you have both?"

"You can choose some useless branches, unload the burden they give you, and then move forward in a simple way, and continue to search for the light of wisdom of human thinking."

YoYo? !Da Taomu fell into deep thought again. He was using silent thinking to think about this question. Obviously, the silent proposal fits the silent thinking answer very well.

Although the person who understands best is your enemy, the one who understands the essence of your own interests best must be yourself.

Silently fooling others cannot be 100% sure to hit, but fooling one's own thinking appendages is not the same as playing.

To put it simply, this is what we often say, lying to ourselves.

"Then, ignorant and fearless human beings, please use your battle ax to remove the burden from me!"

okay!The silence is not pretentious, the phantom battle ax in his hand is manifested, and in front of everyone, according to Da Taomu's guidance, he is going to do a standard repair work for Da Taomu.

Although everyone couldn't hear the tree language of the big peach tree, they could understand the silent words.

Under unilateral speculation, everyone realized that Shen Mo knew the language of trees and could have some kind of communication with Da Taomu.

This kind of ability, similar to that of a druid or an elf, made everyone feel more mysterious about the silent power system.

In their eyes, Mo Mo seemed to be an almighty supernatural being who could do everything, as if there was nothing in this world that he didn't know.

Hula la!Crash!
The pink phantom battle ax danced, drawing beautiful and weird curves. Every time it slashed, it cut off the branches and leaves of Da Taomu.

[Materials obtained: the top branches and leaves of big peach wood*1, this material can be used to make dolls, and dolls made with this material will gain special effect skills: fixed-point teleportation. 】

[Fixed-point teleportation: The puppeteer sets the teleportation locations A and B in advance. After activating the teleportation skill, the puppet will teleport between A and B.Teleportation will consume the aura of the puppet, and the consumption of aura will increase sharply after frequent teleportation.The farther the teleportation location is, the higher the aura consumption.The more frequent the transmission frequency, the higher the aura consumption. 】

[Reminder: This special effect skill is the only special effect skill. Dolls with this special effect skill will not be able to obtain other special effect skills. 】

[Material obtained: anode branches and leaves of big peach wood*1, this material can be used to make dolls, and dolls made with this material will get special effect skills: fierce sun]

[Fire Yang: Absorb the power of the sun all the year round, so that a large amount of the power of the sun is stored in the branches and leaves of the anode.When this special effect skill is activated, the puppet will control, stimulate, and spray the yang power stored in the anode branches and leaves. 】

[Reminder: Before activating this ability, you need to store the power of the sun in advance.Storage methods include, but are not limited to, sun exposure. 】

[Material obtained: Cathode branches and leaves of large peach wood*1, this material can be used to make dolls, and dolls made with this material will gain special effect skills: Negative erosion]

[Shadow erosion: absorbing the power of the yin all the year round, so that a large amount of the power of the yin is stored in the branches and leaves of the cathode.When this special effect skill is activated, the puppet will control, stimulate, and spray the most yin power stored in the cathode branches. 】

[Reminder: Before activating this ability, you need to store the power of yin in advance. The storage methods include but are not limited to exposure to moonlight. 】

As the information about the big peach wood material kept ringing in his mind, his silent expression gradually changed from excitement to madness. After that, the big peach wood material has its own special effects skills depending on the part.

Silence will not be counted here one by one. When refining dolls, they will be classified one by one, looking for the most suitable and powerful special effect skills to refine.

After a while, the originally dense peach tree was chopped down by Shen Mo, and the original dense branches and leaves disappeared, leaving only some main branches that can still be seen.

Seeing that Mo Mo still didn't intend to stop, Da Taomu couldn't bear it anymore, so she had to speak first.

"Ignorant and fearless human beings, is that enough? If you cut it down again, I will die!"

After a moment of silence, the phantom battle ax in his hand immediately stopped moving. He is a man of principle. He agreed that he was only asking for some materials and would never kill the other party. He was definitely asking for some materials and would not kill her.

Therefore, Shen Mo suppressed his inner desire, stopped his hands, and roughly checked the amount of materials he had obtained.

[Materials obtained: Branches and leaves of big peach tree *6]

A total of 6 materials, not too many, not too little.After all, every material is composed of at least one branch and leaf. For Da Taomu, it is all her flesh and blood!

Mo Mo said gratefully, "That's enough! Da Tao Mu! You have already removed the shackles from your body, trust me. If you practice hard for a while, you will be able to gain the thinking ability of a human being."

Da Taomu: "???"

Isn't this thing obtained all at once?
"Isn't it a matter of overnight success? Although I have met many tree demons who have become spirits, you are very different from them. If I guessed correctly, you were deliberately planted here by the Vishnu family. .”

Da Taomu repeatedly said yes, and Shen Mo was right!She was indeed deliberately planted here, and the purpose was to serve as a teleportation circle into hell.

Any stranger who wants to enter hell must pass through her teleportation.

And based on the silent understanding of the Vishnu family, they will never allow Da Taomu to have spiritual wisdom. Therefore, although Da Taomu's cultivation base is several times stronger than that of the thousand-year-old Tongtian Liu and the tree demon's grandmother, his spiritual wisdom has been suppressed. This world is deliberately suppressed, and it is not promoted at all.

She would never have been able to experience the human way of thinking without the Treespeak ability granting her temporary human intellect.

Then, the way Shen Mo said to Da Taomu by cutting off the excess branches and leaves, so that he can have spiritual wisdom, was he fooling Da Taomu?

No, silence is not that kind of person.

Through his investigative skills, he discovered that the stronger Da Taomu's ability is, the stronger the world's suppression will be on her. If Da Taomu's ability becomes weaker, the suppression she suffers will also be weaker.

As long as the suppression is weak, Da Taomu will have the possibility of awakening the wisdom, and the silence has helped her break the first time, and the awakening of the wisdom in the later stage will be easier.

Therefore, Silence didn't lie to Da Taomu, but was really helping her. The relationship between the two is the relationship that is needed by each other.

Silence told Da Taomu about her discovery, and she quickly understood the meaning of Silence and thanked him.

"Yo Yo! Ignorant and fearless human beings! Thank you so much for your greatness! If I can awaken my spiritual wisdom, then I will thank you for the rest of my life."

Mo Mo looked at the big peach wood material in his personal warehouse, and he was also very grateful for the generosity of the big peach wood.

Both are satisfied, and then it is natural to be sent to hell.

(End of this chapter)

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