The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 321 I Don't Go To Hell Who Goes To Hell

Chapter 321 I Don't Go To Hell Who Goes To Hell

Silence and Da Taomu communicate with each other, mutual benefit and mutual benefit, each has its own gains.

The other people present were stupefied. In their eyes, one second before the silence, they were talking happily with Da Taomu, and the next second they swung an ax at Da Taomu and cut it straight away. into a backbone.

what is happening?
"Mr. Silence? What are you doing? Why did you chop the big peach tree like this? Can such a big peach tree take us to hell?"

Silence did not answer, and there was no need to answer the question.He just needs to tell others that what he has done has not affected anything, including the teleportation of the big peach tree.

"There is a reason for me to do this. Now everyone, get ready, I will let Da Taomu send us to hell."

Mo Mo turned his head and said to Da Taomu again, "Da Taomu, please help us teleport to hell!"

Da Taomu shook her only trunk, and replied, "Yo Yo! Ignorant and fearless human beings! Your request is too simple, and I will send you to hell, but I have to tell you, Each of you will enter a different hell, so please be prepared."

Silence for a moment, different hell? !Everyone's hell is different?What does it mean.

"Yoyo! You heard me right! Ignorant and fearless human beings! You have to know that there is not only one hell, and it will pull you into its own hell according to your deepest desire. So, which hell will you enter? , even I cannot answer this question.”

Silence can't help but fall into contemplation, going to hell, not just simply going to hell, but pulling you into your own hell according to the crimes you have committed.

That is to say, once the 11 people present enter hell, they will enter different hells because of their different responsibilities. If they want to meet again, they must break through the hell they are in.

Silence immediately told everyone the news, and asked Ichiro Yamamoto what his understanding of different hells was.

When everyone got the news, they didn't speak for a long time, each of them had their own thoughts.

Wang Meng and others felt very disturbed, because their teams were built in the form of teamwork, and each was responsible for different aspects of strength support. Once they were separated, they would be in a state of disunity and could easily be conquered one by one.

Xin Yingwang of S.H.I.E.L.D. is also serious. Her team, like Wang Meng's team, is also facing this problem. If there is no telepath Bo Lun present, they will face a huge crisis in the face of ghost-like incidents.

At the same time, Yamamoto Hashi also began to discuss countermeasures with his teammates. The shrine maidens in their team are good at using spells. As long as they bless the spells on everyone in advance, even if the shrine maidens get separated from them, they can protect them from the harm of the wraith for a while.Therefore, the people in the Sakura group are not panicking at all.

Finally, there is Valeriva from the mafia. It doesn't matter whether she is left or right. After all, she is a mechanical reformer who directly ignores ghosts and ghosts. It doesn't seem to matter which hell she is sent to.

Silence watched them discuss countermeasures, weigh the pros and cons, and talked with Da Taomu again.

"Da Taomu, which hell do you think I will enter?"

Da Taomu was silent for a while, and then said, "Ignorant and fearless human beings! I can't see through your past, let alone your heart, so I don't know which hell you will enter. But I can tell you, no matter which hell you enter. Hell, if you want to leave it, you must accept your heart. Only by being redeemed and liberated in hell can you reach the place you want to go."

Mo Mo savored Da Taomu's words carefully, and with his wisdom, he could understand the truth in the words, but it is definitely not a matter of overnight if he wants to master this truth.

For example, everyone knows that persistence can win, but how many people really persist?
There are thousands of truths in the world, but there are very few people who can truly integrate the truth into their own blood. Most people live their lives in a daze. Before they die, they will always recall the past and regret all the unsatisfactory things in the past.

For Shen Mo, going to hell is also a very dangerous thing. If he is not careful, he will be trapped in hell forever and cannot be reborn forever.

So what should they do?Down or not down.

Down!Must go!They have already come here, and they are only one step away from the finish line, so there is no reason to give up lightly.

However, among the 11 people present, not all of them were ready to go to hell.

Super Bureau sent Shen Mo, S.H.I.E.L.D. sent Xin Yingwang, Sakura Team sent Yamamoto Hashi Ichinami, and Mafia only sent Valeriva.

Of the 11 people, only 4 are ready to enter hell through the big peach tree.The others are all worried about their hearts and cannot survive the judgment of hell.

No one is perfect, and no one can guarantee that their hearts are extremely good. Everyone has more or less unrevealed desires, and this desire is the sin that will be judged by hell.

Therefore, only 4 people present dared to face the evil in their hearts.

Mo Mo and the other three looked at each other, "Have you decided? Are you sure you want to go to hell with me?!"

Yamamoto Bridge nodded heavily, "The Buddha said: If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell will go to hell. Mr. Silent Lord is not afraid, so naturally I am not afraid."

Mo Mo's mouth twitched, he said this as if I was much worse than you, your Sakura group is a famous gangster group in the island country, could it be that I Mo Mo is worse than the gangster group in your heart?

Xin Yingwang nodded, "Shan Ben is right, Mr. Mo Mo has the courage to go to hell, so I have nothing to fear."

Valerieva giggled, "Little brother, look at how superficial they are, and they actually regard your greed as a sin. To my sister, greed is a good thing. It is the cornerstone of human progress. People without greed, Nothing will ever be achieved. So, little brother, don't be afraid! There is a sister who loves you."

Silently glanced at the extremely coquettish Valeriva, when he thought that her whole body was covered with cold machines, he shuddered a little. He really couldn't bear to be stared at by such a mechanical lady from the beginning to the end.

"Okay! Don't make fun of me. Get ready, I'll let Da Taomu send it for us."

Silence interrupted everyone, and said to Da Taomu, "We are ready, let's start!"

Crash!The big peach tree shook its branches and leaves, and as the friction of the branches and leaves became louder and louder, a bright red energy fluctuation spread from its roots, and this fluctuation became more and more intense, and then spread out, covering the silent four people.

Originally, if the four of them wanted to enter hell, they had to follow the rules set before, turning left and right several times, stamping their feet and clapping their hands.But with Da Taomu doing it himself, there is no need for them to go around in circles, skip the foreplay and get to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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